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Everything posted by G.I JATT

  1. "She claims that the spacecraft was hit by a huge ball of ice that sent it crashing and ended her life." I never knew there was ice in space. if theres ice, there must be water. if theres water there must be life, if theres life it could be Upasana...................................
  2. The pens of Guru Gobind Singh Ji with which he used to write at Paonta Sahib. Probably these were used to write the great epic"Dasam Granth". A Gutka with the sacred autograph of Guru Gobind Singh Ji given to Bhai Dharam Singh (Pyara) and now with his descendents at the house of Bagrian. (Courtesy- Nishaan) http://www.searchgurbani.com/gurus/images/gobind2.jpg[/url] The wooden sandals of Guru Gobind Singh Ji at his birth place Patna Sahib http://allaboutsikhs.com/old/gurus/images/gobind9.jpg[/url] The Kangha (comb) and Kamarkassa (belt) of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji http://www.sikhspectrum.com/052004/images/hukam.jpg[/url] A hukamnama of Guru Gobind Singh Handwriting of Guru Gobind Singh. Padukas of Guru Gobind Singh
  3. & wats 2pac gotta do with this. never forgive and never forget (is that tupacs saying)
  4. £60 whattttttttttttttttttt, £2 vat is understandable or even £5 but £30 kills it. Is it from the mela by the way, cus i got a khanda to it and its not sharp at all. i hit my leg with it so hard and it felt like getting hit with a mop back in the days. no cuts or buldges at all. just for show!
  5. well personally i think todays Nishan Sahib looks Better than the one back in the days, and im sure they both represent the same thing.
  6. Nation Sport: Kabaddi, Nahhhhhhhhhhhhh. Gatka mannnnnnnnn. and also National Police: Nihangs :nihungsmile:
  7. Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhh thats toooooo old school, the nishan sahib will do.
  8. The world's smallest Granth Sahib is a complete miniature scripture, 2.5cm wide and 2.5cm tall and is bound in gold. It was published in Germany close to 100 years ago. The miniatures were apparently created for soldiers of the Sikh regiment when they went to war, as it could be easily carried.
  9. I just want to know the sangats views on sikhism for the future, the youths these days either blame the gurdwara's or parents for lack of knowledge. Me personally i would say i have had more support from my parents, but with my own time i learnt more about my sikhi through the internet and talking to people. Honestly i would say ive never learnt much from a gurdwara, apart from when someones doing katha. Ive also seen quite a few young gursikhs out there now than before, is this beacause what happend in 1984. is it when a religions attacked thats when it grows. Alot of sikhs out there only now sikhi as name, who is it up to to preach. I also personally thing that our parents know more about culture and religion, as alot of of them are from punjab. But us being the future sikhs not knowing much as we alll come from Uk, USA, Canada or werever where will sikhi lead too. Muslims at a stage when they did come over made schools, is it too late for sikhs too now beacuse the punjabi culture in the uk aint got much longer to go. so will the youth be willing to learn. As most the populations already adopted the western culture.
  10. No AFFENCE to anybody but im speaking the truth. MANNNNNNN What will the future be like for sikhi. When is the kalyug age over, cus i dont think it could get any worse.
  11. i guess you wouldent, so the best thing to do is ignore these Kanjriah who want sympathy after they badnaam sikhi. these kind of girls from sikhi. kaur 2 ninja 2 kaur, that aint rightttttttttttt do you convert to find god, or for the one you love??????
  12. its because of people like you and mr "g.i jatt"(by the way we dont need casteists in sikhi either) that muslims are able to blackmail sikh girls, because the muslims know tht "sikhs" like you think like this and dont accept them back. wth??? she shud have stayed in the brothel, vah vah, we really expect these kind of comments from kind and loving gursikhs. Listen up, if Guroo Sahib can forgive her than why cant u? Guroo Sahib forgives everyone straight away, you guys smarter than Guroo Ji? Becuase us girls get blackmailed, more like because you guys who accept them back, which they think they can commit as much mistakes they want. whats wrong with you guys man, you blame the muslims instead of blaming the girls who run to them. One thing i would like to say is that NO one is blaming Muslims here, WE have to blame our self for not telling our kids whats wrong and whats right for them?????? and when i say "WE", it doesnt mean the family of the girl, it ment the whole sikh community including family, gurdwaras, committees and any otherthing involved in the goodness of sikhi. fateh would you accept her back ? would you get married to her? would you let a family member get maried to her?
