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Wjkk Wjkf Is it true.. that specific pauris and gurubanis have specific effects and powers.. For instance it says that if you read the 25th pauri you will obtain wealth, need , virtue , estate .. or pauri 33 which supposedly elimates your karmas, or 38 gives you the knowledge and power to write your own destiny.. And jaap sahib; rouses your soul and allows you to obtain ridi sidi powers... So do specific banis and or specific pauris have such an effect, or should we just mediate on God and ask him for whatever we need? The effect of pauri and banis was written by yogis bhajan Singh.. aren't Sikhs against yogis and thier ways? So is he correct in what he says about the bani and its effects? Or is their an misconception? All help from gyanis, and other enlightened people will be very much appreciated thanks you.
Quick question does using ridi sidi stop your spirtaul growth.. or is it still possiabable to obtain sach khand or must you wait another lifetime? Eg someone uses their ridi sidi but he or she doesn't show what he has obtained ( no ego) can this person still obtain sach khand and salvation?
When in Sikhsim did keeping the Kesh become compulsory? Did Guru Nanak Devi ji and the successive Gurus also keep Kesh? We know that keeping our hair became compulsory on the orders of Guru Gobind Singh Ji the last Guru In all the pictures of the Gurus they are all wearing Turbans, beard. But can we be certain that all the Gurus kept their Kesh before the the 10th Master?? Also as Guru Nanak was a from Hindu family was their hair also cut along with other Hindu rituals performed during their childhood?
How did people get mukhti before the concept of religion was created? Can people from religions other than Sikhism get mukhti? Thanks in advance for the responses
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh Discover Sikhism is a non-profit (and strictly no collection of money/ no adverts) website which has only recently started. Please support our efforts by making people aware of Discover Sikhism and by asking your friends and family to visit. We hope the Sri Harmandir Sahib Daily Hukumnama, Live Kirtan and other pages/ general information is useful. Our humble aim is to raise Sikh awareness and let people (Sikh and non Sikh) discover the Sikhs and their Gurus; the Gurus teachings, the sacrifices they made, their fight for freedom, their fight against inequality and injustice, the persecution they faced, and still face, from musalmaan (muslims) and hindus, and the Gurus teachings on leading a charitable and honest life. We are not sponsored by any organisation or group (except hopefull Akal Purakh). We use no adverts and require no donations. Any feedback would be humbly appreciated.
Well its been quite a while now since the issue has been in the public eye. With all the news stories of Sikh Girls and Boys leaving the faith. I was wondering now after all the awareness campaigns and education that has been given out ie via social media and websites. Has it made a difference are we seeing less Sikhs leave the faith?? Im not just talking about those who convert to other religions but Sikhs who have basically become agnostic and don't believe in any religion which seems to be the trend of modern society. If so how to combat this? How I see it is we have a big problem of vulnerable families that are so broken. outsiders can easily take advantage of the kids. ie the parents are so busy fighting each other. that the kids are rebelling and getting up to all sorts. the way I see it there are many families that have a nuclear family structure. And if there are no strong leaders in the household. The family will eventually crumble. this will lead to the kids leaving the faith also.
I was recently wandering while doing ardas -hoping waheguru ji will help in this world with many things. But then out of no where I just thought to myself that if I want to attain something in this world then it will come through Rudi sidhi powers( which guru ji prohibits us from using, as it inhibits our spirtality) - is that true?? So my question is when doing ardas for asking prayers to be ansawered are we in anyway using ridi sidi powers or will waheguru ji helps attain what we want without us using our powers (through the blessing of waheguru ji blesses us with) - I ask this because I don't want to lose my waheguru ji and the level of spirituality I have attained but I still want some of my prayers answered.
