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Everything posted by ChardikalaUK

  1. That's rich coming from you. Aren't you the same person who said that Sikhs have turned Southall into a drug infested shytehole? Sounds very self hating to me. If you hate the people who run your country that much and have other alternatives, in this case the possibility to move to Ireland, one of the most developed countries in the world, then you should do so. And grow up with the name calling, you're not in school anymore.
  2. It would be really nice to live in Lahore where it would be 70% muslim in undivided Punjab today. The Muslims would heavily outbreak everyone else in Punjab. You have no clue.
  3. As I've mentioned before, partition was good for us. In undivided Punjab we would be a very small minority. The chief minister would have always been a muslim and Urdu would have been the official language. There would have been the usual aggressive Muslim forced conversions etc. Even in undivided Indian Punjab we would have been a relatively small minority. Today we're just a measly 58% of the current Punjab. We're lucky that we have at least one state where we are barely the majority and the chief minister is a Sikh. Demographics count.
  4. There is something about apne in that even when financially successful they still hang on to bad ghetto habits in their newer affluent surroundings. Walking around with big rottweilers and alsatians that they can barely control being a personal pet peeve.
  5. It's sadly true. I'm currently living there with my in laws whilst my house is being renovated. I'm staying in Norwood Green which is meant to be the nicest area. In 9 months I have seen one of the neighbours car's being stopped and searched by 4 cars of armed police complete with machine guns. Another neighbour's house has been attacked 3 times with the latest one being a petrol bomb thrown in his car. Some Afgan Singhs nearby are always coming back late at night and making phonecalls in their car. This is a drug dealer area. I thought apne were better than suls in this sense but it seems like we're just as bad. Where there is an absence of suls we are the ones involved in dealing. I can't wait to leave. This used to be a nice peaceful area 30 years ago.
  6. Why is it always someone remembering being World War pilot or some other glamorous career? Why don't we hear stories about being an accountant, cleaner, farmer, carpenter?
  7. On the one hand you call UP and Bihari Hindus dirty third worlders and on the other hand you want to convert them. Will they automatically become first worlders after converting to Sikhi? Is Punjab a first world place? You or your parents have also left Punjab and are an immigrant in a white country and due to people like you whites are becoming a minority in America and the number of Sikhs in Punjab is decreasing. You are changing the demographics of America. You have the mentality of 'I can leave Punjab for a better life, but no other Sikh should and no non-Sikh should move to Punjab for a better life. Sorry but you come across as a massive hypocrite.
  8. I think when he said 'this wouldn't be possible without free markets' he implies that he is against the protests.
  9. Yeah I also stopped watching the news about 8 months ago, same old same old. Indians are really cunning and selfish. Even here in England lots of Indian stores and pharmacies took advantage of the crisis last year, increasing the price of flour, daal, paracetamol, hand gel and toilet roll. Indians care a lot about their family and friends but not about wider society and that is why India will always be a third world cesspit.
  10. They need to be banned worldwide. Faeces and urine are toxic.
  11. The Hindus obsessesion with cows is baffling in this day and age. They put cow urine in ayurvedic medicine and even sell that stuff over here. Disgusting! Then you have the problem of cows roaming literally everywhere in India, causing chaos and taking craps on the road. I understand that cows helped humans a lot in the past and still do to this day but venerating them like this in the 21st century is ridiculous. India is also the 2nd largest exporter of beef in the world so there is a big double standard at play. Faeces and urine are toxic, that is why they are expelled from the body. They are not to be consumed again.
  12. We are the number one caterers in the world. There were even some people serving langar last week at Prince Philip's funeral. Any excuse.
  13. I'm surprised they eat vegetarian food. They have to put meat in everything, including daal and sabji. My Dad jokes - do they put it in their tea as well?
  14. There's nothing wrong in my opinion. I have a statue of Shiva and Buddha but I don't worship them or perform any rituals. I just like the artwork and symbolism. The power of Shiva and tranquility of Buddha. No different than having a statue of a Greek or Egyptian god.
  15. I've done the bowing in front of a tree in India lol, I thought what the hell is this. Sikhs in the UK are more orthodox. India is a Hindu majority country and Hinduism will always impact Sikhi due to this.
  16. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thehindu.com/news/international/fedex-facility-shooting-four-sikhs-killed-five-others-injured/article34340318.ece/amp/ Very sad news. America isn't safe for Sikhs.
  17. Delete please, it was Sunrise radio. Which is still bad enough considering it's owned by a Sikh Avtar Lit.
  18. I was just listening to Panjab radio here in the UK and just heard them play the muslim call to prayer for Ramadan. When will our people ever learn? Do Pakistani owned radio stations play kirtan? We're just a bunch of people pleasers.
  19. A good combination is boxing/kickboxing and judo. Judo teaches you more about how to throw someone to the ground and some basics on what to do if you do end up on the ground. A more useful art the BJJ IMO which is very ground grappling based.
  20. But wait, I thought Sikhs are Keshdhari Hindus? They claim us when it suits them but toss us away when it doesn't.
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