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Everything posted by mskcan

  1. We could examine all the worst case scenarios, or we can make an effort to reduce our Carbon Footprint right now, and elect officials into government who will start to create harmonious plans for A vibrant cooperative future with the environemtn Let us also find optimistic solutions to said problems
  2. Dear Very Gupt Singh I really do feel your pain. I say this because I found out BEFORE I was married that my wife was actually RAPED before we were introduced. She chose to tell me this after our families agreed to our marriage but before the actual wedding. I am sharing this with you because after many years of marriage I have no regrets in staying with her. I had the chance to end it, but I thought to myself if I am even going to try and be half a gursikh I need to practice the most basic foundation of our faith, and its not wearing a dastar or having a long beard, its practicing DAYA! Very Gupt Singh, only after practising what I am about to preach to you can I safely say, not treating this situation with DAYA will be your biggest mistake. It has taken years for me and my wife to come to terms with her rape but it made us stronger as a couple who knows what other tests you will face over the years. I was a virgin before I met my wife and asked the same questions, but to tell you the truth, I was old enough to realise that when meeting people for the first time no-one is going to be honest about things such as sex before marriage. Put this situation into perspective, there is no such thing as divorce in Sikhi, any Feel your pain Wow that is very commendable and Honourable. I can only imagine the type of pain that many many women have to live with such as that. May God Bless you to find Peace through the Pain.
  3. mskcan


    If you could repost and make things more clear perhaps it would be helpful?
  4. mskcan

    Marrage Day

    Unfortunately,. we are subconsciously seduced into thinking with the popular paradigms of greater society. We get this idea that something is 'bad' and it wreaks even further havoc on our thoughts and ideas. Nowadays there is drugs to help with impotence, PE, and you name it under the sun. The Truth is there is a solution to all of these problems, it is letting go of our fears and anxieties and keeping in line with the way Nature Intended. All these problems have arisen because we are not clearly describing the process. I highly recommend that first, you remove anxieties about the issue. And, secondly, keep it Natural as possible. You will never have problems, and in fact it will help improve your Loving relationship.
  5. Dear Sir, The ideal would be to give each other space, and look for help through a personal medium (such as a consellor), who can help both of you reconcile your feelings. There is no reason why you can not take practical and research based steps to resolving this situation. Regards
  6. Gurfateh! Thank you, please come by and share your ideas and check out the new site. The new site is A lot more stable, and equally user friendly. It takes the meaning of Health to a whole new Level. Regards
  7. mskcan

    Whom To Marry ?

    This thread is such a disappointment, what pathetic discrimination and judgement Many wonderful souls have been united in Marriage Union, have had great endearing Love for God, and have given birth to wonderful Children Damn this Horrible Judgement on all these Sikh websites
  8. Gurfateh! Congratulations, it is such a wonder to be involved in the Creative Process with God. What we do in the early years sets the tone for a life of Inspiration, Love, and Wonder. Look for hints from God as to what name you could possibly choose. We looked for 'Signs' and went with our heart, but ultimately used what we got and went with the Directive of the Guru. Best wishes
  9. mskcan


    Although the Inspiration to Light the Lamp has occurred, it does not instantly remove one from darkness into Light. If you are in a dark room, and someone lights your lamp for you, you would still have to make the effort to walk into the Bright Sunshine that lay somewhere beyond the threshold of a hidden door. What we see today is a lot of Lights lit up, in the form of Young People turning towards Sikhism, but we do not have full bloom of the Principles of Sikhism in the form of Loving Devotion for God and All Creation, including those whom we aught to consider as brothers and sisters. The added conundrum comes from this very egoistic materialistic realm that we now live in. We Live it up, but we do not Love it up... It is difficult indeed to Love in this current climate around the world. The individualistic effort is needed by all peoples to accumulate wealth, to take steps in the darkness with that guiding lamp. It is like a journey in a car with your headlamps on, you can only see the road for a few hundred yards. But if the sun was shining, then you would see the entire path. And, if you follow others who are on a similar path, you will more easily see their tail lights in the distance. WE may struggle to see very positive loving influential people in our lives, but we must also ask for Divine Grace that we may reflect the very image that we wish to see in others. Like attracts like, especially when it comes to personality. Unfortunately, our personalities are more powerful at this particular juncture in time, than our ability to Love other human beings. Make the effort.
