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Everything posted by DustOfTheSaintsFeet
U can do Ardas before sleeping and keep the simran going while u sleep, I don't usually sleep at all, but once in a while get a little nap before amrit vela. But I do simran while resting aswell. It's easy to get the naam going constantly- spirituality IS easy- if u perceive it to be difficult, then u run into problems as ur causing unnecessary complications I.e getting caught up in worldly drama. Just do amrit vela simran and stay grounded in it as much as possible during the day regardless of what losers may try and throw at u, through thick and thin, because it's all just a khel anyway- bhagats don't take life too seriously at all. Do Bandgi, apply Gurbani while ur walking, are at work, out shopping etc- let your service purify the air around u and try and recognise good and bad souls around u. Excercise and eat healthy-That's what's hard. And don't oversleep. And hopefully a whole new wave of Brahmgyanis and bhagats will be realised and Satyug can be ushered in. And they will recognise each other, because good people's mouths never utter a word of slander or act badly- their True Love for Truth through thick and thin unites them as the real Khalsa. A real Bhagat recognises the heart of another Bhagat. Satnaam
Teens/ young adults have access to gurbani online if they choose to read it. I did it when I was younger, they have a choice and its up to them if they want to take it. Parents could teach their kids not to be taken by the gimmick of society and not to just mimick what they see on tv and what their friends may do, but to recognise the freedom of choice to live Truthfully. To recognise maya and how to kill it(the 5 theives). To teach their children to never slander- I see a lot of children who slander these days, and it can manifest as school bullying aswell. They should teach their children that a strong person would never need to put another down, that only weak, fearful people do that(slander stems from jealousy). Children should hear stories about the Gurus and the way they chose to live life and explanations of gurbani that they can understand.
This guy is an illuminati puppet, look for their symbols in Indian films, its really ridiculous- they're working towards their New World Order agenda. Every smart Sikh should start making it a priority to learn about these fools because they count on people disregarding the truth about them as conspiracy theories so when it hits the fan, the majority of the population won't see it coming. The Gurus have already taught us that in the Kalyug, the kings are butchers, and a sikh takes Gurbani as 100% truth-Kalyug isn't over yet and Satyug is not far off. If u read the facts of the illuminati and still don't believe them, then meditate on it. As Sikhs- students of the everpresent, All pervading Truth, we should ALWAYS be Ready, our Gurus, 1984 have taught us that. So wise up to the the bull*hit world leaders have tried to feed us, learn how to fight as the Gurus instructed, keep fit and practicing Gurbani and so when it happens, we won't be the sheep that they see society to be, but lions, ready to crush them.
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- amitabh bachchan
- guru nanak
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It's weird, i was talking about this to a girl 2 days ago- this girl had turned to spirituality while trying to deal with relationship problems. It took me over 2 years to get over someone I was in love with so I get your pain. I started off doing Amrit vela paath- I wasn't amritdhari or anything- was just in so much dukhi like I had never felt before and turned to Guru Nanak for solace. I also started naam simran and eventually it just became seva of naam- naam simran and doing good for others. After 2 days I started having spiritual experiences and darshans and then I felt that I could never turn back as life was no longer what I thought it was. I knew it wasn't before but these experiences had such an effect on me that I could no longer deny for even a second that the world isn't how the vast majority of the worlds inhabitants see it. My extreme dukh had led to extreme sukh and love of a kind that I had never even felt possible. The thing is that when our karam is very favorable, our dukhi leads to a strike back on maya- instead of sinking under all the pain- we detach from it, we practice truth to an extent that we go back to the balance between dark and light. Then if hukam calls for it- we Go even deeper into the nothingness to discover and experience the gyan of truth and we proceed to apply what we learn in our daily lives-we begin to live truthfully. The more Pain- the more we detach, hence dukh=sukh.
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- heartbroken
- bani
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Well I guess this shows what kind of leader modi could be if he became PM. I know someone who thinks he is the best thing since sliced bread- not sure if he knows about this or even cares about it. Hopefully he doesn't come to power. Would be good to spread the word to your families in India not to support this man.
