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Everything posted by DalbirSingh

  1. LOL Good friend Allah is explained in gurbani as well ਕਲਿ ਮਹਿ ਬੇਦੁ ਅਥਰਬਣੁ ਹੂਆ ਨਾਉ ਖੁਦਾਈ ਅਲਹੁ ਭਇਆ ॥ कलि महि बेदु अथरबणु हूआ नाउ खुदाई अलहु भइआ ॥ Kal mėh beḏ atharbaṇ hū▫ā nā▫o kẖuḏā▫ī alhu bẖa▫i▫ā. In the Dark Age of Kali Yuga, the Atharva Veda became prominent; Allah became the Name of God. ਨੀਲ ਬਸਤ੍ਰ ਲੇ ਕਪੜੇ ਪਹਿਰੇ ਤੁਰਕ ਪਠਾਣੀ ਅਮਲੁ ਕੀਆ ॥ नील बसत्र ले कपड़े पहिरे तुरक पठाणी अमलु कीआ ॥ Nīl basṯar le kapṛe pahire ṯurak paṯẖāṇī amal kī▫ā. Men began to wear blue robes and garments; Turks and Pat'haans assumed power. SGGS Guru Nanak Dev Ji ANG 470 Sikhi explains this better something older traditions differed from and failed to explain. Allah is another term for indra there is more depths to this since vedism is dead these days it's difficult to explain. Now as for Allah from Islam with muhammad the prophet where did he get allah from? Muhammad was an arabian pagan he took the name from one of the gods in the kabbah temple of which there were 360 he took only one so to be inclusive with jews and christians of his time. We have history to prove the kabbah for the pagans was a hindu temple in ancient times there is much studies done to prove. Allah is a pagan god which is mentioned in the vedas, guru nanak dev ji was a highly studied into the vedas. If you reject allah totally then you reject a big piece of sikhism which is incorporated into gurbani which hasn't been explained well. "On Allah: Allah is the expression of the Vedic form of Brahman as Varuna-Rudra, the Divine merciful one and judge supreme. He is later known as Mahakala and Kala Bhairava in later Hinduism. Allah comes from "Ila / Ile" meaning "To Invoke" (Rig Ved.I.1.1). In older times, Allah was worshipped through fire and sacrifices, hence the name. Muslims as devotees of Allah are hence invokers. Al-Illah is "Agnim Ile", the first words of the Rig Veda, "I invoke Agni (Inner Guide)". Allah possesses many forms (names as attributes) in the Vedas, as per his own qualities. Soma is the sumna (grace) of Allah; Rudra is his wrath (krodha) and Varuna is his law (rta, dharma) and Mitra is his love and friendship (prema, sakha). Mitra-Varuna is Allah who forgives us for transgressing his laws (I.24.14, II.28.9; V.85.8, VII.86.5, X.97.16), as his is our beloved one (priya). Hence, the idea of forgiveness of sins in the Judeo-Christian tradition originates in the Vedic bhakti hymns of the Rig Veda (along with terms tarane, tara etc. as saviour, deliverer etc., pita, mata, sakha, mitra, priya, putra etc.). Indra-Varuna represents his Supreme Form as the All-God or Highest form, like later Parashiva or equal to Vedic Rudra, the primeval father. Mitra-Varuna, the Samrajas (World Kings) are the true form of Allah and his origin. Varuna is also Brahma, the Creator-God who has four faces (V.48.5). Indra-Varuna is the creator of all beings (VII.82.5). VII.82.5 also states Mitra waits upon Varuna, so is much like his prophet, Seer or son. Like Jesus-Muhammad etc. X.37.1 states that Surya (Sun) is the Eye of Mitra and Varuna. He is the banner (ketu) of the Gods. It was through the mental power of the Gods that Surya was created (VIII.76.1). Surya or Savitar as the Sun is also Prajapati, Twashtar, Vishwakarma or Dhatar, as the Cosmic Creator form of Mitra-Varuna or Indra-Varuna." Muhammad took a diety which wasn't his, now for us we know muhammad wasn't a prophet guru nanak declared that already in janamsakhis, in sggs you will never find muhammad mentioned. As for manipulation of this you should blame sikhs who don't educate there children the religion, some feel religion shouldn't be educated so there children get manipulated easily. Muhammad plagarised that's all.
