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kidsama last won the day on September 27 2022

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  1. Why am I getting moderated for a comment? I am done with this website.
  2. I stopped cutting a couple of months ago. My hair is about shoulder height now. I have thick hair, growing at medium-fast pace. I am young guy. My question is how long do you think it will take for my hair to reach it's final length? I looked up some info online, there's not much surprisingly, some say a 3-5 years some say more like 7+ years.. Thanks
  3. bro what helps me is this. When I get an urge, I feel the energy, I don't get scared, I keep calm, and I say(think) to myself this is the energy I am retaining. This energy is powerful. If you don't bust, this energy is retained within you. Your aura grows, which people can sense, and day by day you get more and more powerful. I flex my muscles, pull the energy in. This has worked for me.
  4. Lol. How pathetic todays world is. A man in his complete form is seen as uncool, and these female looking boys are seen as cool. That's how powerful this media is for the fools. Reminds me of Micheal Jordan ad in the early 2000's. It was, "I wanna be like Mike", and ppl started getting bald 0 haircut lol.
  5. it's so easy to get ahead in today's world (materially). People always talking about how there's high competition all that, it's super easy to get ahead. Porn, Masturbation, alcohol, weed, casual sex, video games, junk foods, and just people not using their brains fully (they know what they should do but still make dumb choices etc). As a man if you avoid all this, retain your seed, and use this brain that's been given to us, this life is super easy. Sit back plan out and move forward. Watch all these fools drown. Don't bother helping them, they won't listen. Only when you become the light, those who want help will come to you, and those people you help and guide.
  6. ^low key joking low key serious. But even from India, you can't tell what they been up to in the past. Best thing you can do is get yourself in a good place, finish your education, be at a nice respectable job. If you are out of shape, get into shape, if you skinny put some muscles on. Do your work first, become the man that the girl you want is looking for. Be honest with yourself, if you aren't there yet, work on yourself, your mindset, your insecurities, anything negative about you, etc. When you are ready, you will find your girl. Peace.
  7. import one from India. Hopefully you have a good job, so she can just do house work. She will be happy you will be happy. Cheers.
  8. kidsama

    Amrit & Dastar

    no you aren't insecure, one needs to look good and feel comfortable at the same time. idk what to tell you tho, I am a guy and I am not really religious at all. I wear a small keski, not covering the ears (so ears don't hurt and I can put in glasses) and on top I tie a black dastaar (2m), in the same way you wear a keski/parna. I always sit down in Chokri and freestyle it, larr by larr, without looking in the mirror. My style is like those smaller UK style paggs but better. Sometimes Its a bit gol sometimes it has that A shape giving it the crown look. That's what works for me. I started keeping hair and wearing dastaar only a couple months ago. Just keep trying, try to find new clothes, maybe look around the house. Don't get frustrated, hopefully you will find your style.
  9. Not really bro, I didn't think too much, it's just a feeling, but I can list out some main points. I heard that as KalYug progresses it supposes to get darker and darker ( worse and worse), but I feel we have passed the worst times already. Like Mughal raj, where there was no value on human life, people would be picked up on a whim and fed to dogs and hounds of the royal. And slavery for example, all around the world for 100's of years. I feel like we are in the upward cycle now, things are getting better. I mean compare today to back then, what can be worse than that? Those were the darkest times. And that's when the Guru's came. I also heard that in Dawapur Yug, energy is supreme. In Kal Yug gross and matter is how the world works. Today everything is done by energy (electricity). And so I would believe that late 1800 is when Dwapur started.. Also aren't people becoming more conscious nowadays? Idk, I am not 100% on my beliefs, they are flexible. But to believe that times are getting worse and worse and will continue to for 100,000s of years is such a limiting thought.
  10. I had thought that we were still in Kal Yug, but now I personally believe that we have well passed Kal Yug and are infact in Dwapaur Yug, for various reasons. I want to ask if Sikhi says anything on when Kal Yug will end, or if Sikhi is somehow against the fact that we are in Dwapaur Yug now.
  11. Really? I am not so sure. I live in USA, so tell me would I have to wear a hard cap or what?
  12. well somebody gotta take over punjab, since we are all leaving it.
  13. are you going to ask about wearing hard cap on the work site?
  14. well said. I am not sure what you are asking veer ji. But stay strong. Don't fall down.
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