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Everything posted by Ranjeet01

  1. Many Jatts are becoming Vaishya like. I think maybe Mazhabi will step up.
  2. The irony is that Bhappe are Khatris who came from Kshatriya. They are the warrior class tradionally in India, if there is anyone who should know how to fight it is them.
  3. In this world of paradoxes, you can have adharmic people in dharma and vica-versa.
  4. It is said that power corrupts, but power also reveals a person's true character. With most men, there is always a counterbalance to the power or showing any type of aggression. What I mean by that is that with any type of abuse a man does to another man can be followed by a punch in the face. There tends to be some physical altercation and therefore there is a balance. There is a consequence to the action therefore you have to be more mindful. Men have a natural buffer that is intuitively understood between men. Women do not have that buffer as there is no consequence to their actions and they feel they can get away with a lot more. If there were effective punishment with abusive women then they would behave very differently.
  5. Never got this "woman in a man's world" trope. There is always this perception by some women "to make it in a man's world" that they have to be these complete ruthless tyrants. There is so much more to being a male. Even in leadership roles. In general, the male toughness in a lot of leadership roles has a sense of fairness in there and a whole heap of other factors including compassion. The current female in UK politics who is quite "tyrannical" is that Priti Patel. We tend to equate compassion as a female trait but I think these women in power can get away with a lot more because they are women. There is a difference between people who seek power and those that power thrust upon them.
  6. A Christian majority state in Punjab will mean Sikhs and Hindus being driven out. But it won't always be the overt manner like in the Islamic states. You will still have the same issues and divisions in society like there currently is. They will try to breakaway from India but may have backing from the west.
  7. SJW means Social Justice Warrior. Here is what it means: In the broadest sense, a social justice warrior is a person that uses complex serious social, economic and political issues as a way to further their own agenda by claiming they are fighting to "correct a wrong" Specifically, it is used to refer to people claim to be fighting for social justice but are actually validating their own ego, looking for special treatment, or attention. Ironically Social justice warriors cause more harm to their causes than good, as they are often ill-informed, are uninterested in dicussing issues as they are more interested in being "right", and aggressivley attack all who disagree. They just want attention and want to feel special.
  8. Pakistan also gave part of the region to China (the part named Aksai Chin). Any war there might involve them as well
  9. Well I am not too sure. I think it very unfair that this region is called Kashmir but it is a tiny part. Parts of Pakistani controlled regions like Baltistan and Gilgit have been swarmed with Punjabi muslims to tilt the demographic balance. If there are Indian boots on the ground, you might see some insurgency. For Punjab this region is important because that is the source of our waters
  10. There is not going to be any war. Parts of Jammu Kashmir that is held by India is sometimes shown separate from India by the likes of CNN and the BBC. They are just stirring the pot, a bit of psy ops. The Indian Government have always though that the whole region as theirs because the Dogra that ruled it ceded it to India after it was invaded.
  11. The Daoists in China also keep joora. You see the Joora in many of the Chinese TV serials when they show ancient China, particularly with the Kung Fu flicks.
  12. India is a country which needs to be started over, the slate needs to be wiped clean. If you have heard of the term r-selected and k-selected. Us Sikhs are k-selected, most Hindus and Muslims in India are r-selected. Not all human beings are equal . We are dealing with animals here.
  13. When I read articles like this, there is always the hint of the "goody 2 shoe boy scout" amongst our people. No good deed goes unpunished. Here is some common sense for our folk, when in a neighbourhood like this India where there it might have a high muslim presence, it becomes a muslim neighbourhood. If you say anything no matter how well intentioned, within 2 seconds there are going to be a mob of 100 coming at with all sorts of weapons. If they are going to affect, let the Hindutva, police or their own mobs sort them out. It is none of our concern, just bother with your own.
  14. Hindus in this region in the subcontinent are under a larger threat because if the Evangelists can spread their tentacles with us Sikhs, they are going to use these former Sikhs to go after Hindu Punjabis and Hindus in neighbouring states. It is a launchpad.
  15. Hindus in Punjab are around 40-50 percent. They are also under threat. The Bhaiyas and Biharis in Punjab are also under threat. This will also threaten neighbouring areas like Himachal, Haryana and Jammu. At this moment in time, no one is going bother about whether they want to recognise us separate etc.
  16. It is because our tolerance is seen as weakness. If you take them on head on, they play the "victim/martyrdom game".
  17. Tackle on one Abrahamic at a time. For a Sikh in Punjab, the Evangelical menace is greater. Let Hindutva forces take out the Christian Fundamentalists.
  18. It seems that when the Abrahamics attack, the Dharmiks have to combine forces.
  19. Also a lot of people in Punjab lie about their age. How many of them are really under 30?
  20. Most of the Amritdharis are classified as "role models"
  21. That is probably because it does not feel like home. It's where your roots are. For Western Sikhs to go back, it would have to be a situation where we have no choice. It won't be a first option. To go back means for a lot of people "starting over", people may move abroad to "start over" but many will feel that the return on the investment will be greater. Going back to Punjab to "start over". Will many of diaspora feel that return on investment to be greater than staying in the west. This sounds very transactional but this is probably where we at the moment.
  22. A lot of Britons have cottoned on to how the Muslims in the UK operate. I think many have been aware for several decades now. It is the mainstream media and some of the institutions that been oblivious or complicit to it. Muslims in the UK do seem to be on the back foot and there are subtle changes taking place in their community, which you can see happening right now but what the media won't pick up for at least 10 years. Their women are now working and studying and they are having less kids ( about 3-4 kids instead of 7-8). They are having to integrate more then they used to.
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