  2. Quote How spot a punjabiyat fanatic control freak hid behind sikh garb 1. They will judge you on superficial things Have to say it's a result of perfectionism, everyone can be critical sometimes just calling someone judgemental is a sign of not being able to take critcism 2. They will always have some political agenda I think everyone has some form of political stance conservative, liberal, etc. some don't like poltics some do while others see polticis intertwined with sikhi from miri-piri concept hence the khalistan stand. 3. Underneath they are materialistic Materialism someone has to put food on the table and pay the bills sadly money is the way things work. We shouldn't let it take over our life nor should we neglect finances, it's important to have financial security and stability but to avoid greed to the point one starts stealing kirt karna earning your honest living is good it's okay to earn your material. 4. They have no heart only ideas Sometimes caring too much can hurt, feeling everyones pain can be a burden, it's good to have ideas they can help people. Mediocre minds speak about people great minds speak about ideas. But we need not only to speak about ideas but implement them as well they have more value then. 5. They divide and rule and fish for personal information I think we can all be selective in people, in choose the people we need for the time and place we are in. Sangat is important and staying away from "bad" sangat to avoid bad ideas but it can awful what we may see as bad. 6. Gossip is one of their great skills. What one might call gossip another calls news, sending news is important sikh sangat forum could be seen as a gossip station while others may see it as a constructive forum and platform to speak sikh issues, news and ideas we shouldn't frown upon it, it's where we have to stand for our determiniation and future. 7. They will demonise certain people or groups. Demonising or "profiling" is done by everyone all the time sometimes doesn't work and we need redefinitions to it, generalisation is something we do no mater how much we deny it. 8 Hypocritical Hypocrisy is done by all it's hypocrisy in itself to deny it, we can try to mend our ways for the better only we know what we do wrong and we shouldn't be in denial if we accept it only then can we hope to improve ourselves. 9. They are there to 'save' you. The saviour attitude is everywhere I think sometimes we all look for a saviour and a role model, for some of us we didn't have role models so we try to shape ourselves as one to help others. It's okay not to judge them and to see what we can learn how they can help us to provoke thought. 10. They want to own people - they will make your life a misery - Keep away from them -they are out of balance and untrue to themselves. When anyone makes your life a misery you need to walk away but only we control our own minds and we do it to ourselves, we have to right to read a book to watch a movie in our own freedoms. Unbalance is everywhere finding equilibrium is a lengthy process.
  3. If we really want to preserve the sanctity of anand karaj and maharaj should we stop all sehajdharis from marrying or all monehs all punjabis and reserve anand karaj only for amritdharis if people denounce sikhi by cutting there hair further drinking and so on. Isn't a moneh a non sikh anyway. Maharaj in dasam bani is suggesting ekta of dharams. There is a difference between a bigot and a racist you can be either one or both or neither they are mutually independent. why have we been so late to stop this marriage, marriages like this have been happening for a very long time from baba khem singh bedi marrying his daughter into the bachans and so on till today and we promote them infront of children who carry on doing them. Are we wrong to stop that shouldn't sikhi be a choice as is with the children of such marriages to choose sikhi later on.
