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I am in big dilemma. As we all know that waheguru ji everywhere. I also understand that it is important to go to gurudwara sahib as well. My question is that if i do ardaas at home or any other place other than gurudwara sahib, will it be heard and acknowledged by guru sahib or it is always important to go to gurudwara sahib and do ardaas at gurudwara sahib for guru sahib to acknowledge it? I always do path and ardaas at home in front of harmandir sahib photo or hazur sahib photo and then for important things i make a list and go to gurudwara sahib to do the ardaas there because i think that if i do ardaas in front of guru granth sahib then it will be more accepted by guru sahib. On the other hand i think that if i am doing ardaas in front of harmandir sahib or hazur sahib photo and redoing the same ardaas at gurudwara sahib, i feel that i am not respecting the authority of harmandir sahib or hazur sahib. Because of all this, I wait to find a quite time at gurudwara sahib when there is less or no sangat so that I can open my list and read and do ardaas spend 10-15 minutes on average to do ardaas. If there are lot of people, i can't do ardaas due to people in the lineup and I don't want to block access to them while i am spending so much time doing ardaas. If i leave without doing ardaas then i am embarrassed, disappointed and sad and then OCD kicks in. Kindly help!
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh Please someone shed light on the following situation: I understand that waheguru ji is everywhere. This is what I feel: when I go to gurughar to do ardas, most of the times my ardas is accepted and when I do from home, sometimes ardas is not accepted. This makes me believe that i need to go to gurughar to do ardas in order to fullfill the ardas wishes. Now, here the problen is, I do regular path and ardas at home and when something is important, i do ardas at home and go to gurudwara sahib to do the ardas and if i don't do that i feel something bad will happen and my wish will not be fullfilled. Sometimes the list gets so big, i had to write it on a piece of paper and look at the paper while doing ardas at gurughar. Sometimes I get frustrated because sometimes there is hukumnama, sometimes ardas happening, sometimes sukhasan, sometimes there is a big crowd (lineup) that I can't peacefully stand and do ardas and wait until everything is over. Also, i think if I do full ardass (means like the way the pathi sahib do), that's the only way fullfill my wishes. I think if I don't do full ardas and simply request for my wishes to be fullfilled (point to point talk without full ardas), waheguru will not listen and won't grant me those wishes. This all is driving me crazy with frustration and mental peace. is it real that only ardas has to be done at gurughar to be fullfilled or it can be done anywhere anytime? Kindly advise what should I do and please guide me to the right path.
Two of our allies are going into battle today. In texas. Against corrupt politicians, missapropriated funds, gun violence, and trying to get justice for an innocent woman and her baby gunned down. He's entering two seperate gang territories today to try and stop a gang war before it explodes. Please offer Ardas for these two Kings and let us vibrate a Benti Chaupai Sahib.
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✿✿✿✿ 4788 ✿✿✿✿ Sangat Ji, Bibi Jagjeet Kaur Ji from Sacramento is suffering from a rare form of cancer, The doctors have said that only divine intervention can save her from this fast spreading disease. It is a request to please do as many mool mantar jaaps as possible for her chardikala and please do ardas for her deh-arogta (recovery from disease) Please post the number of mool mantar jaaps done for her on this thread so that a collective ardas can be done on sangat's behalf. For those who are not familiar with this chardikala singhnee, here is her story from her own pen:
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- bibi jagjeet kaur
- moolmantar
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A sort of odd Simran, Ardas, Dharam opportunity for the open minded... It has come to my attention that a mass ritual, and confluence of rituals is taking place to target the victimizers of children. It is being conducted two ways. The first and most promoted way is through mass blessings targetting children. Focusing on their sanctity and quality of life, their dignity, their protected divine nature. And reinforcing these virtues through prayer and ritual work. The second request they've made... only to those initiated into certain to target the victimizers and hold in mind their coming to justice and their destruction energetically. It is for all children but was inspired by brutalities here against the indigenous. Thoughts on this? Anyone want to do Ardas for the children?
Hi guys, after ardas. Why do they say the next part that goes: "agiya bhai akal ki, tabi chalaiyo panth..." and where is this from? Also, is it "tabbay" or "tabi"? I always heard tabi but I recently got into sikhi a few months ago and in a kirtan hymn on YouTube, they say "tabbay" so I am confused on the pronunciation. I will put the link below:
Sat sri akal I am Harminder Kaur from India and my sister from another mothers name is Sarah she is a cancer patient and I request people to do a ardas for her as she is going for a major surgery The more people do a ardas for her there will be more chance that sacha badhshah will listen to atleast one ardas
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- ardas
- cancer cured by akhand path !
