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I was watching gurinder chandha's documentary recently where some interesting points where made about how jinnah had met winston churchill before partition where they had quite warm words exchanged in letters and held secret meetings with each other. Winston churchill hated the Indians especially brahmin hindus in his documents and overall opposed and hated the idea of india for wanting to leave the British empire. He also hated Muhammadans and Islam as he had stated it in documents yet when he talks to jinnah in letters he is said to have said warm words about Islam. Maybe he was lying to hide churchills real feelings towards both communities and get jinnah on his side. So I'm wondering did churchill along with the British ruling classes (including royal family) deliberately get cripss to draw a line to divide punjab deliberately dividing nanakana sahib and amritsar knowing it would cause mayhem in the Sikh community enough for them to resort to take up armed resistance to resist the split of their homeland. Meaning violence would have been the deliberately objective by the british enough for it to be wide spread it would either: 1) Prevent the British leaving as Indians would be begging the British administration and army to stay on longer to control the violence and continue its governance. or 2) Splitting the united india into two countries would be a parting revenge shot to the Indian's for their insistence of the British leaving. Also having pakistan as a base to continue their efforts in south asia would be handy since the Indians had enough of the British raj. Churchill knew the Sikhs are a martial faith community, he know most of them come from punjab, he also knew they would fight to stop their holy places and land being left in muslim hands. It seems having known all these things the unforgivable act of partitioning punjab was a deliberate policy to ensure Sikhs were used in the evil game plan.
Beant Singh was born a Muslim but was left behind in India during the partition and was raised a Sikh, he meets his Muslim sisters after 72 years.
This looks interesting. Marina Wheeler is Boris Johnson's first wife who has four kids with him. Her mother was from a Sikh background by the looks of it. According to this DM article, she looks like she wants to discover her 'lost heritage'. This is pertinent to me because recently I've been spending time with younger mixed race relatives, and some of the older ones now seem to resent being encouraged to be indifferent to the Sikh side of their heritage when growing up. Ms Wheeler was able to speak to her mother, Dip Singh, about her experiences in India, before she died of bowel cancer in February. When her mother was 14, they were forced to flee their side of the Punjab after it ended up on the side of Pakistan. Her family left their comfortable life and moved to Delhi, though Ms Wheeler says she has no recollection of ever meeting her grandfather. She told GMB: 'I was brought up very British - I don't know any Indian languages - and my mother made this conscious decision not to teach us any. 'It was this complete blank canvas, this whole side of my heritage, and I wanted to discover that. Speaking to Radio 4 about her mother, Ms Wheeler said: 'On one level it is simply that she came from a generation who didn't talk about their lives.
Published on 10 Aug 2017 On August 15, 1947, the Partition of the Indian subcontinent created two nation-states - India and Pakistan. In this two-part special, 101 East traces the events and conflicting politics that led to the greatest migration of people in human history and unleashed a wave of communal violence that claimed more than a million lives. The Partition sparked three wars, the birth of Bangladesh, and transformed Kashmir into the world's most militarised zone. As tensions between India and Pakistan persist, 101 East explores the Partition's troubled legacy and the unresolved geopolitics between the two nuclear powers.
You hear stories of how Jinnah the founder of Pakistan had offered Sikhs the choice of making Pakistan their home, which means that rather than carving Punjab into half, the majority of Punjab would of been included in the Pakistan side of the border, the Sikh leaders apparently refused the offer. Don't know how true this story is but its one of the many stories you hear regarding the fate of Sikhs and 1947. So lets say if All of Punjab was carved into Pakistan side of the border then what would be the current state of the Sikhs? that would be aprox 25 million Sikhs living in Pakistan. Would Sikhs be in a better state or would it be worse? would life be easier or worse ? 25 million is a big population of non muslims residing in a muslim country also, do you think Sikhs would culturally be different if they were from a majority Islamic country or would Sikhs be the same as Sikhs are today your opinions ...
