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Everything posted by jkvlondon

  1. Bhai Sahib all manjis were authorised to administer charan pahul to new sikhs and later other gursewaks/gurparcharaks including nihang dals administered pahul... I think that the British interference has created the wrong impression , what made amrit sanchar difficult was loss of gurdwara control and hunting down of akalis and antisikh laws by British .
  2. but then ALL sikhs were amritdhari by definition either taking charan pahul or khande di pahul
  3. yes you can have a gurdwara without Guru Granth Sahib ji as existed before where Shastar were placeholder for Guruji/Akal Purakh in Darbar , but back then Gursikhs were super educated in dharam granths and many had Gurbani Kant including whole of Guru Granth Sahib . So Guru Panth were the literal bodies in which Guru ji Resided
  4. sikh said we have no problem with muslims coming to do namaz in gurdwara muslims also said we have no problem to do namaz there (despite the reporter pointing out there are mosques nearby) however when muslims were asked would it be ok for sikhs to come to masjid and do their prayers they said our religion doesn't allow that when it came to eating langar or prashad at the gurdwara ,the muslims actually said that would be haram for them to eat it , given that it is made of nonharam veg and dal and grains they are talking out of their As as there no restriction quran wise. so there you have it halaal to pray on site of Guru ji's darbar namaz and haram to eat anything there (which is not what old school punjabi muslims believe or say) , halaal to approach other dharams daughters but haram to allow own daughters to have friends who are nonmuslim.
  5. Zohrawar Singh Palit was only 11 years old when he attained shaheedi at Chamkaur Sahib , however sikhiwiki is giving misinformation trying to claim Ajit Singh palit was shaheed at same place ...honestly how is this not getting noticed ?
  6. then why isn't adopted son Ajit Singh not referred to the same ?
  7. latest news for those who are getting misled by MSM about ivermectin The miracle of Japan :
  8. it came up in my recommendations on YT somehow .
  9. they watched how Jew-ish folks use the term antisemitism to shut down ANY form of questions about their behaviour especially their stamping out of palestinians , selling arms to human rights abusers, including India during the their attacks on our people and thought great we will copy their kosher stamp scheme / tax , their wails of racism and accuse everyone of islamophobia
  10. I watched this yesterday seems to indicate the truth of the situation https://www.facebook.com/panth.pratham/videos/887116118841428 we DO NOT NEED TO EXTEND ANY SPACE TO THEM
  11. maybe she is brought up in hindu language dominant area , plenty of apnay who take on hindi terms as Panjabi is 'backward'
  12. doesn't palit mean polluted in gurbani as mooth paliti kapard hoe , deh saban le o dhoe
  13. Ravi should stick to recovering from his surgery and give his mouh a rest
  14. if you use a pressure cooker for dal you can put the spices in kaccha including haldi , ground ginger, onions tomatoes , if you are worried about kacche taste of lasan preroast a batch and store the cloves in the fridge /freezer just chop and add to cooker , cook normally then add fresh chopped coriander once cooked and simmer for a couple of minutes tada - oilfree dal !! similar can be done with tardka for rajma , channe cook the tardka oilfree in pressure cooker then add to beans/channe and simmer for five/ ten minutes , then adjust seasoning
  15. prime sign of hindu troll because only ever heard hindu use this term
  16. yeah i can imagine the juttian flying through the air if Singh called his missus 'main keha buddhiay/buddidyay ..' I was taught beti for girls younger than me , Bibi for women from young, married until elderly then bebe if after octogenerian
  17. No Guru ji only has SIKHS no matter what gender . If you want to talk about a sikh Female you can call her a Sikh Bibi , or if Khalsa then Kaur or Singhni
  18. look there are millions of these evilhearted people but they only become dangerous when they inflame by lying and inciting on mass media channel , just think if Amitabh wasn't able to spew hate on doordarshan wouldn't it have made ordinary folks less sympathetic to the genocidal gangs ? less likely to turn around and tell ud to forget it ?
  19. these people who troll for BJP hinduvta need to be slayed by the means they use ... see their filth , report that ish in the multiple get their a/cs deleted
  20. the way to hurt her is to get her removed from every SM platform for religious hae speech and inciting violence - no loudspeaker , no Kangana
  21. guess he is a good muslim then acquiring females from other faiths and sticking them and their progeny into the cult
  22. this stupid braindead musli seems to forget that the survey was NOT a total survey of all sikh women , only a small proportion of them, and that also the small group had an even smaller group complaining of one event or more of violence or abuse , the abuse was then broken down into further categories . How she has written it seems to imply seventy percent of sikh women are abused and that is a blatant fabrication. She needs taking down a peg . BTW since when is verbal abuse the same as physical or sexual abuse ? it is not also the article pumps this big 70% when it is not even specific to spousal abuse although she highlights a case of murder when the guy sounds like a hindu Anil Gill. I am so done with the Guardian's fake wokeness it is just another govt battering ram against sikhs
  23. exactly the pisspoor GB has always stolen its riches from other nations from the time of elizabeth I 's privateers , until now . if Bengal's rulers didn't fawn and help East India Company India would never have fallen so easily , the problem has alays been individual's greed for power and riches over the good of the people. Indians are accursed with lack of spine in the presence of money and perceived power, just look at current India and how much state owned industries and land has been handed over to a handful of guju cheats and conmen
  24. too many are affected by inflicted victorian moralilty (i,e. hypocritical prudishiness) instead of being open and straightforward as Dasam Granth is about such things. besides having non married relationships and families leads to erosion of stability of society and lack of legal rights because of various loopholes introduced on the sly by governments , where children can be deported/put in care , family assets can be grabbed on death of partners, denial of admittance to hospitals due lack of marriage certificate etc etc
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