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Everything posted by dharamyudh

  1. In the future, don't be so quick to jump to conclusions. Doesn't make you look good nor intelligent. There was no malicious intent behind my caaaaaalm down comment, you just took it the wrong way. I can understand if it was an honest mistake. Let's just get back on track and keep it pushing.
  2. The Nihang Dals are also planning on joining the protest if demands aren't met.
  3. He really goes into detail about the role of the police along with the government in general while also only scratching the surface of what happened. The biggest takeaway is that we should always listen to our Guru and act as a unified unit. We should keep shastar and learn how to utilize weapons to defend ourselves and our panth. He also mentioned how Rajiv Gandhi ordered Nanded and Takht Sri Hazoor Sahib to be attacked in a similar manner but the government officials in the area stated that all the Singhs of Hazoor Sahib were too dangerous as majority of the sangat there is shastared up and tyaar bar tyaar, the police knew they would have got massacred if they even attempted such an act. Hearing the countless stories of the beatings, the killings, the burnings, and the rapes is just heartbreaking. He even mentions how poor Sikhs living in the slums and ghettos of Delhi got arrested for defending themselves. Whenever a group of Singhs gathered the police assured them that nothing would happen and took their weapons. Trusting the government our brothers separated and got massacred. Imagine how different history would have been.
  4. This is really a heartbreaking and emotional episode. This brother is doing great seva and I recommend everyone gives his episodes a listen: Sikh History Series Podcast
  5. We seriously need a dedicated Simran section on this forum.
  6. Most of what is being said is 100% factual. They were neglected by their parents. Producing a generation of alcoholics and smokers. They never really grew up.
  7. Just wanted to add. The Triangle shape their making is called "Throwing up the Roc" Had to do with Jay Z's label, Roc-A-Fella. Could there be something behind it? Probably.
  8. Smartest thing to do. And it really isn't that hard, especially with the money these gurdwaras are racking in.
  9. No sort of armed struggle should happen like in the 80s-90s. It really isn't needed. The whole referendum thing is just dumb. The main thing is that we return to our Gurus system with the Panj Pyare. We have essentially adopted a westernized system which clearly isn't working. I mean...it's pretty evident within the US right now! Literally a two party election. Bhai Jagraj Singh also talked about setting up Takhts in Canada, UK and so on. A system could easily be worked out. However, this all happens when the panth unites. Parchar is essential. The Gurdwara committees HAVE the money for this, but aren't investing into it. I would love to sit down with these guys and pick their brain. No common sense what so ever. Have all that money from the sangat and don't invest it properly. This is a result of poor leaders who beg for votes. Instead of confining ourselves to Panjab, we could easily began doing parchar across India. The whole modern day Khalistan thing is hilarious. Start letting the younger generation into roles of leadership and see the changes happen. The Akal Takht was once the most dominant force. If a hukam was given, the sangat would follow. Our Jathedar is Jagtar Singh Hawara Ji (Much respect to him. Example of a passionate Sikh leader) But how can he lead the panth when he's literally imprisoned! The Indian state is not going to let him out of jail, especially when he's now the Jathedar of the Akal Takht! Unbelievable.
  10. Unfortunately the modern day Nihang Dals aren't even the same as those in the past. These guys openly let missionaries convert Sikhs. No Puratan Nihang would let that happen. As I stated before, they could easily set up camp at various villages at start doing parchar. Just because you're a Nihang doesn't mean you can't be called out. Everyone needs to be held accountable. Whether you may be Taksali, Nihang or whatever. It's a failure that falls collectively. Its been this way for a while, ever since the annexation of the Panjab by the British. Now... We all know the SGPC simply will not give up its power. The return to Sikhi in Panjab has essentially been confined by the greed of money, and the lust for power. This is all among our own. In the West, we have the good old committees... Whose only concern is to pump out campaigns for free food (Not saying its bad) But that ain't going to cut it. People are literally just going to the gurdwara for food. Don't get me started on the Nagar Kirtans... Instead of preparing to give their positions up to the younger generation, like in the past, these guys are literally starting up their careers. Dissolving these systems are crucial. We have to return to our Gurus form of leadership with the Panj Pyare. One thing I can accept about the previous Singh Sabha was them pumping out literature. In a modern day sense, the internet is our best bet. Bhai Jagraj Singh was already onto something. However, it looks like Basics of Sikhi has really fell off ever since his passing. There are many who are passionate, it's all about letting those individuals into leadership positions.
