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- Sad day when people choose to celebrate Guru Nanak Prakash with awarding Sikh killers. Good job for Manpreet Singh Kanpuri for keeping our respect high.
Seemingly much lesser known shaheed than Bhagat Singh, he was also a Punjabi.Anyone got any more views to add ? Sukhdev Thapar (15 May 1907 – 23 March 1931) was an Indian revolutionary. A senior member of the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association, he participated in several actions alongside Bhagat Singh and Shivaram Rajguru, and was hanged by the British authorities on 23 March 1931 at the age of 23. Contents 1Early life 2Revolutionary activities 2.1HSRA 2.2Lahore Conspiracy Case 2.3Reactions to the executions 3Legacy 4See also 5References 6Further reading Early life[edit] Sukhdev Thapar was born in Ludhiana, Punjab, British India on 15 May 1907 to Khatri family of Ramlal Thapar and Ralli Devi.[1] He belonged to a Punjabi Hindu community and he was brought up by his uncle Lala Achintram after the death of his father.[2] Revolutionary activities[edit] HSRA[edit] Sukhdev was a member of the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association (HSRA), and organised revolutionary cells in Punjab and other areas of North India.[3] He was the chief of Punjab unit of HSRA and instrumental in taking decisions. Sukhdev participated in numerous revolutionary activities such as a prison hunger strike in 1929; he is best known for his assaults in the Lahore Conspiracy Case (1929–30).[4] He is best remembered for his involvement in the assassination of Assistant Superintendent of Police, J. P. Saunders, on 17 December 1928, by Bhagat Singh and Shivaram Rajguru,[3] undertaken in response to the violent death of the veteran leader Lala Lajpat Rai.[3] Lahore Conspiracy Case[edit] Sukhdev was the prime accused in the Lahore Conspiracy Case of 1929, whose official title was "Crown versus Sukhdev and others." The first information report (FIR) of the case, filed by Hamilton Harding, Senior Superintendent of police, in the court of R.S. Pandit, the Special Magistrate in April 1929, mentions Sukhdev as accused number 1. It describes him as Swami alias villager, son of Ram Lal, caste Thapar Khatri.[1] After the Central Assembly Hall bombings in New Delhi (8 April 1929), Sukhdev and his accomplices were arrested, convicted, and sentenced to death.[citation needed] Front page of The Tribune announcing the executions On 23 March 1931, Thapar was hanged in Lahore Central Jail, along with Bhagat Singh and Shivaram Rajguru.[3][4] Their bodies were secretly cremated at the banks of the River Sutlej. Reactions to the executions[edit] The executions were widely reported in the press, especially as they took place on the eve of the annual convention of the Indian National Congress in Karachi.[5] The New York Times reported: B. R. Ambedkar, writing in an editorial in his newspaper Janata, blamed the British government for its decision to go ahead with the executions, despite strong popular support for the revolutionaries.[7] He felt that the decision to execute the trio was not taken in the true spirit of justice, but was driven by the Labour Party-led British government's fear of backlash from the Conservative Party and a need to appease public opinion in England. The Gandhi-Irwin pact, signed just weeks before the execution, was viewed by the Conservatives as having dented the prestige of the British Empire. In such a situation, if the British government or the Viceroy of India commuted the death sentence awarded to the trio convicted of assassinating a British policeman, it would have given the Conservatives more ammunition to criticize an already weak British government in the parliament. Legacy[edit] National Martyrs Memorial for Sukhdev, Bhagat Singh and Rajguru National Martyrs Memorial is located at Hussainiwala, where Sukhdev, along with Bhagat Singh and Rajguru, were cremated. A Martyrs' Day (Shaheed Diwas) is observed on March 23 in their memory. Tributes and homage is paid at the memorial.[8] Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies, a constituent college of the University of Delhi, is named in memory of Sukhdev. It was established in August 1987.[9] Amar Shaheed Sukhdev Thapar Inter-State Bus Terminal is the main bus stand of Ludhiana city, the birthplace of Sukhdev.[10]
Today was the Shaheedi day of Shaheed Bhai Avtar Singh Bhrama, 22 July 1988. Bhai Sahib famously shot down a Indian Government helicopter. Avtar Singh was born in 1951 and joined the Bidhi Chand Dal of Nihangs in 1966 where he learnt the art of Shastar Vidhya as well as Sikh philosophy from the ancient Nihang order. His fame first grew from a wager within the group of Nihangs. After reading about a Frenchman who could ride a horse at full gallop and spear a target in the ground with a lance, Avtar Singh boasted that he could do it whilst riding on two horses - standing up. The Nihangs, not believing this to be possible took Avtar Singh up on the wager and were left astounded when he managed the feat.Avtar Singh was under the tutorship of Baba Daya Singh, a close companion of Sant Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale. By 1982, Sikhs had launched the Dharam Yudh Morcha against the Indian government (more below) and Avtar Singh Brahma travelled to Amritsar to join Sant Bhindranwale in defence of Harimander Sahib. Bhindranwale however told Avtar Singh he would be of greater value continuing the fight instead of sacrificing his life within the complex. Bhindranwale mentioned that a few months down the line, Avtar Singh would be approached by a number of Singhs but until then to return to his village.Following the desecration of Harimander Sahib, 37 Gurdwaras across Panjab and the Sikh Genocide in Delhi, Avtar Singh was approached by a group of Singhs who mentioned the time had arrived to lead a resistance. Although Sikhs had not been fighting for an independent Sikh nation, the desecration of their spiritual home for the second time in 30 years by the Indian Army meant that freedom was now a stated goal, formalised at a gathering of over a million Sikhs at the 1986 Sarbat Khalsa. The Sikhs arranged themselves similar to their fight with the Mughals 250 years previously, separating themselves into Misls.Avtar Singh joined the Khalistan Liberation Force, rising to be its leader following the death of Arur Singh. The Sikhs under Avtar Singh waged war against Indian government, defeating imperial soldiers at the Battle of Baler and the Battle of Manakpur. It was at the Battle of Mand that Avtar Singh's fame spread beyond his own Misl by becoming the first Sikh to shoot down a helicopter. Avtar Singh was one of the first Sikh leaders to notice the danger posed by 'Black Cat Commandos'. These were undercover government agents that would dress as Sikhs and terrorise the local populace to turn them against the resistance. Bhai Avtar Singh was finally killed in a skirmish with government forces on 22 July 1988, leaving the Panjab in a state of quasi independece. For the first time in 140 years, Sikhs were in control of large areas of Panjab.
