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  1. A professional online Sikhi based school. Question for parents with young kids: What it would take you to have your child enrolled in the online school on top of their regular school? What level of support do you need to get you and your kid to participate? Does cost matter? Does self-paced course/lesson better than Live programs? Question for general sangat: Should there be any tiers in the program - Advanced, Intermediate, and Novice Should it be Free of Cost or basic cost such as monthly fees to cover running cost? Should it be more focused on those community members who are not in touch with Sikhi (Not going to Gurdwara sahib regularly etc)? Would appreciate views & suggestions on the above ... Gurfateh
  2. ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕਾ ਖਾਲਸਾ ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਫ਼ਤਿਹ !!! My name is Sarkar e Khalsa, i've been registered quite a while but have become a regular quite recently. That aside, I'm a Singh from Manitoba Canada, seeking virtual Gursangat that can help guide me, although I'm quite young I've grown toward Sikhi through some Singhs I met here that taught me shastar vidhya, and ithihaas, however I'd like to grow...Any help and any sangat would be welcomed
  3. Guest

    How to meet new sangat

    Waheguru ji ki khalsa Waheguru ji ki fateh I have recently gotten into sikhi, it has been around 3 years since I've started wearing a dastar now I think. Since I've started I have had stages where I have been very religious and then stages where I haven't. Coming from a non religious family at all I find it hard to get guidance from someone close to me. I have two local Gurdwaras one of which I used to go to regularly however they seemed to be very Liberal and hardly any of them were gursikhs and most of them drunk alcohol and such things. The other Gurdwara I have been to a few times but they dont make me feel welcome at all they stare at me and act abnoxious to me. I have recently started going to another gurdwara outside of my town which is around a 20 minute drive but I literally know no one there and as I'm going alone it makes it a lot harder to try to meet new people and being an introverted person makes it more difficult. If anyone could suggest any ways of making new friends that are gursikhs that would be great thanks
  4. Waheguru ji ka khalsa , Waheguru ji ki Fateh, Sangat ji, I am going through tough times in my life and is turning towards Gurbani recently. I have been reading bani since childhood but not so much with interest. I am not a gursikh as of now but my inclination towards become one is getting strong day by day. Confident, I would reach there someday. I am looking for fellow sangat in the same boat as me or have been in the same shoes at some point in there life, to share discuss and engage and even guide ourselves to the Guru Sahib's way. I am located in Alberta Canada. Any recommended ways that I could find sangat to support, help, prosper and become a true sikh?
  5. Waheguru ji ka khalsa , Waheguru ji ki Fateh, Sangat ji, I am going through tough times in my life and is turning towards Gurbani recently. I have been reading bani since childhood but not so much with interest. I am not a gursikh as of now but my inclination towards become one is getting strong day by day. Confident, I would reach there someday. I am looking for fellow sangat in the same boat as me or have been in the same shoes at some point in there life, to share discuss and engage and even guide ourselves to the Guru Sahib's way. I am located in Alberta Canada. Any recommended ways that I could find sangat to support, help, prosper and become a true sikh?
  6. Is ok to organize a paath for her most likely sukhmani , just want the the sangat to give her some naam.
  7. Khalsa ji does anyone know where i can buy senchi sahibs in 2 volumes and for how much money they will cost me pl make your reply fast thanks keep the faith bhul chuk maaf daas guest singh waheguru ji da khalsa waheguru ji di fateh boooleee soo nihaaal saat srii akaaal
  8. Guest

