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Everything posted by mskcan

  1. Dear ji, There are many things that even in this life that we are born with that we do not know their source. As such, making the effort to rid oneself of all such things is important. For example recycling is important, and Baba Buddha Ji exemplified this by creating a clean environment beside the river with lush greenery and animals to thrive. At least you are aware of this, so I will join you and make the Effort. Towards a sustainable earth,
  2. mskcan

    If You Wana Play

    I choose to play this game of Love with you, if You Desire, place me upon Your Path, my mind is here as well. Placing my feet upon Your Path, guide me, My head and mind are Yours, and me ego is subdued. Friendship I desire only of Thee, True is the Foundation of such friendship. Death, I have chosen, just make me Yours, Instill within me Spiritual wisdom, this is my prayer, In this house there is darkness, please instill Your Light.
  3. What is your current program, considering your fascilities and whatever is available unto you it is probably best to work within that and just modify it towards evidence based prescription towards your goal. Gaining 10-15lbs of muscle naturally is likely to take the whole part of a year or more, depending on how long you have been training. The other factor bf%, can only be reduced by strategic calorie restriction and food/supplement intake with Cardio. I have mentioned to several individuals that Milk protein is the most biologically valuable, viable, and available protein for the human body. It is the most potent source of protein so, considering you are taking shakes already what do you take, how much, and what brand. Being fit and strong is hard, being fit and strong naturally is harder. However, recent scientific studies and an expansion of research in this field has revealed that specific training and supplements can help people achieve great physical health, enhanced immunity, longevity and of course fitness and strength. So long as the ego is kept in checked, indeed people should aspire to be fit and strong. Will wait for responses to the above, Regards
  4. What are the leaders here trying to prove. The media already has created mass mis-interpretations of Sikhs in Canada, and this is just going to increase the animosity against Sikhs once again. Does anyone even realise what kind of youth are being bred in these nations? Especially with this sort of attitude being portrayed so often. However, I can say that News is filled with all of the reasons why you should be depressed. This is something that will not represent Sikhism and it certainly will not represent all that is great about the Sikh lifestyle.
  5. Can you do sangat with someone behind the computer screen or do you feel you have to meet them face to face? I don't understand, I never mentioned sangat. What I am referring to is getting in contact with local people, as the web is being used to connect people and reveals local events and groups. Perhaps I wasn't clear, but I don't understand your question. Regards
  6. ~ Research News 2 ~ Why this may be the most important thread you subscribe to... It appears that virtually all countries are experiencing the "obesity epidemic". Europeans, particularly the Danes are increasing in the prevalence of obesity at a rate equal to the US. Dr. Heitmann of the Copenhagen County Center for Preventive Medicine in Denmark conducted a ten year analysis of the development of obesity among adult Danes. Overweight classification was determined by body mass index (BMI) and after adjustment for differences in age and education, the proportion of severely overweight men was found to be greater in 1992 compared to 1982. In women the proportion of severe overweight most dramatically increased among the 30y olds and this alarming increase in obesity in the Danish population is in line with the general international increase. The increase in the proportion of adult Danes with a BMI > or = 30 kg/m2 corresponds to an estimated extra 75,000 severely overweight 30-60y olds. Ten-year trends in overweight and obesity among Danish men and women aged 30-60 years. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 2000 Oct;24(10):1347-52 Summary: * Obesity is becoming prevalent in more and more countries * People as young as 30 are susceptible to this * The result: pre-diabetes, pre-heart disease, pre-hypertension, shorter life, more illness, less happiness, more disease, more perceived suffering, less spirituality Wake up people, time to take charge of your life now. Get that ego (Edging God Out), those conditioned thought processes out of your minds. Begin to live an Inspired, Spiritual, Healthy life and be the peace that you want to be, be the health that you want others to have, be the inspiration for yourself and those you love. Gurfateh
  7. Well its over... here is a recap: Nagar Kirtan began at about 11am. There was a procession of 1 pick up truck with a drum + main float with Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji with Divine hymns + 1 float with Bibia + 1 van + 1 bus... & about 1000 people. The procession proceeded to several stops before going through the heart of the city center and to Millenium Square. Here there was some speeches, before continuing back. If anyone spotted me, I had a Canadian Flag on my shirt. Will post pics when downloaded.
