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  1. In order for religions to surive there needs to be adequate concerts or high birth rate ratio. With current statistics Sikhism does not have the numbers to keep the religion from goin. In the next 50 years half the world's population will be Muslim. Instead of discussing small silly things that don't have much importance relative to the above. What are we doing about this?
  2. Waheguru ji ke khalsa wahiguru ji ki fateh i understand and agree that the Akaal Bunga is the head of the Panth but could I have some quotes and itihaas to back this up thanks
  3. Importance Of Amrit Sanchar: http://gurukisikhi.weebly.com/home/importance-of-amrit-sanchar
  4. Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh, does anyone have any suggestions for where Daas can get high quality kirpans? (Daas would prefer not getting the KhalsaKirpans that cost crazy just because they have some fancy jewels). Does anybody know where to get high quality affordable Kirpans? (Also none of those mass produced shastars as they don't seem as strong).
  5. Please could someone clarify : 1. if Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji , Dasam Guru Granth ji and Sarbloh Granth combine to bring knowledge that mean the ant of Vedas , does that mean any prophecies there post advent of Khalsa is wrong /to be ignored ? 2. Does this mean that as I have heard someplaces that Khalsa Raj is kaliki avatar ?
  6. Hello everyone, As the title of the thread suggests, I am currently exploring Sikhi as well as other religious beliefs (including Buddhism and Radha Soami, though I have issues with following a human master). I come from a Christian background, but I would not describe my beliefs as being particularly Christian, as I believe in an all-pervading God who is impersonal, and I believe in systems such as reincarnation and karma. So, I have many questions about Sikhi as I am on my search, and I was hoping that you all might be able to answer some questions for me. None of these questions are meant to challenge your beliefs at all, but merely to express my own doubts and challenges that I face in my search. 1. Buddhism and Sikhism I think are largely similar, but they have a major difference that I find hard to reconcile. Buddhism (at least Theravadan and Zen) teaches that the existence of God can't be answered for sure, and the same can be said for the soul. Instead the Buddha says that we should forget such questions, and instead focus on achieving Nirvana, as these questions impede our spiritual growth. Sikhi (as far as I am aware) states that our ultimate purpose is to merge with God, and reach Sach Khand. The problem is, I can see and understand the reasoning behind both of these positions, and I have a really hard time figuring out what to believe on this issue. How can I resolve this conflict? 2. Scriptures are obviously very important to Sikhs, as the SGGSJ forms the foundation for Sikhi. My question regarding this is, why is reading the Bani repeatedly so important? Is kirtan more beneficial than to practice simran and meditation on the atman inside? I can understand reading it for understanding, and of course reading scriptures at different times in our lives, we will receive different lessons. But is inward meditation not more valuable, provided it is done with a proper spiritual understanding? 3. As I am young and come from the West (I am only 18), I have certain Western values which I find hard to reconcile with both Sikhism and Buddhism, even though I may find the religion very appealing. Specifically, I feel very strongly about gender equality, and that differences between men and women are almost entirely (if not entirely) cultural rather than biological or spiritual in nature. This means that I am a strong advocate of homosexual rights, gay marriage, and transgender rights. I realize that Sikhi has done a lot to stand up for many of these things, but at the same time, I see that homosexuals are not allowed to be married with the Anand Karaj. As a Westerner, this seems to be the same religious dogmatism that I tried to escape when I left Christianity, but maybe I am misunderstanding it. 4. Marriages. As far as I understand, Sikhs do not condone love marriages, and instead practice arranged marriages. What is the harm in a love marriage, or in dating? Again I realize I come from a Western perspective, but I fail to see how these things are harmful to your spirituality. If all of your energy is focused on finding a partner, or on sexual promiscuity, or the like, I can definitely understand it. Also, why can an inter-faith marriage not be done with the Anand Karaj? If a Sikh wants to marry a non-Sikh, isn't that their choice? And if they want to do the marriage the Sikh way, is that not displaying the proper respect to Sikhi? For a long time, I dated a Muslim girl and we planned to be married. Sadly that didn't happen, but I can't imagine missing out on someone who may be the love of my life, because I am limited to only marrying someone of my religion. 5. Again as far as I understand, Guru Nanak Ji shunned religious labels. He stated "There is no Hindu, there is no Muslim." So therefore, why have his teachings started a religion? This is something I haven't been able to find much discussion about, and I am quite curious about it. Has Sikhism fallen prey to the same dogmatism that he taught against? 6. The SGGSJ was named as the last Guru for the Sikhs. Does this mean there will never be another Guru? What about when we move out of Kal Yug and into the next age, will there be another succession of Gurus? I'm sorry for the long list of questions. I look forward to hearing your responses. Thank you.