    In dilemma - faith and love

    Waheguru ji ka khalsa, waheguru ji ki fateh sangat ji! I have been coming to this forum to read about various things but this is the first time I'm posting anything, and it happens to be a request for the sangat's help on my dilemma. I (24, male, non-amritdhaari) have been in a relationship with a non-Sikh girl for the past 1 year and 8 months. I have never been in any other relationship, neither have I ever thought I would ever be. I in fact used to think it is something not destined for me and I was content with having an arranged marriage as well. But I happened to meet this girl. I have always thought that this is the girl i want to marry and she too sees me as her future husband. I have been interested in Sikhi and wanting to grow my Sikhi since about the age of 18, trying to gain knowledge about it, but I never really was inclined to keep a rehat. It was until AFTER 1.25 years of ALREADY having been in this relationship, that with Guru's kirpa I realized that I need to actually maintain a rehat actively and I had this inner urge to follow Guru Sahib. Now coming to my dilemma, I honestly love this girl and she loves me. But now that I'm trying to live my life the way our Guru has taught us, I have this doubt whether this relationship will be acceptable to Guru Sahib. Had I been already on the path of Sikhi seriously BEFORE meeting her, I would probably not look at any girl with those kind of prospects in mind. But I'm well past that stage now, and I do not want to hurt her by leaving her abruptly saying "my Guru does not want me to marry a Non-Sikh". She has supported me and does not have any qualms with me being serious within my SIkhi even though I was not "like this" when she started liking me. I want to earn the blessings of Guru maharaj but I do not know whether Guru Sahib would be happy with their Sikh breaking an innocent heart. My question is whether Guru maharaj deems it just to break the heart of the one you love if it is for the purpose of keeping rehit. I want to reiterate the fact that I had been in love with her BEFORE I started trying to keep a rehat seriously. I want to hear what advice the sangat has for me. HUMBLY REQUEST YOU TO PLEASE PROVIDE GURBANI PANGTIS OR HISTORICAL EVIDENCES, WHICH YOU BASE YOUR ADVICE UPON. I would like to request you to be polite in your words if possible. Waheguru ji ka khalsa, waheguru ji ki fateh!
  9. Is this place an actually Sangat or is it just a forum, do we have dedicated educated spiritual Sikhs on here or all like me are manmukh
  10. Guest

    My sangat judges me

    I am an amritdhari kaur. I have made many mistakes in my life like, i got too lazy to do nitnem one day or i do nindia of someone.. i get it i am not perfect and have made many, many countless mistakes that guroo sahib is aware of. but i am always trying to better myself as a gursikh. One of my favourite things to do is go into sangat, do sangat of other piare amritdhari singh and singhnia.. but today i have found out all this sangat has been judging me and spreading rumours about me (some false ones, some true but exaggerated or without knowing the full story making me look like the bad person).. most of this sangat i know and have seen around but i am always kept to myself i have never spoken to anyone except a fateh and small talk... so today i found it extremely upsetting and hurtful that this sangat has been talking about me behind my back and spreading these rumours meaning that the sangat i don’t know and havent spoken to wont speak to me ever thinking i am a bad gursikh.. and believing these rumours. i know guroo sahib knows all this but it’s so hurtful knowing those you thought were supposed to be your family are the ones warning others to stay away from you.. i feel so upset i feel like i cant even show my face in public without sangat judging me even though i have done nothing..
  11. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh! I have a friend in Birmingham UK who needs Sangat, but not just any Sangat, preferable younger Sangat that is into Sikhi. She is also looking for a close group of Kaur friends who she can discuss Sikh matters with.
  12. Edit: Shoot...just figured out Jagraj Singh Ji died not quite a year ago. May he have Mukhti.
  13. A Catholic woman posted that some Sikh woman started having adulterous relations with the Catholic's husband. I posted: Then some anonymous "giani" replies: My response: Where did you get the idea that Sikhs are not supposed to be repsonsible before the sangat? I'm guessing you view Sikhism as merely an individual endeavor. (If not, reply with what you meanwhen you think Sikhs have no responsibility before the Sangat.) That's not Guru Nanak Dev ji's conception of religion. (I do not want to get sidetracked on terminology of religion vs. dharam. If you want to call it dharam, fine.) You do know that Guru Nanak ji created a panth, right? ਮਾਰਿਆ ਸਿਕਾ ਜਗਤ੍ਰਿ ਵਿਚਿ ਨਾਨਕ ਨਿਰਮਲ ਪੰਥ ਚਲਾਇਆ। Maariaa Sikaa Jagati Vichi Naanak Niramal Panthhu Chalaaiaa | In the world, he established the authority (of his doctrines) and started a religion, devoid of any impurity (niramal panth). ਵਾਰਾਂ ਭਾਈ ਗੁਰਦਾਸ : ਵਾਰ ੧ ਪਉੜੀ ੪੫ ਪੰ. ੪ A panth is an organized religion. It's not a free-for-all. Question: Is a Sikh responsible before the Guru? If not, then what's the point of calling himself a Sikh? If, on the other hand, a Sikh is responsible before the Guru, then who holds the Guruship today? Answer: The Sangat/panth/Panj Piyare. Do you deny Guru Gobind Singh ji invested the Guruship within the Panth (Sangat)?
  14. Waheguru Ji ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh. Sangat Ji I’m going through a very weird situation right now with my Guru Ghar, I’ve been taking an interest in a lot of Bani as of late so I’ve been doing my own Khoj of it. I’ve listened to Katha, read Teekas and also did my own interpretations of it (all in line with Gurmat as I take nearly all of it from Taksal). Our Guru Ghar is very nice and the atmosphere is good as well, the people are very friendly too. So I wanted to start doing Katha of the Bani I had learned and the arths of it. Currently there is already a Gursikh doing Katha of another bani but he will most likely need to go do Kaatha elsewhere, so I offered up my services to the Guru Ghar as I was really excited to do something worthwhile. I can talk about Bani all day and I would love the opportunity, I asked the head of the committee about it and he refused to let me, I asked why and he explained it to as thus. He said that since I shave my beard (which is true, I do but I would like to add I used to shave it once a week but now I do it nearly every 2 months and im slowly letting it grow and will keep it soon) it projects a bad image and that the sangat would start attacking the Guru Ghar over allowing someone like me to do Katha, which I find really startling as they allow moni to do Kirtan within Guru Ghar and I have seen many moni brothers doing some sort of katha (history wise) before, he cited Mika Singh who did a shabad at a Smagam and how the Sangat got angry at him over it. I did some googling and found the man was involved in all sorts of weird stuff (kissing, groping etc) and I see why the Sangat was upset, but the head was using this as a means of saying that the sangat don’t want people who shave or don’t have kesh to do anything like katha. I feel really discouraged by this as I was really keen and excited about it, I get his logic but I wanted to ask if the Sangat here agreed with it. I get im not the ideal person but I just want to share what I have learnt.
  15. Guest