Ghosts exist and can stir a lot of trouble, leech off people, do Jadoo on people, possess people etc. if they come close, it's our own negativity that let them come close. If negativity exists, it's God teaching that a fault exists so work on it. Practicing truth, ie understanding that everything and everyone is just God- means that we are able to see past the illusion of symbolic reflections of the 2nd energy like negatively charged prets and nothing can harm us as we have recognised the truth. This is not protection- it is simply understanding the gyan of truth and applying it to begin to live in truth, and be the Truth and not illusion i.e maya.
We were born with everything, the jewel is Nothing- this is the Truth that God discovered after many ages as per gurbani Truth has no form no image, na roop na rekh na rang. There is either truth which is Nothing- or maya which is Something. So what have we got to be jealous of- we already have the priceless treasure- the Only treasure- people are just too greedy and attached to image to understand it.
Adulterors go to hell. People don't realise the demons that await us and even come to us while we're alive. Trust if people knew what is out there they wouldn't even think twice about committing adultery- even lusting after someone who is in a relationship before marriage is bad enough. The thing is that the devil loves fooling people into believing he doesn't exist so many people live thinking there will be no consequences for their actions- until it's too late.
We live in kalyug, born into an age where the majority of the world live in a hellish state of mind, so of course there will be crap wherever u go, the world is full of dic*heads. But this age is the most blessed for those who believe in Truth because it is in the darkest Pitts of hell that we are able to strike back and penetrate through the dark with the strongest light. Either u get buried by maya, consumed in and attached to your own pain/hell or u step in the path of the Bhagat and realise that hell/pain does not exist, only truth does. It is in dukh that we turn to truth hence dukh is the medicine- it leads us to detach from the khel and the bulls*it.Maya will always be there, learn to detach by applying gurbani to your life- practice it and reap the benefits of this darkest age. Also realise that life could be a lot worse, nuclear war, famine, torture etc- look at that town in Syria that was gassed- women and children massacred. Look at the holocaust of Jews, the massacre of Sikhs- the torture our gurus and ancestor endured. The pain u are going through can be detached from- that was physical torture.and pain. We see others who seem to have a lot of Sukh, but understand that is their own KAram- and if they are attachéd to it- they'll have the same amount of dukhi eventually- only in detachment are we free.
Do Only Khalsa Amritdhari Gursikhs Leave Reincarnation?
DustOfTheSaintsFeet replied to Shamshere's topic in WHAT'S HAPPENING?
Excuse me for jumping in, but Sikhs at a higher level realise God aka Truth to be everywhere, And to be everything and everyone. They recognise the Guru to have experienced this gyan first hand- they understand that the Guru is merged with Truth and so really the Guru is still worshipped but as a being who is merged with Truth- and hence is the Truth- as God discovered himself to be- truth in form. this is beyond logic and so only the high level Bhagat who has experienced and practiced this gyan first hand can truly understand it. -
Do Only Khalsa Amritdhari Gursikhs Leave Reincarnation?
DustOfTheSaintsFeet replied to Shamshere's topic in WHAT'S HAPPENING?
God can be worshipped however, there are not rituals or rules to it- Gurbani says God is found through Love. Recognise God in everything. -
Do Only Khalsa Amritdhari Gursikhs Leave Reincarnation?
DustOfTheSaintsFeet replied to Shamshere's topic in WHAT'S HAPPENING?
