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Everything posted by alias

  1. the words ghar are the same word, re: gurbani grammer is the difference as teji kaur sed. there are loads of words like ghar, sahaj, sir, kaal etc.. that have sihaari and aunkar. sihaari can mean 'in', 'on' and i think 'with' as well.etc.. iv nearly completed a pdf that im making explaining these tings in there, inclucing the correct pronunciation of the 1st 3 akhar or alphabet as per sggs and much more.. though taksaal teach to speak these sihaari and aunkar, most gyanis from harmandar sahib (yes, they too have learned from taksaal) but still they teach to not say these sihari and aunkar because they come in the grammer (perhaps as we dont say 'semi colon' or exclamation mark' in the same way, because these are too, grammatical ..thingamies ) however, at the end of a word, if there is a haha with sihaari or aunkar, then u say the sihaari. get this in the mind first.. next, a change to this. only if the end of the word has been increased from its stem word like raha-hu and kaha-hu etc, then u are to say the sihaari and aunkar. the stem word or raha (rara haha), if this has a sihaari or aunkar, then u dont need to say it. (however i do say it because going deeper into gurbani grammer and chand band, the aunkar can turn into a hora and sihaari turns into a laav in case for +1 vaadhu of a matra, but u dont need to wory bout this, as per ur question... so this is y i say all sihari and aunkar at the end of sentance IF they are attached onto a haha. ) any other letter e.g. rara in the sace u giv us, then u dont speak it. ill finish my pdf soon.. i got exams! :S .. bhrama called himself god and never understood/thought of/ realised god as GOD.. attached is the relevant bit in DG-bachitar natak gurfateh
  2. theres no audio theres just a red 'X' jio
  3. there are a number of dhunnis in guru maharaj. there is a whole sakhi type thing around this specific story (of kamal-rudheen and mojdi). there are manny stories which i cant seem to find... i dont know all these stories but heres a link to another site that talks about the assa divaar - tunde asraje ki dhunni http://www.asadiwar.com/. people back in the days used to know these stories which is prob y guruji wrote this at the end of some of the vaars. each story has a moral associated with it and i suppose that u can see the 'dhunni' as a way of gettign accross the moral in musical form, and i have a hunch that this is how n why assa di vaar was made like this. i think that this vaar u ask about is where there was a battle between 2 family members or summin and then one of them defeated the other.. iv found u A link (only 1 on net!) where u can read more bout the story u ask bout.. there are books about these stories.. soo... http://www.thesikhen...ind-singhs-bani gurfateh vaar kamalrudeen mojdi.pdf
  4. wen u are enlightened, the amygdala changes its function. i.e. it serves a different purpose. this is y we posta live in 'bhae' of god. but once we become hap ka roop, i.e. as guru ji was, through jort ral jaavehege, then nothing comes that we fear. guru ji did feel the vichora from god.. this is how amygdala has its rold for gurmukhs etc.. the amygdala is part of the body. hidden inside our body are gifts given to us by god i.e. sidh (not necessarily from this part of brain). its not just fear. its all emotional responses/ hormones. so using the amygdala fully is perfectly a capability without having fear. i feel that ur question is one sided. in that, i think its wrong to phrase your question as you have. cus fear is just 1 of the roles the amygdala plays in a sea of other functions. e.g processing memories so. besides the amygdala is only 1 part of the limbid system. one part ofthe brain is not limited to one function as per recent research (last 3 months). all in all, fear is but 1 of the things that the amygdala offers. main emotions come from the amygdala. (which is y i think u have phrased this amygdala question as u have). lastly, guruji was not scared their whole life as in they were nirbhau. (cobra story for 1.) so it can be argues that they had no fear conditioning. so this prolifferation of fear did not occur. they were nirbhau saroop. dhan guru maharaaj