  7. As per this link by veer Singh559 , people who speak against dasam deserve to to be shot dead ? Guru sahib will be very happy with such talibanised 'sikhs' ? Had these goons attacked someone like dhunda or panthpreet singh, people here will be cheering and doing jakare ? Remember Aurangzeb ? He persecuted people for their beliefs and remember Guru Tegh bahadur - who stood up for their rights even though his own views were materially different from the hindus . In Gurmat voilence is permitted only to prevent further voilence , e.g taking out indra or Beanta was ok . Update 9pm 21.05.16 | "ਮੇਰੀ ਕੋਈ ਦਸਮ ਗ੍ਰਥ ਦੇ ਵਿਰੁੱਧ Statement ਦਿਖਾਓ" | DHADRIANWALE So by this token , people who speak against dasam need to to be shot dead ? Guru sahib will be very happy with such 'sikhs' ? What's the difference between us and taliban ? Had these goons attacked someone like dhunda or panthpreet singh, people here will be cheering and doing jakare ? Remember Aurangzeb ? He persecuted people for their beliefs and remember Guru Tegh bahadur - who stood up for their rights even though his own views were materially different from the hindus . In Gurmat voilence is permitted only to prevent further voilence , e.g taking out indra or Beanta.
  8. Guest


    VJKK VJKF, Khasla Ji - can someone please provide all knows sources of rehatnama in English please? Fateh Ji. Bhul chuk maaf karna
  9. Guest

    New Blog

    Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh, I have recently created a new blog called GuruKiSikhi.weebly.com I appreciate if Sangat would view the blog, as I plan on posing a few times a week, (I would like to do it everyday, but I am busy with other stuff). The website will try it's best to stay only Gurmat topics, to anyone interested in Gurmat. Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh - Home (Hyperlink)
  10. It is time to sign up for our 6th Annual Toronto Singhs Camp on June 22 to 26th! *NOTE* - this year the camp is right before the annual AKJ July Toronto MAIN Smaagam! NEW Location, speakers, activities!! Interactive Workshops, Competitive Sports (including PAINTBALLING), in depth discussions, meet new inspiring sangat and MORE! Keep engaged on our Social Media accounts of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for more information on our speakers and related camp info. Early Bird Fee is $180 (Fee goes up June 1st!) REGISTER NOW CLICK HERE! Vaheguru ji ka khalsa, Vaheguru ji ki fateh! FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM TWITTER
  11. Part II of Tisarpanth's Misconceptions Series. Here two main misconceptions are answered: 1.) Sikhi survived due to the sole efforts of the Jats and, 2.) Sikhi was a reaction against contemporary economics. To quote a few portions: 'Sikh history, and tradition, substantiates that no lapse was ever tolerated from the faith’s ideology. The names of Baba Atal Rai and Baba Ram Rai are only some of the many examples which depict the penalties imposed upon those who, for one reason or another, deviated from established norms. The former resurrected a victim of snakebite and was so sternly reprimanded by his father, the sixth Guru, that he discarded his mortal frame whilst the latter intentionally changed a line of Gurbani and was excommunicated by his own father, the seventh Guru. Summarily we can easily conclude then that it is impossible to assert that the sixth Guru who was more than satisfied to witness his own son’s demise, but could not tolerate any deviation from the faith’s ideology would concede to any demands made by the Jats.' 'Non-Sikh records mention the respect with which the Sikhs treated women, even extending courtesy and safety to those who were of their sworn foes. (19) If compared with Jat practices, historic and present, than these contrast starkly as the Jat objectification of women is a well known fact. Secondly, the Sikh ability to unite in face of a common threat historically is a well-established fact. This principle emerged out of two factors namely a channeling of all energies towards achieving a singular goal, and a singular interpretation of the faith. The Jats were and still are avid worshipers of Jatheras or shrines dedicated to some Sisyphean ancestor(s). (20) With each locality, tribe, clan, village espousing a different ancestor any ideological unity and singular channeling of energy is impossible. The establishment of Bharatpur can only be called a miracle as the Jat unity forged for it’s establishment soon disintegrated afterwards.' https://tisarpanthdotcom.wordpress.com/2016/04/24/misconceptions-ii/
