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  1. You need to take b12 supplements on a vegan diet. I've been vegan for about 4 years now with no issues at all.
  2. @Not2Cool2Argue No kind of tyranny is justified even if it means restoring balance. A Sikh protects the innocent, we do not advocate tyranny and oppression, and we do not fight evil with evil. It's not a joke when people make false accusations against anyone. Reputation is a big deal to us Sikhs and it can destroy families, not just one individual. In regards to Israel, Zionist Jews are tyrants through and through. No previous victim-hood which they believe happened in their mind will not protect them and they will be crushed. Just by lightly mentioning tyranny and oppression in your post, just shows Maya has gone to your head and you need to wake up. Sikhi is far beyond any worldly matters and has equally given men and women the chance to be one with Vaheguru- the highest of the high. There is nothing far greater than that status and achievement. If any Singh speaks disrespectfully towards females simply because of their gender, then they do not believe in Vaheguru.
  3. Get real, please. It is very possible for someone dressed as a Sikh to commit evil actions. Even if they recite naam, it is still very possible as it takes a long time for naam to correct their mind. What makes a Khalsa is their inward and outward qualities, not just how they look on the outside. Don't be so foolish.
  4. The only marriage important for a Sikh is the union with Vaheguru. When you are looking to marry someone in this world, you should be finding someone that would be a good friend, not Prince charming. You should know only Vaheguru is perfect. There have been many Gursikhs that have not married. In Sikhi, I believe it's fine. Don't listen to others when they misquote Gurbani. We are all soul brides that need to unite with Vaheguru. No other marriage is as important as that. If you choose to do this on your own then you need to be sure you are fully devoted to Guru Sahib and Vaheguru. You cannot be attached to people as you will be living alone for the rest of your life. Any friends you may have will be involved with their own family. And you should be detached from Kaam. You need to be careful about your decision because if you end up deciding later you want to marry, it might be difficult for you to find someone.
  5. Dasam granth and sikhi has always been about destroying tyrants and evil minded people - dasam granth has described vaheguru's nature in that way. ਦੁਰਜਨ ਦਲ ਦੰਡਣ ਅਸੁਰ ਬਿਹੰਡਣ ਦੁਸਟ ਨਿਕੰਦਿਣ ਆਦਿ ਬ੍ਰਿਤੇ ॥ Thy Nature from the very beginning is to punish the multitudes of vicious people, to destroy the demons and to uproot the tyrants. However, people like you enjoy to prey on the weak and innocent. Your view has no place in Sikhi. If you are so desperate to give blood to shasters, then use your own, or from killers or rapists. But maybe that level of compassion is too much for you.
  6. Not sure why you are bringing up Dasam Granth not being Bani, when I do believe Dasam Granth is. That was pointless to mention.
  7. No thanks, naam and bani is all I need. People like you will believe anything as long as it fits into your murderous tyrannical mind which is the complete opposite of Guru Sahib's teachings and Vaheguru. Perhaps you should bring yourself closer to Guru Sahib and Vaheguru. I do not need any false sikhs to guide me to hell like you have suggested.
  8. To me, no Gursikh would ever believe in this devilish "Shastar puja" act. Say what you like but the only thing waiting for these people is hell.
  9. Everyone has a different experience. There are lots of healthy vegan people.
  10. I understand it :-) I personally gave up dairy a while back and my health improved considerably. Not going back even if it is organic.
  11. And just to add, you can easily avoid buying things that have involved animal cruelty. If people kept quiet like how (most) sikhs are experts in, there would never be animal cruelty free alternatives.
  12. Does cocaine in notes cause more animals to be slaughtered for it? Whether animals are used in notes or not does not matter to you, so you shouldn't mind that some of us care.
  13. No one is imposing our beliefs on others but the notes are used by everyone, and there are a large amount of vegetarians and vegans in western countries.
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