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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/17/2017 in Posts

  1. Satnaam - his name is truth. Everything else is false only the name of the creator is true. So what does this mean.... For you it means this - this body is false, all your desires are false, all your feelings are false, all your thoughts are false. So what is true - the truth is God did not create the soul as male or female. God created everyone with a purpose. The main purpose was naam simran. When this body will pass away - nothing will be left but you a little soul - without a body. Who will guide you then ? His name will. However if you are still stuck in thoughts of shall I get married or not ? shall I have sex or not ? Shall i have children or not ? Well those thoughts are what will be left with you when you leave your body. When will that be ? It could be any time. No one knows how much time we have left. Would you like to come back and still have to live on this earth with all its problems starring you at the face? Whatever your past sins - naam is powerful enough to burn them. However you need to turn to naam first. Slowly in time - naam will bear fruit. Thoughts of your sexuality, marriage etc will start to evaporate and you will realise that you are a soul sent here with a mission. Perhaps you will realise your sexuality to be a blessing for you. Naam brings brings blessings to all - however you need to get down to practising it first. It is fine to just do a few asatpadies of Sukhmani sahib as a starter. Speed comes with time. Devote half an hour or an hour everyday at the same time. if you workout - you can listen to the kirtan version of sukhmani. You can decide alternatively to read each astpadi like 5 times instead. This means you are repeating it and will find it easier as time goes by. In a month you will have read each astpadi 5 times... this means your confidence in reading the bani will increase too.
    4 points
  2. As with most history sources you've got to apply some critical thinking; discern the intentions of the author, etc., but taking that into account there's the two volumes on Sikh history by Khushwant Singh that are a good foundation for further reading. I was dissuaded from reading them for many years due to his apparent pro-India leanings, but after going through them quite recently, I think he does a more than admirable job of chronicling the origins and growth of our people. He frames his research and his findings in a way that puts the achievements of our Guru Sahibs in a relatable historical and social context of those times, something that no giani I've listened to has ever managed, with the impression being - if your knowledge of Sikhi is exclusively gleaned from what's presented to us in a Gurdwara - that our Guru Sahibs existed in a rarefied, unattainable ether, whereas the reality was that they were of the people, and not just sitting on a throne passing down holy commands. They were (and are) divine, but they also understood and experienced the many facets of humanity. That's why we love them to this day, not because of a sense of servile awe at their supernatural abilities, but because they realised the Truth.
    2 points
  3. Many people suspect the chand torra on the dumalla of Nihangs as a hindu symbol as the chand(moon) is linked to hindu demigod Shiva. But there is a Chand Shastar of Guru Gobind Singh Jee. It is kept at the Historical Gurdwara of Laxmipur, Bihar. This is a sher panja shaster of Guru Sahib. This was worn around the knuckles as a knuckle buster, Laxmipur is a small village which has a lot of sikhs living in and around the village.
    1 point
  4. bro it happened whilst ladies sangat i.e. buddhian were reciting sukhmani sahib , their dhian was in the paat .. he lit up a <banned word filter activated> and then headed towards Guru Ji , the guys managed to stop him getting hold of Guru ji's saroop , he only managed to pull a rumala which caught on ang and ripped it . In the eyewitness account he did not set anything on fire ...apart from his cigarette.. CCtv was installed because like I said before Woolwich has a history of racist attacks on sikh gurdwarey and on sikhs in the streets, how ever like the youths are saying the youth need to.show up and take on these elements of sewa . You cannot use deadly force in the UK but you can use reasonable force and citizen's arrest.
    1 point
  5. Yup seems like possibly another brainwashed far lefty <banned word filter activated> who has some cringe worthy bhangra videos on his channel. I think both of them have pictures of revolutionaries of bhagat singh, che guvara, sant bhindranwale,etc on their walls, yet they don't believe in self determination for their own sikh community and nationhood of Khalistan? Strange hypocritical people, these types want to jump on bandwagon and suck of Islamic-fascist causes like freedom for Palestine protests and other islamic missionary groups. If these people are anti-khalistan then they are in the same camp of the maha fudhu infamous evil islamic rape apologists sunny hundal, gurpreet bhatti, katy sian. And this christian named katy witch who likes to call herself a Sikh female and dr of sociology has slept around with non-sikhs and probably with muslim guys at college, uni then preached to sikhs on social media that there's no such thing as islamic grooming rape gangs back in 2012 in her tweets and articles and that Sikhs are deluded or racist for calling out pedo muslim gangs then boom 2013 comes along and pakistani muslim rape gangs are exposed by the white british politicians and mainstream media outlets and she goes quite as a mouse. She hasnt retracted her statements either that theres no cases of sikh girls exploited by muslim pedo rape gangs.