Just over a couple of days ago I was pondering over the question what was destiny - and came to a realization that it is your karma that has put you in a situation in which you can control your decisions hence forth you can change your fate and Destiny at that given moment of time. I know this great wisdom and knowledge is given to me by the great waheguru himself as it is said that if you read pauri 37 of jap ji sahib you will will come to a realization of Destiny and you will have the power to write your own destiny A day later after realising what I do in the present moment will effect my destiny - hence there is no true 'karma' because what was the past is the past, dream, memory...etc so karma doesn't exist. Is that correct? But here's the tricky part After pondering on waheguru for hours during the day - and being told in the bani that waheguru is - all pervading, beyond all, detached yet indulged,invisable to all, yet within. So does this mean waheguru ji is cosmic energy beacsue that is all around us and within us and so when we did we elevate and become a form of that energy, because if you think about it when we chant waheguru we think positivily because we associate God as good, hence we do good and people observe this and act good to us(this is what most of us think as good karma) And when we think negatively we build negative energy which is unleashed out to different observers who then think negatively of us , and treat us in a negative way, is this what is meant by 'what you sow is what you reap' So does this mean that everything is how our sub conscious and conscious mind perceive it as, or is God truly in control? So is my theory why gyani don't believe in karma and its effect? Hence nothing is good or bad, because everything Will return to become cosmic energy - because energy is used to make and destroy it. Is that why the guru ji also says you can control the mind from the five vices - because they are just a form energy that me manipulated through changing your mind - with positive thinking by saying waheguru - because we associate waheguru as positive and blissful So is this why the guru ji say 'don't ask a for a house in heaven and don't be scared to live in hell' because it is what we do with our energy that determines our future - meaning that individual's that fail education ( get poorer jobs with poorer wages) has no hope of becoming richer, despite having faith in waheguru after the tests where completed meaning his (my cousins) was diverted at the wrong time. Or can God change the destiny of a person who is Destin to fail, and only prayed after the tests? So my true questions to you Are When you ask for worldly prayer- they do not get answered because you did not divert your energy correctly in the correct situations (eg concentrating on education for good job hence good wage) Or Can it all change with faith? Even if you've failed big things like tests Secondly do the guru ji refer waheguru a cosmic energy? On separate matter is energy included in the 3 qualities of life in the bani, or is it just a mere element I do have a lot of faith but my perception of waheguru is really confusing me , so I need answers Thank you for the help, it is greatly appreciated. Waheguru bless you
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh Sat Sri Akal, I am in need of help and feeling very lost and alone right now. Ever since I was a child, I have gone to gurudwara on Sundays with my parents. Neither my parents nor I have taken Amrit, but we've always believed in Sikhism, and I always refer to it in my religion. In recent years, I went to university and became distant from Sikhism. This is when my confusion and trouble started. I became too busy to go to gurudwara and started doing the wrong things. I became interested in Islam through my own when I started seeing how many people around me were Muslim. I watched lots of "dawah" or "shahada" videos on youtube and developed a strange fascination and began wondering what if I did the same. I should emphasize that I never believed the teachings of Islam and in every debate between Sikhishm and Islam, I've seen, I never felt that my dear Sikhism was any less than Islam. In fact, I have always considered it my religion and the truth. But today, I went to an Islam chat website and was connected to a girl. I was so curious to see her reaction that I volunteered to take shahada. I typed it back to her, but I never believed what I was typing. But now the deed is done, and I hope with every once of my body that I'm still a Sikh. This is the religion that is dear to my heart and although I lost it in recent years, it's still the one that I believe and want myself to belong to. I am just looking for some reassurance and support that the shahada was not authentic and I'm still Sikh. I could never forgive myself for changing all because of a chat with a girl. Please reassure me that I'm Sikh or I truly won't have the will to live anymore. Robin Singh
Sat Sri Akal, I heard that the Damdami Taksal is a place to study Sikhism and I was condering being a granthi. I want to study the Guru Granth Sahib Ji, know kirtan, and become a good Sikh. But I don't how to get in there. Please provide me any information about how I can get in there and what it is about and everything you know. Please. Thank you very much
