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Everything posted by Premi5

  1. Where have you been? i am enjoying your posts, but fully disagree that we should name children after Gurus/their close family. But reasonable to name kids after Shaheeds
  2. What do you think the Russian and Chinese view on Islam is? i doubt they would want to be taken over
  3. You mean England flag? I guess you don’t live in England? Well, those of us that live here are loyal to the country we live in
  4. More preaching (in English) needs to be done by the youth for the youth on our history and showing examples of why certain other minority groups cannot be trusted to make us more streetwise This would help against issues like grooming and make the youth more interested
  5. If we did not develop the electronic age as it is now with TV, cinema, computers/internet etc, what would be the state of Sikhi in India right now? I mean without all the rubbish Bollywood/Hollywood movies, cassettes/CD/Mp3/youtube music and TV influences on the masses? Would our heroes be only the Guru's and Puratan Singhs/Singhnian/Shaheeds rather than movie/music/sports stars? Also, would there be an inverse effect on those Sikhs who emigrated, i.e. without mass media would Sikhi be relatively weak in the West?
  6. Some very good and valid points. But don’t think even at the most Pakistan was ever ‘majority’ Punjabi, although it’s most fervent supporters are . The Mughals were ‘turks’ but really from Mongolia area. Also, a lot of famous non-Punjabi Sikhs like some of Panj Piare and Baba Banda Singh Bahadur . What does cucked mean please?
  7. Do the younger generation want the power? Certainly the younger guys in 30’s/40’s are more attuned to the ‘word on the street’ and could help strengthen the identity of our youths and bring them more towards Sikhs. As far as I know, none of the Gurdware in South east or east London or North Kent have a young President Being President seems to be a more than part-time commitment so usually the Presidents are retired bazurgs.
  8. I think the darkness around eyes is just hyperpigmentation due to genetics and/or ageing
  9. So, you would be happy if someone is taking up half your seat because they are severely obese?
  10. On tonight https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b8h92m Anita Rani tells the story of one man who has devoted his life to helping the homeless. Randeep Singh started his small Southall charity with just a handful of volunteers but has now transformed it into a sophisticated national task force that feeds and clothes thousands of people every week. As the charity tries to expand to other outposts they face obstacles and challenges that test their dedication. Part of the BBC's Our Lives strand.
  11. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-44562746 Interesting this family are Jehovah's. "In June 2007, 10 years after he murdered her daughter, SumanVirk turned to Warren Glowatski and hugged him. Glowatski, who had just learned he would soon be released from prison, then shook the hand of Virk's husband, Manjit."
  12. Why not mention plumbers, dentists, lawyers, stockbrokers too?
  13. What is the Sikh perspective on treatment of criminals? How would Sikhs deal with convicted criminals for example during reign of Maharaja Ranjit Singh? Would it best compare with British, American, sharia or current Indian system? Would there be capital punishment?
  14. As bad as the things these Hindus did, it is still only small compared to Muslims and the rulers were all Muslim
  15. If I buy a 15 inch screen laptop, I could buy a bigger screen to connect to it if needed, right?
  16. What does the formation of good relations between these countries mean for them? How will it benefit? How will it impact on India, China and the rest of the world ?
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