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Vaheguru ji ka khalsa Vaheguru ji ki fateh I usually do aarti sahib before the ardas but the gutka sahib at our house has rehras sahib and ardas straight afterwards and aarti later, that made me wonder if it should be read before of after ardas. Please forgive me for my stupidity ji, I am just starting to do my nitnem and wanted it to be correctly done ji. Bhul chuk maaf ji Vaheguru ji ka khalsa Vaheguru ji ki fateh
Hi I'm back after a long time, I wanna know so when I'm doing my Ardaas is there a part where I speak to God for my wishes and to explain the purpose of this Ardaas. Please, someone, help me and write the line in English Punjabi, Thank you.
Recently I have been pondering over this a lot...why isn't Mata Ji mentioned in the Ardaas? Almost all the key figures in the Panth throughout history and currently are mentioned either directly or indirectly, but oddly enough the Mother of the Panth has no mention. Not only that but Mata Ji has generally been sidelined and treated as a background figure up until recently where there has been (somewhat) more awareness of Her status, which in actual fact is a very exalted status; Mata Sahib Devan Ji is the Puran Sargun Saroop of Adi Shakti. Why isn't She talked about more? Why do we not do Ardaas to Her? Why is She not remembered or invoked on a daily basis? Aside from a brief mention on Baisakhi there is nothing. The Mother of the Sikh Panth, of the Khalsa, Jagat Mata, is Adi Shakti Herself. We are blessed. And we as a Panth need to take it upon ourselves to pay homage to Her, and give Her the utmost respect and reverence. Mata Ji is Ang Sang Sahai... ਖਾਲਸਾ ਦੇ ਮਾਤਾ ਆਦਿ ਸ਼ਕਤੀ ਸ੍ਵਰੂਪ ਧੰਨ ਮਾਤਾ ਸਾਹਿਬ ਦੇਵਾਂ ਜੀ ਸਭ ਥਾਈਂ ਹੋਇ ਸਹਾਇ ॥ Please share your thoughts. Gurbar Akaal!!!
Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh i just want to spill my heart out that today after our kirtan smagam at an university i was randomly asked by someone to do ardas afterwards I answered with a yes. But when i satrted doing ardas after kirtan i was blank i forget the ardas I don’t know how and completed it all on a very bad note. It was very humiliating for me that I can’t even do an ardas being an amritdhari sikh i should have done it smoothly but I can’t and moreover as i do ardas for karah prasad no one was there i waited and again repeat it but no one came which turns the things into more blunder. Everyone was laughing at me afterwards, some were disappointed, some were angry, everyone was pointing at me. So all this leads to shake my self confidence, my inner peace. I can’t even have courage to go to the kirtan smagam and do kirtan next week as every Tuesday it was held. I dont know what to do i just want to share this all with sonebody so i just posted.
Before the kirpan touches the prasad in the Gurdwara, they say a certain line. Does anyone have the transliteration of the ardas they do including the certain line?
Waheguru Ji ka Khalsa ki Fateh. My family is going to through tough times, because my brother wants to marry a girl and my parents are not accepting the relationship, because my brother has changed so much, he lies to my parents all the time (like where he is, where he is going), and my parents don't think relationship based on lies is going to successful. Also, the girl is not from sikh family and she is much older than my brother. My parents have tried to convince my brother to break the relationship, because his relationship will break our family and because of poor foundations of his relationship, he will not be happy in his relationship, sadly every time my dad talks with my brother, dad will say something stupid (in anger) that will hurt his feelings, and my brother last week concluded that he is happy to leave us for the girl. I never saw my dad crying, and i can tell my dad has lost his hope in my brother, and mum is not much different, but i don't think she will be able to live without my brother. I don't want to see my parents crying like this and i diffidently don't want our family to break. I know no one can help us in this situation, except Waheguru ji. I have 100% believe that Waheguru ji will resolve this problem and that my brother will come his senses and will make right decision. However, so far nothing seems to be going right and it kind of shakes my beliefs and now days when i do my Ardas, i will start crying and i have no control over my emotions and it never lets me complete my Ardas. I do understand i should increase my naam simran, however i'm not able to concentrate in anything now days. I would like to sangat to give us some guidance, how we can make our be Ardas be heard and because i don't think it is long before something will go horribly wrong. Waheguru Ji ka khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh.
Waheguru ji Ka khalsa, waheguru ji ki fateh, Does anyone know of the Ardas done at sachkand Sri hazoor sahib, if so could you reply with a romanised version with the names of the gurdwareh mentioned in the ardas, thanks Bhul chuk maf Karo ji
I m not going to go into detail as to how and why i have dusht dokhis against me. But i do, a LOT in office. I am harassed regularly and since their numbers are more, I am quite apprehensive of complaining to boss or HR. I have cursed them multiple times, Now i feel like doing an ardas to waheguru that may i see these peoples downfall happening in front of me. I know sikhs believe in sarbat da bhala but with such colleagues from hell , I am wondering if sarbat da bhala is really an option. I don't wanna go towards black magic because it will have a karmic effect on me I just wanna do an ardaas in front of satgura that may he punish these dusht dokhian. May i see their downfall in front of me, while i am in office.