  8. Hi I already go to 4 different gurdwara's in and around my town. I go to the Kirtan's and also Khalsa college every Saturday, but like I said all except one of them are younger than me. I go to the gurdwara whenever I can, although during the evenings, there isnt much sangat unless something is going on. I find that most amritdhari bibia know each other and they dont talk to people outside of their circle of family or friends. Occasionally a baba ji will say fateh which is really nice because it makes you so much happier and it sticks in my mind. I just wish that more sangat would greet each other, it's amazing how it can just cheer someone up for the rest of the day or beyond. I completely understand as we are in the same/similar situation in Leeds Uk. Having come from Canada we have had much difficultly finding any sangat in this area, although there is a much smaller sangat here of course. I believe the internet acts as a forum to get into contact with people for a variety of reasons. It is inspiring the youth, and it is connecting-linking-bringing together many voices, faces behind the screens and spirits from around the global village. The thing is there are definitely people out there. Out of a strange coincidence in Goa, a relative of mine bumped into a couple from Leeds. In fact the guy worked right in front of where I live! It is just a matter of being patient, continuing to make the effort, and being confident that the right situations and the right people will show up in life. All the best Gurfateh
  9. That is great to hear. My friend is the Canadian Junior Weightlifting Champion a few years back, so I have some background in Olympic lifting (as I also did so myself), and I have some Powerlifting experience and know of some of the research in regards to this area as well. In terms of bodybuilding/weight lifting I do not prescribe in the sense of natural (based on the latest scientific research) trainers for long term health and self discipline and positive lifestyle. Let me know more about what you would like to do. Gurfateh
  10. To overcome the thoughts of your mind that are preventing you from doing what you know needs to be done to accomplish the goal.
  11. mskcan

    I'm Not Sleeping

    Posting this from elsewhere ----------------------------------------------------- The very first thing to do is to change that thought, for your thoughts will definitely manifest. Hopefully I will be able to explain in a practical way the changes necessary to allow you to attain this. However, keep in mind that it must be done progressively, and there needs to be a source of motivation (from the mind of course). In regards to napping, Researchers from Penn State College of Medicine recently reported that a midday nap lowers cortisol levels and the amount of inflammatory chemicals circulating around the body. Cortisol is a highly catabolic hormone that breaks down protein and suppresses immune function, as well affects memory function, and chronic levels lead to the onset of various diseases. A midday nap of less than 30 minutes may help to prevent excessive cortisol production and therefore reduce the possibility of overtraining. Source: Am J Endo Metabol, 2007. However, if you read the initial post, I noted that Sleep little & Meditation part go together. I will attempt to explain why. When we sleep our mind changes the type of brain wave that it emits. Scientists can record these, and have labelled them as follows: (1) Beta waves show that a person is actively attending to events and, therefore, is aware of what is happening around you. (2) Alpha waves show that a person is awake but is not actively processing visual information. Alpha waves generally are observed when the person is relaxed and inattentive (such as in daydreaming). (3) Theta waves are observed when a person has fallen into a light sleep — a stage of sleep from which he or she can be awakened easily. (4) Delta waves are observed when a person has entered deep sleep — a stage of sleep from which he or she cannot be awakened easily. What recent studies into meditation have observed is this: When we meditate specific areas of the brain become activated, and thus the neurological, electrical, and chemical hormone pathways are altered. Thus, specific types of meditation actually alter the brain waves present. Therefore, specific mind body exercises, coupled with relaxed or intense meditation can be useful to either elicit sleep at night, or awaken the body in the morning. Perhaps you have heard of in the news all this information about sleeping pills or the chemical 'melatonin', although this compound is safe to use and effective, the same compound or hormone can be released by the brain during meditation. All that differs when we sleep is our hormones, and thus our body systems change as a result of these complex hormonal pathways that exist within our bodies. Their functions being to relax our muscles, allow free radical quenching, and improving immune function, increasing brain synapses and function etc. However, inspite of all of this, it is equally important to realise other factors that may influence sleep and hormones in our body. This includes sunlight, excitation, the nutrients from food that you consume, and your mood. Therefore I suggest a combination of all the following to allow you to get a more comfortable sleep, and allow you to wake up refreshed to begin a wonderful day. But before that, it is also important to mention that studies have