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Everything posted by MisterrSingh

  1. But he's handsome. So handsome.
  2. These are all brilliant questions and statements we should be analysing. As a people, truly what and who are we? What do we practically and realistically offer the world aside from some well-meaning platitudes that rarely escape the territory of promise and idealism? Are we simply a nomadic group of immigrants who will move to wherever there's an opportunity to make as much money as possible? Why are we incapable of enacting true change for the land from where most of us originate? Do we engage with the world and the people around on us? Do we truly think and function on a level that goes beyond the daily superficial grind? We demand and expect the best yet we are terrified of deviating from the norm to achieve those ends. Change does not come from following formula. It requires the creation of waves. Yet we only seem to rebel in a direction that spells self-destruction (and most of such rebelliousness is an imitation of other groups and cultures); rarely, if ever, are our rebellious acts virtuous and beneficial to our people as a whole. We lack originality in thought, in act, and in spirit. There is a deep and innate desire within us to be led; some of us gravitate towards so-called religious figures to give us the answers we are too lazy and ineffectual to seek ourselves, whilst others among us take our cues from the vast sea of degenerate popular culture or other people in our families and social groups, or a combination of the two. When have any of us ever spoken to a fellow Sikh or Punjabi, and gone away with a sense of serene satisfaction knowing that you've just partaken in an sensible, far-reaching, and generally wise exchange? Not pretentious or dare I say even intelligent, but something serene and wise. It's just all complete shallowness and an absolute lack of insight. Even most of the religious and spiritual individuals play at fulfilling those roles, for the benefit of a watching public and peers, rather than living that goodness without the desire for recognition and reward. Are we dead from within? Or are we still in the process of decay?
  3. I believe there's room for both for the sake of conversation and functional purposes, but ultimately with an emphasis on our language. It harks back to something that's dawned on me quite recently, whereby those cultures and civilisations that don't care for their own tongue or are forced into a situation where those people are forced to abandon their language, well those groups are living on borrowed time. All the non-western countries in the East such as the Japanese and the Chinese are immensely aware and proud (in a good way) of the significance of their respective languages being central to their existence. That comes from having your own country and having a semblance of control over the direction of the future and prosperity of your people. Sadly we don't have such options. The best we can do is learn Punjabi and pass it on to our future generations; what we must not allow to happen is to let Punjabi become an irrelevant and useless language.
  4. At least it would significantly reduce the potential for unwanted prying eyes to pore over these discussions. Now we're just serving it up on a plate for any nosey parker.
  5. Spiritually speaking, perhaps. Anyone else feel uncomfortable conducting these conversations on a viewable public forum? It's a shame not many can read and write Punjabi on this forum. It would prevent at least the non-Sikh casual lurker from picking up on what we're expressing. Other nationalities such as the Orientals, etc, conduct their business on internet forums using their relevant languages. Something to think about.
  6. You need friends in the media and the press, moreso now than back then. The fighters do their thing on the battlefield, but their non-combat brothers and sisters in arms need to be embedded in all major outlets in order to combat the other side's propaganda. We only have to flick through a a couple of newspapers to realise how the exact same act committed by an individual is interpreted and presented to the masses in a manner dependent on the political and ideological direction of each publication. We don't have that luxury. Any Sikh journalists or writers with a profile are either brainwashed by our opposition, or are more than pleased to dance to the tune of their paymasters, even if that means selling out your own people for personal gain. It is a huge problem that unfortunately strikes at the heart of something more deeper than desire or motivation. I actually believe we as a people are fundamentally untrustworthy, unreliable, and easily bought, aside from a tiny minority for whom honour, integrity, and loyalty are non-negotiable.
  7. Exactly. In this topsy turvy world people love a victim, especially if the "aggressor" is the Goliath compared to the smaller David in relative terms.
  8. They had many factors working in their favour that we simply can't replicate. I wonder if we have generally lower IQs than them? I sometimes wonder whether there's a number of geographical and cultural disadvantages that hold us back. South East Asia as it's come to be is not working in our favour. It's actually a regressive and negative force that's saddled us with baggage in my opinion.