    Toronto GTA and mature folk

    WJKK WJKF, Sangat ji, I’m seeking guidance regarding marital planning. Sangat ji, please don’t mind this, but I’m a sehajdhari (cut hair) asking for advice. With all due respect, ‘No dating’ doesn’t apply to me. I’m from gta/Toronto, in my late 20s. I didn’t have brown neighbours/classmates growing up. Fast forward to today, I still live where I never see Punjabis. I just need to know how I should go about meeting a man. How do people like me, in the late 20s, find a suitable Punjabi match these days? I even went through matrimonial sections of newspapers my mom got for me. (All the men look for “a traditional, family-oriented woman”, & the men never describe themselves as family-oriented, but that’s a topic for another day.) I broke off an engagement because my partner became agnostic. Although I’m just a sehajdhari moni (cut hair) & seldom drink, I’m still spiritual and I wish God pairs me up with a man who will value what I value, like being vegetarian, being humble, being outdoors, and doing seva at the Gurdwara.. But these points (except vegetarian part) aren’t listed in the mens’ matrimonial entries. My mom suggested I do sevaa at the Gurdwara to pick out a respectable man there, but that shouldn’t be my focus at the Gurdwara. I guess my question is.. How should I go about meeting Punjabi sikhs/sehajdhari with marriage as the goal? I’d rather not read anymore sexist matrimonial entries lol. I’m open to everyone’s respectable suggestions. My fellow Toronto folk, let me know. * [Sehajdhari -meaning I accept Sikhi as my dharam but just don’t have kes (kept hair).] Thanks for your patience. WJJK WJKF
  16. Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh! I have a personal doubt to discuss .. Lets start the topic (i m already sure a lot of you will have discordant opinions from mine but thats right all opinions are accepted). Before all i'd say i belong to a sikh family and i have faith in god (i sometimes do path and often listen to gurbani), but i m not amritdhari and i ve not even took kesh for the moment. My problem is that i have to deal with a nose which i personally dont like so much (a hooked nose, i mean a nose with a little hump, that is not really in harmony with my other facial features). Fortunately, people (in school,city,ecc) have never bullied me but i think that, during puberty, my nose got a bit worse due perhaps to two operations ( in childood i had two operations to the nose to improve breathing reducing my nasal polyps, that were harmful for the breathe, and extracting nasal adenoids). Anyway, the current fact (now i m 22) is that when i look up to the mirror i like my self and feel comfortable but when i look to my nose i always feel very down with mood and self esteem,, i think a nose job to ONLY REFINE nose will surely solve the problem so i will probably do it in future ( i will probably do this NOT FOR looking "better" around society but at first for my personal satisfaction and for my better psychological balance). In fact i am talking with you about nosejob after years full of doubts and paranoia (a very negative period): the last 2/3 years i suffered a lot, i generally was vulnerable , afraid of people/society opinions and criticism (also for stupid things, like a comment on my clothes or a majak about my shyness nature,ecc.) and consequently didn't like my self so much so i started to isolate from people, stay always closed at home and talk only with parents. My life was ruined. Fortunately, Thanks to god,to books,to my family support and also to the aid of a good psychologist (i had some sessions with her, despite my parents were wary at the beginning ) i understood a lot of my problems and i am realizing that first of all i HAVE TO to love my self, follow my wishes (of course with some limits) and live my life with passion, without thinking about other people bad opinions and be conditioned by them !! So one of my first wish as i said is to have a little change only in my actual nose (other wishes are for example to improve in my job, pray for sarbat da pala, help people in difficulty trough socialworks and internet, make my family and community proud, ecc.): i m not in favor of cosmetic surgery generally and i don't like plastic people but i think this surgery is right only if it is going to solve a serious estethic or pshicologically disease in a person who is mature, as in my case. On the other side i know that nosejob , being a part of cosmetic surgery, is against sikh discipline (according to the dharam, in fact, our body is a natural gift of god so we should try to mantain it the same till death) and as sikhs we should focus on our INNER peace/beauty and then reach guru grace. Me too, as i belong to sikh pariwaar (and one day with guruji kirpa wish to be baptized), i love gurbani and follow a lot of principles like be honest, respect others, do sewa, stay away fromdrugs,alcool, kaam, krod, onkar, and above all try to help people that are in difficulty (in fact one of my future project is to make as a passion instructive videos on youtube in order to spread POSITIVE VIBES and try to MOTIVATE people especially the young people who are in difficulty but have inside great hidden-talents!!) . So, in short words, i am a simple and educated person with a inner spirituality: I could seem a narcissist person just bcz i want to do this kind of operation (nose job) but i am sure i m