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Everything posted by jkvlondon

  1. alakh and alekh are interchangeable , you will find in Jaap Sahib in both versions to describe Akal Purakh's atrributes
  2. Alakh Niranjan (अलख निरंजन) is a term used by Nath Yogis as a synonym for The CReator, and to describe the characteristics of God and the Self, known as the Atman. Alakh means "one which cannot be seen (perceived)" and niranjan means "spotfree"
  3. hindu mantra , have you watched an old bollywood movie because it is a phrase used by sadhus in those
  4. Could you please cut paste or summarise thanks
  5. it's interesting how this guy's claims parallel the other pretender Yogi Harbhajan who was an ordinary bloke who claimed he was the only master of Kundalini yoga lalala and sold it using sikhi as the spiritual glue to stick students to him ...both have links to RSS and GOI . When you see someone monetising your heritage immediately you should pay attention to exactly what is being peddled as authetic sikhi. Interesting he is now shacked up with one of those 3HO females
  6. just like the MP feeding beefburgers to his kid to prove british beef was OK at the height of the mad cow disease epidemic. It is just PR stunts with no real dangers to the individuals
  7. it is when such people use Guru Nanak Dev ji's words to make themselves seem spiritual I know they feel spiritually lacking for their job , Osho , Ashutosh, Ram Rahim, Sadhguru
  8. one thing I have noticed he is superpatronising to women no matter what level of education, spirituality etc and dismisses any questions they have by trying to get the audience to back him in his nonanswers.
  9. both Gandhi and Modi are losers par excellance because they imprisoned their wives in marriages that they themselves left , giving neither wife respect or freedom to execute life decisions like getting healthcare whilst massive haemmorhaging illness(Gandhi) 'she should accept it as God's will (when he had European doctors and latest treatments available for himself) getting a passport (Modi) BTW he refused to sign the paperwork . Modi was married very young by arrangement and he rejected his parent's choice he had no real excuse the Gandhi thing is an excuse to look good for the sheep He has worshipped at shrine of Godse who murdered 'his idol', Gandhi was a pervert full stop , he was so bad he couldn't stop himself during the day even when tending to his dying father. Unfortunately his father passed away whilst he was'busy' and of course it was the wife's fault. He also it seems played both sides of the field as his love letters to a German seem to indicate. Jaggu Vasudev has a wife not sure about kids both it seems the theme of Hindu life is eat drink and be merry, create dependents then disappear 'to be spiritual' leaving the wife in the lurch, who then gets turfed out on his death by his sons to die in a widow colony in Benares or on the streets.
  10. maybe sikh channels should switch to Minds as it seems that it is not liked by Facebook or youtube as it is non censoring and copeting in their arena
  11. gurbani suggests/tells us we have people we circulate amongst because we have lehna dehna from previous lives and sakhis are full of the stories of karams needing finishing , that is the main reasons we come back because our karams act like anchors and keep us coming back . Best soltuion is to finish all hisaab kitaab by naam simran and change karam, that's why Guru ji advises bure da bhalla kar , gussa man na hundai
  12. it is easy to claim without putting in any hard work just light the dhoof , sit down and say a few mantras , draw mandalas and quote the odd phrase attributed to Gautam Buddha. I found it very strange how it didn't rid any of the krodh, ahankar from even the most long term adherents -the monks despite all their claims of zen like states. The Gori nun was so intensely self-centred she insisted that no one else was to talk where she was , even in the food hall since she had taken a vow of silence??? who are we to judge our own hearts? surely that is a blind spot for us . We live in the field of karams so we have to think speak and do actions in line with Gurmat /righteousness , Gurdas Mann has zero spiritual knowledge so I will not be taking his word for anything .