  9. With age comes wisdom, as the saying goes, and I've come to realise after having perused the details of other comparable cultures and races around the world throughout history, that fundamentally we need our own country for the long term survival of our people. Yes, the old arguments of, "Can't run a gurughar, how are you going to run an country?" are valid as ever, yet the truth is that we are currently being squeezed out of existence. It's happening so quietly and at such a gentle pace that we can barely detect it, but essentially we will not survive as a people if we remain under Indian rule. I'm not advocating armed resistance from my relatively safe western vantage point, because that would make me a hypocrite, but I am asking for an awareness and acknowledgement that there is a problem that needs to be addressed. Currently, we as a people are on a downward curve in every discernible measure. The first step is to get our house in order. Individual responsibility centring around a positive and strong identity. We've been divided to the point of dilution. It's ludicrous how easy we allow ourselves to be divided. Without unity we will fail. There's no avoiding it.
  10. Yet, when a black success story "makes it," one of the first things he expresses is the self-defeatist and negative attitude of his own people that prevents the first step being taken on the road to success. Sure, the subsequent criticism from his own people (who thrive on perpetuating victimhood for various reasons) for daring to highlight an uncomfortable truth that is strangely suppressed whenever there's conversations about the underachievement of blacks, means he's forced into a grovelling apology that reframes the argument that the system is truly racist, and one lucky story doesn't disprove the accepted norm of the white boot on the coloured neck, lol. A few "woke" blacks aware of the game is simply not enough. American blacks have perhaps genuine and valid reasons for claiming discrimination if we take into account the legacy of slavery and civil rights, but blacks in the UK started off on the same level playing field as Asians when we flocked to these shores after WW2. We suffered just as they did. Don't get me wrong, I'm not rolling in cash or have any form of elevated social standing, but I don't resent the success of others who've made it. Blacks, on the whole, don't possess that magnanimous spirit, although from my experience the family-oriented, church-going lot amongst them are wonderful people. It's the feral, urban demographic with an unsubstantiated chip on their shoulder that are the kind of people we should be fully aware of.
  11. Granted, most Indian or Asian success in the West is from them employing entrepreneurial skills to carve out a piece of the pie through sheer hard graft, instead of rising to the top of admittedly the mostly closed-shop white power structures, give or take the token minority that's granted the privilege of rubbing shoulders with the whites in order to negate any accusations of complete discrimination. Regardless, my point stands. Blacks and mixed race individuals resent Asian success. It's similar in places like North America where you have the Oriental races such as the Chinese and Koreans with small businesses in various inner city neighbourhoods disproportionately falling victim to crimes perpetrated by blacks. There's definitely an element of racism and resentment towards these minorities who, as I said earlier, disprove the black victim mentality that the system is utterly stacked against anyone and everyone of colour. Sure, to deny discrimination is foolish, but there's room for opportunity if the desire to succeed is present. Blacks would rather be given the good stuff than have to work hard for it. Their trash ghetto culture that glorifies the 'something for nothing' ethos is a prime example of a culture that self perpetuates its own misfortune.
  12. Successful Asians in education and business undermine the 'victim of unspoken discrimination at the hands of the racist white system' narrative blacks cling to that justifies their general underachievement as a collective. As I mentioned in another thread a week ago, they genuinely don't like Asians because as a subgroup of the population the statistics say that we are one of the most highest achieving groups across education and mobility categories (and they stupidly believe all Asians are living the life), hence the hostility. Recent social hostilities stemming from terrorism and related political and social issues are a convenient cover to release these pent up frustrations and channel them towards easy targets. Yet, I'm expected to believe these people are our allies? Rubbish.
  13. How did the above in bold come to be known by sources outside the family?
  14. So very true. People in need of guidance just want to be heard as well as being spoken to. Occasionally, a solely one-way conversation can raise more questions than it answers. Of course, in a formal parchaar / sangat setting it's difficult to get that dialogue going without disrupting the flow of the message, but in certain uniquely tailored sessions there does need to be a conversation where both sides can interact. One got the impression Bhai Sahib wasn't doing his work solely to increase his reputation and legend, as it were, but was seeking to get to the bottom of a lot of pressing issues and questions that Sikhs today have on their minds.