shown that people who lead stressful lifestyles and get less than 5 hours of sleep a night also have high cortisol levels. No studies have been completed on people that have meditative or spiritual lifestyles, and who sleep fewer hours. Thus, I believe a lot of what you do in your day to day life does influence the amount of sleep you require, as well the ability for you to adapt over the long term to sleeping less. Some tips: - Upon waking, take some deep and strong breathes to wake up the mind, and then shower or bathe. Making sure to slowly acclimate your eyes and body to light. This means that you should use a dim light at first, and when you get to the kitchen or your place of meditation have the light up to a higher intensity. - Next it is important to ingest some quality protein and food. Your cells (primarily muscle) are extra sensitive to insulin at this time and this food should be packed with nutrients (fruit in particular including berries in a smoothy or protein-smoothie shake are great). Basically, one should consume this initial breakfast meal within 30 minutes of waking, yet it should not have caffeine or stimulants at this time. - Secondly, immediately after this one should do mind-body exercises, followed by an energized meditation. By mind-body exercises I mean you need to do stretching or exercise movements coupled with deep and strong breathing. THis is followed by a meditation where it is probably best to sing aloud either a Mantra, or Kirtan if you fancy. - Third, I would suggest (although it depends on your schedule), that you exercise with weights for 20-30 minutes in the morning. (*I mean why not, instead of the 10 hours of sleep you were getting before you have now managed to bump this down to 7 hours, you have the extra time). - Immediately before and after this workout you should consume some protein-carbohydrate nutrients, and if you drink tea this would be a good time to take it. * I believe that the above is positively influential in setting a strong hormonal balance for the day, while the food, meditation, and exercise can and will enhance your cognitive ability and capacity throughout the day. Forget the fact that these very things have been shown in research to prevent and delay the onset of disease (but if you think like me, you understand that this ounce of prevention each day, is worth literally pounds of cure in the long term - and not to mention thousands, if not tens of thousands of dollars are saved on health costs down the road). - Finally, at night time I suggest you do somewhat the opposite of the above which goes something like this. - Complete your cardiovascular exercise in the evening (this may include Gatka! or a walk in the park, or gardening for those of you who prefer), at least 3 hours before you are about to sleep - For the rest of the night you should not ingest stimulants or coffees or teas. Rather ingest vegetables, high fibre food, and high protein food. - About 1 hour before you sleep, begin to acclimate yourself to darkness (start turning off extra lights around the house, and use the natural sunset to influence your pineal gland and its natural release of melatonin) - Finally, your night time meditation should involve a relaxed and deep breathing meditation. Something that will remove from your minds excess thoughts, and be especially soothing to you. Sikhnet discussion board
  12. May Germany flourish with Sikh Spirit, Chardi Kala.
  13. It is good that you have a critical nature, that is important if any non-Truths need to be weaned out. Unfortunately for all times to come History will always be HIS-story. I still trust that Khalsa belongs to God, thus it can not fade unless desired so. But if Sikhi becomes washed up, misconstrued in the future, then at least the Original Guru Granth Sahib Ji will remain. But VVaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, VVaheguru Ji Ki Fateh In the Lord is All things
  14. Research Revelations: Women and older women should exercise A year long study of 42 elderly women (aged between 65 and 75) demonstrated that significant increases in strength can still be made at any age. Half of the 42 women participated in 52 of weight training. Three times a week for 1 hour each session. Results also showed strength increases were closely correlated with increases in the women’s bone density. All of the women in the weight training group showed a significant strength increase in all muscle groups. They used pretty intense programs too. Training at 75% of their 1 repetion maximum (RM) on multi joint exercises. This RM was regularly assessed so the 75% max could be up graded accordingly, good stuff! DEXA analysis was used to assess bone mineral density. In the elderly, problem areas for injury are the neck of the femur and the lower vertebrae. The weight training program improved the strength of these areas tremendously. However, bone density improvements were not as great as the researchers would have liked but, a far greater improvement would have been seen if the gals were prescribed an appropriate bone building diet. However, these results are very promising. For the entire year there was not one report by the women of injury or ill health caused by the weight training. This study demonstrates that anyone, at any age can make significant improvements to their body if they start now! Effects of one year resistance training on the relation between muscular strength and bone density in elderly women. Br.J.Sports Med.34:18-22,2000.