  4. ਹਿੰਦੂ ਤੁਰਕ ਕੋਊ ਰਾਫਜੀ ਇਮਾਮ ਸਾਫੀ ਮਾਨਸ ਕੀ ਜਾਤਿ ਸਬੈ ਏਕੈ ਪਹਿਚਾਨਬੋ ॥ Someone is Hindu and someone a Muslim, then someone is Shia, and someone a Sunni, but all the human beings, as a species, are recognized as one and the same. ਕਰਤਾ ਕਰੀਮ ਸੋਈ ਰਾਜਕ ਰਹੀਮ ਓਈ ਦੂਸਰੋ ਨ ਭੇਦ ਕੋਈ ਭੂਲਿ ਭ੍ਰਮ ਮਾਨਬੋ ॥ Karta (The Creator) and Karim (Merciful) is the same Lord, Razak (The Sustainer) and Rahim (Compassionate) is the same Lord, there is no other second, therefore consider this verbal distinguishing feature of Hindusim and Islam as an error and an illusion. ਏਕ ਹੀ ਕੀ ਸੇਵ ਸਭ ਹੀ ਕੋ ਗੁਰਦੇਵ ਏਕ ਏਕ ਹੀ ਸਰੂਪ ਸਬੈ ਏਕੈ ਜੋਤ ਜਾਨਬੋ ॥੧੫॥੮੫॥ Thus worship the ONE LORD, who is the common enlightener of all; all have been created in His Image and amongst all comprehend the same ONE LIGHT. 15.85. ਦੇਹਰਾ ਮਸੀਤ ਸੋਈ ਪੂਜਾ ਔ ਨਿਵਾਜ ਓਈ ਮਾਨਸ ਸਬੈ ਏਕ ਪੈ ਅਨੇਕ ਕੋ ਭ੍ਰਮਾਉ ਹੈ ॥ The temple and the mosque are the same, there is no difference between a Hindu worship and Muslim prayer; all the human beings are the same, but the illusion is of various types. ਦੇਵਤਾ ਅਦੇਵ ਜੱਛ ਗੰਧ੍ਰਬ ਤੁਰਕ ਹਿੰਦੂ ਨਿਆਰੇ ਨਿਆਰੇ ਦੇਸਨ ਕੇ ਭੇਸ ਕੋ ਪ੍ਰਭਾਉ ਹੈ ॥ The gods, demons, Yakshas, Gandharvas, Turks and Hindus… all these are due to the differences of the various garbs of different countries. ਏਕੈ ਨੈਨ ਏਕੈ ਕਾਨ ਏਕੈ ਦੇਹ ਏਕੈ ਬਾਨ ਖਾਕ ਬਾਦ ਆਤਿਸ ਔ ਆਬ ਕੋ ਰਲਾਉ ਹੈ ॥ The eyes are the same, the ears the same, the bodies are the same and the habits are the same, all the creation is the amalgam of earth, air, fire and water. ਅਲਹ ਅਭੇਖ ਸੋਈ ਪੁਰਾਨ ਅਉ ਕੁਰਾਨ ਓਈ ਏਕ ਹੀ ਸਰੂਪ ਸਭੈ ਏਕ ਹੀ ਬਨਾਉ ਹੈ ॥੧੬॥੮੬॥ Allah of Muslims and Abhekh (Guiseless) of Hindus are the same, the Puranas of Hindus and the holy Quran of the Muslims depict the same reality; all have been created in the image of the same Lord and have the same formation. 16.86. ਜੈਸੇ ਏਕ ਆਗ ਤੇ ਕਨੂਕਾ ਕੋਟਿ ਆਗ ਉਠੈ ਨਿਆਰੇ ਨਿਆਰੇ ਹੁਇ ਕੈ ਫੇਰਿ ਆਗ ਮੈ ਮਿਲਾਹਿਂਗੇ ॥ जैसे एक आग ते कनूका कोटि आग उठै निआरे निआरे हुइ कै फेरि आग मै मिलाहिंगे ॥ Just as millions of sparks are created from the fire; although they are different entities, they merge in the same fire. ਜੈਸੇ ਏਕ ਧੂਰਿ ਤੇ ਅਨੇਕ ਧੂਰਿ ਪੂਰਤ ਹੈ ਧੂਰਿ ਕੇ ਕਨੂਕਾ ਫੇਰ ਧੂਰਿ ਹਿ ਸਮਾਹਿਂਗੇ Just as from of waves are created on the surface of the big rivers and all the waves are called water. ਜੈਸੇ ਏਕ ਨਦ ਤੇ ਤੰਰਗ ਕੋਟਿ ਉਪਜਤ ਹੈਂ ਪਾਨਿ ਕੇ ਤਰੰਗ ਸਬੈ ਪਾਨਿ ਹੀ ਕਹਾਹਿਂਗੇ ॥ Similarly the animate and inanimate objects come out of the Supreme Lord; having been created from the same Lord, they merge in the same Lord. 17.87. Sri Dasam Granth 51 of 2326
  5. Here is gurbani address to the above: ਪ੍ਰਭਾਤੀ ॥ प्रभाती ॥ Parbẖāṯī. Prabhaatee: ਅਵਲਿ ਅਲਹ ਨੂਰੁ ਉਪਾਇਆ ਕੁਦਰਤਿ ਕੇ ਸਭ ਬੰਦੇ ॥ अवलि अलह नूरु उपाइआ कुदरति के सभ बंदे ॥ Aval alah nūr upā▫i▫ā kuḏraṯ ke sabẖ banḏe. First, Allah created the Light; then, by His Creative Power, He made all mortal beings. ਏਕ ਨੂਰ ਤੇ ਸਭੁ ਜਗੁ ਉਪਜਿਆ ਕਉਨ ਭਲੇ ਕੋ ਮੰਦੇ ॥੧॥ एक नूर ते सभु जगु उपजिआ कउन भले को मंदे ॥१॥ Ėk nūr ṯe sabẖ jag upji▫ā ka▫un bẖale ko manḏe. ||1|| From the One Light, the entire universe welled up. So who is good, and who is bad? ||1|| ਲੋਗਾ ਭਰਮਿ ਨ ਭੂਲਹੁ ਭਾਈ ॥ लोगा भरमि न भूलहु भाई ॥ Logā bẖaram na bẖūlahu bẖā▫ī. O people, O Siblings of Destiny, do not wander deluded by doubt. ਖਾਲਿਕੁ ਖਲਕ ਖਲਕ ਮਹਿ ਖਾਲਿਕੁ ਪੂਰਿ ਰਹਿਓ ਸ੍ਰਬ ਠਾਂਈ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ खालिकु खलक खलक महि खालिकु पूरि रहिओ स्रब ठांई ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥ Kẖālik kẖalak kẖalak mėh kẖālik pūr rahi▫o sarab ṯẖāʼn▫ī. ||1|| rahā▫o. The Creation is in the Creator, and the Creator is in the Creation, totally pervading and permeating all places. ||1||Pause|| ਮਾਟੀ ਏਕ ਅਨੇਕ ਭਾਂਤਿ ਕਰਿ ਸਾਜੀ ਸਾਜਨਹਾਰੈ ॥ माटी एक अनेक भांति करि साजी साजनहारै ॥ Mātī ek anek bẖāʼnṯ kar sājī sājanhārai. The clay is the same, but the Fashioner has fashioned it in various ways. ਨਾ ਕਛੁ ਪੋਚ ਮਾਟੀ ਕੇ ਭਾਂਡੇ ਨਾ ਕਛੁ ਪੋਚ ਕੁੰਭਾਰੈ ॥੨॥ ना कछु पोच माटी के भांडे ना कछु पोच कु्मभारै ॥२॥ Nā kacẖẖ pocẖ mātī ke bẖāʼnde nā kacẖẖ pocẖ kumbẖārai. ||2|| There is nothing wrong with the pot of clay - there is nothing wrong with the Potter. ||2|| ਸਭ ਮਹਿ ਸਚਾ ਏਕੋ ਸੋਈ ਤਿਸ ਕਾ ਕੀਆ ਸਭੁ ਕਛੁ ਹੋਈ ॥ सभ महि सचा एको सोई तिस का कीआ सभु कछु होई ॥ Sabẖ mėh sacẖā eko so▫ī ṯis kā kī▫ā sabẖ kacẖẖ ho▫ī. The One True Lord abides in all; by His making, everything is made. ਹੁਕਮੁ ਪਛਾਨੈ ਸੁ ਏਕੋ ਜਾਨੈ ਬੰਦਾ ਕਹੀਐ ਸੋਈ ॥੩॥ हुकमु पछानै सु एको जानै बंदा कहीऐ सोई ॥३॥ Hukam pacẖẖānai so eko jānai banḏā kahī▫ai so▫ī. ||3|| Whoever realizes the Hukam of His Command, knows the One Lord. He alone is said to be the Lord's slave. ||3|| ਅਲਹੁ ਅਲਖੁ ਨ ਜਾਈ ਲਖਿਆ ਗੁਰਿ ਗੁੜੁ ਦੀਨਾ ਮੀਠਾ ॥ अलहु अलखु न जाई लखिआ गुरि गुड़ु दीना मीठा ॥ Alhu alakẖ na jā▫ī lakẖi▫ā gur guṛ ḏīnā mīṯẖā. The Lord Allah is Unseen; He cannot be seen. The Guru has blessed me with this sweet molasses. SGGS ANG 1349-1350