  5. y doesnt it say about the '5 mel' about keski instead of kes? (i believe kes is kakaar n not keski)..? or rather which rehetnama does it say that keski is kak? and why has kara not gone as one of the 5 mael? to me it seems that chaupa singh ji has picked n chose out of fundamental sikhi.. which is all gud cuz its all gurmat, but can also create bhalekhas..doubleminded-ness. thanks taken from amritword.com
  6. fateh gurmukho :D the amritvela for sants are all the time so... sadha rehe anand din raati and, the fruits that one recieves are different for AV. so from the benti that one duz at AV, guru ji hears it (as far as i see) cuzaour benti is better. benti is better, cus our minds are more serenem n calm. so cuza this, our benti is stronger, then this how we get more fruits at AV. but this concentration n benti-abillity, can also be done at any time. so this is how u can get sadha AV. AV = amrivela...:happy: i think that AV is practice. u practice, then increase ur daswandh to double, the double gen etc till its all the time. as a joke, uni AV = 6-8 cus this wen all party ppl are sleeping :cool:
  7. raags are an aid that guru ji used in gurbani, just as is taal and sur and 'ways' of explaining phenomenon. thus each raag (and shruti) help in the understanding of the shabad, which (the shabad) has the main major importence of the message. siri raag is the 'first' raag in guru maharaaj. it is also a raag that is supposedly supposed to be sung in the first pahaar of the night. keeping in mind that raag is a tool, (as is taal and sur, and swaas and heartbeat, and footsteps e . t . c . ), {siri raag is a nite raag}, siri raag in guru maharaaj starts in the early morning of akhand paat. do the times match up? no. it is virtually imposible to read guru maharaaj consecutively, without breaking the timings of the raags. to restrict feelings to times is another obsticle to overcome that we ourselves may put infront of us. so whyl raag etc is very importent, there is no point in restricting your feelings toward guru maharaaj at certian times as, this is what, effectively, the timings of the raags do, RE: SIKHI/GURU JI. just as the akhar and sihaari n bihaari are very importent in gurbani, and raag is to >enhance< the feelings of gurbani, there comes a point as to where all limits to the most importent thing, the shabad, these limits must be finished. there comes a point where the very akhar on the paper dissolve and dissapear (as one dissolves into it/God), beats merge to nothingness n non existance untill there is no beat, sur has no right and wrong sur, breath finishes, raag restriction (wot u wud feel floating in a space station where day n nite mean nothing, u wud also feel on earth), just as these factors, also ends. in the end, shabad is the only thing that stays here, thus it is the focal point in gurmat. all else are tools to help us get to a certian somwhere, and nowhere at the same time, to God. in this territory, is where everything looses meaning, and everything is understood. so all in all, yes raags and timings are importent, but they will take you so far. just like the akhar.. jin ehe likhe tis sir naahe.. :L: to find restrictions, is to stand infront of ones own progress. limitless is god, so limitless should be us too. gur, parsadi, eko jaan. :waheguru: :waheguru: :waheguru: :waheguru: :waheguru:
