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Everything posted by MisterrSingh

  1. A two-pronged approach is wise: a bit of what I'm suggesting AND a whole lot of yours. We need to start being unapologetically Sikh not just in our little jathe dust-ups (which has always struck me as punching down), but against Muslims, Christians, and others. Sikhs bark against other Sikhs, but meow when Muzzies and Christians arrive on the scene. This needs to change. This interfaith tatti needs to die a sudden death. It's weakened us, not made us stronger.
  2. Bruh, that's like saying, "When someone pushes you off a cliff, just learn how to fly. Easy."
  3. Did he just admit to the fact that his crew and his family make 5hit up and pass it off as history? This is what they call "chutzpah." Complete and absolute confidence. This is real power: the ability and the hubris to know you control the narrative of history. Maybe they are God's Chosen People? ?
  4. I'm having to do over-time to make up the losses.... i mean, it's got nothing to do with me. ?
  5. This is the mentality that gets Muslims rubbing their hands in glee. It's a suicidal policy for a demographic such as ours who has to live alongside them in the West, and, if the current omens bear any relevance for the future in Punjab, their malign influence is beginning to make inroads into our ancestral lands, too. We should be actively seeking to undermine Islam and get as many people out of that cult as humanly possible. If we weren't already a dead-quom-walking and we actually had some intelligent and far-sighted leadership, we should've been cultivating alliances ("alliances" not bum-chum parties) with Christians, Hindus, and other affected groups to get these f***s out of our spaces. Instead, we hold umbrellas over the bhainchods and keep their bundhs warm as they pray to their moon god. @Big_Tera Fair play to you, brother. You're educating yourself on their ideology, and you're doing something to take the figurative fight to them, which is a darn sight more than our so-called religious leaders.
  6. "Minor Attracted Individuals". Look how they play with words to weasel their way into normality.
  7. This is what I'm talking about. Even if one knows these things exist, a person should behave and feel as if it's all bull5hit. They have no power over the individual if he or she doesn't devote energy to worrying or being afraid. "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." All the genuine sants and mahapurash of the past would deal with these types of issues when people came to them, but they'd always tell the afflicted to move on and forget about it and the past, too. It never clicked previously for me, but when recently reading old esoteric texts about spiritual problems such as these, they re-emphasise constantly about breaking mental links. I wish our religious babeh had the intellectual wherewithal to explain it in this way. I thought they were being grouchy. ??
  8. No, bro, I doubt the pathetic and cowardly English media would be so keen to highlight Ukrainian women pouring into a so-called safe country from a warzone, only to find themselves at the mercy of Islamic sex gangs and traffickers. UK media only reluctantly reveal Islamic involvement when they can't keep a lid on it after decades of horrors being kept a secret. It's safe to say these women aren't being sent to Bradford, Birmingham, or whatever ghettoised 5hit-hole in which UK Muslims congregate. What's happening - I'm guessing - is that upper-middle class professional white guys over the age of 40 (such as teachers, lecturers, etc) have heard about how Ukrainian women have a soft spot for Anglo white men, and these softly-spoken professionals are hoping for some romance and a subsequent relationship, lol. These soft Anglo cucks are trying their luck, and these Slavic Sherniya aren't having any of it! Got to say, it's not a good look. This is the kind of cr4p that feminists cry about; women not being safe from men even in the most innocuous of circumstances, and they might have a point.
  9. "What's the matter? CIA got you pushing too many pencils?"
  10. I vaguely recall one of the presenters got beaten up for doing nindya of a mahapurash. The argument wasn't philosophically inaccurate, but he presented it in a rather personal and uncouth way, lol.
  11. Main one is boosting testosterone. For some reason, medical professionals are very hesitant in prescribing males with testosterone boosters via injections (probably afraid of men growing a pair and burning down this corrupt world, lol), so it's best to go natural.
