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Everything posted by kamc

  1. Don't know about the wrestling, not really my cup of tea, as far as the rest of it is concerned, these channels have a responsibility to report an un-biased version of event's, something which unfortunately rarely happens with the 3 current channel as they seem to have vested interests on one thing or another so that would, in all probability, taint the way they would report a story like this but that's probably a conversation for another day.
  2. What are we talking about here, the wrestling or something else....
  3. Whatever the truth is, he released a 45 minute video to try to clear things up which a). As mentioned above, is to long, he repeats himself many time's in it making the same point again and again, he could have just made his point and moved on and b). They released the video nearly a week too late, this should have happened within hours of the original allegations going out, if someone alleged I did something I didn't i wouldn't wait a week to release my version of events (yes, i know they released a written statement but let's be honest, that was way too long as well). To me his age has nothing to do with it, if he feel's responsible enough to sit up on a stage and do Parchaar and spread the word of our Guru's then you need to lead by example son, you can't be messing around like your a teenager wrestling and stuff.
  4. Interesting topic, i've heard a lot of people talk about this over the years but the main issue i have is that as human beings we are all fallible, we are all flawed, taking amrit doesn't make us perfect it just put's us on a path on which we hope by the end of it we have learnt enough to be better human beings, so, knowing that, can we assume the Panj Pyare in a particular Gurdwara will be perfect, also, the Gurdwara system at the moment (UK) is a mess and a hotbed of corruption, it's all about power and who sits on the hot set, committees and pardan's at Gurdwara's see to have forgotten who actually sits on the main set, long story short, it's a lovely idea in theory but unfortunately we haven't grown up enough yet to put it into practice.
  5. Just out of curiosity, are there any other issues that will sway your vote or is it just immigration, it's a general question to everyone really, also, in real life terms how is your life impacted on a day to day basis by all these "Romanians" and "Bulgarians", not looking for some huge debate or anything, it would just be interesting to see if people actually care about anything else apart from all these "foreigners" coming into the UK.
  6. I'll be honest, to me they are all as bad as each other but i'll never vote UKIP purely out of the principle that they have a bunch of idiots for candidates and a buffoon as a leader and yes, i know we have a dungar for a PM but still, as much as i hate Tory boy Cameron, i'd have him as PM any day over Farage.
  7. I've actually questioned our local UKIP candidate on what their policies are, i was stood their with a tablet with their website loaded waiting for the guy to run through them with me and let me have a little q and a time, the guy didn't have a clue, all he harped on about was immigration, when i asked him why they felt it was necessary to leave the EU, again, just immigration, the fact that we will loose a lot more than we could ever gain by leaving the EU, no answer. Whoever your going to vote for, for the love of god, don't go by the stuff written on their websites or on leaflets, go up to the candidates and grill them about their policies.
  8. Really, a threat, if someone has lost faith for whatever reason you can't really force them to believe in something they don't believe in any more, in my view that's no better than all this "Ghar Wapsi" that's been going on in India, where your forcing someone to believe in something just because you do. If Sikhs are loosing their way and in turn loosing faith then maybe we should be asking why it's happening, I'd rather have an atheist whose a decent human being as a friend rather than a Sikh who doesn't really believe in his faith, at least the atheist would have the courage to stand up for his convictions, each to their own.
  9. I remember many years ago when i was in college one of my friends, who came from a Punjabi/Sikh family and decided Sikhism wasn't for him and decided to convert to Christianity, now every break/lunch time he would do my head in about the wonders of his new found religion and all the support the people around him gave, it got to a point where some of the stuff he was saying was becoming borderline offensive towards not just Sikhism but pretty much every religion, i ended up having a pretty big debate with him and simply asking him how much he actually knew about Sikhism and what made him convert, so, outside of just the basics he had no idea what his religion was or what it stood for (bear in mind he wasn't a practising sikh but his parents were), now, i put the blame for this firmly at his parents feet, they failed to educate their child about the religion he was growing up around which in turn made him go where someone was willing to explain more, on the flip side he didn't even bother to ask about his religion and decided to jump ship at the first possible turning, so, i may be rambling on but my point is this whole conversion thing isn't new, it's just a little more in you face now because of social media. We have a few of these "Dawah" men in our city centre on a weekend and whenever i'm in town i'll make sure i walk pass them, they have never stopped me nor have i seen them stop a Sikh with a turban, every time i see them they are harassing some poor sod who doesn't know what question to ask, it's a numbers game for them and they are like used car salesmen, they believe the more people they convert the better for them, i'd love to see a Muslim just trying to educate people about hid religion like the Basics of Sikhi guy's do as opposed to trying to convert everyone and their grandmother.
  10. Every time your kids say they don't want to go to school, show them this video and tell them that this fella decided not to go to school and now he is in the process of inventing some kind of magic plane crossed with a helicopter that relies on the earth's orbit to get people to China.
  11. To be honest i'm surprised the committee members weren't lynched on site, never have understood the committee mentality, they are voted in for the betterment of a Gurdwara yet always manage to mess thing's up in one way or another, a simple solution would be to just boot them out.