  15. I never had an upbringing that allowed me to Learn any form of instrument. Additionally, where I am I can not find any sangat, thus I prefer that one day Kirtan will be made available online. Although I completely understand that this is just a service that you are doing in your own time. I was merely mentioning that there are some sites, perhaps you know of a fully functioning one? Gurfateh
  16. HEre is something similar that may be of interest: from another Discusison board --------------------------------------------------- According to the Christian Teachings, the normal collective state of humanity is one of 'orgininal sin'. Sin is a word that has been greatly misunderstood and misinterpreted. Literally translated from the ancient Greek in which the New Testament was written, to sin means to miss the mark, as an archer who misses the target, so to sin means to miss the point of Human Existence. It means to live unskillfully, blindly, and thus to suffer and cause suffering. Again, the term, stripped of its cultural baggage and misinterpretations, points to the dysfunction inherent in the human condition. However, most people belonging to Semetic religions today will consider themselves 'right' and others 'wrong - or sinful' who not infrequently saw themselves in the past as killing you for thinking or being as such, and today to judge you as a sinner or non-believe confined to hell. Additionally, in survey on Continental United States a majority Semetic dominated country, people were asked about the MIS TRANSLATION of 'The world coming to an end' as prescribed in the Christian Bible. MILLIONS of people as a result of this MISTRANSLATIOn believe in the coming of the end of the world. The actual translation from its original greek-latin source means as stated by Jesus "I will be with you, even at the coming of the new age". NOT (I will be with you, even at the END of the world". ~ THE POWER OF MISTRANSLATION I am by no means implying that people are not allowed to read translations, in fact it is important to provide translations to the masses. However, INTERPRET them with caution. People will use MISTRANSLATIONS (Yes they exist in the Shabad Guru) to sway your opinion, and your own understanding will be highly degraded. I suggest read the Shabad Guru in both forms, attempt to learn the original form which has both Meaning, and Meditative unique qualities which are not found in translations. However, translations are necessary to reach the new world, such as spanish (the most spoken language in the world), there is a Finish Translation recently created. These are Useful, and are necessary for a persons spiritual development. However, they need not be used to base arguments or decisions upon, this may lead to false belief. The original text should be studied, and the original un tainted interpretations revealed so that we do not create a calamity of Judgement and mis-label humanity for generations to come. Regards, “Be inspired, appreciate your life, and love others as you find divinity within them, Blessings."
  17. Just an update, in case anyone is in Leeds planning to attend Leeds Nagar Kirtan. It is tommorow:
  18. This one is easy. More muscle = Increased Metabolic Rate = Increased utilization of Fat. To remove fat, cardio is necessary, in a manner that is relevant to your goals. More muscle = easier weight loss. Cardio + Calorie controlled diet = Weight loss. Excess calorie restriction = Muscle loss. sooo... If you can just begin with working out that is the best start. In india you may suffer illness and muscle loss. DId you know More muscle & increase dprotein intake equals less illness?
  19. As above, some excellent questions. Thank you for the response: here is some of the science of sleep deprivation: One recent research study, scientists actually produced sleep deprivation in subjects by withholding deep sleep for 4 nights. They then did a whole battery of tests including brain scans. Do you know what one of the most significant problems they found? They couldn't metabolize their sugar and developed a pre-diabetic picture. The scientists then concluded out that poor sleep is definitely a risk factor for diabetes. As such, poor sleep may also lead to the following serious illness: • Obesity. That's because of the imbalance in your fat hormones such as leptin that is created by sleep loss. • Increased stress on your system because of cortisol released by lack of sleep. • Lack of proper sleep leads to heart disease • It may lead to memory difficulties There are 3 Solutions to this: Meditation which balances the hormones that cause us to become out of balance. AND taking 20 minute naps anytime during the day AND Proper Nutrition and Diet. Gurfateh
  20. I have a bench press of about 145kg or 315lbs however that is natural, and training for health, and it only 1 component of building overall lean body mass for a life time of healht
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