I watched this week's Dr Who episode entitled 'Demons of the Punjab' yesterday evening. What a huge disappointment it was. I know Dr Who is a sci-fi entertainment show but at least the writer who is a Gujarati Hindu could have used the opportunity to show some of the realities of the partition. Here are just some of the shortcomings-; 1. For a show about the partition of the Punjab it mentions Sikhs just once when the Hindu character mentions the division of the people of the Punjab. As Sikhs were the worst sufferers of the partition having lost their best lands, their Gurdwaras and their people to the violence of partition an omission of any Sikh characters . The writer of the show is Vinay Patel who is a BAFTA nominated writer and on his Twitter he states that he read many books on the partition but having seen the episode it didn't show. The reason for why there are no Sikh characters is strange especially since the partition line from Firozpur to Gurdaspur had mainly a Sikh and Muslim rural population and the Hindus were mainly concentrated in the urban areas. 2. The two Hindu brothers looked and dressed more like urban Lalas than rural farmers from 1947. Although the name Prem could be a Punjabi Hindu name of the time but the names Manish and especially Kunal is more Bollywood than Punjab. The younger brother Manish looked like an RSSS member and his claim to have farmed the land while his brothers were at war was totally unbelievable, the character looked like he would be more at home in a Hatti than a Khet. Also there weren't many Punjabi Hindu soldiers from the partition line areas in the British army. There were Hindu soldiers from rural areas of Haryana but they were hundreds of miles away from the partition line. Most of the former soldiers were Sikhs or Muslims. 3. The setting was the Punjab in 1947 but the scenes were set in some hilly wooded area with mountains in the background, hardly the Punjab plains of 1947. 4. The Hindu-Muslim marriage with just some minor disagreement from the bride's mother was totally unbelievable, although it was used to good effect to show the couple going against the events around them but such a thing could never have happened in 1947. 5. The episode also showed the Muslims as the victims which is in line with the usual liberal BBC biased presentation of the partition as basically a case of the Muslims as the victims and whitewashing history in order to show this. The Muslim bride claims that they would not give up their land which was quite ironic given that the Sikhs suffered the greatest loss of land than the Muslims or the Hindus. The Muslims actually gained more land than they had prior to partition.
Sikhs Who Owned Land In West Punjab Before Partition 47
mrggg123 posted a topic in WHAT'S HAPPENING?
So I was talking to my family and I was always under the impression that they orignated from west punjab prior to 47, they were in areas such as lyalpur (now called fasialbad), montgomery (sahiwal), multan etc But now I have been told that we originate from where we live now which is adampur and kurdhpur next to jahalandhar and that we used to migrate to different areas of punjab where there was nothing and build up the land to make it agricultural I was just wondering did many sikhs do this? Or did most originate from where they came from before partition? My clan are aujla. Even though I dont believe in caste stuff, its just relevant to find out more about clans who used to do this and their history. WJKK WJKF -
Ive spoken to a few Pakistanis who claim their ancestors converted from Sikhism, ie their great great grandfather etc... I always thought it was Hindus who converted to islam as a few hundred years ago Sikhi was so strong I wouldn't have thought it would be possible to break a Sikhs faith espc during the Sikh empire etc to islam. Also (although off topic) do you think a civil war is inventible in the Uk between Pakistanis and everyone else? Do think its a muslim problem in Britain or a Pakistani Islamic problem because I know other muslims who behave much belter than Pakistanis in the Uk, Also compare Pakistanis in America and Canada with Uk they worse than Sikhs there.
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Shows what could have been, even after the Radcliffe award had been announced had the leadership been strong enough The article writer is wrong in his view that the areas referred to my Liddell in his diary are areas centred on Amritsar. The fear amongst the Pakistan leadership was that the Sikh migration from West Punjab was a tactical withdrawal after which the Sikhs would invade and occupy Lahore, Lyallpur and other West Punjab areas.