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Hau Apraadhi

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Everything posted by Hau Apraadhi

  1. SO HOW IS THE BRAHM GYAANEE CERTIFICATE, THAT TARMALA GIVES, JUSTIFIED?!?!??!??? Surely it proves that people just do this simran to become brahm gyaan, no? As gursikh we are meant to do bhagti to express the love we have vaaheguroo. We don't do it in order to become brahm gyaan or a santh etc We do it because we have been given a Hukam (order) from mahaaraaj to do it, therefore our frame of mind should be "I am doing this simran for you, do whatever you want with me, give me brahm gyaan, don't give me brahm gyaan, I don't care, because as long as I'm getting to do your simran, then I'm satisfied."
  2. i dont get this!!!! Why are the sikh channels showing him on tv??? ok fine everything he preaches is gurmat, but it's like everybody's just ignoring the fact that he gives brahm gyaanee certificates to show you are now a brahm gyaanee! Is that not a big issue???? i just don't understand why he's so easily come to the UK and had a very strong influence on sangat that he's got lyk 90% of them following him! And nobody's even complaining about him! soooo confused about this... vaaheguroooo i mean he's even been accepted by harmander sahib with open arms by the looks of it from the video on the sikh channels!
  3. The Life of Guru Nanak Dev Ji Animation - http://www.youtube.c...h?v=8mSSyVbvSjk
  4. vjkkvjkf jee that seems chardhee kalaa! but why dont you just have the wedding in the Gurdwara? Isn't having a marquee in the country side just a waste of money? You can easily say no to having sagan at the Gurdwara just a thought...
  5. This Shabad is by Bhagat Kabeer Ji in Raag Basant on Pannaa 1195 bsMqu ihMfolu Gru 2 basa(n)th hi(n)ddol ghar 2 Basant Hindol, Second House: <> siqgur pRswid ] ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh || One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: mwqw jUTI ipqw BI jUTw jUTy hI Pl lwgy ] maathaa joot(h)ee pithaa bhee joot(h)aa joot(h)ae hee fal laagae || The mother is impure, and the father is impure. The fruit they produce is impure. Awvih jUTy jwih BI jUTy jUTy mrih ABwgy ]1] aavehi joot(h)ae jaahi bhee joot(h)ae joot(h)ae marehi abhaagae ||1|| Impure they come, and impure they go. The unfortunate ones die in impurity. ||1|| khu pMifq sUcw kvnu Twau ] kahu pa(n)ddith soochaa kavan t(h)aao || Tell me, O Pandit, O religious scholar, which place is uncontaminated? jhW bYis hau Bojnu Kwau ]1] rhwau ] jehaa(n) bais ho bhojan khaao ||1|| rehaao || Where should I sit to eat my meal? ||1||Pause|| ijhbw jUTI bolq jUTw krn nyqR siB jUTy ] jihabaa joot(h)ee bolath joot(h)aa karan naethr sabh joot(h)ae || The tongue is impure, and its speech is impure. The eyes and ears are totally impure. ieMdRI kI jUiT auqris nwhI bRhm Agin ky lUTy ]2] ei(n)dhree kee joot(h) outharas naahee breham agan kae loot(h)ae ||2|| The impurity of the sexual organs does not depart; the Brahmin is burnt by the fire. ||2|| Agin BI jUTI pwnI jUTw jUTI bYis pkwieAw ] agan bhee joot(h)ee paanee joot(h)aa joot(h)ee bais pakaaeiaa || The fire is impure, and the water is impure. The place where you sit and cook is impure. jUTI krCI prosn lwgw jUTy hI bYiT KwieAw ]3] joot(h)ee karashhee parosan laagaa joot(h)ae hee bait(h) khaaeiaa ||3|| Impure is the ladle which serves the food. Impure is the one who sits down to eat it. ||3|| gobru jUTw caukw jUTw jUTI dInI kwrw ] gobar joot(h)aa choukaa joot(h)aa joot(h)ee dheenee kaaraa || Impure is the cow dung, and impure is the kitchen square. Impure are the lines that mark it off. kih kbIr qyeI nr sUcy swcI prI ibcwrw ]4]1]7] kehi kabeer thaeee nar soochae saachee paree bichaaraa ||4||1||7|| Says Kabeer, they alone are pure, who have obtained pure understanding. ||4||1||7||
  6. VJKKVJKF! Needed to know whether or not Gurbani Anywhere works on Windows Phone 7 such as the HTC HD 7....? http://www.htc.com/uk/product/hd7/overview.html Thanks VJKKVJKF!
