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Teek aa..will do..just wanted to make my point across on here that's all ...

You can do your parchar as much as you like to the youths and we will do ours on diversity, tolerance and acceptance in sikhi... agaye vahiguroo maharaj di kirpa...he makes one sant, sinner, fanatic, ignorant according to one's karma regardless of jathebandiya's and sampardha.....we are mere tools dancing infront of him.



...whos we ??

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Waheguru Ji Ka KHALSA! Waheguru Ji Ki FATEHH!!

OKaey...SOS but I have not managed 2 read the whole thread...it's very long-winded...

+ I've had this in mind (and heart) 4 a LOOOONG time NEways

So here goes...

laa di daa...

On the RaagmaAlaa issue

Well, as sum of u may be aware, das has had proper Raag vidya from a world-renowned maestro.

Das was always keen to learn Raags that appear in Dhur Kee Baani i.e. compiled by the Guru Sahibs themselves (sorry, I'm a bit rusty on which Guru Sahibaans carried out this duty. I reckon Guru Nanak Dev Ji's and Sri Guru Angad Dev Jis baani probably features most heavily (?). My keertan teacher even said whenever memorising a shabad, it is of utmost importance that you also remember the heading which Guru Sahib gave to their hymn. This, as I'm sure the learned readers are aware, contains the name of one of 33 Raags.

Raag, literally means colour or prem. The authors of the hymns were jaani-jaan, and not only did they convey words through ther Baani but FEELING also. But how can one FEEL this 'feeling'?

Das always wondered whether the 'top' paathis followed the scales of the assigned Raags when reciting paath. This is obviously not an easy task. However, I do feel, first comes SHARDAA for Guru Sahib in 'it's ENTIRETY in it's TRUE form i.e. lardeedar jot saroop, then Sri Guru Maharaaj- our greatest teacher and guider on our SIKHI i.e. LEARNING path, will help us- with the power of Ardaas. Das has personally experienced this.

All raags have associated with them a particular mood or emotion. This helps get across the message of the poetry. I'm sure most ppl will have experienced or enjoyed music. DEVOTIONAL music comes from the heart and SOUL ultimately. Ever heard the phrase 'Just sing your heart out!'? There's been scientific studies even into how openly singing is a great stress reliever. (If looking 4 a TV eqivalent, look @ operah singers!)

kalajug mehi keerathan paradhhaanaa ||

In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises are most sublime and exalted.

taken from this STTM re-source

How due we reach the exalted state of ASLEE KEERTi rang?

laal ra(n)geelae preetham manamohan thaerae dharasan ko ham baarae ||1|| rehaao ||

O my Darling, Blissful Beloved, who fascinates my mind - I am a sacrifice to the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. ||1||Pause||

STTM shabad ID
eae man roorrhae ra(n)gulae thoo(n) sachaa ra(n)g charraae ||

O beauteous and joyful mind, imbue yourself with your true color.

dis 1 shabad esp. comes 2 mind

So, at the end of the day, Guru Sahibs have obviously placed a lot of importance on RAAG, since it is stated even B4 the shabad! Daas gets from this that we should understand FEELING and be in-touch with the mystical qualities of music even be-fore attempting to gain full anad from Gurshabad. This is because all HUMANITY has emotion. It's natural! Yet, nobody is khoji enough to UNDERSTAND Guru Sahib's deep deep msg fully with words ALONE.

Pulse of life

IMHO 'Raagmaala' is NOT Gurbani. In Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh Ji's time, the Akhand Keertani Jatha (original- for which das has gr8 respect) did NOT read it as part of the Akhand Paath Bhog.

From a wannabe Gursikh...

Bhul chuk di khima bakhshani Sangatees!

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I just wanted to add that although I myself was not at the scene, from all of the first hand accounts , meaning from people that saw the scene live, that I talked to, it was the other way around, it was the other guy who provoked first, and then had the audacity to pull another singh's (Tapoban Singhs) beard. I understand that when one is angry, things can get hot, but to pull another singhs beard is just too much, Guru ji has given us kes, and in repecting them we must respect others kes as well, and that was a pretty major thing the other guy did to the Tapoban Singh.

And I do not understand how they have hijacked the AKJ name, I mean, is it some franchise or something that you have to buy? From what I understand, it is the name of a keertan jatha who choose to follow rehit without compromise. How do you hijack this? By following the rehit they are hijacking? hmmmm...... sounds a bit out there to me.