  6. After the swindon inter religious/interracial marriage many have said the protests were wrong they were racist while we argued from the perspective of dharam faith and religion. Are we bigots and intolerant? If so how do we define bigotry and intolerance? After defining that how do we view that from sikhi. Bigotry: Bigotryis the state of mind of a "bigot", a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially one who exhibits intolerance or animosity toward members of a group.[1] Bigotry may be based on real or perceived characteristics, including sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, nationality, region, language, religious or spiritual belief, personal habits, political alignment, age, economic status or disability. Bigotry is sometimes developed into an ideology or world view. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. described bigotry in the following quotation: "The mind of a bigot is like the pupil of the eye; the more light you pour upon it, the more it will contract Tolerance http://en.wikipedia....wiki/Toleration Toleration is "the practice of deliberately allowing or permitting a thing of which one disapproves. One can meaningfully speak of tolerating, ie of allowing or permitting, only if one is in a position to disallow”. It has also been defined as "to bear or endure" or "to nourish, sustain or preserve". Toleration may signify “no more than forbearance and the permission given by the adherents of a dominant religion for other religions to exist, even though the latter are looked on with disapproval as inferior, mistaken or harmful”.[1] There is only one verb 'to tolerate' and one adjective 'tolerant', but the two nouns 'tolerance' and 'toleration' have evolved slightly different meanings. Tolerance is an attitude of mind that implies non-judgmental acceptance of different lifestyles or beliefs,[2] whereas toleration implies putting up with something that one disapproves of.[3] Historically, most incidents and writings pertaining to toleration involve the status of minority and dissenting viewpoints in relation to a dominantstate religion. In the twentieth century and after, analysis of the doctrine of toleration has been expanded to include political and ethnic groups, homosexuals and other minorities, and human rights embodies the principle of legally enforced toleration. http://en.wikipedia....ous_intolerance Religious intolerance The mere statement on the part of a religion that its own beliefs and practices are correct and any contrary beliefs are incorrect in itself constitutes intolerance (i.e., ideological intolerance). On the other hand, religious tolerance would mean that each person is free to chose his own faith and no other person would have a right to pass opinions on the faith of an other person. While Christianity may be the faith of A, Islam may be the faith of B. If A or B try to tell each other that the other is on the way to hell then that would be intolerance. Religious intolerance, rather, is when a group (e.g., a society, religious group, non-religious group) specifically refuses to tolerate practices, persons or beliefs on religious grounds (i.e., intolerance in practice). A similar intersection may be found between theantitheist and the theist; either party may hold the other in lower regard due to stance on the existence of a higher power, regardless of other personal qualities. Ethnic hatred From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Ethnic hatred, inter-ethnic hatred, racial hatred, or ethnic tension refers to feelings and acts of prejudice and hostility towards an ethnic group in various degrees. See list of anti-ethnic and anti-national terms for specific cases. There are multiple origins for ethnic hatred and the resulting ethnic conflicts. In some societies it is rooted in tribalism, while in others it originates from a history of non-peaceful co-existence and the resulting actual disputed issues. Often ethnic conflict is enhanced by nationalism and feeling of national superiority. For which reason inter-ethnic hatred borders with racism, and often the two terms are conflated. On the opposite side, ethnic conflict may stem from the feeling of real or perceived discrimination by another ethnic group, see "reverse racism". Ethnic hatred has often been exploited and even fueled by some political leaders to serve their agenda of seeking to consolidate the nation or gain electorate by calling for a united struggle against a common enemy (real or imaginary).