No, during Satyug and other ages, many practiced truth and were liberated(although the truth is that we are liberated(free) already, we just need to realise it), gurbani states this. The Amrit is within, gurbani says that it trickles through the tenth gate, the 7 chakras contain it- the trick is to get them spinning and open and so to drink of them. Inner discipline is required- (applying gurbani to your life and practcing it 100%) and most importantly, love. True love is accepting hukam through thick n thin- regardless if how much he beats you, we accept it all as perfect, as truth. We accept I.e we do not react in maya aka the 5 thieves, in anger, greed, ego, lust, envy and jealousy. And we also live true, we don't lie in any circumstance, treat others with respect and do not judge how others choose to live their lives for it is all as God has willed it. -
Yes, although the loss is obviously devastating for you, try to understand an accept that it was hukam- it was in their KAram to go at that time- everything's karma. We came alone and we go alone- and our end could be at any time any day. These situations bring this fact home to us, if we're smart, we contemplate this and take steps to mentally prepare ourselves for death, to live this human janam without wants so that when we leave this false body, we don't remain attached to our old life. Remember that as painful as this is for you, it is dukh that makes us turn to Him- it is us paying off our negative karams- and we'll keep getting dukh and sukh- but for every bit of worldly Sukh we get, we get the same amount of dukhi. The cycle never ends until we detach by practicing the truth in gurbani 100%. Thn we pay back our karams really quickly and eventually can gain jivan mukhti.
Simran i'll pm youxx
Wow beautiful! lol I was sitting in the Gurdwara in deep meditation having a deep convo with God and a woman disturbed me to tell me to turn my feet away from my Guru Granth Sahib Ji. I told her that my God is everywhere, in the walls, on the floor, and she didn't know what to say.lol it was really funny!
It's mad how we're meant to get rid of All Ego, yet people can't even shed the false status of class- such an easy thing to disown. In reality- we're Nothing- we're not even a person or gender- we're pure Nothing. The Truth is so simple- yet people hold on to their false identity as if their lives depend on it. All it takes is application of the simple gyan. 'I am Nothing- God bas tuhee tu.' Then we understand that everything is just Hukam- it's all Truth/ Him.
Satnaam These bits really stood out in your post. I have been slandered by many when going through stages of bhagti.. Looking back, I was heartbroken at the things people did and said(Gurbani says never break another's heart). I used to pick up peoples pain(This happens to bhagats at a point) and wonder how people could be so cruel, that I was absorbing their hurt and pain and they were hitting me when I was down- giving me more pain to add on to it. Then I realised that it was all Hukam- it was all God's plan- it made me a stronger bhagat- I realised for myself that the slander was a Huge blessing- It broke down my ego- made me realise I couldn't do anything on my own and that He is the only doer. It taught me to be the lowest of the low- and it was Him who was teaching me in the costume of my slanderers. It taught me to open my heart and see Him in every form, in every costume and scenario He appeared to me in. Love Him in your slanders, your tormentors, love Him in the devil(and remember that even the most evil demons live in pain, as deserved), in the angel, in heaven and hell(positive and negative karams). True acceptance of Him and His will is True Love. This life is a khel- a test world to discover Truth. We may learn not to upset people, to watch ourselves and our actions, but if others choose not to- that is just hukam. We can teach them, but even if they don't listen, we must truly accept that they are at their own stage of discovery as He wills it We must not judge them, for they are unrealised God's- walking, speaking, slandering at His command. We must understand it is not yet their time to discover the Truth. This is respecting and accepting God's Will- this is True Love. God bless you Kiv sacẖi▫ārā ho▫ī▫ai kiv kūrhai ṯutai pāl. So how can you become truthful? And how can the veil of illusion be torn away? Hukam rajā▫ī cẖalṇā Nānak likẖi▫ā nāl. ||1|| O Nanak, it is written that you shall obey the Hukam of His Command, and walk in the Way of His Will. Hukmī hovan ākār hukam na kahi▫ā jā▫ī. By His Command, bodies are created; His Command cannot be described. Hukmī hovan jī▫a hukam milai vadi▫ā▫ī. By His Command, souls come into being; by His Command, glory and greatness are obtained. Hukmī uṯam nīcẖ hukam likẖ ḏukẖ sukẖ pā▫ī▫ah. By His Command, some are high and some are low; by His Written Command, pain and pleasure are obtained. Iknā hukmī bakẖsīs ik hukmī saḏā bẖavā▫ī▫ah. Some, by His Command, are blessed and forgiven; others, by His Command, wander aimlessly forever. Hukmai anḏar sabẖ ko bāhar hukam na ko▫e. Everyone is subject to His Command; no one is beyond His Command. Nānak hukmai je bujẖai ṯa ha▫umai kahai na ko▫e. ||2|| O Nanak, one who understands His Command, does not speak in ego. ||2||