  10. mskcan


    Dear One, You are at a transitional stage in your life, where a lot of what you see and hear around you will begin to challenge the beliefs that you once held when you were younger. Naturally, much of our earlier years give rise to our subconscious beliefs. Perhaps, as you mentioned, your grandparents were inspirational in you keeping a Sovereign Identity. Now the reality that you see around you, is conflicting with this subconscious belief that you once held, and you feel a duality, or difficulty in overcoming this situation. We are very much subject to our environment. If you wish to 'fit' in, as many of the mindless masses of today do, do so, but first reflect carefully if you are willing to become brainwashed by the greater society, or if you wish to create your own wonderful reality. The image, or identity that you have been given is a mark of a Saint. The Saintly life offers much to be heralded. It just appears that we are unable to get this message across to our youth. Your life will be so full of miracles when you realize the Source of Being that is along side you all the time. When you tap into your own inner potential, and go along with the positive loving beliefs that have been passed on to you, you will find no challenge to be daunting. Why should we spend time in Anxiety? "Nanak Chinta Mat Karo, CHinta Tis Hee Hai - Sayeth Nanak, Do not be filled with anxiety, The Anxiety is the Lords to deal with" Many Many public Spiritual people are rising up in the west today, to tell people that we are all full of ego. Although we have great ideas and knowledge, we are not wise or responsible enough to use it in an appropriate manner. There are so many inspirational projects going on around us, in the silence, but all we are bombarded with is that which is on television, in films, and in the popular culture that our teenage peers make us perceive to be True. There is much more to reality than the simple projections of Popular culture that is manifest in school yards. When you are all alone, in University, making and defining a new path for yourself, these various cultural attitudes may one day change. You will look back at yourself 10 years earlier and see, hopefully with new awareness, that there is such primitive behaviour in the human psyche that we are so susceptible to mind viruses that are planted into us by popular culture. The key term is 'popular', as although it is popular, does not make it True. For example, at one time cigarette smoking was through to be 'cool', it was popular and in vogue. Through gradual scientific studies, and realization, people have realized otherwise. The concept that cigarette smoking was cool, was a mind virus planted into peoples minds through cigarette companies, and advertisements. The only way one would be able to overcome this is by having strong foundational beliefs, which in your case comes from your grandparents. I believe you would do yourself well to study the quotes of Einstein, Leo TOlstoy, Carl Jung, and compare the ideas of Martin Luther King Jr, and other leaders of today and see how they compare to your beliefs. Then look more deeply into your understanding and beliefs in Sikhi, and see if they too Inspire you to live a greater purpose. Honestly, we need more Honest people to stand out in the world today. We need proactive people who are not merely living lives dominated by egoistic mind viruses planted into us by popular culture. This way, we can create peace and harmony with our neighbors, and our mother earth. Atheism is the promotion of Dogmatic views again by those who control popular culture or society. Modern science is now swinging into a new realm, by dismantling the dogmatic precepts of Darwinian philosophy. Scientists are more and more becoming spiritualists. There is much to be said about this topic that can not simply be discussed here. If you wish to learn more, please read into epigenetics. Regards
