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Everything posted by jkvlondon

  1. jkvlondon


    deeper knowledge of the shastras vedas and granths , also in those days sanskrit was restricted to only brahmins ... knowledge was to be able to understand the other faith , to give answers to deeper philosophical questions posed by such brahmins etc
  2. but bro Guru Pita JI has defined who is a nihang , a true Khalsa who actually stands for truth and justice come what may ... Unfortunately it may become the situation that aam Khalsa will have to enhance their Miri Piri aspects outside the umbrella of the labels as it seems the only recent hereos have come from their midst.
  3. jkvlondon


    stick some in some water there is No way it ranges to maroon ... maybe it's the whole even you buddhists dress in OUR colours so you Must be Hindu ...? LOL
  4. jkvlondon


    because he was from lapland the colours were more green, brown white etc ... surely RSS would have gone for Saffron Santa
  5. jkvlondon


    people mistakenly read the Gunn of Gurbani into the person who speaks it and thus divert the attention from Gurbani to deh of the speaker ... BIG MISTAKE even gurbani/ gurmukh piare warn us against it
  6. jkvlondon


    saint nikolas existed , they found his bones a little while back .... but the whole coca cola extravaganza of red and white costume has nothing to do with this dayal sant.
  7. bro, a gursikh who is rehitvaan and pukka in bani , rises beyond the reach of jamdoot , Guru Pita ji has promised to come to bring them home . A pooran gursikh reachs beyond heaven and hell , which are part of the joons , tregun sansar etc ... they reach the higher realms including sach khand... this is actual life story experience of gursikh Bhai Kanwarjit Singh ji when he died ...do not doubt Guru ji's words
  8. 1. put a g in front and it's gone 2. darkness 3. table/chair 4. a cold 5. it's a child favourite question Y
  9. orthodox jews do the same and it purely money control, even now p'stani have started marrying their daughters to the prophet so they become like nuns just hold on to money and land
  10. just tried living up to my sikhiya for more than twenty years, I guess that was their last gasp full on assault on our family and our children's sikhi...given that our kids are the only grandkids they will have knowledge of ..foolish on their part... p.s. if a paapan like me can be heard you can only imagine the power that a rehitvaan gursikh would have to their ardas
  11. 1) Waheguru 2)soap 3)Mushroom 4)Hope? tomorrow? 5)wait until night and go through the magnifying glass room
  12. once when my husband's folks really crossed all limits of decency, I ended up rejecting the world and the ardas to my lips was 'Waheguru ji , please keep those who do not wish me well happy where they are ' ...I think it was selfishly motivated but even so maybe it still stayed in the spirit of sikhi... update : they are doing well where they are, and their focus is in their world not my family's sikhi ...they still visit but it has never got to that level of nastiness on their part.
  13. in the old days when the delhi raj said don't this thing , Guru ji taught us to that thing and Datt ke ...and encourage everyone to do it . So instead of everyone quietening down , do the opposite and make it policy to highlight EVERY human right issue, every abuse of law, put faces to names , publish it world wide in other words pick up the torches left by Jaggi , Khalra saab and all the other brave souls
  14. I reckon it should be for ALL our Brothers, Fathers and Grandfathers suffering in Punjab's injustice zone , I mean 48 men kidnapped and jailed in the past 7 months . They All deserve our time and prayers. Those born in that Godforsaken place have no chance to escape the gangsters and extortionists called Punab Police.
  15. jkvlondon


    If gurbani says the biggest curse is to be aghiratkhan it is clear being humble and in a permanent state of gratitude come what may is to be encouraged. Personally I am preemptively thankful for even the difficult lessons I know will come and pray for sabar to develop sumat from them ...it is a good place to be
  16. need to have stiff sentences for false allegations - equal sentences to the original crime accused ? go down in a false alleger register hmmm #chittardaghatta
  17. HIS friend is beyond scum , you would get a person labelled as a sex offender for life because you were too slack to turn up for work ? wth is that , he's probably got a wife and kids too you will destroy their lives too ...imagine innocent kids getting bullied for your lies about their dad Day in and out at school. Get a life dude and sort out your messed up friend... the guy gave her fair chances to sort herself out but she flaked on him too many times , he is within his rights to tell uh uh this ain't working.
  18. exactly , they see all the fuzzy warm speechs about sikhs and get mushy ... honestly white supremacists will still want you out too ... they think they are being clever by preening us to be their cannon fodder again fool me once shame on you , fool me twice shame on me .... or once bitten , twice shy
  19. jkvlondon


    was he amritdhari ? handling eggs is not the same as eating
  20. I DUnno veer ji , wasn't the Boston shooter and his missus educated ? Also even if they are lukewarm they still go along with the Ummah and show willing to not be highlighted
  21. mohammed said himself that the the umma will destroy itself ...he should know
  22. the letterhead is not the official one of Guniness here's the announcement what is implied is not the truth:
  23. I think his desire to cut his hair is tied to his other 'wants' , he may believe the grass is greener but really it isn't ...
  24. they have aspirations but until they train up their staff and police to be people orientated it's always gonna leave a bitter aftertaste ... like the stupid rules of not being able to sit in the waiting area for international flights until one hour before , if you have a connection or some delay there is nowhere to sit and no one gives two hoots ...
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