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When I See A Sikh Of The Guru, I Humbly Bow And Fall At His Feet.

Guest G.Kaur

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This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Soohee on Ang 763

sUhI mhlw 5 guxvMqI ]

soohee mehalaa 5 gunava(n)thee ||

Soohee, Fifth Mehla, Gunvantee ~ The Worthy And Virtuous Bride:

jo dIsY gurisKVw iqsu iniv iniv lwgau pwie jIau ]

jo dheesai gurasikharraa this niv niv laago paae jeeo ||

When I see a Sikh of the Guru, I humbly bow and fall at his feet.

AwKw ibrQw jIA kI guru sjxu dyih imlwie jIau ]

aakhaa birathhaa jeea kee gur sajan dhaehi milaae jeeo ||

I tell to him the pain of my soul, and beg him to unite me with the Guru, my Best Friend.

soeI dis aupdysVw myrw mnu Anq n kwhU jwie jIau ]

soee dhas oupadhaesarraa maeraa man anath n kaahoo jaae jeeo ||

I ask that he impart to me such an understanding, that my mind will not go out wandering anywhere else.

iehu mnu qY kUM fyvsw mY mwrgu dyhu bqwie jIau ]

eihu man thai koo(n) ddaevasaa mai maarag dhaehu bathaae jeeo ||

I dedicate this mind to you. Please, show me the Path to God.

hau AwieAw dUrhu cil kY mY qkI qau srxwie jIau ]

ho aaeiaa dhoorahu chal kai mai thakee tho saranaae jeeo ||

I have come so far, seeking the Protection of Your Sanctuary.

mY Awsw rKI iciq mih myrw sBo duKu gvwie jIau ]

mai aasaa rakhee chith mehi maeraa sabho dhukh gavaae jeeo ||

Within my mind, I place my hopes in You; please, take my pain and suffering away!

iequ mwrig cly BweIAVy guru khY su kwr kmwie jIau ]

eith maarag chalae bhaaeearrae gur kehai s kaar kamaae jeeo ||

So walk on this Path, O sister soul-brides; do that work which the Guru tells you to do.

iqAwgyN mn kI mqVI ivswryN dUjw Bwau jIau ]

thiaagae(n) man kee matharree visaarae(n) dhoojaa bhaao jeeo ||

Abandon the intellectual pursuits of the mind, and forget the love of duality.

ieau pwvih hir drswvVw nh lgY qqI vwau jIau ]

eio paavehi har dharasaavarraa neh lagai thathee vaao jeeo ||

In this way, you shall obtain the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan; the hot winds shall not even touch you.

hau Awphu boil n jwxdw mY kihAw sBu hukmwau jIau ]

ho aapahu bol n jaanadhaa mai kehiaa sabh hukamaao jeeo ||

By myself, I do not even know how to speak; I speak all that the Lord commands.

hir Bgiq Kjwnw bKisAw guir nwnik kIAw pswau jIau ]

har bhagath khajaanaa bakhasiaa gur naanak keeaa pasaao jeeo ||

I am blessed with the treasure of the Lord's devotional worship; Guru Nanak has been kind and compassionate to me.

mY bhuiV n iqRsnw BuKVI hau rjw iqRpiq AGwie jIau ]

mai bahurr n thrisanaa bhukharree ho rajaa thripath aghaae jeeo ||

I shall never again feel hunger or thirst; I am satisfied, satiated and fulfilled.

jo gur dIsY isKVw iqsu iniv iniv lwgau pwie jIau ]3]

jo gur dheesai sikharraa this niv niv laago paae jeeo ||3||

When I see a Sikh of the Guru, I humbly bow and fall at his feet. ||3||



Bhai Joginder Singh Riar - Haun Ayaa Dooron Chal Ke


Atamras Kirtan: http://www.media.sikhsoul.com/audio/Keerta...0Track%2004.mp3

Bhai Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) - Haun Ayaa Dooron Chal Ke



Bhai Joginder Singh Riar - Hau Aaya Dooro Chal Ke



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