  11. I believe, the reality is, that True Love is so very difficult to find these days. The simplistic answers our elders and online community give is 'love is forbidden', and we adopt the Semetic fervor of hellish wrath if we are to even consider it. The heart is a very powerful force. The force that it emanates is invisible, but can be felt, and even measured. The heart indeed, has 500x the electromagnetic force, than that compared to the brain! In an interesting experiment, A study was completed on people who had pets for many years. Through that experiment, it was discovered that 'at a distance' there were various and repeated cases of the pet understanding that their owner was 'thinking' of coming home, and the pet would await by the door for their owner. Unbeknown to the pet, they were being recorded by camera as part of the experiment. Full details are here: http://www.heartmath.org/templates/ihm/e-newsletter/2010/spring/online/pets-making-a-connection-free-newsletter.php Although I know the above is in relationship to pets, it is most easy to study their behavior, because animals act merely from the subconscious, or the natural conditioning that is free from the mind. Similar studies have been done in humans, but this was just the most poignant. Have you ever heard of cases when a mother without knowing where their child was, became drawn to the garden in time to save their child from eminent danger? How about cases where a husband and wife were so in sync that one almost understood what the other was thinking? How about cases, in which one felt that at a distance a loved one was in harm, and that feeling wouldn't go away until you found out? The fact of the matter is, in today's egoistic concoction of a world, we are often looking in despair at the lack of love in the world today. True Love, is both admirable, courageous, and is a True connection to God. If not, then what was the purpose of Bhai Khanaiya Ji to serve water and medicine to the Mughal army fallen ones? Love for all of humanity is to be encouraged, and deep love for family and spouse. Somehow, we just wish to find fault in relationships because of infatuation, and hormonal lust that teenagers have, and in order to discourage this, we forbid love in any and all forms. When will we as a community be removed from Satanic preaching, and consider and encourage True Love for community, God, and ultimately ourselves and our personal relationships? As we develop into a more egocentric society, in which relationships breakdown, and people continue to find difficulty loving themselves, we remove ourselves further and further from discovering community, cooperation, and family Love. If we Trust in God, and Believe in the Lord showing us the path, we will find Loving relationships in our lives. Case in point, at the recent Nihaal 2010 show in massey theatre in New West Canada, one of the key skits presented had to do with family internal violence. This was shown in both a Practicing and Non-practicing Sikh families. The violence within our community is well know both to the community members, and the larger society abroad. Rather than speaking about Sin, Forbidden acts, and misunderstanding and misappropriating Gurbani to attempt to 'prove' our points. Why do we not extend Love from our hearts, to those who come into contact with us in our lives. And Trust God, that we are capable of finding Marriage partners, and more importantly Spiritual partners with whom we can share our lives in a Loving, Nurturing way? Gurfateh!
  12. THat is a very important lesson, thank you for sharing. Gurfateh!
  13. Gurfateh! To all who have followed Sikh Inspired Fitness, unfortunately, this forum has met its end. HOwever, in the mist comes a ray of hope. The SIF team has successfully created a newer better forum to serve the needs of the community. Meet: Sikh Inspired Health http://sikhinspiredhealth.motionsforum.com/forum.htm There are more themes, greater ideas, better sciences, more Spirituality and happier thoughts than ever before. Come by and check out all that the forum has to offer. If you have any question, please post, and let us discuss the latest Research of Mind, Body, Spirit that can help us live health-Full lives, while allowing us to spend more time living in Chardi Kala, and Service, or doing what we want to do. Simply put, rather than spend hours browsing the web, paying $$$ for services that may or may not get results, come to SI-k-H Forum, and get the short-cut, straight up, non-profiteering answers. There is only so much that can be said, please come by and say hello!
  14. I would like to believe that Love, compassion, understanding, friendship, amongst other positive feelings are exactly what is necessary by us to live a life in Rising Spirit. Note, attachment, and discerning affection are different things. We give our affection to our loved ones, because we have been endowed to protect them, care for them, share joy with them, grow with them, and obtain God Union with them. A wise person, or a sage only can understand the Gurbani quotes given above.
