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Everything posted by Prem

  1. Just look at them in the video and in the comments they are more concerned about having a good 'sexy' 'gangster' image with Tupac Shakur and 50-Cent hairstyles and jewellry than anything to do with Sikhi. Yeah Yeah Yeah! Keeping it real! Hip Hop Sikhi baby! Tupac Shakur is a shaheed! Biggie Smalls is shaheed! Pathetic! There's kids out there humble and true that keep kesh and live their lives yet these people just want to be 'Gangster Sikhs'! What a disgrace. By the way, these are the types that smoke weed, drink, and treat women and girls like they are 'bitches' and 'ho's' with their gangster wannabe nonsense, and they think putting 'Khalistan' on there is going to make us impressed. Tupac Shakur wannabe shame faced pathetic wannabe gangsters. Go and be gangsters and leave Sikh Roop alone you COWARDS --- too cowardly to keep Kesh, eh? Pathetic.
  2. Look on the bright side bro, at least Aston Villa arent in the relegation zone.
  3. Yeah Yeah Yeah! Hip Hop Sikhi, man! Let's make a video with the soundtrack of Tupac Shakur and turn Sikhi into just another branch of 'gangster culture' mixing in picture of Khalistan so you can get a big macho thrill and then mouth off about starting wars with Pakistan to create Khalistan! This is absolutely the pits man, the worst example of the worst kind of 'Gangster Hip Hop Sikhi' that these people try to create in which they have no LOVE no HUMANITY just worshippingf TUPAC SHAKUR and want to be full of pride and not one of them keeps kesh themselves in the video. Yeah Yeah Gangster Sikhi Monah Pride! Do you worship Tupac or Akaal Puraakh? PATHETIC!!!! Leave Hip Hop Rapist Rappers and their image away from Sikhi! Who do they think they are trying to make Sikhi just another type of 'gangster rap'? Keep Kesh and spread LOVE not macho gangster hating and 'pride' We don't need gangster pride. Guruji gave you the SIKH ROOP to manifest your Sikhi instead of this nonsense.
  4. Just as likely to be plain and simple corrupt thieving exploitative scumbags as government tutoos bro
  5. Thank you brother. I'm sorry to have upset you with this pointles argument. I probably need to take a break from this forum. Take care and goodnight Khalsaji Guru Fateh
  6. You maintain your original points in regards to me? You call me a coward? You have lost the plot completely. Yeah yeah yeah I'm a coward. Look, you're a coward too, OK? See I can throw that word around too. Sikh Supreme you're a coward! Yeah! That's the sum total of your arguments? Listen SS, you have truly lost the plot. I don't have to be patronised and answer questionairres by paranoid conspiracy theorists who realise suddenly how foolish they have made themselves look with their stupid paranoid mudslinging. Get a life dude. And stop this idiotic nonsense now. You should apologise to me you arrogant and paranoid man. I am a good Sikh struggling to support my family. The reason why I'm online at 3:30 am is because I am working files late at night which I bring home from the office. I can't believe I've wasted so much time 'debating' with a paranoid conspiratorial individual like yourself. Complete waste of time. If you've ever been to Birmingham you've probably helped my grandfather in Gurdwara as he potters about on his walking sticks. How dare you speak to me like that and scream at me 'coward' and 'Hindu'. I'm out of here, I can't believe I've let myself get sucked into a slanging match with a sucker like you. Guru Fateh
  7. Look Sikh Supreme, I need to repeat this because your whole paranoid fantasy is founded on your delusion that I am not a Sikh. So let me say it again, because you need to see this and appreciate it. I am not a Hindu. I am the grandson of Amritdharis. I grew up going to Soho Road, Bebe Nanki Rookery Road and Somerset Road Gurdwara. My grandfather knows most of the Granthis in Birmingham. I have had enough of this nonsense of yours. I am Sikh. Got that? Understand? Appreciate it? When you get that into your skull and read my posts you should be able to move to the next stage. If I criticise Sikhs I do so as a Sikh out of concern and frustration for the welfare of Sikhs. I must have said this about forve or six separate times now -- but you either fail to read my posts or are incapable of understanding this most basic and simple point. Which one is it?
  8. Oh wow Sikh Supreme has set me a questionaire to prove if I'm Sikh or not! Listen I will say this again and again and again -- I am not Hindu What kind of nonsense is this? Do I think Bluestar was justified or not? What do you think? Yeah, I really think the massacre of innocent Sikhs and desecration of Akal Takht was justified! Duuhhhhh! Get out of here! Dude, you need to lose your paranoid and conspiratorial mindset. It stunts your ability to think rationally.
  9. Listen Sikh Supreme, you are only seeing hypocrisy because in your nervous and paranoid fantasy and delusion you imagine I am some kind of 'Hindu Punjabi' come to this forum to taunt and terrorise you! How hilarious and pathetic. Have you any idea of the crisis that Sikhs face in one generation from now in Punjab? Punjab has the WORST gender ratio in the whole of India which makes us the worst killers of baby girls in the womb IN THE WORLD. Almost ONE in FIVE Sikh girls will be missing when the next generation in Punjab comes to get married --- what kind of society are we building for ourselves? And because I speak in strong tones about that you fantasise that I'm a Hindu? Use your intelligence for goodness sake. Go and tell the moderator to get the IP address of that fool who interacted on the forum I have never even visited and then ask the moderators here to check it against mine. You have lost the plot. How many times do people here talk about how corrupt and backward and stupid and mendacious Sikhs are? Out of exasperation and frustration? I am a Sikh and as a Sikh I reserve the right to speak as harshly about my people when I see fault as I want to, OK? Deal with it.
