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Everything posted by MisterrSingh

  1. Yup, those darn Iraqi profiteers and generational-wealth-inheritors who emigrated to the States from 2005 onwards. How dare they defend their livelihoods.
  2. ^^^ Those aren't really black guys. They're just very tanned.
  3. Big enough to keep everything... safe and concealed.
  4. Are you kidding me? Seriously? You're using Communist CHINA as something to aspire to?!?
  5. Exactly. Take it out on the cops. Why target the chai-walas / the small business owners?
  6. Those are two different issues. If there's no reason for anyone to accrue wealth through business (even at a reasonable level that doesn't spill over into obscenity), there will be no incentive to invest, therefore infrastructure will suffer and economic prosperity will be virtually nonexistent. It'll be another Pakistan. How is that going to benefit a fledgling country that requires serious economic injection in order to get on its feet?
  7. I use to think Freud was all that as recently as a few years ago. He was a degenerate who promoted similar thinking.
  8. I'm reporting you to the KPF (Khalsa Police Force) for hurting Sikh sentiments. Your maximum sentence will be 50 strikes with a leather belt as you pull your ears, with your arms passing beneath your legs. The punishment will be carried out at your local gurdwara in 30 days. No appeals.
  9. What will happen if one or more of the Punj are recruited for subversion?
  10. One question, the answer to which will tell me if we possess the intelligence to manage our own nation: Are we going to have a Central Bank?
  11. Damaging cultural anti-Sikh practices such as foeticide, dowry, and casteism need to be eliminated. Don't destroy the colourful aspects of our collective character. I don't personally like dancing or any of that crap myself, but as you get older and you look at culture as a subject that informs a unique group's identity, you cannot, or at least shouldn't, eradicate harmless "rang-brang" under the auspices of religious autocracy. The problem arrives when things are indulged in to excess, and that's a problem for Sikhs, because we are prone to extremes. It's a flaw in our character. I don't like this Sharia-esque mentality of khattar Sikhs. I'm one myself in certain respects but I know when to pull back and see the bigger picture. Unfortunately, the low-IQ hot-heads are unknowingly sowing the seeds for rebellion against their cause before they've even laid the first brick of the foundations of their movement. If you can't trace the evolution and subsequent stages of a scenario where this type of censorship will be rallied against by your own people who don't share your religious devotion, then you don't deserve what you're aiming for. Open a history book. History is littered with such examples. Wake up and focus on REAL problems facing Sikhs; that require intelligence and tenacity to tackle, not superfluous, easy side issues that don't matter.
  12. I get you. All great points. I'm just adding a note of caution that we should be as harsh and honest about our failings and our "own" -- and be determined to root it out early in order to anticipate and prevent any greater future calamity -- in addition to being eager to identify outside forces who bear us ill intentions.
  13. It's Little Punjab. Will your spirit withstand the eventual crushing realisation that you've surrounded yourself with morons? Wealthy, upwardly mobile, and a few other "pleasing" surface accoutrements, but morons nonetheless.
  14. Promise us you won't change your name from Premi to Pauly.
  15. A Sikh raaj that all but collapsed as soon as Ranjit Singh drew his last breath due to incompetence, greed and unintelligence of Sikhs. A Sikh raaj that was more concerned about inclusivity of Musleh and Hindus than prioritising Sikh interests and Sikh personnel. Rather than investing in disloyal non-Sikh mercenaries, where was the drive to recruit Sikh individuals who could be moulded using the Sikh identity as a binding force? Talk about low Sikh numbers, then where was the parchaar? Why build mosques and mandirs? Weree there not any in the rest of India? Muslims and Hindus had their empires, yet when we finally fought and won ours, we were more concerned with virtue signalling and placating these hyenas pretending to be our friends. Treachery and deception played its part, but even those issues could've been mitigated by a ruthless and Sikh-prioritising leadership. The Dogras and the Sikh spies reporting to the British were not a great mystery even at the time. A Night of Long Kirpans (Google it but replace Kirpan with Knives) might have meant a Sikh empire that was still around today. Blame the British and the rest, quite rightly at times, but the burden of the betrayal falls on us.
  16. That's one leap in logic I'm struggling to comprehend. What are the Sikh contributions that are currently making society a fairer place? How are we any different to any other in demographic in practice as opposed to theory? Facts, please, not emotionally driven rhetoric.
  17. They killed one of their "own" for some free televisions. Apparently, it's not a problem because the old black guy was a business owner, and therefore was a tacit endorser of the oppressive, imperialist machine. /s
  18. Slippery slope. You're well on the road to justifying genocide. I don't care how angry a person is, take that rage out directly on the perpetrators and their institutions. Don't misplace that anger and violence on those who are unable to respond or who are too weak to do so. I cannot believe what I'm reading.
  19. I'm certain that's hyperbole BUT then I'm sure a black person would look at the Sikh situation with India, and wonder where the problem is. Unless you've lived it and seen the day-to-day experiences, it's very easy to dismiss certain subtle nuances. As much as a person can try to understand in an objective way, it's not as simple as analysing these things in a methodical way. I will say that innocents should never suffer. Bring the pain to power, not your fellow man.
  20. There are many black people who are embarrassed of what's currently being done in their name. Most people are rational, level-headed individuals who don't wish to contradict a media narrative out of a sense of loyalty to their "own" racial community. Real life is becoming increasingly disconnected to what "they" are pushing in the media and the entertainment industries.
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