Are Sikhs overly concentrating on the the negative events of Sikh History to much. Ie The Mughals/Muslims in India. It seems that young Sikhs are brought up with so much hatred for Mughals, that we are inadvertently giving them more power in our minds. ie once you concentrate on something so much it can then actually start to control you to a certain degree and gives them more power then they actually had. Should we not just forget about the Mughals and just try and concentrate on Sikhism? What the Mughals did to Sikhs, Hindus and even their own people was very bad. But we must not become overly obsessed with this notion. Instead we should focus our energy in spreading Sikhism. There is a saying. 'The Lion Does not acknowledged the lowly Hyena' I think the main History that needs to be taught is that Sikhs were victorious in many battles with the Mughals against all odds and drove them out of Punjab. And obviously about how our Gurus guided us in doing so, They they did not single handily do this, the Hindu Martha empire contributed to this enormously also. In fact if it was not for the Hindu Warriors of the various empires they controlled, all of India have become Muslims. I think we need to drop the stereo type of Hindus being cowardly people who just let the Mughals rule without putting up a fight. There may have been some that converted but the overwhelming majority of Hindus did not convert to Islam and fought very courageously to keep their faith. The main battles and rivals that the Mughals had were infact the the Hindu Maratha Empire who inflicted great damage to the Mughals. Aurangzeb Tried his best to convert all of India but he could not defeat the Maratha's in the Deccan and hence lost the war and his empire. We should give credit where credit is due. The Maratha's did very good for India and helped keep Islam out.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh Discover Sikhism is a non-profit website and has only recently started. Please support our efforts by making people aware of Discover Sikhism and by asking your friends and family to visit. We hope the Sri Harmandir Sahib Daily Hukumnama, Live Kirtan, Sikh Radio & TV Channels and other pages/ general information is useful. Our humble aim is to raise Sikh awareness and let people (Sikh and non Sikh) discover the Sikhs and their Gurus; the Gurus teachings, the sacrifices they made, their fight for freedom, their fight against inequality and injustice, the persecution they faced, and still face, from musalmaan (muslims) and hindus, and the Gurus teachings on leading a charitable and honest life We are not sponsored by any organisation or group (except hopefully one Akal Purakh). We use no adverts and require no donations. Any feedback would be humbly appreciated. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
The guy who makes these videos on Youtube needs to do lessons in English on the: Sikh Channel, Sangat TV and also other channels, who agrees?
i have got failure in my career.. i came back home fer amrit chak leya.. saab thek chal reha c meri frndz naal ladai ho geyi everyone left me alone.... ik de main kol ja k lad aya becz ohh menu bolda c..i did wrong..parents v dukhi ne i could not get sucess in anything...ajj 3din ho gaye main nitname ni kita..i felt all alone...wt should i do...? :-(
i have got failure in my career.. i came back home fer amrit chak leya.. saab thek chal reha c meri frndz naal ladai ho geyi everyone left me alone.... ik de main kol ja k lad aya becz ohh menu bolda c..i did wrong..parents v dukhi ne i could not get sucess in anything...ajj 3din ho gaye main nitname ni kita..i felt all alone...wt should i do...? :-(
I need an article from a reputed author/publisher which highlights the positive status women enjoy in Sikhism. Essentially, it should discuss about how Sikhism stresses against gender inequality and rather focuses on equal status for women.
So I was wondering what Scientology was about and wikipedia'd it. Under the body and spirit section i came across this: Body and Spirit Scientology beliefs revolve around the thetan, the individualized expression of the cosmic source, or life force, named after the Greek letter theta (θ).[103][104][105] The thetan is the true identity of a person – an intrinsically good, omniscient, non-material core capable of unlimited creativity.[103][104] In the primordial past, thetans brought the material universe into being largely for their own pleasure.[103] The universe has no independent reality, but derives its apparent reality from the fact that most thetans agree it exists.[104] Thetans fell from grace when they began to identify with their creation, rather than their original state of spiritual purity.[103] Eventually they lost their memory of their true nature, along with the associated spiritual and creative powers. As a result, thetans came to think of themselves as nothing but embodied beings.[104][106] Thetans are reborn time and time again in new bodies through a process called "assumption" which is analogous to reincarnation.[103] Like Hinduism, Scientology posits a causal relationship between the experiences of earlier incarnations and one's present life, and with each rebirth, the effects of the MEST universe (MEST here stands for matter, energy, space, and time) on the thetan become stronger.[103] anybody notice any similarities? because this sounds similar to a post I remember N30SINGH ji saying about the creation of sargun from nirgun and the veil of Maya being created, and MEST sounds like karam, and "thetans came to think of themselves as nothing but embodied beings" this kinda reminds me of man thoo jot saroop hai, apna mool pachan.... Should we start saying Baba L. Ron Hubbard Scientologywale?