  12. *BENTI TO ADMIN TO PIN TOPIC* ਜੋਤਿ ਰੂਪਿ ਹਰਿ ਆਪਿ ਗੁਰੂ ਨਾਨਕੁ ਕਹਾਯਉ ॥ जोति रूपि हरि आपि गुरू नानकु कहायउ ॥ Joṯ rūp har āp gurū Nānak kahā▫ya▫o. The Embodiment of Light, the Lord Himself is called Guru Nanak. (Ang 1408 Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji) Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh! Before the true king Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji had come it was a time when much of the world and humanity was lost; people were heavily divided on the basics of tyranny and causing separations based on caste and the various religions with much manmat. It was because of Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, even before he revealed himself to all of humanity in an open-way, that those who were known as the 15 Bhagats and many others before that who had bhagti could have finally been saved, (in Nirankar form). The time for Vaheguru to come was becoming very much needed especially since he couldn't have sent another "messenger" to bring humanity to him, rather he himself needed to come from Sach Khand, (he is everywhere and will always be everywhere; however, this time he needed a special form). Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji before revealing himself in 1469 had also been the one to lead all the Sants to Vaheguru and had given the Gurprassad through his Nirankar form. Once he had finally revealed himself to all of humanity on 1469, it was a joyous day; he was not born; but rather he had come: he had come with laughter, (because he had not a single bit of negative karma), instead of tears and many things which lead to hope and grace for all. The first one to have discovered the coming of the Lord Vaheguru, was Bebe Nanaki, who had prayed in constant times just to get Vaheguru to come and become her brother in human-form. Next Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji had to teach the "worldly teachers", who couldn't have taught him anything in the Spiritual Realm nor the physical realm; he freed the sinners who previously had been corrupted to the point of shattered death and had finally brought the sinners into the Saints of the society of Vaheguru. He was loved by all and hated by none, (eventually), this was all due to the fact that he could not be wrong. He brought the people from various religions, to instead of fighting among themselves; unite them to Vaheguru, traveled as far as other worlds, and various other special places no human could expect to go to. Unlike many other "messengers", he not only saved humans, but also broke the burden of life and death to animals and plants; (even the single-celled organisms that he wanted to free at his time, were saved)." ਜਿਸੁ ਪਾਪੀ ਕਉ ਮਿਲੈ ਨ ਢੋਈ ॥ जिसु पापी कउ मिलै न ढोई ॥ Jis pāpī ka▫o milai na dẖo▫ī. That sinner, who finds no protection anywhere- ਸਰਣਿ ਆਵੈ ਤਾਂ ਨਿਰਮਲੁ ਹੋਈ ॥੧॥ सरणि आवै तां निरमलु होई ॥१॥ Saraṇ āvai ṯāʼn nirmal ho▫ī. ||1|| if he comes seeking Your Sanctuary, then he becomes immaculate and pure. ||1||" (Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Ang 1141). Eventually, Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji had found the Ang to him, in the form of Bhai Lehna, (Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji), in various historical texts it mentions Bhai Lehna being tested for the Guruship; however, he was particularly born to be the succeeding light to Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Various instances were made where Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji had shown to all of humanity why Bhai Lehna was the true successor to his kingdom, rather than Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji's own sons. The evidence to this was while each and every single human had failed; only Bhai Lehna had stayed loyal and the most difficult of times. Finally, Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji turned Bhai Lehna into the second Guru, calling him his Ang, (part) and renaming him into Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji: Bhai Gurdas writes of this glorious moment in time as: "ਥਾਪਿਆ ਲਹਿਣਾ ਜੀਵਦੇ ਗੁਰਿਆਈ ਸਿਰਿ ਛਤ੍ਰ ਫਿਰਾਇਆ। Daapiaa Lahinaa Jeenvaday Guriaaee Siri Chhatr Dhiraaiaa. थापिआ लहिणा जींवदे गुरिआई सिरि छत्र फिराइआ । During his life time he waved the canopy of Guru seat on the head of Lahina(Guru Angad) and merged his own light into him. 5 ਵਾਰਾਂ ਭਾਈ ਗੁਰਦਾਸ : ਵਾਰ ੧ ਪਉੜੀ ੪੫ ਪੰ. ੫" (Bhai Gurdas Vaaran Vaar 1 Pauri 45). The disciple was now the one to sit on the throne of Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, and everyone now saw Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji as the light of Vaheguru himself. This eventually continued till the giving of the Gurgaddi to Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji as the last form of the Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, during that time many changes happened in society. Examples include, the creation of Khalsa; the sacrifices of the Gurus in their lifetimes with Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Arjun Dev Ji and Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur giving their lives for Sikhi and doing so without any fear. During this time humanity had finally understood basic values that were not possible before the coming of Vaheguru, such as the idea of equality and the need for Langar to help all of humanity, not just who became the future disciples of Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. In his 8th form, he had given his life to prevent the mass smallpox on the lesser people's. (Guru Sahib is greater than all of humanity). The Guru in future forms had also protected the down-ridden from being persecuted and decided to bring shastars as a way to protect the saints, and made the Dharam Yudh that humanity had longed needed. In present day many people have benefited a lot regardless whether they are Sikhs or not from the coming of Vaheguru on Earth. Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