  15. A recent scientific concept that attempts to understand various cyclic events or interpret ages within our time is know as the fractal. An interesting concept of fractal's is discussed by Gregg Braden, and he describes how cyclic events develop 'conditions' or 'theme's that repeat throughout history, but not the actual human response during that time. Other information I have come across is incorrect translations leading to this so called 'end of time' hypothesis. For example, from its original latin, the bible quote of Jesus saying "and I will be with you at the end of time", is misquoted from being "and I will be with you at the end of the age". This transition being into the Aquarius age. I am always adding more to my understanding.
  16. There are methods of help which can help them solve their addictions, help there
  17. I highly doubt that, considering they openly put their homes and personal lives on display via their site. now go down to your local Gurdwara commitee and ask them the dollar value of their home, their lavish vehicles, and etc. see what they say, if u can even find out the amount of property and swindled money they have invested
  18. I have a question for all, regarding the Centralization of power in the world. For example, the recent events of the world which are being molded by banking systems. The so called pyramid of power, headed by so called illuminati 'groups' So the question is, what do people feel about mindlessness and the manner in which people follow the reality that others want them to believe. For example, the news, the indoctrination of false knowledge into the masses via television and other media. Additionally, is this a real problem, and if so or not so, how do we respond to it. Regards
  19. Does this not explain it all: Requesting anonymity, a Toronto-based Sikh leader said, "The survey shows that the Air India bombing of 1985 and the on-going violence among the Indo-Canadian Punjabi youth in British Columbia have created stereotypes about the Sikhs." We are our own worst enemies, brandishing swords and fighting amongst our own regularly within Gurdwara premises. It has nothing to do with them, it is us. Speaking of violence, who will stand for the 100 million natives who died directly and indirectly as a result of missionaries, proselytism, and slavery to so called Semeticism?
  20. Dear Ji, Those individuals who do your Ninda, are washing your Karmas away Your suffering, is created, by the belief that you are unattached Unattached to whom? The Spirit within You Self Empowerment is the path to re-connecting with that Spirit Empower yourself in mind, body, and spirit and this will wash off of you as well Focus on your studies, keep your head up, Meditate to release the pain, and strengthen the physical body... All these things are the prescription to a fearless life, fearless qualities Read the stories of Bhagat Kabeer Ji, Bhagat Fareed Ji, Bhagat Namdev Ji, Guru Amar Dass Ji.. See how they faced averse situations, and respond in such a manner... Fateh
  21. Jeeo, please see this: http://www.sikhcoalition.org/ListReports.asp Sikhs if they had freedom from discrimination and harassment they would greet you with a hug and open arms, Go to where there are many Sikhs and where there is freedom from the negativity of the world, and they will Shine through Amidst this Kaljug, its either lose an eye or turn the eye, take the risk? It is not the cold shoulder, greet them and they will open their hearts.
  22. What was the line from X-men 3? Magneto says: "Xavier has done more for mutant kind than you will ever know" - speaking to Inferno? Harbhajan Ji has spread Sikh Dharma more than anyone will ever know, despite the esoteric purpose of his travels 3HO and Rehatvaan Western Sikhs are not necessarily Mutually exclusive Despite this, mis-understanding largely exists throughout the realms They are Rehatvaan Gursikhs who outside of their Sikh faith practice mind-body exercises, let us not forget that Gurfateh!