  7. oh. my. god. that is reeeally reeeeally bad =O Such a large saroop of mahaaraaj would be nearly impossible to look after without having some form of beadhbee having done
  8. Tipton is much worse than 'ok' lol
  9. I haven't read this article myself, not really interested, but some people might be, and it's apparently a good article so thought I'd share it. This is a great example of how many common theories on nutrition can be seriously mistaken. Saturated fat has been wrongfully vilified as the cause of high cholesterol and heart disease for the last 60 years, when in fact the converse was true all along.The result of people following the misguided advice to replace saturated fats (like coconut oil) with polyunsaturated vegetable oils (such as soybean oil) is reflected in the statistics for heart disease today. Prior to 1920, coronary artery disease was actually a rarity. In the 1950's, rates began to rise in step with the increased consumption of hydrogenated vegetable oils (trans fat), which replaced saturated fats like butter and lard that had been the norm in previous decades…Today, soybean oil makes up 68 percent of the vegetable oils and fats consumed by Americans. Double-Blind Clinical Trial Puts Coconut- versus Soybean Oil to the Test In the featured 12-week long study, researchers evaluated the effects of coconut oil and soybean oil on the biochemical profiles and waist circumference on 40 obese women, aged 20-40. Belly fat, known as visceral fat, is the type of fat linked to heart disease, diabetes and stroke, among many other chronic diseases.Divided into two groups of 20 participants each, the women received a daily supplement of 30ml (about two tablespoons) of either soybean oil or coconut oil. They also followed a balanced low-calorie diet, and walked for 50 minutes per day. The end result?The coconut oil group presented: Increased levels of HDL (good cholesterol) Decreased LDL/HDL ratio Reduced waist circumference/abdominal obesity The soybean oil group presented: Increased total cholesterol Increased LDL (bad cholesterol) Increased LDL/HDL ratio Decreased HDL (good cholesterol) No reduction in waist circumference/abdominal obesity The authors concluded:"It appears that dietetic supplementation with coconut oil does not cause dyslipidemia [an abnormal amount of cholesterol and/or fat in your blood] and seems to promote a reduction in abdominal obesity." This is exactly what I've been writing about for the last 15 years, and if you've been a long-time reader of this newsletter, you already knew that these kinds of results were to be expected. The Truth about Soybean Oil Polyunsaturated fats (soybean- and other vegetable oils) tend to go rancid (become oxidized) during cooking and processing, and once this happens, the free radicals created can wreak havoc in your body, attacking cell membranes and damaging DNA/RNA strands. Arterial plaque is the result of free radical damage in your blood vessels, which is the hallmark of cardiovascular- and heart disease.Excess consumption of polyunsaturated fats has also been linked to other diseases and health problems, including: Increased cancer riskImmune system dysfunctionLiver and lung damageDamage to reproductive organsDigestive disordersReduced learning abilityStunted growthWeight gain Several years ago, in response to the increased demand to reduce trans fats in food, and the mandatory labeling of trans fats, the food industry began switching over to a modified soybean oil from so-called 'low linolenic soybeans.' This low-linolenic oil does not require hydrogenation, a process that increases shelf life and flavor stability, but also creates trans-fat. How much of the food supply now contains this low-linolenic type of soybean oil is unknown, but I think it's fair to guess that the prevalence would be quite high.However, please do not be fooled, because these so-called "healthier" vegetable oils are still a disastrous choice for most people, as they can significantly distort the sensitive omega-6/omega-3 ratio that controls many delicate biochemical pathways, resulting in accelerating many chronic degenerative diseases.Besides this traditionally-bred 'low-lin' soybean, over 90 percent of all soy, corn, and canola oils are made from genetically engineered seedscreated to withstand otherwise lethal doses of Monsanto's Roundup weed killer, which is yet another reason to steer clear of these harmful vegetable oils.These genetically modified (GM) foods pose enormous hazards to human health, and according to Dr. Joseph Hibbeln at the National Institutes of Health, it's estimated that soybeans, usually in the form of oil, account for 10 percent of the average person's total calories in the United States! This is a double-whammy of bad news, because not only is most of this soy bean oil genetically modified, it's also an unhealthy fat