  15. His approach to parchaar was unique in terms of how he styled and conducted his lectures / sermons, and I'm not solely referring to his use of English. Whether that was a conscious decision or entirely organic is something only he knew. What I mean when I refer to his style and demeanour during parchaar is that even though he was of the younger generation, he didn't fall into the trap of trying to emulate the trappings and aura of a Sikh holy man flanked by an entourage who sit in obedience behind the main speaker, eyes closed in a state of samadhi. That doesn't work anymore, and whether it's genuine or a hackneyed attempt to convey a sense of deep spirituality to the sangat it just seems a bit of an act. Contemporary searchers for spiritual truths amongst Punjabis want relatability and accessibility, not a distant "do as I say, not as I do" approach, which is where many of the even younger crop reveal their lack of intelligence and humility. The desire to play at being the totemic religious presence should be a red flag to anyone who wonders if the new Singh on the block is the real thing or another in a succession of pretenders. Bhai Sahib's passing is a major loss for Sikhs in the West, and on a personal level it's something that's saddened me a great deal.
  16. I'm attempting to become an impartial observer. If I've shaken free of it, then so can everybody else. My tolerance levels for those who've confounded themselves into a wilful denial are verging on non-existent. On some basic level most people are aware of the problem. The issue is having the courage and the knowledge to do something about it. The idea of going against the grain - and against the natural flow of things as we've been conditioned to accept as the default - is a terrifying prospect. So you either find life conspires to drops you in that frame of existence without you having made a conscious decision to be there, or you're one of those rare souls that wakes up, as it were, and sets about readjusting yourself in every conceivable aspect in order to exist in the reality you've discovered is true, because going back to the previous reality is not an option. It's our biases, that riddle us to our core, that are a constant struggle to overcome. Our biases are what make us partial to subjectivity, whereas objectivity is what we should strive for. Shakespeare once wrote that "all the world's a stage." If that's the case, then we, the actors, are performing in a drama without even being aware of it.
  17. A bit of both I think. But then I'm becoming increasingly unforgiving of humanity in general, by the mere fact that it stubbornly refuses to see how it's being manipulated to think and behave a certain way. If it's easier and less taxing on the spirit to go with the flow, then so be it. Enjoy the show.
  18. Waheguru. "The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long."
  19. I reckon the "sessioning" culture in the UK that our lot seem to enjoy as early as secondary school has a large part to play in the younger generations getting into bother with alcohol and substance abuse. It just escalates when they go to university, and this bolshy, provocative demeanour adopted by most Punjabi girls ("If guys can do it, so can we!") in this day and age plays into the type of sangat that encourages females to drink. Obviously, in an ideal world no Sikh should be consuming alcohol, but hey ho. My mum tells me a few of her acquaintances where she works actively brag about going to the pub for a drink with their husbands and grown-up kids. I'm talking Punjab-born women in their fifties, lol! Their UK raised equivalents are bound to end up with drinking issues if the desi auntyia are knocking back the G&Ts.
  20. They should've turned to tea and chocolate digestives like I did. Admittedly, I gained a few pounds, but that's what the treadmill is for, lol.
  21. I'm guessing this has always gone on, but past societies never had electronic devices which were capable of providing indisputable evidence of these acts, hence the denials and disbelief. In a somewhat related issue, India is expected to elect a president from a Dalit background in the next few days - a cynical if not entirely unsurprising act of social politicking for the benefit of Hindus and their brand of nationalism - whilst a member of our faith is captured on video footage beating a woman with a hockey stick over a cultural issue that our faith's founders had unequivocally outlawed since the Middle Ages. The irony is too much.
  22. I'm not directing the following at Dr. Singh's presentation, because I haven't had the opportunity to view his findings, but from a general perspective are diaspora Sikhs automatically categorised as radicals if they dare to question the accepted Indian narrative of governance? So there's no room for dissent or objection lest that individual suddenly finds him or herself on a watchlist of undesirables? That sounds like the kind of thing the Chinese have been doing for a while. I won't criticise Dr. Singh's findings because I'm at a loss as to where he's exactly coming from on his chosen subject, but I'll be very interested in his conclusions.
  23. The title of the presentation seems to be at odds with the content. Radicalisation is a loaded term. Why not go with 'activism' as he does in the description? I know why he's done it, but it's careless.
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