Sorry about the broken post earlier, I was posting from an Iphone and the second bit didn't come up. What I was going to say, is that As a Sikh who trusts in God as opposed to the devil(for there is no in between- you're either a slave to maya(devil) or a slave to God(true freedom)) you should accept His Hukam as Gurbani asks us to, regardless of what your mind leads you to believe. Remember that the mind/ego/identity is the cause of the 5 theives- which is why we are asked to give the Guru our head, and live by our hearts- our true Heart is God's heart. Once you begin to live your heart- (which is beyond logic) by stepping on the path of the Guru- having given your head- you begin to understand the khel more and the acceptance and Love for Him grows. Guru Nanak Ji says: If you want to play the game of love, come to my lane with your head on the palm. On this path, do not hesitate to lay down your life. If we haven't accepted in Nirboah and Nirvair that All is God and that All is His will- that all is karam- we have not truly surrendered. Our Gurus were All Powerful- at One with the lord. Do you honestly think that they could not have gotten up and saved children who were being tortured at the time? With one action, they could have made Satyug on earth again.. But they accepted God's will to the point that some were burned alive, some were jailed, some accepted their children being bricked alive as Hukam- Guru Gobind Singh Ji could easily have put a stop to his children being killed- He respected God's will and laws so much that he accepted the hukam. Remember that SatGurus/ Brahmgyanis are All Knowers of the past, present and future- if they could accept God's hukam without complaint, having seen the events coming before they even happened- then why should we think we're any higher or better? Āsā mėhlā 1. Aasaa, First Mehl: Kẖurāsān kẖasmānā kī▫ā hinḏusaṯān darā▫i▫ā. Having attacked Khuraasaan, Baabar terrified Hindustan. Āpai ḏos na ḏe▫ī karṯā jam kar mugal cẖaṛā▫i▫ā. The Creator Himself does not take the blame, but has sent the Mogal as the messenger of death. Āpe kare karā▫e karṯā kis no ākẖ suṇā▫ī▫ai. The Creator Himself acts, and causes others to act. Unto whom should we complain? Ḏukẖ sukẖ ṯerai bẖāṇai hovai kis thai jā▫e rū▫ā▫ī▫ai. Pleasure and pain come by Your Will; unto whom should we go and cry? Hukmī hukam cẖalā▫e vigsai Nānak likẖi▫ā pā▫ī▫ai. ||7||12|| The Commander issues His Command, and is pleased. O Nanak, we receive what is written in our destiny. ||7||12| You can argue that we don't deserve what we get until you're out of breath, but the law of karma is, always was and always will be perfect- as we sow, so do we reap. It is not about lacking emapthy/compassion- compassion is part of the reason the Gurus taught us the Truth on earth. They taught people to practice the Truth in every action, in every moment. Guru Gobind Ji taught us to defend. The Gurus taught us that this world is an illusion- and that we have the choice to get up and and become free of the illusion (maya)- of all of the worldly <banned word filter activated> and of the game of karma. It's kalyug, all of this darkness is not here for no reason- it is required for a full scale fight back against it- the more darkness there is, the greater the light will be when we get up and challenge/ take on the ignorance of maya with Truth. Yes some people reap some beyond awful karams, of course we have compassion- the bhagats come to hear and feel the screams of those who are suffering- that is why it is up to us to shed selfishnes(sense of 'I') and Get Up and Serve- to help others get out of this cycle of constant suffering. Even when we are in worldly sukh, we carry around the pain of many lifetimes. The best that we can do is to stop procrastinating- instead of claiming compassion- accept that karam is in play, start living your heart and act on your feelings of compassion by helping others become free of maya by living in Truth as our beloved Gurus did. Satnaam Ji
God is everyone, everything and everywhere. He is Truth- without form, colour, caste creed or gender(the primal Nothingness/silence which is our true origin). Live His heart(which is your true heart- it is Truth)- never tell a lie, not even a white lie. Speak the Truth, Serve the Truth, Deliver the Truth, Die the Truth. Relax and listen to the silence. The symbolic reflection of the silence(Naam/Truth/Frequency of a Balanced Gyan) throughout creation is Anhad naad(primal sound). It is symbolic because even sound does not exist in Truth- the sound of Anhad naad is symbolic of the Frequency of Truth. Listen to it- the key is to let go and let samadhi take you over. When you begin to do this, you'll start to learn about the creation around you(for in samadhi, we learn- God is in 24/7 samadhi). Live the Truth as described in the paragraph above throughout your life. recognise Him and accept Him in everything- in the pleasure and the pain- and you will realise that they are One- for He is One. See Him in the Good and the Bad- Love Him in any costume He appears to you in- in the pleasure and the pain- and you will realise that they are One- for He is One. Recognise His khel and your love for Him will hit the roof (as you'll be loving Him unconditionally without resentment of parts of Him). Embark on the path of the bhagat- read gurbani and apply it to your life. Satnaam Ji