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- scientology
- sikhi
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Why is Sikhism a better religion ? Im not converting or anythin but one of my close buddies an muslim and we always have debates on whats right and wrong in religions! Can you guys give me some valid points on why sikhism is better thanks in advance !
Here is a book by Panth Rattan Giani Maan Singh Ji Jour called "Maan Aas Ghnayri" hope this book benefits the Sangat. Giani Maan Singh Ji book
here are great books that are now online Gurbani Vyakran By Prof Sahib Singh Gatha Sri Ad Granth Part 1 by Prof. Pirra Singh Sri Kartarpur Bir De Darshan by Bhai Jodh Singh
Pardeep Attri The first step in liquidating a people is to erase its memory. Destroy its books, its culture, its history, Then have somebody write new books, manufacture a new culture, invent a new history. Before long the nation will begin to forget what it is and what it was. The world around it will forget even faster. The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting. - Milan Kundera. In the month June 2012, the Government of Punjab announced that it will set up a 'cow memorial' at a factory site in Joga town, Mansa District, where recovery of cow carcasses had sparked off riots. And a day after announcing a 'cow memorial', the Badal Government further announced it will constitute a 'cow commission' to 'prevent cruelties against the holy animal'. Mr. Badal even made a visit to the factory where cow slaughter was supposedly taking place and instructed the DGP to look into the cases of cow slaughter with interest and thoroughly. Mr. Badal and his party members didn't even have the time to pay a visit to the blanket factory at Jalandhar which collapsed in April 2012 and which left more than 10 people dead and 100s badly injured. Not even a single statement came in favor of dead or injured in the one of worst factory accidents of Punjab's history. Was it because people working at that factory were poor and their lives were not as important as the lives of cows? And recently, when a madman at a Wisconsin Sikh Gurdwara killed 6 people, Mr. Badal, CM of Punjab, decided to visit Wisconsin! Isn't it strange that when in his home state, thousands Dalits are being tortured and when the crime rate against Dalits is going up day by day, he decided to visit Wisconsin to comfort Sikhs of Wisconsin? Is it because these people living abroad finance him and support his party during the election time and the poor Dalits don't have as much money to donate? So Dalit voices are left unheard. All these announcements didn't come to me as surprise as I know who are working behind all these. For centuries, Hindu fundamentalists have always taken a keen interest in destroying Sikhism, Buddhism and Jainism. RSS's 'secret agenda', (published by "New Age" weekly of Communist Party, dated 18th-24th June 2000, same was also reproduced by Aajka Surekh Bharat, Nagpur, Oct. 2000, P-44,) shows the same, 'secret agenda' in which it was advocated to members that they "teach false history, misguide minority communities, compel them to chant 'Om', divide Dalit unity, keep converting Dalits, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists into Hindus etc. There were 34 such points in that 'secret agenda', points which were against humanity, mankind & full of hatred. These days, Sikh organizations, Sikh temples etc are hijacked by Hindu fundamentalists and they are running these organizations as they want. Sikh leaders can be seen at Hindu functions, celebrating Hindu festivals, visiting Hindu temples and performing Hindu pujas. How can Dalits, who protected Sikhism at each and every step, trust such Sikh leaders who attend such Hindu functions where Sikhism is being ruined? Sikhism and Buddhism are the two religions that inspire me the most. But, when I see Sikh women going to Gurudwaras and tying Rakhis to the palki of Guru Granth Sahib or when I see Buddhist women going to Buddhist religious places and tying Rakhis to banyan trees, I feel sad for those innocent people. What was originally a Hindu festival has ignorantly been accepted by Sikhs and Buddhists without questioning the credibility of the festival or without considering what the Sikh Gurus or Buddha had said or what Dr Ambedkar had said in 22 Vows. Buddha and the Sikh Gurus never accepted Hindu customs, rather than accepting they