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Eggless Cake Recipe With Eggless Creamy Frosting

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If you are a little lazy and live in yorkshire you can always try the Desi Sweet Centre in Pudsey near Bradford.

It is run by amritdhari bibi's who wear keski's and everything is eggless, they make the most amazing chocolate sponge cake ever!

I hadn't had sponge cake for ages and I savered and remembered Guru Nanak Dev Ji with every mouthful.

I will be trying 1kAur1's recipe.

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There are many types of Egg replacers : http://www.goodnessdirect.co.uk/cgi-local/frameset/detail/471310_Allergycare_Whole_Egg_Replacer__200g.html :- This one I used when I first started baking eggless cakes and muffins etc.

Then I looked another types of Egg replacer and got this one works magic :- http://www.goodnessdirect.co.uk/cgi-local/frameset/detail/591591_Ener_G_Egg_Replacer___454g.html this works really well it says add water sometimes it better not to add water, just power.

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Sunny, where do you live? I think you can get the egg replacer in the UK and US.

yea i have to check some other stores.

I live in Canada and this is also the most famous egg replacer


their shipping is expensive in canada, $25 for a $6 item and the local websites they provide for canada do not even have this product. anyways i can still find it somewhere in toronto.

also in Brampton we have Khalsa Pizza which is also run by amritdhari family and they also make cakes.

any many other desi bakeries make eggless cakes here

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My recipe works quite well for the cake sponge.


Self raising flour 8ounces

Margerine 4ounces

Condensed milk 420g tin

Milk- fill the 420g tin

Baking powder 1tsp

Just a quick question, what about sugar ? Does this sponge cake need no sugar ?

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thanks sonny.

Here is an idea. It is the baking powder that causes CO2 to be generated in the mixture that causes the cake to rise

and not the egg. The egg is used in the mixture as a lattice or structure for the cake to rise as it cooks. An eggless

cake still wants to rise, due to the baking powder, but it cannot because there is no structure in the mixture as

it cookes hence the cake does not rise as much. So we need something else to give the CO2 in the cake to expand into.

I was thinking maybe if TOFU could be used, purie it and make into a thin paste maybe add a little oil, almond oil,

and use this in combination with the baking powder and see if the cake rises more then normal.

I will try this over the weekend.

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My recipe works quite well for the cake sponge.


Self raising flour 8ounces

Margerine 4ounces

Condensed milk 420g tin

Milk- fill the 420g tin

Baking powder 1tsp

Mix together all ingredients and put into greased baking tray. Bake for 35-40mins at gm5. Poke with a fork at 35mins just to check its baked inside. Leave to cool.

I dont make a frosting but I make buttercream icing.

Whisk together icing sugar 500g with softened butter 30gish.

Best cake recipe ever!!!!

Tried it today and cake came out even better than any other professional base cake. So spongy and wasnt breaking apart at all. I cut this into 2 thin rectangles and it was still not breaking. No need for any egg replacer. I actually had a tin of 300ml condensed milk and I doubled everything except condensed milk and margarine and also put 4 tbs sugar since I put only one tin of condensed milk. It is so amazing I can't believe I did it. For icing u jus need to take heavy whipping cream but it should be cold. Just keep whipping the cream and it's gonna get thick. Add confectionary sugar while whipping. 250ml whipping cream will need to get whipped for like 4-5 mins or may be A little less. Just keep whipping until u find it thick enough.

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