in and of itself, even if it's organic, as you can see by the results of the featured study above. Why Coconut Oil is "Special" Among Saturated Fats Now on to coconut oil; a rare gem among saturated fats, with numerous health benefits. First, did you know that multiple studies on Pacific Island populations who get 30-60 percent of their total caloric intact from fully saturated coconut oil have all shown nearly non-existent rates of cardiovascular disease?Coconut oil can be helpful for pregnant women, nursing moms, the elderly, those concerned about digestive health, athletes (even weekend warriors), and those of you who just want to enhance your overall health. One of the explanations for its broad health applications is because it's rich in lauric acid, which converts in your body to monolaurin – a compound also found in breast milk that strengthens a baby's immunity.Its medium chain fatty acids, or triglycerides (MCT's), also impart a number of health benefits, including raising your body's metabolism and fighting off pathogens such as viruses, bacteria and fungi. Capric acid, another coconut fatty acid present in smaller amounts, is another antimicrobial component.Coconut oil is also excellent for your thyroid. Additionally, a very exciting and recent discovery is that coconut oil may even serve as a natural treatment for Alzheimer's disease, as MCT's are also a primary source of ketone bodies, which act as an alternate source of brain fuel that can help prevent the brain atrophy associated with dementia. Previous Studies Confirm: Coconut Oil Helpful for Fat Loss Going back to the results in the featured study for a moment, previous studies have also found that the medium chain fatty acids (MCT's) found in coconut oil promote weight loss, and are helpful for shedding adipose fat in particular. One such study showed that rats fed long chain fatty acids (LCTs, found in vegetable oils) stored body fat, while rats fed MCTs (found in coconut oil) reduced body fat and improved insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance. Specifically, MCT's were found to down-regulate the expression of adipogenic genes.Another 2003 study found that MCT's increased energy expenditure and decreased adiposity in overweight men—a similar finding as in the study above. Here, 24 overweight men consumed diets rich in either MCT or LCT for 28 days, and those consuming MCTs lost more weight and had more energy than those consuming LCTs (in this case olive oil, as opposed to soy bean oil). Coconut Oil and Cholesterol Most of the conventional advice relating to coconut oil and cholesterol are false and misleading. Coconut oil has been repeatedly shown to be beneficial rather than detrimental on cholesterol levels and heart health. As explained in a previous article written by Ray Pete, it's been clearly established for over 80 years now that suppression of the thyroid raises serum cholesterol (and increases mortality from infections, cancer, and heart disease), while restoring the thyroid hormone brings cholesterol down to normal.As mentioned earlier, coconut oil does both; it balances your thyroid and normalizes your cholesterol levels."As far as the evidence goes... coconut oil, added regularly to a balanced diet, lowers cholesterol to normal by promoting its conversion into pregnenolone," he writes. "Coconut-eating cultures in the tropics have consistently lower cholesterol than people in the U.S." Mary Enig with the Weston A Price Foundation has also written at length about the beneficial effects of coconut oil on heart health and cholesterol levels. Are You Ready to Make the Switch? Generally speaking, foods that are likely to contain health-harming trans fats include deep-fried foods, processed baked goods, snack foods and processed foods, including fast foods. Aside from soybean oil, other varieties to avoid include corn and canola oil, so make sure to read the labels when shopping. If you want to avoid dangerous fats of all kinds, your best bet is to eliminate processed foods from your diet. From there, use these tips to make sure you're eating the right fats for your health: Use organic coconut oil for all your cooking needs. It is far superior to any other cooking oil and is loaded with health benefits. Make sure you choose an organic coconut oil that is unrefined, unbleached, made without heat processing or chemicals, and does not contain GM ingredients. Use organic butter (preferably made from raw milk) instead of margarines and vegetable oil spreads. Butter is a healthy whole food that has received an unwarranted bad rap. Be sure to eat raw fats, such as those from avocados, raw dairy products, and olive oil Following my comprehensive nutrition plan will also automatically reduce your trans-fat intake, as it will give you a guide to focus on healthy whole foods instead of processed junk food.