During the Guru's times, little children and newborn babies were being cut apart and strung into necklaces- their mothers were forced to wear them around their necks.. Think of it this way... Some of those children may have committed rape in their past lives, or slandered/ tortured and killed a saint, committed mass murder as an evil emporer or worse.. They may have revelled in and become too attached to worldly pleasures(worldly sukh or maya) which the Gurus describe as poison- as a disease- and hence forgotten God. Them not remembering is part of their karam- their parents suffering is part of the parents karam. No matter what happens to us- we Always deserve what we get- there is always a reason for every single thing that happens to us. The reason they don't get a chance to redeem themselves in a janam is also part of their karam. When a child dies in this way, a huge part of their bad karams(result of past misdeeds) is washed away. The more dukhi we are fed, the more our karams are washed away. Even the Bhagats went through a huge amount of pain both physically and spiritually(when negativity hits a bhagat- it is a most uncomfortable feeling). When we finally truly detach from worldly sukh- (recognising the fact that the more sukh we live- we get an equal amount of dukh-and we therefore stop craving sukh), we wash the remaining karams of dukh by living in the balance and are finally set free(jivan mukht). Only when we begin to see pleasure and pain as One(as God- pleasure plus pain= the whole=Balance=God ) do we get freed of the vicious cycle of wordly dukh and sukh- of births and deaths- of positive and negative. When we Recognise God in All- in the light and the dark- in the happiness and sadness- then we are psychologically sound in Truth. Become dead while alive. Finally recognise this priceless life, gifted to us after millions of janams for what it is- a Test. It is a game to discover the Truth- a priceless gift that other lifeforms scream to have. In this janam- we must die whilst alive- to have no desires, no complaints- but to recognise All as perfect- as Hukam and as Truth, as our Beloved- as our Gurus did while being burned alive on hotplates and with boiling water- like Jesus did while being nailed alive to a cross. Nirboah and Nirvair means a Fearless Love. That is True, unconditional Love without bargaining. Truly embark on the path of bhagti- for we must not just read gyan- that is like reading a recipe but not making anything. We must apply it throughout our natural lives- we must Live the gyan of Gurbani, and by living it, Become It like the Gurus and true bhagats before us did.. Only then will we truly understand what the Gurus have taught us for we would have experienced it for ourselves. God bless you
i am not but i do paath daily,i am doing this since a year(wake up at amritvela and do paath) but nothing special has happened,now i am bit confused with the existance please help me if you can,if god exist i dnt want to leave path,but if it does not i dnt want to spend whole life in confusion. I was thinking about the existance of god and how we know that the god exist. Following points come in my mind:- 1.if waheguru loves us then why makes us suffer in the pains of birth and death,if i loved some one i will never do to him.or does this mean waheguru dnt love us. Everything Satnaam ji does is for our betterment. He teaching us lessons and communicating with us every minute, we are the sinners who choose to ignore Him- we turn our backs on Him, it is never the other way round for He is here right in front of us literally staring us in the face. Everyone, everything you see and everything you don't is God. He does everything, we are just puppets in his wonderful beautiful khel- He is us and we are Him.. He Himself sat for many many ages to discover that He is Sat- Truth. Every moment He is giving us the opperunity every moment to discover the same and to live the Truth. We do not complain that we haven't had darshans or flown around different realms on golden pelicans- that is not the aim of life- that is still maya(illusion which is everything in image and within the 6 senses.). The Truth is Nothing- It is so simple and humble- it has no image, no form, is infinite, fearless and All loving- it is a frequency of Nothingness beyond what maya dwellers can comprehend. We