[1] In many countries incitement to ethnic or racial hatred is a criminal offense. http://en.wikipedia....i/Ethnic_hatred Racism Racism is behavior or beliefs motivated by racial stereotypes, it generally includes practices of racial discrimination, and ideologies of racial supremacy and hierarchy. Some sources emphasize that racism involves the belief that different racial groups are characterized by intrinsic characteristics or abilities and that some such groups are therefore naturally superior to others, [1][2] or follow practices that discriminate against members of particular racial groups,[1] for example by perpetuating unequal access to resources between groups.[3] The definition of racism is controversial both because there is little scholarly agreement about what the word "race" means, and because there is also little agreement about what does and doesn't constitute discrimination.[4] Some definitions would have it that any assumption that a person's behavior would be influenced by their racial categorization is racist, regardless of how seemingly benign such assumptions might be. Other definitions would only include conscious malignant forms of discrimination.[5] Among the questions about how to define racism are the question of whether to include forms of discrimination that are unintentional, such as making assumptions about preferences or abilities of others based on racial stereotypes, whether to include institutionalized forms of discrimination such as the circulation of racial stereotypes through the media and whether to include the socio-political dynamics of social stratification that sometimes have a racial component. "Racism" and "racial discrimination" are often used to describe discrimination on an ethnic or cultural basis, independent of whether these differences are described as racial. According to the United Nations conventions, there is no distinction between the terms racial discrimination and ethnicity discrimination.[6] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism
  7. don't judge a book by it's cover have you seen how many girls rastafarians get they look the same as us some of them are more worse with dreadlocks. It's all about who you are as a person, the issue with islamic terrorists is they are full of hate you can see love off someones face. People want to live with a personality not the outside, even guys with huge stomachs get beards, the hippies get girls. No woman likes low self esteem or low confidence and you shown it with your post above, get a confidence boost. If anyone bases a marriage on looks or the outside shell it won't ever last hence why we see huge divorce rates, one big factor in marriage is money and being a guy it's easier for guys then girls. People use kesh as an excuse if the people you seen in your small area don't like kesh then they are simply what you call shallow travel around a bit you will see people who will look at your as if they are blind get to know you and see how you talk or react. Also there is someone right for you, if you are not much of a talker putting butter on it or sugar coated words then you can get someone like you who will equally like you for what they share in common with you.
  8. basically hippies or the keshdharis you find in nightclubs and all those photos on desilicious websites you will find the whole amritdhari lot doing some funky groovy stuff sikhi is internal, morals, ethics and philisophy of sikhi are more important then the kesh
  9. loads of muslims work very hard on the 6 pack one reason is muhammad was against stomachs coming out so many muslim guys work on that. If muslim guys are on sikh girls were do all those muslim girls left go? To sikh guys? Loads of Sikh guys don't like muslim girls anyway, so they end up becoming sluts and sleeping around or marrying there cousin from pakistan. As for sikh girls low self esteem even some guys do that is to do with low population and friends rate we don't interact much and when we do we tend to fight a lot. It's difficult because some girls will have to become brave for that for the ones who don't have self-esteem issues they sleep around some just sleep around with Sikhs. So there needs to be a shift from the gursikhs to bring sikhs into sewa and simran things and even occasional tea, etc. trips.