not full of ego or a bad person (a huge "paapi banda") and i am also in good relation with the local khalsa community!! FINALLY I CAN EXPLAIN MY DOUBT: IN YOUR SIKHI OPINION IF I DO THE SURGERY BUT I STAY A GOOD AND HONEST PERSON FOR ALL MY LIFE , I WILL BE DEFINITELY CONDEMNED BY GOD DUE TO THE OPERATION OR I WILL HAVE ANYWAY THE POSSIBILITY TO REACH GURU GRACE AND GOD AFTER DEATH (TAKING MAYBE AMRiT AND FOLLOWING SIKH DISCIPLINE IN FUTURE)? i know a person who had hair transplantation some years ago and now he is a sardar and i also have an amritdhari excellent friend who in his young age got some permanent tattoos,, for me a nosejob is at the same PAAP LEVEL of getting tattoos, having hair transplant or going in the case of woman to hairfacial laser, isnt it ??? If i make some grammar mistakes i m sorry , i don t live in a british country.. look forward for any reply that can help me with my doubt . pulla chukka da maaf karna
  17. Am travelling from the UK to US/Canada by cruise liner (ship) to New York and then Amtrack (train) to Toronto, Canada Either November 19 or (more likely) December 15. I have to pay for 2 people even if travelling alone so it makes sense to share. If you want to travel with me please would you urgently message me. Benefit is keeping kirpan and 5 star luxury travel for the same cost as a direct flight. If you cannot afford to split the cost, you can travel with me for free and have a holiday. You can get off in the US or continue on to Canada or elsewhere. I am a Sikh maintaining rehit, nitnem etc. Please pm urgently.
  18. Recently my cousin sister decided to get married and when they were speaking to the gurdwara management guys to arrange the wedding at the gurdwara the guy told them various packages/options they could chose each with various crazy extortion amounts of they would have to pay which didnt feel right with her and the family as the gurdwara is supposed to be a place of worship, a charitable place to help the sangat but it felt more like a money making business. They were also told there would be plenty of parking for the relatives and friends. However closer to the day of the wedding they was told there is no free parking and that the roads surrounding the gurdwara are residential parking which are metered and relatives/friends would have to pay to park on the roads. When she told me this I felt disgusted that gurdwara commitee's are behaving this way and then wonder why people don't come gurdwara's regularly or look in to other faiths who help them.
  19. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh PROBLEM CONTEXT I am living/ working in a country for a few months where there are no Sikhs, let alone a Gurudwara. I've tried contacting via FB etc, there is no sangat near me. My team is nice, we get along fine. I do not at all feel even the slightest temptation to drink alcohol, touch meat (vegertarian options without egg are so scarce here), have relationships with other travellers or remove my body hair (even though it is 50 degrees heat and everyone is wearing singlets and shorts going to the beach). I know this is all Guru Ji's help. 2 years ago I was drinking and vomiting in toilets, having sex with strangers, removing as much body hair as I could and thinking i was a 'spiritual person' I know I've been addicted to alcohol, cannabis, MDMA and the fact I have no desire now isn't something I am capable of- this is Guru Ji's working. THE PROBLEM I'm really starting to miss my Amritvela. I used to so freely wake up, shower, do simran and nitnem and not worry. now I have to worry about so many things with my roommate, especially as she sleeps so late. Even though I don't complain of her sleeping late (perhaps I should, tactfully?) she will say things like "I couldn't sleep because I heard your alarm so I've been up since very early." This makes me feel super guilty. Extra guilty because I'm so TIRED that I don't even remember hearing the alarm myself or turning it off... I DONT WAKE UP AT AMRITVELA. i end up waking up around 5.30-6am so amritvela is long-gone. Since my time being here, I've only once had the chance to do amritvela freely, and that is when everyone had gone out drinking/ clubbing for the night and came home late. When I do my nitnem I don't say it aloud because she is always in the room (and a different faith so i don't want to ever feel like I'm forcing or invading personal space). But man. I miss doing simran aloud- feeling my throat muscles saying Waheguru and closing my eyes so my ears could hear my body speak Waheguru. Be grateful to Waheguru for allowing my body, my lips to be blessed with the beauty of their Naam. The sweetness in my mouth, the warmth of the love but the cool breeze of peace settling in my head, sinking into my heart...anyway Imma get senti real quick lol. So please. I understand my current situation is resultant of karams from this life and previous. But I want help in improving my new karams that I'm (not) earning every moment. How do I wake up at Amritvela? Need help with how to 1. Ask to turn lights off earlier because I can't sleep until ALL lights are off (which doesn't happen till around 11pm) 2. Shower without feeling guilty about making noise and waking her up too early 3. Sing Gurbani aloud. I'm scared I'll get into a bad habit if I keep doing this and become lazy in the future. And any other advice you could offer would be highly appreciated
  20. Guest

