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Everything posted by Super_Singhni

  1. You seem to be quite a fan of this dude...Ralph Marston. Can you tell us more about who he is and what he's about?
  2. Can you tell us more about where/when they will be doing kirtan or is it all yet to be confirmed?
  3. I think its a whole different ball game if you bring animals into the discussion, we as their keepers, their owners are making that decision for them....who knows what they would want? Who knows how much pain they are in?
  4. I can see where you're coming from CSN, however I think i'm still of the optimistic (perhaps overly so in other people's opinions) that something could change. For example you spoke of a woman with MND and although she did die in hospital I still think to myself what if others like her could be helped in the future i.e. new technologies etc, however due to their current beliefs that death is better opt for euthanasia hence don't experience what might have been. Also I think there are too many crooks in this world and the legalisation of euthanasia would definitely lead to some exploiting this for their own gain. Overall, as with everything...each to their own, their life, their decision. Food for thought, eh.
  5. I think, like others have said that you have some kind of 'choice' in this, whether this is actually your choice or your perception that you had a choice in the first place is questionable. Recently the news has covered a lot of people with chronic illness going over to other countries such as Switzerland (if i recall correctly) to legally end their life and I know that Terry Pratchett undertook a documentary for the BBC following some of these people around. It was really sad to watch but I think additional sadness was brought on by the fact that they believed this was the only way out. I, myself having never experienced what its like to suffer from such an illness can never imagine what that is like however part of me feels like if this was legalised in this country people who were getting older and did not want to face the issues of old age such as incontinence, potentially undignified behaviour as a result of illness (dementia etc) may choose this path. In my opinion, I believe that this is due to how old age is seen in this and every other country. We don't value our elders and their knowledge as much as we should and old age is looked upon as a shaming experience. Just my two pence worth!
  6. wow...its the word that comes to mind straightaway. Unworthy is another, for me personally...in that the 5 kakkar are gifts of love from Waheguru and yet there are times that I forget that.
  7. UCL, Queen Marys, Brunel...they all have good Sikh Socs in terms of events, weekly simran, kirtan programmes, discussions etc. Even SOAS has a Sikh Society this year! London has such a large number of Sikh Students, theres always something happening. You should check out the weekly programmes that they have, as anyone can attend!
  8. This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Gauree on Pannaa 209 gauVI mhlw 5 ] gourree mehalaa 5 || Gauree, Fifth Mehla: pwrbRhm pUrn prmysur mn qw kI Et ghIjY ry ] paarabreham pooran paramaesur man thaa kee outt geheejai rae || He is the Supreme Lord God, the Perfect Transcendent Lord; O my mind, hold tight to the Support of the One ijin Dwry bRhmMf KMf hir qw ko nwmu jpIjY ry ]1] rhwau ] jin dhhaarae brehama(n)dd kha(n)dd har thaa ko naam japeejai rae ||1|| rehaao || who established the solar systems and galaxies. Chant the Name of that Lord. ||1||Pause|| mn kI miq iqAwghu hir jn hukmu bUiJ suKu pweIAY ry ] man kee math thiaagahu har jan hukam boojh sukh paaeeai rae || Renounce the intellectual cleverness of your mind, O humble servants of the Lord; understanding the Hukam of His Command, peace is found. jo pRBu krY soeI Bl mwnhu suiK duiK EhI iDAweIAY ry ]1] jo prabh karai soee bhal maanahu sukh dhukh ouhee dhhiaaeeai rae ||1|| Whatever God does, accept that with pleasure; in comfort and in suffering, meditate on Him. ||1|| koit piqq auDwry iKn mih krqy bwr n lwgY ry ] kott pathith oudhhaarae khin mehi karathae baar n laagai rae || The Creator emancipates millions of sinners in an instant, without a moment's delay. dIn drd duK BMjn suAwmI ijsu BwvY iqsih invwjY ry ]2] dheen dharadh dhukh bha(n)jan suaamee jis bhaavai thisehi nivaajai rae ||2|| The Lord, the Destroyer of the pain and sorrow of the poor, blesses those with whom He is pleased. ||2|| sB ko mwq ipqw pRiqpwlk jIA pRwn suK swgru ry ] sabh ko maath pithaa prathipaalak jeea praan sukh saagar rae || He is Mother and Father, the Cherisher of all; He is the Breath of life of all beings, the Ocean of peace. dyNdy qoit nwhI iqsu krqy pUir rihE rqnwgru ry ]3] dhae(n)adhae thott naahee this karathae poor rehiou rathanaagar rae ||3|| While giving so generously, the Creator does not diminish at all. The Source of jewels, He is All-pervading. ||3|| jwicku jwcY nwmu qyrw suAwmI Gt Gt AMqir soeI ry ] jaachik jaachai naam thaeraa suaamee ghatt ghatt a(n)thar soee rae || The beggar begs for Your Name, O Lord and Master; God is contained deep within the nucleus of each and every heart. nwnku dwsu qw kI srxweI jw qy ibRQw n koeI ry ]4]16]137] naanak dhaas thaa kee saranaaee jaa thae brithhaa n koee rae ||4||16||137|| Slave Nanak has entered His Sanctuary; no one returns from Him empty-handed. ||4||16||137||
  9. Listen to these guys! :s http://www.keertan.org/andromeda.php?q=f&a...t%20Singh%20Jee
  10. No I'm not confused, I never visited Gurdwara Charan Kamal but I did visit the Gurdwara in G.Kaurs link (the one with the green Nishan Sahib) and Maharaj was definately there....so why wouldn't you Mathatek?