  11. The fact that these guys call themselves Khalsa is absolutely disgraceful. Running around with kirpans but got a whole langar belly hanging out, probably never trained a day in their lives. They pocket a lot of the money. Majority of it could be pumped into parchar, establishing educational centers, teaching ACTUAL martial arts within Gurdwaras like MMA or even Muay Thai. Could be rebuilding the villages in Panjab. But no, they rather tear down historical places down in the name of "kar seva" No sort of common sense among them. I swear, put some of the guys out here in that position and see the changes happen.
  12. I believe reunification is essential. The thing about it is... I don't believe in the Singhs back in Panjab can do this. I think it evident that these guys are terrible leaders and planners (talking modern day) I feel like Sikhs in the West should first set up this sort of system, then India follows suit. I doubt the SGPC will give up its power. They have control of all the Panjab gurdwaras, and it's going to take a whole lot of morchas, even probably shaheedi down the line. SGPC has practically become the modern day equivalent of the Mahants.
  13. Randomly stumbled across this account today. Similar to the Suraj Podcast, this brother is basically making a series for Panth Parkash. Definitely check it out.
  14. Yeah. Basically, we gotta work backwards. The first Singh Sabha removed a lot of things. More of a revivalist movement. It could go under a whole different name. Leadership has to consist of those who are passionate about Sikh. The Khalsa should be the ones running the panth anyways.
  15. Movie is a classic. I wouldn't trust them to remake it though. Just knowing how Bollywood, they would probably butcher it.
  16. I believe so. Not really sure when it was recorded. Because the Mohammad Raffi one was made for the movie Dukh Bhanjan Tera Naam which was about Bibi Rajni Ji.
  17. Also listened to this one by Bhai Charanjit Singh Thanwar
  18. 100 percent agree with this. Our people are crooked. We slander, discriminate, and fight among ourselves. My concern is really just taking back our gurdwaras and returning to our Gurus system with the Panj Pyare. It hurts seeing the state of the panth. The lack of parchar and knowledge about Sikhi. Everyone is money hungry. They keep on boasting on about Khalistan but fight over little things.
  19. I believe it should consist of people who are truly passionate about Sikhi. Emphasis should be placed upon taking our gurdwaras back and abolishing the committee system and the SGPC. Opting back for the Panj Pyare form of leadership. Setting up various teams of gursikhs to be sent all across Panjab/India to spread Sikhi and to educate. Bring back regular Sarbat Khalsa meets in our to plan. Of course, follow in the same suit for the West. However, set up more programs to educate the youth. Turn the gurdwara into what it once was. Teach raag, teach martial arts/fitness. We practically gotta fix what our elders have done. They had to work under the British system and look how it turned out. Rather than reform... We really gotta work backwards. Returning to what we once were.
  20. Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh This is a discussion thread I've been meaning to make for a while now. Now is a time where I believe such a movement is necessary for the Sikh panth. For those whom may not know, the Singh Sabha movement (Punjabi: “Society of the Singhs”) Was a 19th-century movement within Sikhi that began as a defense against the proselytizing activities of Christians and Hindus. Its chief aims were the revival of the teachings of the Sikh Gurus (spiritual leaders), the production of religious literature in Punjabi, and a campaign against illiteracy. It seems we have found ourselves in a similar situation. We all have seen the news. Everyday it seems like something new happens. Conflict after conflict, internal fighting, piss poor leadership, lack of parchar/education among the youth, caste discrimination, I mean the list could go on and on. Should there be a modern day Singh Sabha movement? How would a modern day Singh Sabha movement even look like? What would the main goals be? How would those goals be achieved?
  21. All those Singhs and not a single one decided to beat the living hell out of the police officers. Wow.
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