  10. Pakistan played games in operation bluestar they helped with weapons into those forces who were going to fight back the attack and said if India attacked they would bring in the army of pakistan and help sikhs set up khalistan. They did nothing, they were only interested in taking kashmir under the pretext of khalistan or launching a war when india was not capable to fight back they didn't estimate how big the army actually was and they couldn't fight that army so they laughed as hindus killed sikhs and now they send drugs in to drug up the whole population of sikhs and to kill them as a means of revenge for destroying there mughal raj. It's good for them to be friends but honestly they don't want to be friends with us they are interested in playing political games with any means necessary to kill, kidnap, loot, plunder, rape and convert. The biggest thing they are interested in is converting people.
  11. If you really want to follow the Jews understand they flopped as a set of people they had it all, until the romans took them over used there own priests against them had jesus executed a reformist who tried to make a new religion, took his religion and used it against the Jews. Today the jews are a laughing stock in the world, everyone makes fun out of them. Just as we follow there example people make fun out of Sikhs today people don't take us or our values seriously. Even with all the weapons they have in Israel loads of Islamic countries want to wipe them out the only people protecting them is America due to some jews living there and some pity for them otherwise it's grim they have no missionary work and everyone looks at them as an ethnicity. I see many Sikhs who don't want to be a religion any more but an ethnicity exclusively backed up with baba nands teachings of follow your own religion and we follow our own. It's worked out bad, many muslims are converting sikhs and hindus are converting sikhs in india. While other sikhs in america are becoming atheist. Khalistan won't change things just like Israel was moved with an athiest movement of zionism this new drive for khalistan is potentially looking to drive a religious state calling for even athiestic sikhs who hate hindus. Sikhs living under mughal islamic rule created a religion and grew it under the worst circumstances possible. Guru Nanak himself said you mughals have an empire but even with the state religion you can't control what people believe in the state, hence contradicting muhammad and abrahams views, why are we following the false doctrine from abraham. Religion starts from bottom up not top down.
  12. Identify the passage and verse your pointing to here : http://www.zafarnama...d/zafarnama.pdf As for that nerdy glass comment make that to gianis, and kirtanis make it to taksal as well many taksali gianis make several mistakes in there own katha, no one bothers to correct them. The scholar tradition is one embedded in sikhi the highest of our scholars was baba deep singh and banda singh bahadur even our dashmesh pita. The scholar tradition is past down from guru nanak dev ji. If you think low of being a scholar then you haven't even understood the meaning of "sikh"- learner. If you don't expect to read a few books then how do you expect to get a country and run it? By the way I don't hate, if you can prove the feasability and sustainability in creating khalistan I will support you. However I don't see how it would even be possible to even run, we are probably better of staying with india, however we need to make some things happen and that is all a part of the growth of India. Why not take all of India as khalistan? Why just punjab, India is there already- just you need to know how to become the political elite first. Back then khalsa raj was formed by banda singh bahadur, if you want to make punjab more independent then how do you think it can be done so? How do you think a state can even be made? Do you think just doing a few jaikars will make khalistan appear? Do you think going to the UN will declare khalistan- many have taken under consideration and told Sikhs to forgive the situation and move on many don't see khalistan as practically possible. Do you think taking it by force is possible? How can a few people take on the entire Indian army and police? How do you think we can take badal out of power? Also when that cobra shabad was used you have to under Guru Gobind Singh had an army of Sikhs who was as powerful if not more then that state of Indias, the mughal empire asked for help from guru ji and sikhs. It was said the Sikhs could hunt lions with there bare hands when the mughals soliders were afraid to. Sikhs had one of the worlds most superior forces in the world, even when outnumbered sikhs were more skilled hence why sikhs even had a raj. Some of us might be brave, but without the skills of dharam yudh it's difficult. Singhs soormas fight with training even a few amry specialists with all the weapons in golden temple people struggle to keep the army out, they had airforce, navy, army, police with the latest technology. This issue of technology is why sikhs lost the anglo-sikh wars, even the most highly skilled warriors couldn't survive a bullet from a high-tech gun. Don't you think innocent people are bound to get killed in such an occurrence? If you see some fights taking place sikhs don't fight like they used to in the past, sikhs couldn't even take on the taliban people ran from afghanistan, sikhs couldn't fight 1947 partition, in 1984 the rioters could have been taken out just people couldn't organise a real riot back, people got beaten up. In fear of people didn't avenge various situations like tytler and sajjan kumar walk around without a care when they come to gurdwaras sikhs give them saropas they are not even afraid.