  12. I think the "more than one wife" thing is less religious and more cultural, my grandparents used to tell me stories of how things were back then and in was pretty commonplace in the more rural area's in the Punjab for a man to have more than one wife purely for the fact that villages were small and far apart and some families didn't want their daughters moving to villages that were too far, the easy option was to "keep in in the family" so to speak amongst many other reaons, as far as Dharmendra is concerned, the guy converted to Islam to marry Hema Malini, he was hardly as poster child for Sikhs in the first place, Punjabi's maybe nut not Sikhs, you also have to ask yourself that he was more than willing to convert over to her religion and the drop of a hat to marry her but i seriously doubt she would have forgone Islam to marry him, like I've already said in a previous post, people need to stop idolising entertainers as some kind of role model's, a lot of them live on different planets than us anyway.
  13. I will never understand why we put some much importance on what the like's of Gurdas Mann do, the truth is that in our culture and community once people reach a certain level of celebrity they will put their name to anything and to be honest Gurdas Mann is a singer and entertainer, he's hardly someone who has stood up for Sikh values, if he wants to support the Nirankhari sect then that's up to him, it's more likely that he was paid for doing it, the sad thing is that a lot of people in the Punjabi community (not all) see some singer or actor following one path and decide it must be right for them, it's the old sheep mentality.
  14. Dude, Zeus has never kept his kesh, he's a mona, are you mistaking him for someone else.
  15. This dude is actually a Choreographer in India, his name is Inderjeet Singh Jeenus, he does a lot of film's and tv show's, either way, each to their own, i just wish he would dance in a slightly less "feminine" way.
  16. I like Fateh, i've met him a few times and he's once of the most down to earth people your ever likely to meet, he's done a lot to push the image of turbaned and fully bearded Sikh's into the limelight in a positive way, that Pooja track on the other hand, well, we all have our bad day's don't we, but that track is like a real bad day, i think i'm going to have to take to painkillers for the headache i get every time i hear Pooja's voice....
  17. Oh the ideological dream, maybe one day, there are a few out there that manage to out the money back onto the community but on the whole i think we're a long way off, we can't even agree to sit in the same Gurdwara at the moment never mind anything else. This whole thing reminded me of a news story where i live late last year, a local KFC (yeah, i know, it's a chicken place but just bear with me) stopped handing out hand wipes, the reason, because they contained surgical alcohol and it may offend their Muslim clients as it's haram, here the kicker, the majority of the customer's at that takeaway were non-muslim and those that did go their really didn't care either way, like i've already said, political correctness gone mad.
  18. From speaking to Muslim friends in the past I get the impression with non-meat produce they look at the ingredients, there are things they are not able to eat and if a product has those ingredients then it's classed as haram. The problem i can see with going down this road is that manufacturers like Kelloggs are bowing down to a minority group because someone in their marketing department probably told them it's a good idea and they's get more sales from it, to me it's just a nonsense, when i grew up in the 80's people our family knew who where Muslim would just check the ingredients, you know, like you would do if your and Amritdhari and you would check to too if a product had egg or animal fat in it, it's just political correctness gone mad.
  19. This is pretty old news, i read about it back in 2011 i think, a little more information here (albeit a little bias): http://www.antisharia.com/2011/11/17/kellogg%E2%80%99s-and-mars-gain-halal-certification/ I think it's all been kept a little quite because of the obvious backlash but to be honest i don't think it makes a blind bit of difference to the average consumer. A halal Focus or PS4 is fine but bring on the Halal Range Rover, now that's what i'm waiting for.
  20. I think the mis-conception has come from people assuming all men with turbans drink because that's all they see, go to any wedding, switch on any Punjabi film, that's all you see, it's up to us to educate people, I used to make the same assumption with a lot of my white friends, turns out there are white folk who don't drink, who knew...
  21. Like i've already said in my previous post, i'm not claiming this drunken Singh represents all Sikhs, sometimes it pays to pay attention and like i've already said, there are more important things in the world now if you'll excuse me, i'm going to bang my head against a brick wall.
  22. Yes, same poster, me, i fail to see the connection between the two topics, on one side you have a drunk Singh with his top off holding a can of beer making a complete and utter mockery of himself (and probably by this time his family seeing as his photo has spread like wildfire over social media) and you choose to focus on the mis-use of the word Sikh, I'm not saying he represents all Sikhs, in the other debate you have a Bhangra singer who openly drinks and live's a certain lifestyle, now, without wanting to get into any kind of huge heated debate (because, let's be honest here, there are more important things in the world), I was not in anyway defending the actions of Malkit Singh, if you read my original post all i was saying is that we need to stop being so naive and assume that everyone is going to help the "cause". And, yes, we do need to toughen up a little and thicken our skins, every time someone even mentions Sikhism in the wrong light we go ballistic, maybe we should be trying to educate people instead of shouting "Beadbi" every 10 seconds, anyway, if you could explain the point and how you feel it's relevant to quote a sentence from another thread, a sentence that could easily be taken out of context if the post isn't read in it's entirety i would be grateful.
  23. You do realise she's a UK national, we only deport non-UK nationals, even then, very few make it back.
  24. I have no idea how you came to the conclusion the dude who posted this is Christian, I've just been to his Twitter page and there is no mention of it, more importantly, as already mentioned, I'd be less concerned about an ill conceived joke and more concerned about that dude holding onto the can of Carling with his dear life, i think i'm going to have to wash my eye's out with bleach but really, you need to toughen up your skin a little, someone misusing the word Sikh is not something I'd get riled up about, and before you say "Oh, today it this but tomorrow it will be something bigger" you should speak to those of us who grew up in the 70's and 80's, someone mispronouncing the word Sikh or having a joke at your expense was the least of our worries.
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