  10. Vaaheguroo, Many people are still absolutely lost, they take Amrith as a joke because they do not realise what it truly is. AYsw koie ij duibDw mwir gvwvY ] aisaa koe j dhubidhhaa maar gavaavai || How rare is such a person, who kills and casts off duality.
  11. So what should be done??? Personally, obviously its more important to have mahaaraaj taken care of properly than the historical importance of the gurdwara, there is clearly no gursikhi sangat there that can take care of guroo jee, so i believe they should be moved to another gurdwara and just get rid of that gurdwara. Yes its unfortunate for the sangat there, but obviously that sangat isnt satsangat as they would be taking care of mahaaraaj, they clearly do not care... I say the closest available khalse go down to that gurdwara and take mahaaraaj...
  12. EXACTLY! I dont see how anybody now can argue with this unarguable point, Full stop.
  13. Vaaheguroo, I got my hands on the powerpoint presentation of the gurmukhi and translation... Aarti-Aartaa.zip
  14. 1000000% agree with that ^^^ apart from the 'rot in hell' part, i just hope that one day these 2 people realise the truth and see what guru gobind singh jee expects from his gursikhs... unless it IS somebody trying to defame us.. vaaheguroo
  15. vaaheguroo http://www.scottishs...s=sukha&x=0&y=0 Also, searched for 'Sukha' on sikhroots.com and got this... http://sikhroots.com/?searchword=sukha&searchphrase=any&limit=&ordering=newest&view=search&Itemid=99999999&option=com_search
  16. I get ya... however, exchanging beliefs can be done through actions too. So if ur not strong enough to keep aware of whats right, then one should refrain from putting themselves in situations which may lead to their downfall. Also the music going into your ears subconsciously corrupts the mind despite whether or not you are paying attention to the lyrics simply due to its negativity and impurity.
  17. This Shabad is by Bhagat Kabeer Ji in Salok Kabeer Jee on Pannaa 1371 kbIr swkq sMgu n kIjIAY dUrih jweIAY Bwig ] kabeer saakath sa(n)g n keejeeai dhoorehi jaaeeai bhaag || Kabeer, do not associate with the faithless cynics; run far away from them. bwsnu kwro prsIAY qau kCu lwgY dwgu ]131] baasan kaaro paraseeai tho kashh laagai dhaag ||131|| If you touch a vessel stained with soot, some of the soot will stick to you. ||131|| ---- This Shabad is by Bhagat Kabeer Ji in Salok Kabeer Jee on Pannaa 1369 kbIr sMgiq krIAY swD kI AMiq krY inrbwhu ] kabeer sa(n)gath kareeai saadhh kee a(n)th karai nirabaahu || Kabeer, associate with the Holy people, who will take you to Nirvaanaa in the end. swkq sMgu n kIjIAY jw qy hoie ibnwhu ]93] saakath sa(n)g n keejeeai jaa thae hoe binaahu ||93|| Do not associate with the faithless cynics; they would bring you to ruin. ||93||
  18. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa, Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fathe 'GuptPerson', you are obviously unaware, but as a Sikh there is no need for us to go to a wedding reception/party, it has dirty, rude songs with every lyric being about how brilliant maayaa is, it has meat and alcohol there, there's no way you can focus yourself on God in such an environment unless you're some kind of saint being completely detached from the world, so the best thing you to do is stay away from such places. Instead of wasting your energy on dancing, use it on doing some sevaa or learning martial/warrior arts or something that will be useful to the Khaalsaa Panth and your Sikhi. Please, just think about it. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa, Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fathe
  19. Name: June 1984 Sikh Genocide Remembrance March & Freedom Rally London - Sunday 5th June 2011 - PART 4/4 Category: Massacre of Sikhs in 1984 Date Added: 11 June 2011 - 12:31 AM Submitter: Hau Apraadhi Short Description: June 1984 Sikh Genocide Remembrance March & Freedom Rally London - Sunday 5th June 2011 - PART 4/4 vaaheguroo View Video
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