    1 point
  6. Look at that other mug..https://www.instagram.com/inquilab_channel/. I remember this mug frm few bhangra videos as a bhangra dancer. This guy i remember started makin videos on youtube a while back, on panjab/sabyachar. I seem to remember he turns his nose up and was critical of pro-khalistanis/khalistan comments on his channel...yet look at wat he has written behind him in his videos....."freedom for palestine"....u cudnt make it up, honestly! Typical maha-fuddhus, want freedom for everybody else, but their own ppl! Though i could be wrong, he maybe a pro-khalistani, who knows. He describes himself as a socialist, no doubt he arse-licks bhagat singh. Shame he shud read how bhagat singh became a sikh again and wanted to take amrit.
    1 point
  7. the body runs on only the equivalent of a teaspoon worth of hormones for all processes all year ...that indicates that the intelligence of the body's immune system and the body's reactivity is highly underestimated . There is a well documented and tested phenomena in science called Hormesis where normally toxic substances when given in minute amounts have the opposite effect to the expected giving positive health benefits .Of course the biggest kicker is what system of medicine do the elites rely on the petro-chemical based general meds they promoted or homeopathy ...and the answer is homeopathy often having their own personal homeopaths ... I have seen historical data collected during cholera epidemic during the american civil war and the homeopathic hospital lost very few patients downwards of 10% whereas the regular medicine hispital lost upwards of 80% of all cases Recently Cuba developed a homeopathic 'vaccine' against dengue to save their population and had great results
    1 point
  8. These days there is simply more publicity. One little happening spreads everywhere like fire. This does not mean that new events are taking place, it simply means that we are becoming more aware of them taking place. Fights and disagreements in the Guradwaras have always been there, only more publicised now. The true Sikhs still exist, however they are not too keen on publicising themselves. Youngsters are more educated and know more about religion than the older generation. Online learning has created more learning opportunities for youngsters than ever. Online harmonium tunes, online path, online shabads are easily available to those who wish to learn sikhi. Online katha is there for youngsters and elders alike to listen whenever they desire. Publicised news does not necessarily carry out the opinions or convinces the majority. We now live in a more informed and educative age than ever before. Any willing soul has resources available to them abundantly online. SGGS can be referred to and read in one instant. Thanks to those Sikhs who have tirelessly worked to make this possible. There have always been divisions amongst the Sikhs. Even in the Gurus times, there was always a family member who was opposed to the Gurus, right from the time of Guru Nanak Dev JI. His sons Lakhmi chand and Sri chand had their own version of what sikhi is. However that did not mean that sikhi was going to die out. The same applies today. It is the small steps which each one of us takes as an individual which will determine what the future of sikhi will be for our youngsters when they take control. There are lots of people performing constant seva in some Guradwaras, and keeping them up and running. These skirmishes when publicised also give our youngsters a good example of what is right and what is wrong. As future leaders they will need to take decisions and sort out their differences themselves. For all these uneducated masses there always arises one educated person who eventually takes control and provides the right guidance. Therefore the role that every individual plays is of utmost importance, be it even by just providing suggestions.
    1 point
  9. People will go for the one that sounds the most flowery. This might help you a bit, read it, its in english but its really good and well written (its got some Sakhi from the life of Baba Nand Singh Ji. People will tell you to only ask for this or asking for that is bad. Just ask, as long as you ask with a pure mind, i.e both mind and speech are in sync, God will listen. http://nanaksargurdwara.com/stages-ardaas
    1 point
  10. Milkman....I find your posts amusing. You speak some truth. If you copy and paste from a wide variety of sources to strengthen and further your argument, well, I regard that as a seva to the sangat as it saves us valuable research time. Of course you well know it is always good form to quote one's sources. You let me down when I see grammatical and spelling errors in your posts though..tut tut. Death nail...death knell was meant for you. As for Monica and the rest.. that analogy belongs to you and you alone. I think you belong on a certain wave or spectrum...maybe <banned word filter activated> savant. As my old man used to say about certain people that can gab on ad nauseum - their words flow like a drain (you can do the translation). What I would say to all those anonymous pseudo Sikh keyboard warrior/saints (you and me included), is.... what's the point? What is your purpose? If you have a gift (I certainly believe you have), then petty point scoring on an internet forum is surely an antithesis to that said gift.