  8. thanks bro. and what about the other gur ustortra dohera? nihang singhs do it.. its at the start of sarabloh granth katha thas online.. if i remember this is from suraj prakaash granth.. but i cant remember propa.. >>dharo dhara dhar pun pun seesa... >>guru teg bahadhur param kirpaala... guru gobind singh ...bisaala. i cant remember the full bit.. does anyone know where this is from? and if it cud be posted on here? thanks
  9. guru gobind singh har ka roopna<< is this from suraj prakaash or bhai nand laal jis bani? and also the line, siri har rai namo kar jori...etc.. gur ustortar thanks.. gurfateh
  10. there are a number of 'types' of jorgs. there is 1raaj jorg, 2sehej jorg, 3bairaag jorg, 4nirmal jorg, there are others but cant rememeber.. im actually doing tresearch on jorg at the moment. in basic terms, the one who does the sucha jorg (i.e jorg sabdang) in the midst of raaj, that person is truly a virla (rare) person. in escence there os only 1 type of jorg which is the jorg of the shabad. jorg sabdang. to kamaa the true earning, i.e. naam. qIin Bvn mih eyko jogI khhu kvnu hY rwjw ]3] theen bhavan mehi eaeko jogee kehahu kavan hai raajaa |3| In all the three worlds, such a Yogi is unique. What king can compare to him? ||3|| this 1 type of jorg is manifest in all sevas and duties. but guru ji also tells us .... rwj mih rwju jog mih jogI ] raaj mehi raaj jog mehi jogee | Among kings, He is the King; among yogis, He is the Yogi. qp mih qpIsru igRhsq mih BogI ] thap mehi thapeesar grihasath mehi bhogee | Among ascetics, He is the Ascetic; among householders, He is the Enjoyer. the hardest among hardest jorg is within girhast (the family life). then again, god is the only jorgi. so one becomes a jorgi when one merges with god. hir Awpy jogI fMfwDwrI ] har aapae jogee ddanddaadhaaree | The Lord Himself is the Yogi, who wields the staff of authority.so in conclusion so in conclusion raaj jorg is 1 type of jorg, as is sehej jorg. but all these jorgs are part of 1 jorg, the true jorg. which is sabad jorg. (jorg sabdang). so basically, guru ji tries to tell us moorakgs again and again, to jup naam.. sabde ka nibera, sun tu audhoo, bin naavai jorg na hoee.. meaning that "Listen to this O person, the sabad is the only thing that can save u (nibera - meaning lijust like nibaha), without naam there is no jorg." gurfateh jeo oh also, >> ijqu Byty pwrbRhm inrjog ]1] << god is also nir jorg:lol: beautiful isnt it :L: So all we have to do is start n guru ji tells u show to start>> AYsw jogI vfBwgI BytY mwieAw ky bMDn kwtY ] aisaa jogee vaddabhaagee bhaettai maaeiaa kae bandhan kaattai | By great good fortune, such a Yogi is met, who cuts away the bonds of Maya. <<
  11. this is so true!! :rolleyes: im one of these.. id rather have a usb than a full blown book.. :BL: so its defo not online then??
  12. so it is borjan naam ! i was ryt! :lol: :cool:
  13. is it not available online tho?? just realised that i do need this granth reletively quickly..
  14. kam 1895, so have you scanned the pooranmashi katha in yet?:rolleyes:
  15. can this be posted on here? or cud somone email me pdf? thanks.. oh! and what is the history of this granth. i think there is a section called 'mukat-nama' in the prem sumarag granth ( P:10) but i may be wrong,, it cud be in the sau sakhiaa.. but is there a link for this granth prem sumarag P:10? dont want no Mcleoeod translations plz.. thanks