  13. Highly recommend this movie for inspiration Satvinder Bitti - Dhan Teri Sikhi (Sikh Movie):
  14. Answering misconceptions regarding Miri-Piri: https://tisarpanthdotcom.wordpress.com/2016/03/16/misconceptions/
  15. I wanted to know how exactly life would change.
  16. I been viewing a few clips of jagraj singh from basics of sikhi and he mentions in a few videos that Guru Nanak was God? When he debates muslims, which I believe to be a fundamental mistake. Also in my view it is a totally wrong approach to take with a muslim cos they automatically get disinterested when someone is associating God with "partners" as it is the biggest sin in islam according to them its called "shirk". From my understanding of gurbani and sikh scriptures Guru Nanak Dev Ji was not God and he even states he is a servant / slave of God and it is God whom he worships and sings his glory of. So why is Jagraj mentioning that Guru Ji was God? It totally contradicts Guru Ji himself and the very notion of core Sikh beliefs that there is only 1 God. We are not Christians that believe Jesus is 3 in 1 where a physical God can suffer pain, die and get resurrected yet worship another God. Or Muslims who believe in a God sitting on a throne above the 7 skies outside his creation. We believe that God (consciousness) resides in every soul, every living being and outside it out in the realms of existence. So I'm wondering why is jagraj / basics of sikhi coming to this illogical conclusion?
  17. https://m.facebook.com/SOPWUK/photos/a.10150176630957081.295889.197939282080/10153350511372081/?type=3&source=48&refid=17&_ft_=top_level_post_id.10153350511372081%3Atl_objid.10153350511372081&__tn__=E (I don't know what exactly the Hindu government wants, but I'm sure they'll continue making fake arrests of more innocent Sikhs)
  18. That christian idiots video against star wars and eastern faiths has given me an idea. Why don't Sikhs use the movie to our advantage by highlighting our faith because it is basically the same thing what star wars philosophy is based on the force being God and people can use the light or the dark side. And george lucas himself admits in interviews he wanted people to get this sort of spirituality
  19. Guest

    Bir Ras?

    What exactly is Bir Ras suppose to do? Does it make people stronger than they are physically suppose to be? (If the GurSikhs hadn't had Gurbani or something, it would be very hard to face an army a lot bigger). What I'm trying to say is what's the difference between Nam Ras?
  20. I was browsing on YouTube and found this video, I thought I would share.
  21. Hi, I have an extensive intolerance to numerous plant foods and as a result of trying to be vegetarian, my health has deteriorated. I've been admitted to hospital numerous times, and I keep being advised my health will continue to decline - unless I start consuming meat again. I want to ask if according to Sikhi this is ok? I love Sikhi, but if my health continues to do down, I won't be well enough to continue to practice the rest.
  22. I was wondering what the length of Rehras Sahib was especially since different people end it at different times.
  23. Why doesn't the Admin ban Users when someone reports them, recently I just reported a user for being rude and disrespectful and insulting me as a human being under the Username: "Kheerja", you can see the topic right here: http://www.sikhsangat.com/index.php?/topic/72857-punjabi-mix-marriage/page-6 I am making this topic because the Admin and the Mods havent banned the users because I reported them. I am saying this because I am not going to just allow continual disrespect and people being rude to each other, also I'm not afraid if Admin try to lock this topic as it shows what side their on, also I'm not afraid if this topic gets me blocked as my first loyalty should be to Guru Sahib himself.
