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Everything posted by intrigued

  1. imo, if 1 sehaj paath is done with proper contemplation and devotion, it is better than an akhand paath where the priority is how fast one is doing it to finish in a certain time. I think a lot of the number games start small, with you have to finish akhand paath in 2 days and then it builds up to stuff. but at least they are doing jaap even if they are attaching a number to it, that's more than what a lot of other sikhs do
  2. i would think that there would be us as a nation being able to make decisions for ourselves, then panj piare, and then Guru Granth Sahib Ji with Guru Granth Sahib Ji being above all as shabad guru.
  3. I think they have to manually approve it if you added a link
  4. Dunno if they would be considered a smaller maker of kirpans but MahaKaal Arms have a lot of Shastrs
  5. So apparently, the shooter bought the gun legally even though he was 19 because the state allows you to buy at 18. Federal law says that an individual has to be 21 so there is a confusing overlap I think. Also there was a red flag law that was in place that should have taken his gun away because he was unstable but for some reason, it wasn't enforced. It is still being investigated if he got gun from a private buyer or not... A lot of the left wants to enforce background checks, making it harder to get guns The majority of the right says that the background checks and the process of buying a gun is secure enough What are everyone's thoughts on this?
  6. I think each is to their own and that both are good to study. I don't really think that Damdami taksal is hinduized as much as we think though.
  7. Just hearing it for the first time but i don't think this is right if that is happening...
  8. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/16/us/indianapolis-shooting-fedex.html
  9. Apparently, the gunman committed suicide but a self inflicted gun shot. I think it's very likely he had some mental issues as his mother informed law enforcement last year that he might commit suicide by cop. Waiting for link to be approved and you guys can see more information...
  10. I guess I was wrong but I'll double check if the link gets approved lol
  11. I don't think so cause Nihangs also include Chaupai Sahib as well...
  12. He probably got fired due to Covid and had a mental health breakdown or something...
  13. I read that as well and was wondering the same thing...
  14. Exactly Not to sure abt the origins of nirmalas either
  15. Yea their vidya is similar: if you go to their website they address it
  16. Repeat of post cause I had a link in here b4
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