have darshan of Him as our mothers and fathers, our friends, our slanderers and tormentors. Whether He comes to us as our lover, competitor or obstacle, we simply say, 'God I can see you'- Bas tuhee tu. 2.why they created so much vikars and obstacles in this world it just make more difficult to reach them do they simply want us to stuck here or we are just their toys(sorry for this) We are God's most beloved. What He discovered after many ages was the master- a Psychology called Truth(=Nothing). When He discovered it, He applied it, he lived it and lives it to this day- Hence, He Is it. Now it's our turn- think about it- He Loves us so much that he has given us the oppertunity to discover what He did- He has given us the most priceless gift- so amazingly beautiful that we cannot even comprehend it's beauty.. When he beats us, he beats us back towards this gift, He doesn't feed us dukhi because He hates us, He does it because He Loves us. When we fools decide to run back to maya and are fed dukh, we turn back to Him. He has devised this khel for us- our lives, each individual story of ours, because he loves us. Without Him living Truth, the whole game shuts down. We are only set free if we truly deserve it, we must prove that we can apply truth throughout our lives, throughout anything. We never tell a lie, not even a white lie- We Speak Truth, Deliver Truth, Serve Truth, Die Truth. We apply the gyan of gurbani 24/7 as we keep moving along the path.. We always keep to the gurbani laws of Nirboah and Nirvair- recognsing Him as everything and fearlessly accepting Him no matter how controversial He may appear(how much he may beat us in one of his many costumes). 3.according to sikhi,human life form is the only way to reach waheguru,does that means that there was no mukti when humans does not exist.also are the humans only the intelligent creatures ie no aliens Aliens exist. Human janam on earth is our chance to gain jivan mukhti- Even Gods and goddesses are incarnated on earth for this opportunity- it is a priceless jewel to be born as human into this test world. 4.according to sikhi god created the time and space and does not comes under it that means god has knowledge of all the three,present,past,future that means everything is pre planed by them,so why we do paath other things to reach god,we will reach them when our time comes to reach them.then why we follow religion You're applying too much logic- Gurbani doesn't say do a whole load of path. The gyan in Guru Granth Sahib- Gurbani- is Guru. We read what He teaches us, then we apply what we've been taught throughout our natural life. Gurbani says to do bhagti- your questions are answered from within when you deserve to know the answers. Hukam is master and is Truth. What God does does not always make sense to our minds- it is only once we rid ourselves of our identities(ego) that our mind is eradicated, as are the 5 theives. Then we are beyond the wordly constraints of logic and only live our infinite true hearts (which are the entire creation and beyond- our heart is His heart) and begin to understand why our stories are written the way they are- and we are able to accept hukam as perfect, as Truth, as Him. Relax and listen to the frequency of silence/Truth(Anhad naad). Anhad naad is naam- it is symbolic reflection of silence- of the Truth of Nothingness- for even sound is illusion. Satnaam- Truth is His name. The key is to let go and let the samadhi take you over. Once we do this, we begin to understand the world around us. God is in 24 hr samadhi- he is still learning. The discoveries are infinite but the perfection of the heart is within reach. 5.god can do anything right Can god kill themself God is already dead- he recognised himself to be nothing- hence he is beyond births and deaths. Can god create a thing which he can't create There is Nothing He can't do. Can god kill imortal souls A truly immortal soul is a jivan mukht- one who is beyond births and deaths- in light of this, what would there be to kill.. Can god create another god more powerfull than them God is the lowest of the low- He has become Nothing. That is the highest power. If god cannot do every thing then god has limits,and as gurbani say god has no limits God has no limits, He is infinite and All powerful. I dont want to offend any one i still do paath,but want a reason to continue What reason is there to stay in maya when she ultimately teaches us how to ruin ourselves? It's either Truth or Maya. Sorry for every thing Please comment Please help me i also want to keep up sikhi God bless you
Truth is beyond logic, logic/mind is what blinds us to the Truth. The mere presence of one who resonates the Frequency of Truth/ of God (through Truth Practice as the Gurus and Bhagats did) is enough to stir a heart(overriding the false of the mind- the heart is beyond logic- practicing God's heart/the Truth- we break all barriers of the mind and are beyond limitation/ illusion)- for God works and resonates through his servants.