  13. It used to happen if your getting ear pain your not tying it properly is the main thing basically make the first laar the tightest to keep the whole paag stable then loosen the second each assecending laar should get looser however not too loose. Just like dharam not too strict and not too soft- middle way. As for the front of your samosa paag the laars shouldn't overlap however grow upwards some people make the mistake of putting 3 laars exactly on top of each other in the front this creates huge pressure on the forehead and ears aim to grow it upwards. Also the distance of the laars should be spacey from your ear. Next is your material wash the material to take the natural dye out some have this pink or red dye in the material drain out after you wash it. Use fabric softner like lenor to make it soft, also make sure you have the right material, the thinnest f-74 can cut into the ear, don't startch it and keep it a bit loose for the day otherwise you will get scars, if you have to do sports tie a patka or a smaller dastar like a round one. It also depends if you tie something underneath like a keski or patka it helps to ease pressure. Also if you get maal mal full voile it should be okay, with rubia it's very thick and can cause more pressure on your head. Try get full voile material the middle one.
  14. we already have rebuttaled it the guy has the answers to every comment made, however refuses to take them on his intentions are mainly to insult people and to attack naive sikhs. We should probably take a better approach to answer them all in a nice document.
  15. The singh didn't have a kirpan, that was a samuarai sword not even a sikh sword, the message probably was white people are under attack by other people- every martial arts shown there is not offensive but defensive. A sikh can't even do that to attack, the ending perhaps showed diplomacy just sit down and relax. It takes out colonisation and the attack all those countries received initially. If anything many of those ethnicites are a part of europe many feel inclusive it does seem to be a lack of inclusiveness they could have had a modern sardar being a part of europe instead. The message reflects the company who probably made it many companies are racist themselves they won't employee certain people the company that made that probably doesn't even have any sikh employees and that guy wasn't even a sikh his dastar wasn't tied probably, it seems they probably took a picture off the internet and tried to replicate it.
  16. mainly because people think people will start perving on them, in gurdwara male raagis do kirtan infront of men and not women, it is for gender thing really and mainly. Some people try introduce at times segregation at times some people have mentioned some women get molested in harmander sahib some have said people grab there chest or other forms of lustful points of assault. Also women can't do ishnan with men they can't do it infront of everyone, women have a small separated room. some might ask if men and women are equal why don't men and women share toilets in public or even in gurdwaras, men and women share toilets at home. So to avoid perverts or other things involving lust from happening some provisions take place however we do have istri sabhas in gurdwaras where women do kirtan. next people will ask why can't women be panj pyare?
  17. however still even if we want pakistan as our alliance they are by religion to be our enemy and the enemy of every non-muslim. Pakistan might be okay with china but they will declare war with china later on after america, uk and india is brought under them. Besides by marayada guru ji told us never to trust muslims. As for how we put Sikhs incharge it's not a matter of not having a clue you have to figure that out, from our liberal hippy definition of sikh, badal is a sikh and we have loads more people like him would take that seat as for a proper sikh they would never get the support of bjp, congress or hindus who can help them take over the party of punjab they control the seats. A proper Sikh would have been Simranjeet Singh Mann but in the votes for CM he lost he didn't even get a single vote people don't trust in him enough. However still if people did trust in him they would come to him regardless of a setup and listen to him, people don't even want to listen to honest people, people care for who is the loudest. We need to take our own homes back.
  18. As for Pakistan with alliance you must be joking have you forget what pakistan did to sikhs in 1947 they raped millions of sikh women, killed sikhs, robbed sikhs, forced sikhs out of there home, the partition was worse then 1984 more people died as a result. As for an alliance try make one with China we probably have more in common as for not having too much problems with them so far. Israel has problems from palestine they really flopped how many people want to become jew? None. Jews have helped themselves grow global hatred from arab countries also israel has problems in the state towards christians quite a few christians hate jews as well, they have some alliances. Israel doesn't even make anything, the state kills palestian children they also recruit children into the army. I personally don't think sikhs should walk in there footsteps they lost to nazis big time, the rss might work in the footsteps of the nazis but some singhs have got some resistance developed against the RSS the jews couldn't fight back to the nazis. As for militant group Taksal has developed that reputation already, not a good one it scares people out of Sikhi as well. Mandella was a clever man, if mandella was a sikh he would be prime minister of India right now. Bhindranwale is given credit a bit too much by some people, some try put him next to guru gobind singh- bhindranwale himself forbid that and even sikhs themselves don't do that, there are sewadars all over ask yourself what kind of sewa you do. Also we have loads of Sikhs adopting bhindranwale parchars methods my own opinon is they are not as effective as other parchar methods we can use which is working with the language, culture of the people to deliver the correct sikhi from our granths. Kashmir is our own state which sikhs ruled it was a part of khalsa army that muslims want to take over since it has natural resources they illegally occupied Indias land, Pakistan has terrorism and no self respecting nation of the future would want relations with them even arab countries don't like pakistan even afghanistan doesn't like pakistan.
