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Everything posted by HSD*^

  1. it also seems many people are up in arms when a conflict starts somewhere, but when it comes to 84 or problems the sikh community faces, these same people are nowhere to be seen. no one in their right minds supports killing civilians, but our history isnt so clean to allow us to judge. if hamas are destroyed, it could lead to longer lasting peace in the region. when the khalsa was created, or the khalsa raj was at the height of its power, we never had this athenian spirit that some people have developed.
  2. right then, according to your logic i am perfectly justified to go to west punjab and start killing pakistanis as they took my ancestors land. or is your reasoning only applicable to palestine?
  3. i've seen young sikhs get convinced of the stupidest things by people with bad intentions. when you show them they are wrong they cling to whatever they were told by people who wanted to mess with their heads. thats why i fear that forums/sites like that will cause problems for other sikhs who are impressionable or too stupid to know the truth about their faith.
  4. we go on about what israel is doing is wrong (which it may be) but what about our history? we sacked sirhind and didnt really give them a chance to flee. nor did we care about civilian deaths. no one on here was bothered about iraq, or what the georgians did to start off there war. complaining wont achieve a thing, people need to want peace and someone needs to come up with a plan.
  5. i would just like to say the pun in the thread title made me laugh when i started reading the thread :3singh3:
  6. well 'concern' is a suitable word. many people would fall for the tricks and arguments used there. i'm not expecting all of sikh sangat to charge onto there and start spamming or arguing pointlessly. i just want to raise awareness of what is going on, and how some people can twist things or misinform others. many people on here live in a naive way, and that will only cause them problems in the future. as for gaza, what can i do? i pray for them and for their security, but there is nothing else i can do. its not as if there is an international sikh NGO that i could volunteer for. sikhs dont even have a country were our beliefs are taken seriously, so how could we convince/pressure the israeli govt to stop? like i said, i dont want to preach hate or start religous confrontations but if someone does hate you or have bad intentions, its best that you are aware of it. and dont end up being hurt by them.
  7. I came across this forum earlier: http://www.topix.com/forum/religion/sikh On it a number of muslims preach hate and also trick sikhs into believing a number of things concerning the sgpc and islam. I think everyone should take note of what they say and how they put the twisted points across. Including the fact many say they preach tolerance and peace, only to put sikhism down in comparison to islam. If any of you decide that you actually want to prove them wrong, i'll warn you that they post quotes from gurbani and will use a number of methods to try and make you look ignorant of sikhi.
  8. the drug thing is bad, but how can anyone stop it? the govt/police wont care until its destroyed the community. we need people in each village to teach the young not to do drugs and help reform others.
  9. alright alright lets not start getting all 'holier than thou' and start bashing people who dont know any better.
  10. one thing i would like to say is that the french banned religous symbols as a way of stopping muslim girls wearing their hijabs. they feared (and you could say its true) that one culture was superceding another. but targeting one faith is unfair so they banned everything religous to preserve french culture. shame they didnt remember that 90 years ago our ancestors were protecting them from having to embrace germanic culture. but if their prepared to put it right then at least that's something.
  11. banning sikh turbans was stupid in the first place.
  12. well they havent started to kill each other yet. its hard to stop a conflict if its not going on.
  13. lol, but why fight other people wars? there are plenty of hindus, let this tubby on the video get his own lot to do the fighting.
  14. Sikhroots in smethwick? where abouts is that? and are they the proper victoronix ones? btw whats miyan? wow look at me asking questions like a kid. :kid:
  15. oy oy, coolwater thats not what you said earlier!! anyway, many hindus propagate the myth we were created by them as an elite anti-muslim corps. but if we really were, we didnt do that good job as we let them raid delhi and only got the musis on their way back.........just a thought. yeah so what i'm saying is that many people (RSS, bnp, wacko mullahs) will all try and get us to fight their battles for them. but dont. we are sikhs. only raise arms in defence of our principles, dont get swept away in other's wars. they fight and fight but never for a good reason, just for war.
  16. lol, thats what the russians wish. he even made a map of the breakup which is so unrealistic.
  17. oh man, i'm in england and we cant get those victoronix ones over here.
  18. i suggest contacting apple or the websites. i had an ipod touch and it displayed quite a few scripts in other languages fine. mind you they were designed for the ipod. maybe you should ask the sikhi to the max site if their site is compatible with safari on the ipod touch.
  19. Almost 163 years ago, the brave yet doomed forces of the Khalsa/Punjab Army stood and fought against the machiavellian East India company and British empire. They did this at an entrenchment called Sobraon, which was a tactically inept place to put an army, but such was the treachery of the dogras. Our forefathers fought bravely and could have ultimately won, but the enemy were too numerous and knew that the Khalsa were trapped. At the end of the battle, as many sikhs tried to swim across the river, the british soldiers and sepoys rushed to the riverbank and fired volley after volley into the water to make sure they would never have to face such a gallant foe again. There are many books and websites about it if you wish to read further. Now i'm not sure if the following links should be put in this thread or the general/news category, but there is a threat that the remnants of the defence works are to be destroyed: http://www.punjabheritage.org/content/view/1265/32/ http://www.thaindian.com/newsportal/featur..._100137083.html :cry: I think it would be a complete tragedy if the reminders of their sacrifice were just destroyed to make farmland. I dont think theres anything we can do about it either, however, if someone does have any ideas please post them.
  20. hopefully it will knock some sense into him.
  21. ok, us 'punjabi' sikhs know that not all white sikhs are like those in the video. and i'm sure someone who knows who those people are will try and help them out in their lives. what annoys me though is when 'white' sikhs on sikh.net or whatever start saying white sikhs are more devout/pious/better than 'brown' sikhs. they then start saying things about forgetting 84 or that sikhs should ignore attacks on the community as it has happened often in our history.
  22. HSD*^

    Not Equal

    a true sikh does not believe one sex is above the other or somehow better. there are differences, but these are to test us to see if we can accept them. in the real world there are some who feel insecure so make up for it saying 'we are better than you....blah blah blah'. it goes for sex/race/religion/colour etc.
  23. HSD*^

    Not Equal

    well surprise surprise, the gupt section allows others to come and try and make gurbani teachings seem wrong. and from the responses to this guest, we aren't doing very well proving him wrong. either that or none of us (including me) understand what actual point he is trying to prove.....
  24. definitely make this channel aimed at helping the youth, and to create greater understanding among non-sikhs. also as its on sky, you could make it interative like many sports/movie/news channels are, with one option for live feed from the golden temple, one screen for live news or even sikhi games for kids
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