    1 point
  11. Good. I was in such an incredibly similar place to you (sexuality / identity issues notwithstanding) that my final refuge was at the very place I should've turned to at the beginning of it all. It will be difficult at first; focusing on maintaining discipline and cultivating a routine that doesn't slip into blind ritual will seem like an effort, but if you keep at it you will eventually find a certain feeling of serenity. But don't expect the world and demand overnight results. It took me a long time to notice any changes, although in some ways there was a "change" almost immediately. I suppose what took time was those tiny incremental improvements to merge into something substantial that was noticeable to me with the naked eye (or mind). Just because you have certain leanings, that doesn't mean you can't be a strong and disciplined individual. Yet when you'll begin to receive the fruits of your efforts, reality will become manageable. In fact, you will not shy away from reality because you'll have the tools required to face it head on. See if you can incorporate at least one Chaupai Sahib into your meditation. Trust me on that one.
    1 point
  12. you need to think on the arth of what you are saying as you going , try watching or reading for a gutka with arth(meanings) this will help to keep you focussed , also concentrating on shudh ucharran of the bits you are familiar with will stop you going into autopilot. This is how I started as a kid because I was learning what Guru ji was saying my curiousity kept me at it and it still helps now when I feel the glaze coming on , or I pause by doing nam jap and rejoin the bani mentally . Don't focus on how far but what has been said . Stay in Chardikala Bro and start with an Ardas for the blessing of gian and shudh ucharran it helps . Like MisterSingh veer ji said zero to full on is hard to do . You can do a sukhmani sahib in parts in the day if it feels too big in one sitting and slowly build up from there
    1 point
  13. Gatka as practiced today still has some of the fundamental movements of the type of shastar vidiya that was done back in the day. I do agree with you though that it is mostly taught as more of a game, but there are still legitimate practitioners. It doesn't really matter too much know as we should all be striving to acquire the knowledge of using firearms (i.e. getting your license and hitting the ranges, airsoft simulation, etc, etc.) Guru Maharaaj kirpa kare hopefully we as a Panth can return to the brave warriors we once were.
    1 point
  14. Yes, ancestors & descendants do benefit from Bhagati done by a Bhagat. ਸੰਤ ਜਨਾ ਕੇ ਹਰਿ ਜੀਉ ਕਾਰਜ ਸਵਾਰੇ ॥ Santh Janaa Kae Har Jeeo Kaaraj Savaarae || संत जना के हरि जीउ कारज सवारे ॥ The Dear Lord completes the tasks of the Saints. 9 ਭੈਰਉ (ਮ: ੩) ਗੁਰੂ ਗ੍ਰੰਥ ਸਾਹਿਬ : ਅੰਗ ੧੧੩੩ ਪੰ. ੯ Raag Bhaira-o Guru Amar Das Share ਪ੍ਰਹਲਾਦ ਜਨ ਕੇ ਇਕੀਹ ਕੁਲ ਉਧਾਰੇ ॥ Prehalaadh Jan Kae Eikeeh Kul Oudhhaarae || प्रहलाद जन के इकीह कुल उधारे ॥ He saved twenty-one generations of Prahlaad's descendents. 9 ਭੈਰਉ (ਮ: ੩) ਗੁਰੂ ਗ੍ਰੰਥ ਸਾਹਿਬ : ਅੰਗ ੧੧੩੩ ਪੰ. ੯ Raag Bhaira-o Guru Amar Das Share ਗੁਰ ਕੈ ਸਬਦਿ ਹਉਮੈ ਬਿਖੁ ਮਾਰੇ ॥ Gur Kai Sabadh Houmai Bikh Maarae || गुर कै सबदि हउमै बिखु मारे ॥ Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, the poison of egotism is neutralized. 9 ਭੈਰਉ (ਮ: ੩) ਗੁਰੂ ਗ੍ਰੰਥ ਸਾਹਿਬ : ਅੰਗ ੧੧੩੩ ਪੰ. ੯ Raag Bhaira-o Guru Amar Das Share ਨਾਨਕ ਰਾਮ ਨਾਮਿ ਸੰਤ ਨਿਸਤਾਰੇ ॥੫॥੧੦॥੨੦॥ Naanak Raam Naam Santh Nisathaarae ||5||10||20|| नानक राम नामि संत निसतारे ॥५॥१०॥२०॥ O Nanak, through the Name of the Lord, the Saints are emancipated. ||5||10||20|| 10 ਭੈਰਉ (ਮ: ੩) ਗੁਰੂ ਗ੍ਰੰਥ ਸਾਹਿਬ : ਅੰਗ ੧੧੩੩ ਪੰ. ੧੦ Raag Bhaira-o Guru Amar Das Source - http://searchgurbani.com/scriptures/ang/1133/line/48477
    1 point
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