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Everything posted by Redoptics

  1. 'Halal' and 'Kosher' are just marketing tools, do you actually think these major supermarkets and suppliers, cut every neck slowly and do a pray? That takes time which takes away money, be more sceptical of the smaller shops.
  2. They try to 'save' you because in their belief systems(believers a whole different subject) they are promised heaven and all types of snazzy worldly possessions, if they convert people.
  3. If you only recite bani why you bothered about how others perceive you? Remember don't talk ill of nobody.
  4. Well you hear stories about our Guru been tampered with, Guru Gobind Singh Ji banis, is not his etc etc etc.
  5. 'Highestechelons of Sikh theocracy have been infiltrated by a certain group' Are you implying Guru Granth Sahib Ji has been infiltrated? Because the governing body of Sikhs is Guru Granth Sahib Ji
  6. What I find interesting, the time you are spending on these other sites you could be studying your own Guru, most likely response is well are you not doing the same thing now? Think we need to understand your panth, before looking elsewhere
  7. A lot of ego floating in here, think we need to actually study what Guru Granth Sahib Ji has to say.
  8. Thank you, I thought so, i need to start learning Gurmukhi more, need to get away from English translations, its a good start but to understand what Guru Granth Shahib Ji is saying correctly, i need to start learning more.
  9. I totally understand how you feel and what you are going through, and i am so sorry about your loss. My wife also passed away recently and my feelings have been all over the place also, but this is typical behaviour of grief. From 'Prashan Utter' questions and answers with Guru Gobind Singh Ji and Bhai Nand Lal ' Listen to the exposition by of the Guru with complete attention.(4) In the evening listen to the Rehras,And pay attention to the Kirtan (singing of Hymns) and Katha(Sermons).(5) One who practices such a way,Will attain the eternal bliss.(6) The Sikh who revels in five routines,He secures the emancipation for his twenty-one generations.(7) Not only he achieves family’s emancipation, but also eternal bliss.He saves his soul from transmigration.(8) Follow this from Guru Gobind Singh Ji, https://www.sikhiwiki.org/index.php/Bhai_Nand_Lal_Rahitnama Again so sorry for your loss, if you want to talk in private about anything pm me. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Feteh
  10. I"m not picking on anybody, I asked a question, "a great connection to your self identity and individuality", I assumed we are supposed to let go of our individuality.
  11. So I was on linked in today, one of my connection a Sikhni with phagg, so she looks like a follower of Sikhi, had a post 'the importance of your name' wherein she goes on and quote "Your name is often your greatest connection to your self identity and individuality." I responded with, quote " why get caught up on ones name? Are we not supposed to get rid of attachment? Such as 'self identity' or 'ego'. She then replied with quote "That's another view on it - thank you for sharing your thoughts. For many of us it's about courtesy and showing each other respect." It got me thinking are we now in situation, where we think we know better than the teachings of Guru Granth Sahib Ji? Or am I making a mountain out of a mole hill. Would like some other people's thoughts on it. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
  12. You treat your wife pretty well? You need to sort your way of thinking out, do you ever pray together? Seems like she is a trophy to you.
  13. You don't seem to understand, if you follow and understand Sikhi , you should not pray to another human being you should only pray to Guru Granth Sahib Ji ( your living Guru). If you are praying to another human being you are not following Sikhi.
  14. Misterr Singh, is this audition? Claps , masterful
  15. They all have the same joyt, the truth of Veheguru in human form.
  16. Didn't the Gurus touch the feet of Gurmukhs? Can not remember where I heard it.
  17. I do agree that he sounds arrogant at times, but do like how he breaks things down and communicates across well.
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