  13. its because of people like you and mr "g.i jatt"(by the way we dont need casteists in sikhi either) that muslims are able to blackmail sikh girls, because the muslims know tht "sikhs" like you think like this and dont accept them back. wth??? she shud have stayed in the brothel, vah vah, we really expect these kind of comments from kind and loving gursikhs. Listen up, if Guroo Sahib can forgive her than why cant u? Guroo Sahib forgives everyone straight away, you guys smarter than Guroo Ji? Becuase us girls get blackmailed, more like because you guys who accept them back, which they think they can commit as much mistakes they want. whats wrong with you guys man, you blame the muslims instead of blaming the girls who run to them. Guroo Sahib forgives everyone straight away, you guys smarter than Guroo Ji? everybody commit mistakes and hurt your fammily, take your guru as a fool, cus he will forgive you straight away. and your sikhs will accept you back.
  14. JOKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE WOMEN LIKE HER SHUD BE IGNORED lol, she says her family disowened her, hahahahaha more like she disowened them! and lol at "i loved him too much to let him go" wat about her love for her familly who brought her up for 16 years and this guys come in her life for only one year. she shud of stayed in the brothel, i feel sorry for her husband i hope he knows her history, hopefully his was a papi too. who wants used, abused, confused, doped women. Then again their comes our guru who comes and helps, but every thing she was told made sense then. Man made religion, what was Mohammed???? THURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
  15. The Nishan Sahib was first used in Guru Hargobind ji's times, which only used a double edge sword on it perhaps the same nishan sahib shown in the image but in times of guru gobind singh ji the khanda was changed using the miri & piri swords and the chacker.
  16. i Gues these Ramgharia's dont know what Jassa Singh was about.
  17. :devil: Raaj Karega khalsa , wen theres a 960 million Khalsa Army. hopefully it happens in my times , i wud luv to be part of it. theres only 20 million now, And thats sikhs not the khalsa :sady:
  18. also does any one now how to make messeage boards for people to comment on.
  19. My web site is deffentaly sikhi, the only thing that worries me is the price, how much would it be a month, cus i use loadssssss of images and affects. And also alot of the images i uses are of the net, does this come under copyright. Would i have to use my own. Thanks guys for helping man.
  20. ahhh... i can help u in that.... yeah, flash mx is used in making websites but its not the only thing u have to use.... most of the webmasters use dreamweaver, photoshop and flash.... if u think, u know flash very well, then u can even make ur whole site in flash... but its very difficult process to make a website in flash... instead u should use dreamweaver for it... in dreamweaver, u can place a mixture a flash, pics and text.... there r some other softwares similar to dreamweaver but dreamweaver is the best... once u finish the site, then i will tell u how to upload it or launch it... u need to get a web hosting plan for it... i m starting my web hosting site,... if u ever need any plan, tell me... thik thik la lavange .... :TH: :devil: anyways, u first complete ur site.. then worry about hosting.... if u need any other assistance,, post it in this thread... thanks veers ji, but i know how to use falash mx properly. i also know how to use dreamweaver, but there is a slight proplem with dreamweaver when i test my site the buttuns always jump (dont be in the position i want them to be. And also i use photoshop to create my images and buttons and but them into flash, the only problem is i dont now how to launch ones the sit is finshed. i also know how to use director mx. and i cant believe i forgot how to use image ready in photoshop which i think was the best to create a site. Any solutions how to launch, and will i have to pay.
  21. Althogh I know waheguru is immortal and has know form. If he wish he can come down in human form or any form he likes. theres a true story when Guru Arjan Dev Ji started the construction of the Harmandir Sahib god came down in human form to help out. I also heard a story, dont know if this is true but i kind of belive it. When Guru arjan dev ji was told to sit on a thati thavi, he saw a little creature i think a spider. that spider who never got burnt, as insects never come near fire. That this spider was god too who showed guru arjan dev ji that this thati thavi will have no affect.
  22. Can any one help me on the programes, what are the programes you use to develope a site. Ive got Flash MX, can i develope a web site on there. And ones you finished how do you launch.
  23. yeah i would like to know too its an artists impression of mahakali, the counterpart of mahakaal. IE and artist impresion of Akaal Purkhs femanine side, his sargun side. You mean kali maa, And Akaal Purakh has no femine side. Waheguru has no form and if he did im sure he would not look like that.
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