  13. true about meat it has a mythology around it that it is for the rich , so it gets trundled out for special occasions , fast forward a couple hundred years every tajinder, davinder and harjot cannot eat his roti without maas . Kings has diseases of Affluence and now every one has , diabetes through the roof, heart disease, obesity , arthiritis and gout. no one could afford to slaughter their only means of support through lean times , now they are oil rich they are overdoing it.
  14. reminds me of menu mistake we saw as student: vegetarian on rice
  15. first of all anything that's has been done with genetic engineering science has failed to deliver up until this point and I would be wary of such meats as they will be heavily cloned cells and given that Dolly's clones died at an earlier age than dolly seem to imply shorter telomeres which is a major factor in cell health , I would suspect multiple chickens would have to be farmed and repeatedly killed to create a long term solution.
  16. if you want to learn like a samurai you will have to study jujitsi/ninjitsu/budo as these are the techniques used by the samauri and their close nemesis the the ninja , understanding the bushido philosophy I realise Khalsa could be considered on the material plane as ronin or spiritually with Akal Purakh as our overlord . Sikhs can practise any and all weapons in fact in history they were known for their high levels of skill with multiple weapons including rifle.
  17. south Indian/Keralan martial arts are closest I am guessing to the proper vidhiya given for battlefield close fighting , I remember watching a video of a tiny women teaching the skills she had learnt frm her father to class and she was in her advanced years and getting the better of young men .it is called Kalarippayattu I bought a couple of books on it https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/9384030511/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/0195655389/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 interesting that they have descriptions of Marma points which are close to Chinese Dim Mak points.
  18. you can only fight as well as you have practised so you are definitely going to have to train HARD naam kamai will open further intuitive knowledge of shastar vidhiya but start somewhere. Husband does jujitsu and ninjitsu , is taught sword techniques . Even doing tai chi you could do sword techniques but in practical life learning philipino knife techniques will be more compatible with carrying kirpan and using it well at close quarters. Best martial arts is to be aware of surroundings and situation and avoid flashpoints if possible.
  19. where there is faith in Akal Purakh there is always Hope , you want success for sikhs remind them to keep full rehit and have amrit and they are GUARANTEED to have Guru Sahiban FULL support and blessings, our fight is with our baser selves first and then the oppressors. Look at our history when we held firm in our beliefs and rehit we remained aadol and akaal
  20. it's just your true self doing its thing , reciting what gives it sookun and helps cuts down the bad karams , just be thankful its happening
  21. missed out army humla on Harmandir Sahib in 1955 as an answer to sikh refusal to accquiesce to Indian Constitution and refusing to sign it.
  22. that is a major fib, he supports the idea of akhand bharat that is not secular.
  23. correction sikhs lost 5/6ths of Punjab it currentely only a sixth of the original . time to set our stamp on the minds of the whole of India by leading the fight against these theiving brahmins/gujus
  24. last time we had educated sikh scholars like Bhai Vir Singh , professor Sahib Singh and Dr Ganda Singh historian to set people straight, just need to rerelease free copies of these people's writings and translate all the Sants writings and speechs for youth worldwide (of all faiths)
  25. rss has roots in arya samaj which is about brahmin supremacy which that felt was undermined by British laws , arya samajists just wanted to return to the bad old days of brahmin raj over the whole of society . Rss is just the thugs thieves and scum collected together to take advantadge of the masses , not to bring about hindu raj necessarily despite the proaganda. They created a false spectre of muslim menace within India like 14 million poor muslims will be able to do anything against 1 billion hindus (if they believe so they must have a severe inferiority complex) Remember scene in a bug's life when the crickets are in the bar ? .yes the bullies were scared of the tide being turned and guess what it still happened despite their aggression. Modi did nothing except murder and protect murderers just like Indira did to us . Pakistan and bangladesh suited the Arya Indians it got the muslims out without having to fight and spill their own blood and reduced the influence of sikh polity in one fell swoop. best offence against love jihad is become alphas , educate the women in history and reality of muslim thought vs Sikh thought (not much difference between Hindu and muslim treatment of women)
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