  12. From my experience, fear is nourishment. The more you're afraid, the stronger these "things" get and are able to enact their force upon the individual. Probably why the old Punjabi way of dismissing these things as nonsense is so prevalent. I'm beginning to understand why old apne tell people to ignore these things. Unfortunately, this "ignore it" sentiment is mistaken for "these things don't exist" which is untrue.
  13. The use of terms like ghosts, aliens, demons, angels, etc, obfuscate what I believe are advanced entities composed of different physical matter existing on frequencies not always detectable to our five senses. The superstitions, folklore, etc, around these beings is meant to scare and confuse people.
  14. Very smart on the part of the Saudis. It's one way of getting around the restriction of not making their own nukes. To be fair, it's quite similar to the relationship between the US and Israel from a defence perspective.
  15. Something tells me the guys making advances to these Ukrainian girls aren't seedy Muslim cab drivers.
  16. I won't be committed to specifics on this forum. I've said this repeatedly. For a very long time, I assumed the next "mass event" following on from 9/11 would be an even bigger casualty-causing attack, but then we ended up in 2020 with something a lot more individually intimate but no less impactful in terms of numbers affected. Whoever writes these "scripts" are geniuses. Evil, totally demonic, but geniuses nonetheless.
  17. Yes, I agree. A wild animal's bloodlust doesn't possess vested interests. It's usually a relatively quick kill, too.
  18. I can appreciate this. I just think the way things turned out was unnecessary. Don't jack yourself off into oblivion. That's no way to live. Find an interest that engages you and keeps you busy.
  19. Oh, so she went "scorched earth" tactics. Yes, they do that when they want to flee a situation. Slander is very difficult to stomach. In that case what's stopping you from finding another woman? I hear India is full of them! ?
  20. They pull that nonsense when they know they'll get away with it. You probably told her once that you were sleeping after a shift, and to her feeble Punjabi mind she translated it to you sleeping all day. As for the dad, who cares? Muzzies catch, convert, and marry girls whose fathers believe in other religions! That doesn't stop the girls they get from singing from the same sheet as their husbands. Why? The uncompromising forthrightness of the Muz male tells the woman she needs to fall in line and forget whatever beliefs her parents hold.
  21. She was trying to get a reaction out of you to see if you cared. Women play these little games to test the limits. A good and regular seeing to could've papered over the cracks for a while. Forget what her dad was; if you'd won her over with a combination of charm and a bit of male forcefulness, her dad could've been Hitler for all you cared. If she isn't married again, reconcile with her. Don't wait for your parents to take the lead, because it's obvious they don't give a 5hit about your future. Forget this "woe is me" attitude. The past is gone. The only way I would never take a woman back in your situation is if she was messing with another guy. In your situation it was a combination of your mother's mischief making and your timidity. These are solvable issues that don't dent your masculine pride if you bring her home again.
  22. They say vengeful demons are given the opportunity to incarnate in human bodies to work out their churasi lakh joons. I'm guessing Sikhs who think like the people in your post were those demons in recent lifetimes, lol.
  23. Goreh in power or goreh on the street? Even in the first category there's sub-divisions within sub-divisions. There's goreh in "power" i.e. the public front like politicians and cultural figures who are the puppets while the goreh in the shadows (intelligence services, oligarchs, philanthropists...) pull their strings. Then there's a further group who give orders to the shadowy string pullers. Keep going and eventually they stop being goreh, lol. How far do we want to go here? One thing I found difficult to get my head around back in the day is that these powerful individuals are not loyal to their race and nation and aren't working in its best interests. The lie is perpetuated when we see everything according to tribal affiliation. Once the situation is assessed according to common interests and ideology (that's applicable to anyone who takes the knee regardless of background, etc), then the picture becomes clearer. When you watch the news or read a paper, what you're seeing is the surface level of the reality they're pushing. There are layers they'll never reveal. Not everything is that heavily layered, but the big stuff that has implications beyond the average lifetime is complex and far-reaching. What I've become quite adept at is noticing the stage when they plant the seed. I don't always understand how it will end, but I recognise the seed being planted.
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