  23. Jeeo, Please consider reading 'Sikh Religion and Science' I believe the Creation of the Universe, ALL of the so-called random events that perfectly positioned earth, formed its oceans, created the moon, cataclysmic events etc. are merely the most parsimonious events to have occurred in this singular path since inception of Creation... Parsimony unfortunately is difficult to describe unless giving of phylogenetic lectures Basically, for Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations, each path is possible, but obviously, since we are here only 1 most parsimonious path has occurred. Any other path including extinction et.c in this universe obviously did not occur, we can trace this path backward into time all the way to the beginning, and it makes sense that we can also trace this path forward It is like the painting we see, the artists mind within remains all the brush strokes that created the image upon the canvas, and as the painter exists separate of the painting
  24. Interesting summary of events, concise and simplified... ------------------------------ There is wisdom in brevity. But there is also a tendency to oversimplify. Often, this happens due to unfamiliarity, a constricted view or, a biased view, and then we can not understand why there is all that hoopla. Events of 1984 were horrendous but they were just a symptom of deep problems and a congenitally inherited survival struggle of the Sikhs, starting, possibly, with the envious acts from the non-Sikh (Hindu) Indians that, lead to the martyrdom of Guru Arjan, the Fifth Guru. Let me try to enumerate at few salient items in a hurry, to the best of my knowledge. They may not be in a correct order because I am not a historian: Sikhs have been always treated like a foreign body under the skin because of their distinct and different appearance. People in Punjab have envied the Sikhs for their prosperity and their simple manners leading to an enviably happy life. The Sikhs saved India from becoming entirely converted into a Muslim Kingdom. Within a century after Tenth Guru, the Sikhs drove the Moguls, who were converting the Hindus in India to Islam by force, out of the Indus valley. The Sikh kingdom bordered on Afghanistan on the west, China on the north and Delhi on the southeast. Then the British started to gather control. They shrewdly weakened the Sikhs by creating internal conflict and factions among the heirs of the Sikh empire. This resulted in smaller kingdoms that were easily butted against each other. The Sikhs were further weakened by dividing them into Jatt and non-Jatt with their separate laws and slowly, the Sikh kingdom was taken away from Sikhs until only a few independent kings, only the puppets of the British, in a small area of Punjab, were left. At the time of Independence of India from the British in 1947, Punjab was further divided through the middle, half in India and half in Pakistan. This resulted in forced migration and uprooting of 99% of the Sikhs from West Pakistan and uprooting of many Muslims from Punjab. It is interesting that many Muslim communities remained in Punjab (as well as the rest of India) and continued to thrive while no Sikhs were tolerated in Pakistan after the partition. This division of Punjab was accompanied by various promises made to the Sikhs assuring that Sikhs will be treated equitably and will be politically compensated for this devastation and loss of their autonomy. None of these promises were kept by the Congress party that came in power after the Independence of India. Punjab is a land of many resources particularly the agriculture which, depends on the rivers that cross the land of Punjab (Punjab means the land of five rivers.) India cannot afford to lose control of these rivers. Besides, Punjab is a territorial state. The entire India was divided into various states. This division was based on the language spoken in that particular state. But Punjab was left with no language to call its own because the government did not have the courage to let it be called Punjab (a Punjabi speaking state.) The Sikhs soon realized that they have been given the short end of the stick and they have no place to call their own with their own language. They demanded the right to have Punjabi in Punjab. The entire sequence of events is given in the SGPC white paper in the link I gave before. In short, the Non-Sikhs of Punjab disowned their mother tongue, Punjabi. Punjab was divided into several parts with a very small Punjab. The rest of Punjab was divided into Himachal, Haryana, and union territory. This division of Punjab was based on the census showing where the Punjabi speaking people were a majority. The only problem is that for the census, all the Punjabi speaking non Sikhs (Hindu) declared their language to be Hindi even though they did not know a word of Hindi. They did this because of fear created by the Arya Smaaj (a Hindu party) that if Punjab was large, only the Sikhs will have greater power. Thus, in the end, Sikhs were the only ones who pushed for their mother tongue, and the area declared as Punjabi speaking (Punjab) is about 1/10th of the original Punjab. The Punjabi speaking Muslims in Pakistan have also faced a similar discrimination at