  16. its not just because of the hug. or the touch. though, a touch can transfer naam. just like naam gets collected through saying waheguru with meaning, so does naam get transfered through a touch. shaking somones hand randomly >>without opening the channel<< wont do nething. the channel has to be open.. which channel? the naam channel. there are a few in our body n stuff.. just randomly hugging someone and just saying gru gru or wotever >without meaning<, that aint gona do it either. naam hugs is the transfer of pyaar, or prem bhagti which is naam neway, from one person to another. 'vadbhaagi vaha vaha muhahu kadhaae'. so this is what gupt ppl do.. joot and seet prasaad can come into this as well :excl: :excl: (mods) y a hug? ur hirda is there. 10 finger width's down from where u talk from your voice (SAYS gurbani), and where gurbani hits u and u feel it, thas where ur hirda is. if one person has their hirda open to another, then of corse a transfer can happen. they both increase together. another lil gem technique of sikhi. naam hugs transfer, rather, copy n paste the kamaee from one person to the other and vica versa. ppl that do this, and propperly, know this. there is no 'loss' in this sense. in a wider sense, this is y we do sangat.. cuz, from the hirda, the aura is radiated. and then naam 'sloshes' (as i say ) around the sangat and everyone gains. no one looses. everyone gains. and, this is also y ppl say that one should never hug random ppl 'gul laake' basically hirda laake. y? the reason is as above if u understand this bit above.. gurfateh jeo <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< EDITED! so cheesed off.. where are all my posts on this thred?? wot was rong wiht my other lil post?? didnt think ther was anything rong.. bhorjan naam. ..?? its gurbani!:wacko:
  17. rehet is before u go sleep. just in case u die. and for protection from ur mind,, ..... during the nite etc. we should be woing kum in the day not sleeping as well!! i tell this to myself ofteN! :happy: so we shouldnt reely do sohela in the day. there are other paat we can do. but its not wrong.. its paat.. there is a sakhi where guru naanak dev jiz foot started to bleed wyl they were chilling. and bhai mardana sez y u foot bleeding? guru ji sez my gursikh down at the bottom of this hill was doing sohela paat, and then he got a kanda (thorn) in his foot. moral is we should sit down n do paat. ther are other morals here but this is the obvious 1. sohela is doing aarti of guru ji God. and the sucha aarti is..??? ....bhav khandna teri aarti.. thas it reely for this level.. on a totally new level, its the sucha jung that will finish off any demon u ever come across on ur way towards sri sat. i best stop now!! :huh: :waheguru: gurfateh
  18. y the merge?? didnt sangat tv make it?? or...??..:huh:
  19. alias


    fateh jeo ji! this is your question in guru maharaaj >ਿਕਥਹੁ ਉਪਜੈ ਕਹ ਰਹੈ ਕਹ ਮਾਿਹ ਸਮਾਵੈ< basant ki vaar ava look it sez that >ਕਹਿਨ ਿਧਆਇਿਨ ਸੁਣਿਨ ਿਨਤ ਸੇ ਭਗਤ ਸੁਹਾਵੈ< and this is how we get there.. other gurbani places...... ਤਰ੍ੈ ਸਤ ਅੰਗੁਲ ਵਾਈ ਕਹੀਐ - (meaning: ppl say that god is 10 finger widths away from us) i.e. from where we talk from, our throat, measure 10 finger widths down, thas where ur hirda is. thas thir ghar (as well as heaven).. ਪਰ੍ਭ ਨੇਰਹੂ ਤੇ ਨੇਰੇ. ਿਥਰੁ ਘਿਰ ਬੈਸਹੁ - this is where we must go these 2 tuks together, should explain why this is our true home. ਿਜਤਤੇ ਿਬਸ ਸੰਸਾਰਹ ਨਾਨਕ ਵਸਯ੍ਯ੍ੰ ਕਰੋਿਤ ਪੰਚ ਤਸਕਰਹ - this is what we should do (concer the 5 theives in this word, so we can start into the next) ਪਰ੍ਾਣੀ ਤੂੰ ਆਇਆ ਲਾਹਾ ਲੈਿਣ - this is wot we should do wen we here (take the laha) ਜੀਵਿਤਆ ਇਉ ਮਰੀਐ - this is y we ere also. and this is how we meet god wyl we still alive. guru ji sez if u dont meet god now in this life, what chance do u have wen u die?... cuz u cant do no naam jupping wen ur ded.. its only in this human form. ਇਸ ਦੇਹੀ ਕਉ ਿਸਮਰਿਹ ਦੇਵ. and ਸੁਿਰ ਨਰ ਮੁਿਨ ਜਨ ਅੰਿਮਰ੍ਤੁ ਖੋਜਦੇ ਸੁ ਅੰਿਮਰ੍ਤੁ ਗੁਰ ਤੇ ਪਾਇਆ. we got it easy dude! yet we still dont do wot we need to.... such moorakhs arent we..!....:umm: :|
  20. i think freed has this pothi :rolleyes: this was the pic i found on the net.. and i think 'freed ' has this.. please post
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