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Everything posted by singh598

  1. respect to the priest for saying what is correct - the result of the usual poor management at Gurdwaras.
  2. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3043829/Shocking-moment-driver-RAMS-man-street-furious-BMW-road-rage-east-London.html
  3. even bad was this of 2005 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2073330/Machine-gun-thug-Ayub-Khan-killed-blameless-pair-row-parking.html
  4. Kya Jana Kiv Marengeh, Kaisee Marni Hoe " I do not know how i will die and what will be its cause. But if i never forgot God in my heart then my death will surely be a comfortable one." Sri Guru Granth Sahib
  5. my mind says vote conservative but my heart wants to vote UKIP
  6. http://www.eveningtelegraph.co.uk/news/uk-world/video-watch-as-shopkeeper-defeats-axe-wielding-boomerang-boy-1.858730
  7. i hope he doesn't get the state civil military involved (Police) he will be the first to be prosecuted
  8. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-32132377
  9. this is all over the radio and the video has gone viral with reports in Indian media aswell What im trying to say is that the media has simply come upon a YT video and sensationalized it and whats worse youve got the police saying this happened recently. I heard of newspaper reporters hacking phones for stories but this is just pathetic the way its been sensastionlized simply to promote hate and violence and money of course
  10. look at the mainstream media hyping this up so as to create racial tension Going by the video the guys that attacked look like pakistanis
  11. ITS NOW REACHED NATIONAL NEWS http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3019306/Sickening-footage-Sikh-man-beaten-suspected-race-hate-attack-Birmingham-city-centre.html
  12. the facebook post and press reports share the common purpose of spreading racial hatred. that is the whole purpose of this, which is being reported as a recent issue however going by YT the fight happened in SEP 2014
  13. its in the press newspaper http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/watch-brutal-attack-man-broad-8948522 BUT THIS HAPPENED MAYBE 6 MONTHS AGO
  14. And what has any Gurdwara Committee ever offered in terms martial arts? NIL
  15. singh598

    Possessed Aunt

    It could be your jet/vedereh ( ancestors) which is common as occurred with my grandad who was told to make a jaga and light divas
  16. Technically if you follow the orthodox teachings then both should be amritdharee or not amritdharee However as times have changed as a community we can accept if the boy is amritdharee and the girl is not Many such marriage exist
  17. She was used by the BBC http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1243800/BBCs-Sonia-Deol-forced-Facebook-Sikhs-furious-TV-film.html
  18. yes it is S Deol but the purpose of my thread is not to make a personal attack against her and her brother What im trying to say is that how socially we have come to accept that a sister is going around dancing in a club with other blokes around her and that her brother is in the same venue getting drunk What equally shocks me is the comments here about how its fine yet i know for sure that if you was at a gig or night club you would not agree with your sister being there dressed in a particular manner and upto no good
  19. it will never work its impossible on a wedding day your gonna get girls dressed poorly and men turning up with cigarettes and alcohol breath ive seen it all before And with the current commercialization of temples i doubt the pardaan will want his wallet affected on another note what about keertan samagams theres people coming in and out of the darbaar all the time there should be strict time keeping come and sit and stay for the whole divaan especially AKJ samaghams are all rushed and khap khana all over
  20. you will lose your sikhi........ thanks to bad sangat so what goes around comes around lets see if niddar like true shatryeeya maryada is willing to accept some invitations by MMA boys ...or is he yello
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