the hands of the non-Punjabi Muslims. After this terrible division of Punjab, disproportionate amount of water from the rivers in Punjab continues to be diverted to other states. This has created uproar among the farmers in Punjab. As a result, there was a treaty between the central government and Punjab, which, was never implemented. The electricity produced in Punjab, by the waters of Punjab is rationed, controlled and supplied to Punjab from outside Punjab. Most of industry is diverted out of Punjab. These are just a few examples of the central government (read Hindu) mistrust of Punjab. In my opinion, the central government cannot sleep well unless the Sikhs were so weak that they would stop making these silly demands. But weakening the Sikhs has not been easy. So, there has been a long term plan to destroy them slowly. Alcohol consumption is promoted in Punjab. Sikhs are being destroyed morally by ridiculing them in the media and in the movies, by altering their history in the text books, destroying the original manuscripts, causing internal conflicts with cleverly written articles and books arousing a new controversy everyday, and by using the “Bin Laden” strategy, viz., elevate and support some charismatic people who can be then used, to ignite internal strife. When this did not succeed very well, people from other sects like, the Nirankari, were given a free reign to tease and desecrate the Sikh ethos, with full and open police support, to create violent upheaval among the Sikhs. This allowed the police to come down on the Sikhs with a heavy hand and to further demoralize them. Alas the Sikhs were still strong and they continued to make demands for their rights. The conspiracy finally succeeded in creating a greater conflict among the Sikhs. Sikh anger resulting from unchecked acts of the Nirankaris and the Hindus became strong enough to justify retaliation (using the army) at a scale that would cripple the Sikhs completely. Sikhs can never be crippled completely, but the events of 1984 were the result of this well orchestrated conspiracy of the Indian government combined with the stupidity of the Sikh leaders who took the bait and misjudged the minority strength of the Sikhs in India. There was a pre planned simultaneous attack on all the Sikh shrines, throughout India, on a day of a major religious martyrdom day celebration when, most Sikhs would be visiting these places of worship. There is no justification for such heinous crime by the government of India and no apology will be ever enough. As I said before, add to this the stupidity of Sikh leaders and crimes that are inevitably, committed by both sides during such circumstances. No press was allowed in Punjab during this operation. This allowed manipulation of news. Sikh crimes (if any) were highlighted to justify the genocide of Sikhs. Since then, many commissions have come and gone to pacify the Sikhs but nothing concrete is done and nothing will be done. Everyone is hoping that once the present generation, along with all its witnesses, is dead. Everything will be forgotten. Sikhs in India look at their neighbors who seemingly, do not harbor any enmity, are nice and friendly for all practical purposes. Little do they care to know that their fathers disowned their own mother tongue, shot themselves in the foot and stabbed the Sikhs in the back, just to make sure that the Sikhs cannot be strong politically. But all this angers the Sikhs who think, and who know the truth. The solution, in my opinion, is not separation from India but to be strong where the strength is important, i.e. spiritual, intellectual, and technological strength. The weapon of today is the keyboard and peaceful action, educating others regarding Sikhi and the fate of Sikhs in India. We need to stop brandishing the swords and we need to break away from the image of violence. In other words, stop acting like clowns. We need leaders who would put Panth first and personal preferences last. Almost half of the India belonged to Sikhs in the past. Why do we want to give it up for a very small and a non viable piece of land? Guru has always uprooted the Sikhs for a purpose. We need to realize that, even though Punjab, the land of the gurus is always close to our heart, the entire world is Sikh country. The real Punjab is now long gone. We must never forget, but we need to stop licking our wounds and we need to work on bringing the utopian 'kingdom of heaven' the "Halemi Raj" (74:4) into this world, as well as in Punjab, where everyone can be true to God while following one’s own path or religion. We need to become activists, to nurture peace and justice, in the entire world. The world has no choice but to become the United Nations of the World, where all the resources will be shared one day. I have a dream too, to see the same old Punjab as united in the near future. I have a dream to see a united Punjab in a united India. - Y Singh Here are some more links: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sikh_Confederacy http://www.panjabilok.net/faith/sikh/sikh_period.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Blue_Star http://www.sikh-history.com/sikhhist/ev ... ck841.html
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