challenged many ritual practices in Brahmanism: Guru Nanak Dev Ji refused to wear a janeu and the Buddha challenged caste system. Buddha and all the Sikh Gurus had rightly said "You must not only discard the shastras, you must deny their authority & you should have courage to tell the Hindus where they are wrong". Sikhs and Buddhist heritage is so rich that in both religions, men and women were given equal rights/status from the beginning. Why would women need protection when they can defend themselves? In 1706 A.D., at "Khidrana di dhab", where the Sikhs were fighting against Mughals and when 40 Sikh men abandoned the 10th guru 'Guru Gobind Singh Ji' in the time of need, their wives took up the weapons and came to fight. Women in Sikhism and Buddhism were treated equal so shouldn't just fall prey to the fake rituals created to destroy the rich inheritance of Sikhs and Buddhists. Let me restate a few differences between Sikhism and Hinduism, differences that Sikhs and Sikh leaders are forgetting: 1. Sikhs believe in One and only One God, whereas Hindus worship a number of gods, goddesses, and deities. 2. The Hindu Trinity-- Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva-- is altogether rejected by Sikhs. 3. The worship of any carved statues, images or idols is completely forbidden in Sikhism although it is allowed in Hinduism. 4. The cow is not considered as a sacred animal by Sikhs; hence it is not worshiped at all. 5. The supremacy of the Vedas, Gita and other Hindu scriptures is not recognized or accepted in Sikhism. Sikhs have their own holy book, the Shri. Guru Granth Sahib, compiled by the fifth Guru himself. 6. Sikhism has rejected the caste system, and all men and women are reckoned equal irrespective of their caste, color or creed, does Hinduism do all this? 7. Sikh traditions, customs, and ceremonies of death and marriage are completely different from those of the Hindus. These are just a few differences; Sikhism is an entirely different religion and everyone has to keep that in mind. It's foolishness on the Sikhs' part to take part in pro-RSS activities and work according to Hindutva. How shameful and unfortunate that all these announcements – cow commissions, cow memorials – are and that all these decisions are being made by Sikh leaders; Sikh leaders who claim themselves to be sympathizers of Dalits and the poor. Can you believe that Punjab has been ranked number 1 state many times by many magazines and newspapers? It is shameful that public money is wasted on such commissions and memorials when Dalits of Punjab don't have basic necessities, when Dalit students of Punjab struggle for good education. The condition of Government schools is poor; there is no infrastructure, and no availability of teachers. Is there no need to improve Government schools because they are being used by Dalit students? A recent survey of Government of India showed that 97% of students in Government primary schools in Punjab are from Dalit and backward castes. Dalits of Punjab lack basic necessities, Dalits of Punjab are as poor as Dalits of other states, and Dalits of Punjab are as enslaved as Dalits of other states. Dalits of Punjab don't need cow commissions or cow memorials, they need good education. Give Dalits a chance to live, give Dalit students wings of dreams with good education, give Dalits a hope with good living conditions, create conditions where Dalits don't have to live in fear. Follow what the Sikh Gurus preached. It's high time for everyone to wake up against these Hindutva preachings. Sikh leaders who are becoming puppets in the hands of these Manuwadis will lead to the end of Sikhism and if such activities – cow commissions, cow memorials - continue, the day won't be far away when idols of Hindu deities will be seen at the 'Darbar Saheb' - Golden Temple. ~~~ http://roundtableind...ture&Itemid=132
I have seen Sikhs answer many Christians, Hindus, Muslims etc. raising points on Sikhi and spreading misinformation about Sikhi but isn't it time that we should make pages answering pages like these:!/Islam.Sikhism They do not look at their own religion and most of the articles on Sikhi are biased and have only what the author thinks. He has taken a few words and expanded on them rather then looking at the whole, line incident, shabad etc. Also one gets the impression the author Abu Adeeba seems to support conversion of Sikhs through lieing, intimidation etc.