  19. That is why Guru Hargobind Sahib set up the akal takht, in guru nanaks time people said ek baba and ek babur. We had a state in a state, religious matters are one thing as cross compared to political matters. Like what does the akal takht have to do with building roads in a country, if sikhi took over the world would we really ask the akal takht to build a road in another country political matters are separated. Even in maharaja ranjit singhs time he bowed to akal takht and understood himself below the guru and authority of sikhi but the matters he had to deal with at many times such as disputes were difficult some matters regarding sikhi need to be addressed as akali phoola singh did. Also by dashmesh pitas time we were no longer safe in the country we lived, guru ji had a lot of tolerance with the mughal state he helped bahadur shah zafar to the throne of India, guru ji asked that when the situation was destructive this rehat came around perhaps after chamkaur when everything looked doom and gloom when sikhi was near ends. We have rights in India at the moment however limited but we still need to find means to bring forth other rights as do even Hindus who need to fight for there own rights that other hindus have messed with. As for babas the sat guru is there the guru granth sahib is there you don't need fake imposters who are preaching gurbani and twisting it. We need to have more respect for our hazoori raagis and singhs who preach sikhi properly. We can ban all the babas in our gurdwara abroad why don't we ban dhadrianwale ourself, we can go to gurdwaras and have all babas banned.
  20. When the son of maharaja ranjit singh dalip singh was going back to india he was stopped because the fear was he would raise a revolution and take over all of India, singhs have the capacity to create a party combined with good hindus and good muslims to rule india with proper values to push congress and bjp out but there is a huge force with congress right now with corrupt gangs, mafia who are with them. To make that whole social paradigm shift will take efforts even from us to end lots of corruption. We can't be certain the police of khalistan won't be corrupt most of south asias police is corrupt. As for running khalistan with panj pyare is not possible, panj pyare have been a point of consulting but a king or president or prime minister is still required but an amritdhari can still have panj pyare to consult we don't even use panj pyare properly in gurdwaras right now to consult for presidents who do corrupt things at times that management of small gurdwara even has small elements of fraud we detect at times like building work in which the commitee members embezzle money or bow gurdawara fake insurance claims or even southall gurdwara were commitee who lost broke the windows and damaged gurdwara property they didn't even have fear for paap which they could get but only ran after power in pursuit of ego rather then sewa of maharaj.
  21. in 1984 even some sikhs did bad things we have records from even sant jarnail singh but some are made takhian it might be easy for us to say they are no longer sikhs but with hindus it's hard if nehru does bad things is he no longer a hindu he did things that brahmins are not allowed to do he drank, smoke and lived a bad hedonistic lifestyle like an english man as did his descendants this hindu thing is a shame and cover up we know it's fake they have hallow hindu faith themself but there hatred for sikhs is solid as is with other people, this hatred is present for other minorities sikhs also get suppressed even in other muslim countries treated worse then in India, in christian countries we live with some dignity but even some people are turning that aswell if we look at france with turban ban or turban checks.
  22. As for sikh parchar it is allowed in india we broadcast amritsar through india, we give leaflets, we give lectures katha, we are allowed to do missionary work but it doesn't work for many. Some don't find the idea of kesh practical many sikhs themselves struggle they want to be heros and not saints. Those sikhs who go on stages claiming to be saint warriors don't have a very saintly conduct let the best preaching of sikhi be in your own action and lifestyle. Live sikhi and people will follow you that is the power of truth, sukh and shanti is what everyone wants.
  23. Guru ji said " rwju n cwhau mukiq n cwhau min pRIiq crn kmlwry ] raaj n chaaho mukath n chaaho man preeth charan kamalaarae || I do not seek power, and I do not seek liberation. My mind is in love with Your Lotus Feet. This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Dayv Gandhaaree on Pannaa 534
  24. Also just because nehru is a prick to sikhs doesn't mean all hindus hate sikhs there are some who favour us and we could help them become the head of india even form parties our own breaking with haryana was mainly down to tensions and racism which grew after 1984 this anti-sikh view came about as people felt sikhs were easy to target. May I remind you even in Guru Nanaks time sikhs were hated by hindus for not following the caste system anyone who rejects it gets treated that way, however since hindus were being oppressed by muslims back then they couldn't do much as for auranzgebs time a common enemy was felt so a union and alliance formed as was in the british time, now Hindus rule by majority and protected by armies with sikh officers they treat us like this, why aren't sikh officers in the army protecting sikhs, why do they favour hindus even there own houses and homes can be targetted. As for maharaja ranjit singhs time many hindus took the guise of sikhs and attempted to bring in brahmin-vaad, why bring in rituals? Because in the core of hinduism with the caste system it is atheistic you don't need to do hard practice or pray much hence they liked the idea of paying a brahmin to pray for them kind of like how we pay gianis to do ardas and we follow our own caste on the side. If we unite with all those people against the caste system we can outnumber hindus with a global presence.
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