    sangat in Brampton

    I live in brampton, and was wondering where can you find sangat ? I see a lot of sikhs but where can you go where you can discuss about sikhi and learn
  21. Vahiguroo jee kaa khalsa Vahiguroo jee kee fateh Amrit Sanchaar & Akhand Keertan Smagam In Memory of Baba Buddha jee Janam Divas Date - 1st October 2016, Time - Akhand Keertan 7PM -12AM Location - Singh Sabha Gurdwara, Coventry, CV6 5GR Amrith Sanchaar starts at 7pm Baba Buddha jee is recognized as one of the great Sikhs of the Guru period. He had the privilege of being blessed by the first six Gurus. He led an ideal Sikh life for more than a hundred years. He was one of closest companions of the Sri Guru Nanak Dev jee and is one of the most revered and sacred saints in Sikhi. He holds one of the most important and pivotal positions in Sikh history. *The first head Granthi of Sri Harmandir Sahib. *Helped Build Sri Akal Takht Sahib *Baba Budda applied Tilak/Tikka to five Sikh Gurus Sahibaans, from Sri Guru Angad Dev jee to Sri Guru Hargobind jee. *Did the Seva of digging of the Baoli (well) at Govinval Sahib under the instructions of Sri Guru Amar Daas jee *Did Seva Excavation of the Sarovar at Sri Darbar Sahib under Guru Raam Daas Sahib jee and Guru Arjan Dev Sahib jee *Baba Buddha jee put the two swords of Miri and Piri on Sri Guru Hargobind Sahib jee. Vahiguroo jee kaa khalsa Vahiguroo jee kee fateh For more information, please contact 07969 655015 WWW - AKJ.ORG INSTAGRAM - AKJ_UK FACEBOOK - akjuk
  22. Guest

    shabad on sangat channel ?

    does anyone know which shabad comes on sangat channel? its been coming on for a while now. it sounds so sweet. the video for it is various clips of harimandir sahib and the takht sahibs i cant find it on youtube ! anyone ?
  23. Please send us any program information and posters, our aim is UNITY and EKTA in the panth. Make the Sangat aware of events/programs in your area. ?? Great intermediary page to promote ekta and keep up with the latest events and programs. Updated video and image content daily. Please follow uk Sikhs on Instagram and Facebook
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