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Excuse me 'Bhujungan', BUT whose hair was pulled or being tugged @ then? From what I understand, both parties were guilty. Whether keskis and kangae falling out was ACCIDENTAL depends on whether one, or should I say WHO was in the mode of ATTACK, and who on DEFENCE. Who exactly approached whom 1st in this ''fall-out'? AND who has shown and even DIRECTLY EXPRESSED remorse?

Just some food 4 thought...

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Pulse of life

SOS, but dis daas had not finished with my previous post...so shall attempt to continue here.

It has to do with rhythm and timing. Any GOOD musician will be able to stay and pick up laya pretty easily.

Das reckons Jaap Sahib baani of Dasam Paatshah is the perfect example of how the 2 themes go han-in-hand.

It is questionable in the panth ovER which baani falls under TRUE 'Dasam Granth Sahib', as some is considered naklee.

Dis Sukhi murakh was listening to a tape of Ragi Balbir Singh (ex- Hazuri Raagi @ Sri Harimandir Sahib). He's said to have stayed with Nihung Singhs, and possibly taken some 'bhang' (?). Anyway, I'd never heard keertan like it. It was ace! The lavaj reminded me of jorhi bol! (This particular shabad is on the Tu Kunre cassette)

Yet, Jaap Sahib Baani MUST be OK since it is one of the prescribed 5 morning prayers- preferably to be read at Amrit Vela for true bliss. The first schand is even recited B4 Hukamnaama is taken at Darbaar Sahib in the morning.

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hmm.. so i dunno where this thread went... i myself posted it into the fun section... had a bit of a laugh, albeit at kulbir singh's expense, which probly wasn't right on my part.. ppl took it seriously, so i backed down.. then i was called naive and stupid on tapoban forums... then it turned into mad-jatha fest.. and then we had something about *EDITED*........ which was interesting...

and now...do we even know what we're talking about?

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you need to pay attention to who's writing posts....

cuz i didn't get upset at you for calling me a "dodria"...frankly i don't care about the labels....

Secondly...if you READ my posts...there is NOTHING against the TAPOBAN sangat....there is nothing against the practices of the GURDWARA....there is nothing against INNOCENT gursikhs who are doing their best to please guru ji...i have total respect for that!

HOWEVER.....i DO criticize the likes of Kulbir Singh and Balpreet SIngh ji, who are both very learned in sikhi and could be doing SOOOO much seva for the youth right across the board in sikhi, but choose to put others down...that is not RIGHT....they refuse to see other jathas as panthic jathas when akal takt has already recognized their legitimacy...they make fun of gurmukhs who've done soo much for sikhi....i already copied and pasted the post that kulbir singh ji made a while ago regarding Bauji...you chose to totally IGNORE THAT ONE....instead you're trying to go all emotional on me....

talk based on the facts...look at kulbir singh's reply...and tell me how that was the "gurmat" thing to do...to talk nonsense of a mahapursh....

have you ever seen kids in any other jatha talk nonsense about bhai sahib bhai randhir singh ji???....i highly doubt it!...i know in sadhsangat attendies all have a tonne of respect for bhai sahib ji....my family has at least 6 of his books...

ONCE AGAIN....i'm not saying anything against tapoban jatha...just the admins of the website...and this is NOT NINDIYA.....why?...because i know tapoban admins read this forum...i'm hoping they will see this and might start to change some of their policiies....

oh one more thing...

i should apologize for bringing up the July incident...because as you said, i wasn't there...i only heard about what happened from someone else...and i could have had misinformation....so i am sorry if i posted false info....

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I just wanted to add that although I myself was not at the scene, from all of the first hand accounts , meaning from people that saw the scene live,  that I talked to, it was the other way around, it was the other guy who provoked first, and then had the audacity to pull another singh's (Tapoban Singhs) beard. I understand that when one is angry, things can get hot, but to pull another singhs beard is just too much, Guru ji has given us kes, and in repecting them we must respect others kes as well, and that was a pretty major thing the other guy did to the Tapoban Singh.

And I do not understand how they have hijacked the AKJ name, I mean, is it some franchise or something that you have to buy? From what I understand, it is the name of a keertan jatha who choose to follow rehit without compromise. How do you hijack this? By following the rehit they are hijacking? hmmmm...... sounds a bit out there to me.


Everyone please stop bringing this issue back up .... whatever happened last july was between those two singhs.

I know veerji (the singh from akj) very well .. and he is one of the most humble singhs i have ever met....

Lets all please stop this right now and stop doing nindya of others..... i would request that the ADMIN can close this thread here...

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