I was asking this because I wanted to know why Vaheguru sometimes doesn't listen to Ardas? (And other times does) even though he can hear the Ardas and knows what's going on.
This book written by Dr. Harbhajan Singh answers ALL questions on Dasam pita's bani If you have guts, read it before putting any efforts to comment.
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- dasam granth
- anti-dasam
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ਅਰਜਨ ਹਰਗੋਬਿੰਦ ਨੋ ਸਿਮਰੌ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਹਰਿਰਾਇ॥ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਹਰਿਕ੍ਰਿਸ਼ਨ ਧਿਆਇਐ ਜਿਸ ਡਿਠੈ ਸਭਿ ਦੁਖ ਜਾਇ॥ Arjan Hargobind no simro Sree Har Raae. Sree Har-Kishan d'hiaa-ee-aae jis dit'haae sabhe dukhe jaa-aae Ardas The word Ardâs ( ਅਰਦਾਸ ) is derived from the Persian word 'Arazdashat', meaning a request, a supplication, a prayer, a petition or an address to a superior authority. It is a Sikh prayer that is a done before performing or after undertaking any significant task; after reciting the daily Banis (prayers); or completion of a service like the Paath, kirtan (hymn-singing) program or any other religious program. In Sikhism, these prayers are also said before and after eating. The prayer is a plea to God to support and help the devotee with whatever he or she is about to undertake or has done. The Ardas is usually done standing up with 'folded hands'. The beginning of the Ardas is strictly set by the tenth Sikh Guru, Guru Gobind Singh. When it comes to the conclusion of this prayer, the devotee uses: The word Waheguru - "Waheguru please bless me in the task that I am about to undertake" when starting a new task. Or the words Akal Purakh - "Akal Purakh, having completed the hymn-singing, we ask for your continued blessings so that we can continue with your memory and remember you at all times". Ardas is a unique prayer based on the fact that it is one of the few, well-known prayers in the Sikh religion that was not written in its entirety by the Gurus. The Ardas cannot be found within the pages of the Guru Granth Sahib due to the fact that it is a continually changing devotional text that has evolved over time in order for it to encompass the feats, accomplishments, and feelings of all generations of Sikhs within its lines. Taking the various derivation of the word, Ardas into account, the basic purpose of this prayer is an appeal to Waheguru for his protection and care, a plea for the welfare and prosperity of all mankind, and a means for the Sikhs to thank Waheguru for all that he has done.
Waheguru When we do ardas 'pratham bhaguti simr ki' at gurdwara we 'matha tak' couple of times. Does anyone know when this tradition started of doing matha tak, was it during the Guru period or after. Also, the panth added more to the ardas in the early 1900s, how did they get everyone to matha tak after the dohra was read 'sab sikhan ko hukam hai gur manu granth'. Also is there any historical granth that tells how the ardas was performed during the Gurus time or after Waheguru
Could anyone tell me what the ending of ardas is called and perhaps have a link to the words? I'm referring to 7:15 of the video on wards: If anyone could help me I would be very grateful. Thank you!
This was an issue that I was thinking about and felt like that Waheguru sometimes ignore the simple Ardas that we can say. Does anyone have an answer as to why that is?
This was an issue that I was thinking about and felt like that Waheguru sometimes ignore the simple Ardas that we can say. Does anyone have an answer as to why that is?
I have come across 2 different ways Singhs end Ardas One is where they recite "ਸੇਈ ਪਿਆਰੇ ਮੇਲ ਜਿਨਾ ਮਿਲੀਆਂ ਤੇਰਾ ਨਾਮ ਚਿਤ ਆਵੈ" (please forgive and correct spelling error) Another is "ਅੜੇ ਸੋ ਝੜੇ, ਜੋ ਸ਼ਰਨ ਆਵੈ ਸੋ ਤਰੈ" (please forgive and correct spelling error) I was wondering if we have to do either one, or both can be recited? And I think in any case they are recited right before "Nanak Naam Chardi Kala".
Vaheguru jee, We all say Ardaas every day. However, when said in sangat I never know what to say in the personal part. Especially as my Punjabi isn't great, by myself I say what I want of course but in sangat it seems people have a set thing to say (eg. please keep us in good sangat, help us with Amrit vela, etc). I know some Gutke Sahibs include this within them. Where can I read one of these so I get a better idea of what to say?