  11. I went to India recently and went to Baba Budhan Shah Gurdwara which is visited by both Sikhs and Muslims. Maharaj is present at this Gurdwara, check this link out:- http://www.myasa.net/sufindia//pir%20baba%...ali%20shah.html
  12. It wasn't a waste of time to me : ) but I'm sorry you think I wasted yours by saying that our King has all the answers. I'm also sorry that your memory has had to suffer by remembering a such a response. Please forgive me. (I am not even being sarcastic.) I merely thought that after so many pages and personal opinions it would be wise to consult something higher than our own minds, something which, IMHO we should base our every action on. It's sad that it has to get to a stage where the moderator has to step in and close the thread. Perhaps we should ask JustMe Bhenji if she has found her answer. Re-read what you have written....its all emotional writing. This was ure reply AND it shows my point that what you wrote did not answer the question. erm guess u still do not understant what I am saying - answer the questions ppl ask. No need to tell them to go off and do simran. Its not a proper answer. a proper answer by who's standards? like Lowest of the Low Singhni said...it depends on our perceptions.
  13. Just listening to Balwinder Singh Rangila's Ram Ram Karta Sab Jag Phire http://sikhsangeet.com/albumid207-Balwinde...-Jag-Phire.html its really good because he explains the Shabad and also includes sakhiaan! translation: http://www.sikhitothemax.com/page.asp?ShabadID=2132 beautiful as always! <_<
  14. Amarjit Singh Taan is simply amazing! what a beautiful voice.... http://sikhsangeet.com/albumid549-Amarjit-...i-Jag-Beer.html
  15. Gurfateh :lol: Its true there arent many ethnic minorities in Psychology, but all the better for us....positive discrminiation! I've just finished my masters in Psych and hope to go into the field of Clinical Psychology. It all depends on what field of psychology you want to go into....but its really really really important to have loads of work experience under your belt! good luck with your final year!
  16. I would like to think that of course I would help someone in any situation that called for it.....but until the situation happens and you are there....I dont think anyone can know for a 100% sure thing what they would ACTUALLY do, as opposed to what they would like to THINK they would do.
  17. hmm....i wonder who told you about this, eh?
  18. Bhai Baljeet Singh Ji and Bhai Gurmeet Singh Ji....AMAZING raag kirtan!
  19. Fateh :wub: you should try listening to some of Yogi Bhajans katha's...theres loads and it makes sense to people of all ages....most of them are on mrsikhnet.com. good luck! fateh.
  20. I used to go the Cranford Akhara in London and theres also one at the Guru Tegh Bahadur Gurdwara in Wolverhampton...but thats mainly advanced but he'd still be willing to teach you. Um...i think theres also one in Birmingham...but not sure where. If you go, be ready to feeel the pain the next day especially after Sanjam Kiriya....warrior style yoga! :wub:
  21. it involves....targetting the weak areas of a persons body....as well as the obvious...the elbows, the shins, the back of the legs, um....targetting the eyes and the chest...theres LOADS to learn and its all soo useful! :wub:
  22. I agree with most of the things you have said, but in this modern era, its all about GUNS and if you dont have any weapon, even a sword or a stick, then you cant do gatka can you? Then if someone comes over to you, who is expert in Kung fu, hes going to beat your arse whilst you try and find your stick in the street. So its about being physically strong and also learning other martial arts too i.e. using your feet and hands. but thats the whole point....Niddar Singh teaches that you dont need a bunch of fancy weapons....he also emphasises the importance of your hands in deflecting oncoming beats and also the importance of pressure points which of course you can do without any weapons. you can use anything as a weapon....your keys, a pen, your salayee. Ive been to his classes...he is good.
  23. This whole business of people not helping someone in trouble is actually psychological...people feel that if there are a lot of others around then no one person is to blame for the happenings and not helping. People are more likely to help if they are the only ones around....what a weird world!
  24. does yours and his Kirpan size and whos is bigger matter? and about the lavaa...good luck finding some dude who wants to walk behind/take it in turns...... :wub:
  25. Fateh Jio, just wanted to know whether anyone knew if Bhai Amrik Singh Ji is still doing Kirtan on sunday at 12.50pm tommorow...as todays programme was an hour early? thanks. Fateh.
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