  24. http://www.sikhnet.com/news/mixed-marriages-our-gurduaras When reading this article written by I.J. Singh and Guruka Singh, i was not sure if it was about who can enter the Gurdwara and what the Catholics have done around marriage issues in the past or mixed marriages being allowed in the Gurdwara. The title of the article is “Mix Marraiges in our Gurdwaras”, but only a very small portion of the article gives a patronizing view of those who view mixed marriages in Gurdwaras as wrong. Instead they are shaming and pointing the finger to allow others into the Gurdwara. I believe they should have decided on titling this article, “Two Senior Citizens Rambling”. When they finally start to talk about the issue the reasons for barring mixed marriages at the Gurdwara are being mocked by the two writers; I.J. Singh and Guruka Singh. The actual reasons why the Guru, Sri Akal Takht Sahib, Sikhs, and Sikh groups are barring mixed marriages in the Gurdwara are not even mentioned in the article. However let’s address the rambling they committed to in the article about allowing others into the Gurdwara. They mention Sri Harmandir Sahib has four doors, which signifies all people regardless of background are allowed into the Gurdwara. I fully agree with these two here. Yet they forget to mention, maybe unintentionally, regardless which door you come into the Gurdwara, you will only hear the teachings of one Guru; Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji. Whether you enter from the south or east or west or north all four doors lead to the one teacher. This one teacher is giving all people who enter the same teaching regardless of which faith they profess to be part of or what views they hold as agnostics or atheist. The teachings of Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji don’t change from any direction, time or person. They continue to ramble and bring up the point, Sikhs can’t define who is a Sikh, but the Guru does. True enough and we have history dictating how a person was defined as a Sikh and Gurbani very clearly describes who is a Sikh. Sri Akal Takht Sahib has also done a great job of taking the teachings from Gurbani and defining who is a Sikh. Yet according to these two, we should ignore all this and on the basis of Sri Harmandir Sahib having four doors, allow anyone to have an anand Karaj!!! They also go to the extent of saying we, Sikhs, don’t know who is a Sikh and they give an example of a Sikh woman marrying an agnostic. I don’t know if old age as taken the toll on both of them, but yeah we do know who is a Sikh. Their example says the man marrying the Sikh woman was an agnostic, which means he was not a Sikh and an agnostic. The simple question of whether the couple are both Sikh is asked before an Anand Karaj is done? What a simple solution to finding out who is a Sikh and defining if it is a mixed marriage. And if one of the two is not a Sikh, then they can’t have an Anand Karaj. Now let’s get down to the patronizing reasons they gave for not allowing mixed marriages in the Gurdwara. Reason #1: Perhaps they come from a fear of dilution of the faith Sorry but reason 1 doesn’t apply to Sikhi for barring mixed marriages in the Gurdwara. Reason #2: or possibly to create an insular barrier to “outsiders Nope, again wrong religion. This is Sikhi not Catholic or Islam. Reason #3: Or perhaps they are rooted in an attempt to ensure a successful marriage? Nope, doesn’t apply to Sikhi and Sikhs, who are barring mixed marriages from taking place at the Gurdwara. I.J. Singh in the past was known to using his secular credentials as a doctor in Chemistry (I believe it was Chemistry) as his credential to be a doctor of Sikhi. Every article he wrote his views on Sikhi were started off by Dr. I.J. Singh. If you don’t believe me, do a simple search online and this deception will come aware to you. I mention this here because, I see Dr. I.J. Singh has made some progress in not writing Dr. in front of his name today, when he writes his views on Sikhi. So I applaud him for not deceiving others with the title of Dr. I.J. Singh anymore. Although it took some time to get him to change from his deception. It is a step forward in the right direction. Coming to the Gurdwara is no sign of any person accepting Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji as their Guru. Sikh history tells us even spy’s have come to the open Gurdwara of the Gurus and still do to this date. So this level of participation at the Gurdwara can’t be assigned as to allow the Anand Karaj for the person. The level of commitment for Anand Karaj is higher than simply coming to the Gurdwara. Gurbani read in the Anand Karaj defines the level of commitment and guides the couple on how to behave after they are married. The first level of commitment is to accept Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji as your Guru. Which also implies a person cannot accept anyone else as their Guru or religious/spiritual guide in life. For instance a person who claims to be Christian or agnostic has chosen not to accept Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji as their religious/spiritual guide. The Christian has accepted Jesus (the Bible) and the latter has accepted no one. In both cases they have not accepted the level of commitment to be Sikhs. Therefore, both are disqualified from having an Anand Karaj. If I.J. Singh and Guruka Singh were more honest in their article there could have been progress in this debate and more people would be able to see what it means to be a Sikh. Many could have benefited from this discussion and their article, if they were honest and didn’t ramble about other unrelated topics. I guess positive change comes hard for I.J. Singh and Guruka Singh. Let’s hope in the future they are honest with their approach.
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