  10. No dude, I have not shown any hypocrisy. It's all in your mind -- you are a paranoid conspiratorial fantasist who predicates your hysteria on a delusion that I am not a Sikh. I declare my disgust with the practice of female foeticide because I care about Sikhs killing ourselves. To your demented paranoid mind that makes me Hindu pretending to be Sikh? You're hilarious!
  11. No you paranoid and delusional conspiratorial fantasist --- I am Sikh. Get that into your skull. The sight of you drooling and launching these demented posts at me is simultaneously amazing and hilarious to watch. Do you want my name and background? PM me ---- I have interacted with several longstanding members here via e-mail and they know me. Come on dude, PM me if you want a chat, lose your paranoid conspiracies and delusions. Same goes for you Sikh Supreme, drop me a line, let's chat. Guru Fateh
  12. Listen, you paranoid and deluded man --- I am Sikh I am not Hindu You are an amazing example of paranoid conspiratorial madness. You talk of discussing things in a rational manner and then make stupid and deranged accusations of me being someone from another forum that I have never visited before in my life? Go to the moderator and get that interactors IP address to check against mine and then apologise you fantasist. It's actually kind of pathetic dude. You're a spluttering paranoid and delusional individual.
  13. Another paranoid fantasist. What do you think, screaming at people that they are Hindus is some kind of insult or argument? GROW UP! Get out of your paranoid fantasies and delusions! You're foaming at the mouth!
  14. You are truly demented -- truly deranged. I am a Sikh NOT a Hindu. I choose to speak like that because the fact that Sikhs in Punjab are killing girls in the womb through gender selective foeticide fills me with disgust and I express my disgust because I worry about the future of Sikhs in Punjab -- a generation from now the social consequences of this will be disastrous. Guess what? We really are the worst because in the whole of India Punjab has the LOWEST male-female birth ratio! Time to wake up about it! I don't interact on any other forum -- -why don't you do something? Get the IP address of this other person who in your paranoia you think I am and get the moderators here to check against mine. When you discover that you are speaking nonsense, apologise to me for your stupid accusations. Will you do that? Do it ---- and deal with your paranoia and conspiratorial madness too.
  15. You are a paranoid fantasist. Your psychology is amazing to observe. Nothing but conspiratorial and paranoid fantasies greet every reply you make to me. Rabid paranoia. Tell me, who do you think I 'really am'? Come out with it --- I really want to have a good laugh.
  16. Sort who out? What are you talking about? How can you speak like this about an entire group of people? If you have issues with some Hindu extremist why are you talking about 'all these Hindus'? This is nothing but bigotry.
  17. Some stories just amaze me. This leaves me speechless. How the hell can such people come from us. Not only getting drunk and taking drugs, but going out attacking innocent people. What a bunch of thugs. Imagine how terrorised those victims must have been. And then saying they are Muslims? What a bunch of utter hooligans. Let's hope their spell in prison teaches them humility and some sense.
  18. Yes, yes, yes, the truth will always win, blah blah blah, what great truth seekers you are, persecuting a young Sikh man with mental health problems and bullying him as if he is some kind of scum, what brave and big and strong men of truth you are, great stuff, we are in awe of your compassion and love and TRUTH Guru Fateh
  19. Read the thread Peacemaker bro. In their Jihad against Niddar Singh they put photoraphs of a paaji called Satnam Singh on their blog to 'shame' him. Satnam suffered from depression and has been suicidal in the past and this event has traumatised him further.
  20. You pushed a suicidal depressive further into depression. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Why don't you listen to what this guy is saying? All he sees is hatred and hatred and inhumanity and fanaticism. When you complain that this person had left Sikhi and that woman has converted to Christianity and that man has become Muslim and that man has become an atheist one of the reason is because the harsh hate filled bigotry that is passed off as Sikhi by some repulses them. Guru Fateh
  21. Wow -- this is astonishing! I am being 'accused' of attacking Sikhi and being 'Hindu Punjabi' Amazing. If I am passionated about it it's because I don't want to see the Sikh people destroying themselves! Why is that so difficult to understand? How else do you want to talk about this issue? YES!!!Read this No! I am a Sikh! Guru Fateh
  22. Interesting posts! What you have to understand is that to practising Rastafarians, music and reggae music is not just like pop music or whatever, it's actually holy music, their form of kirtan. If you listen to some Bob Marley tracks and the old bands like Burning Spear, they all sing religious Rastafarian stuff.
  23. Does she have any examples of Sikhs attacking Hindus? What I would say is that the friendship and amity between Sikhs and Hindus in the UK is remarkable. Despite the presence of some genuine racist bigots on message boards, I have never in my life come across anything or heard about anything like this happening between Sikhs and Hindus here. In fact I would go so far as to say that the average Sikh and Hindu regardless of what else goes on in the world have a natural affinity and friendship that doesnt exist with anyone else. Your regular Gujju and HP gets on with Sikhs and I would in fact say there is a degree of affection for us. Seems like this lady is hallucinating or something. Sadly, extremists really do exist everywhere.
  24. If you want to do real parchaar, if ever there was arighteous movement that modern Sikhism could define itself for, it is this issue of female foeticide. Blaming the government for not doing enough and saying its because they want to do down Punjab misses the point. STOP BLAMING OTHER PEOPLE FOR THE EVIL AMONGST US AS SIKHS! Until we take responsibility we will continue to be the worst of the worse. What happens in 20 years time when for every 100 Sikh men there are only 75 Sikh women? Not even our worst enemy could have constructed such a vile and evil fate! And we are doing it to ourselves!
  25. Yes --- and Guru Nanak's mission was to end this kind of evil amongst us but how much have we changed in the last 500 years? The government tries to do something but it never does enough and does not take it seriously. The problem is that these attitudes are so strong amongst Punjabi people that they do it undercover. It even happens amongst Punjabi people living in the UK and in Canada.
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