That's why the thread-starter posted those quotes. We know about Sant Jarnail Singh Ji, but Dave Smiley down the road would see a militant with a turban and beard when looking at Sant Ji. Dave would dismiss Sant Jarnail Singh without even wishing to learn what he had to say. If he see's intellectual heavyweights (and let's be honest, white people with no affiliation to the Sikh faith) being favourable to the Sikh religion and it's doctrines then he's more likely to sit up and take notice. Let's be clear: We don't need the white man to approve our doctrines and our ways. But some of our people, especially the generation I belong to and those younger than myself have a tendency to place a lot of stock in what learned white people say. Maybe it's an inferiority issue? I and many others are mature enough not to equate the message (whatever it may be) with somebody's outward appearance. But most people are not and they occasionally need something to be shown to them in a language and form they will understand and respect. It works both ways. If we are more likely to listen to one of our own when it comes to matters of faith and life itself, then the average white person is also going to take heed of what his own is saying. Not Necessarily- I've spoken to many white people and most if not all are floored by what we (Me and God) teach. You can take a huge white trucker guy and pierce his heart with the Truth, for God sits in each heart- look how Guru Nanak Ji pierced the Hirda of Sajjan Thug, a serial killer- He stirred the hearts of hardcore Hindus and Muslims with the Truth. A white person, no matter how cultured- is God in another image- the Truth(God- as God's name is Sat as described in Mool Mantar) is in his heart, it just needs a little stirring again. When the Truth is taught, it sticks- no matter how much the other persons reaction may make us think it hasn't. We are all One, even the murderer and the devil and our greatest slanderers act according to His Hukam- according to Truth- for they Are him they've just got to realise it... We are the light and the dark, the unconditional love that we have for even our greatest slanderers is the same love that God has for All. This is Nirboah and Nirvair- a fearlessness to accept that All is him, no matter how much he beats us and has us slandered(hukam), and Nirvair- being All loving, regardless of his different images(whether dark or light). The fact is that we DO judge according to image, for the entire creation is God, but we see it to be different- we lack respect and humility to accept hukam, to accept the game that he plays around us as Perfect and as deserved according to our deeds, and to teach all without judgement regardless of the false images of race, culture, gender and overall false identity. We should love the devil and the angel, the murderer and the saint, for all is Him/ Hukam- all are at different levels of self discovery, playing their part in the khel as He wills it. Who are we to judge when it's Him that pulls the strings- He Always knows Best. We are asked to accept the Hukam of his command in Gurbani, this is it- All is Hukam- All is Truth/ Him. Hukam/Him/Truth is our Keeper. When we fully believe this within ourselves, teaching the Truth to our beloved in different forms can become so heartfelt. Fearlessness ensues, and we see the cultured and perhaps racist white man as our brother, as God and ourself in another image, who is at a deserved level of self discovery- we teach him openly without hesitation or reluctance due to ego and the illusion of segregation- no matter how sourly he may react. We never commit a lie to others, not even a white lie and we don't lie to ourselves(a huge psychological problem people have in maya). We may face death, but we never forsake Truth- We Glorify it as our Gurus and Brahmgyanis(asians and non asians alike) before us did.