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Singh Sabha Canada & Nutcase Missionaries


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Thanks Brother,

The 'center' is opening in a go-kart place on Steeles,

I doubt any but the founder's family and freiends will attend

as most Sikhs in the gta are unaware of it,

Fateh, Ji.

That's good to hear, but in my experience Sikhs are generous to a fault. If they hear about a new gurdwara opening, they will donate funds without asking questions.

I would just ask the Sangat there to remain vigilant about Singhs asking for money to open a new gurdwara. Let them be aware the these Singh Sabha Canada goons may be soliciting funds to finance their anti-Sikhi parchaar.

Stay well,


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Good point Veerji,

We are doing everything we can to let sangat know

that false parchar is being done there, Ihave yet to meet one Singh

who said they'd attend.

It seems that they are catering towards the AKJ sangat as the AKJ exists in

huge numbers in the gta so I just hope that our AKJ brothers don't get unwittingly roped in,

as I've met many pro-Dasam Bani AKJ brothers here,

but as a community we are not nearly as well organized as our UK counterparts.

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I just received an email with two brochure one in English and one in Punjabi. Please see- attachment. English brochure seems fine but as soon as you have a glimpse of Punjabi one, its quite alarming and concerning. Basically, missionaries managed to open up full fledged parchar center in Gurdwara made by them where they can do anti gurmat sidhant parchar with full throttle. Now i m not saying they should be shut down or given fatwas. There are few main concerns with this move:

1. There should be Sikh parchar center based on original/puratan Gurmat Sidhant values side by side as well, so seekers can decide themselves instead of letting them brainwash and mislead new comers to the sikhi path and sikh youths.

2. It's quite hypocritical of our jathedars and soo called panthic organizations first to pledge an action against kala afghana/bhausaria mindset then make a U turn and sleep with them on a same manji. As you can see from brouchure below, and their website, jathedar of sri akaal takth sahib ji and jathedar of akhand kirtani jatha having no problem taking in part with those who have disrespected sri dasam granth sahib ji and follow bhausaria mindset doubting bhai gurdas ji varan, sat-balvand vaar, bhatt swaie and other important gurmat sidhants.


Veer/Bheno now is the time to be aware of the disgusting bakwaas that is being peddled by these inbred bunch of rednecks. the lot of them would fit in better with their brothers in Alabama where they can roam free with other lowlife rodents.

Canada waleo this is your backyard! are you going to let this be used as a platform to push this excrement on the next generation of Sikhs?

please get together and do something about this or put on some chuniaan.

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