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Everything posted by njjassa

  1. i guess yea.......guess u shud try herbal essence or something ....
  2. u gotta be kiddin me ..... cant be losing hair at this age :o ....
  3. yea man .... i am pretty happy with mine too.... cant ask for anything better than that :2singh2: ..... isnt the topic going a bit off the hook .... llol.... from beverages to hair products .....
  4. someone told me that garnier hair gel spray is good for beard hair......dunno if thas a valid point :6
  5. I use VO5.....i think its really good for hair growth..... I was thinking once changing it to head and shoulders... but now I think I am good :rolleyes:
  6. lol....why not when its good for ur hair growth ......plus.....i dont wanna lose my hair just coz of fear of shampoo contamination lol....
  7. I dont care wht kinda shampoo i use for my hair... to me its the best feeling i get when i wash my hair .....so relaxing and soothing
  8. dude the site is not opening...... wud u happen to have an alternate link to the site?
  9. last night i had "Sant Andreu" lol......
  10. I ve been observing "Linux Guru" every time I am here..... :6 .......
  11. so are u planning on doing postmortem on the bread? :S coz that would be the kind of discovery in textbooks of every second or third grader...... lol
  12. the "re-scooter"....... :LOLz: :LOLz: :LOLz: :LOLz: :LOLz: .... hahhahaha....wonder wht tht ll do to unneeded files...send them to some other planet or something lol
  13. tht could be due to his own mental illness.. say like a manic episode or something..... may be hes bipolar...i bet theres nothing to make fun of .......
  14. wtever might be the case.... this age of kalyug has to end some day and would be awesome if it would be sooner than later
  15. does anyone know the number of deaths reported ?
  16. lol.. the top of my screen right next Ads by Google ....Sant Andreu......?....whass with that?
  17. you know what .... that is so true......think was kinda immature in my approach.....thanks for making realize that
  18. lol...common man i get ur point....i just appreciate his acting i never compared him with our gurus...... :glare: ...may be i should've made my point in much bigger letters...lol...would do it right now then..... I DONT LIKE THE WAY THE WAY HE IS DEHUMANIZING SIKH IDENTITY IN THIS DAMN MOVIE !!!...............get it?
  19. I love akshay kumar but this thing is absolutely disgusting.... is bollywood on its way for anti-sikh portraying ?
  20. hes good and hilarious..... haha the sanjeev kapoor was pretty funny ....... wondering if MH1 =VH1 of here?
  21. i guess by and large theres a big difference between the kind of "guru" Myers is portraying and our gurus ....who happen to be no other than akal purakh........
  22. :WW: :WW: :WW: :WW: :WW: :WW: :WW: :WW: :WW: :WW: :WW: :WW: :WW: :WW:
  23. I love speaking in Hindi. i find it a poetic and universal language (well, in India). Gujrati's, Marathans, Rajastsani's w/e...they have a grasp of Hindi- so speaking to them in Punjabi I just find tedious - with family and fellow Punjabi's sure but otherwise...nah. My Gujrati friends wont even speak in Gujrati when I'm around out of pure respect cos I dont speak a word of the langauge and vise versa. Languages are awesome. ...But that dont mean its an excuse NOT to learn Punjabi. If you dont learn Punjabi and read and write in Gurmukhi how do you get close to Guru Ji?...questions for another thread perhaps... haha....true....gujjus like not to be "gujjus" for the most time... thas why they like to hang out mostly with punjabis..... wonder whass gona happen as a result of tht in near future when anyone would greet them as kemm chho...or wtever....lol
  24. lol... think i got sort of mixed up with the words.... wt goes around comes around.....
  25. wish now they would ve realized by now how they did the same thing by portraying sikhs as "funny creatures"......wt comes around goes around....... :closedeyes:
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