VJKK VJKF! Sangat ji share stories of any sikh u kno and the experience at the last moment. Heres one... Bhai Harjinder Singh 'Jinda's' mata Mata Gurnam Kaur Ji mother left the world a short while ago. Before going, mata ji cud see a beautiful white gurdwara sahib and she could see Harjinder Singh Jinda and Sukhdev Singh Sukha waiting for her. Harjinder Singb Jinda did an ardaas and requested Guru Ji before shaheedi that they return again to serve the panth and they gave bachan to mata ji that they will be their son In the next life again as they wish to return and destroy more dushts of the panth. When mata ji was leavin for Gurpuri.... Mata ji saw the brave warriors waiting for her.... Dhan Hai Mata Gurnam Kaur Jee khalsa sangat ji kindly share your stories too
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Which groups actively help the widows and mothers of shaheed? Which groups currently provide for the Paanth?
they say they support families of the shaheedan does anyone knw anything about them? theyre based in toronto, canada does anyone also knw of any other charities whether small or unknown etc that support the same cause?
Those images of being sawn in two , crushed on wheel , scalped alive, boiled alive, burnt alive, chopped limb by limb , etc seems very painful. Did they physically feel that pain or as one hazur sahib singh told me that they would take their consciousness in Dasam dwar and would not feel any pain. First, if they did feel the pain , then that means Guru's mercy was not with them during their death moments ? But then on the other hand if they didn't feel pain , it means their martyrdom isn't that significant ? Or perhaps I think case could be they knew they would suffer too much but still surrendered themselves to executioners , but then when the tortures began , to their surprise, they couldn't feel it .
Salute to Shaheed Harminder Singh Mintoo urf Nihang
Prokharkoo84 posted a topic in WHAT'S HAPPENING?
Salute to this mahaan jodha who sacrificed his all for us, funding himself for the sangaarsh, turning his back on a successful business and the luxuries of the west. -
Extremely Sad To See This.. Don't Know If Its Truth Or Not
Guest posted a topic in WHAT'S HAPPENING?
After seeing this in the news: I was wondering if anyone has got more information about the khalistan movement in canada during the 80s/90s. I know the likes of Parmar, Bagri, Para, Kooner, Khera and now Raman etc are all well known, but there were many other actions that took place in Canada. The likes of jasbir Singh Atwal, Jaspal Singh Atwal, Amarjit Singh Dhindsa and Sukhdial Singh Gill, I also remeber hearing about another group of youth who tried doing Rajiv Gandhi on his visit there? Can anyone share any info as these are kurbaniyah that were taken by the youth during a dark period in our history. Advance Warning: IF YOU GOT NOTHING PRODUCTIVE TO SAY THEN PLEASE DONT COMMENT ON THIS THREAD lol
I have seen from this fourm that people are saying that Shaheed Singhs are taking birth. This is also told in Bhai Rama Singh Ji, biography. He was told by a Shaheed Singh that the souls being born have the name of god written on there hearts. They will get Khalsa Raj. Do you guys know other people which have said this?
WJKK WJKF! This topic I am starting is not to do nindiyah, to fight with anyone or cause anyone disrespect. I am starting this purely due to my personal interest in the Khalistan Movement. Our Shaheeds who spilt blood will be forever remembered, while our brothers in jails and the familes who lost everything are in constantly in my thoughts. Nowadays the movement kind of gets glorified in the UK, I see a lot of people wear tshirts of certain Shaheed Singhs for fashion, image, repping a jathebandi or just to give it large. Whilst we are all aware of certain individuals who were the enemy e.g. indira, rajiv, beantah, gobind ram, gill and co, I would like to know more about those who were classed as our 'own' and sold the movement out. A LOT of lessons need to be learnt here, while I think this needs to be equally be exposed as much as the stories of our brave Shaheed brothers. Like I said before, this topic is not to cause inter-jatha beef, or for people to argue, lets have a discussion where anyone who has been mentioned as a sell out, can be justified for being one too. The kind of people I am interested in are the roles of Wassan Singh Zaffarwal (who I personally think made a massive kurbani prior to surrendering), Mokham Singh, Jasbir Singh Rode, the role of Simranjeet Singh Mann who I know Baba Manochahal was not a fan of, also I would like to more about any Singhs who sold out on their own jatha which resulted in them becoming shaheed, people such as 'Vanchiri' who had Baba Manochahal done, the guy who had Deepa Herawala done etc. Lastly, would be informative to hear views about the ISYF and the stories of them being corrupted and using funds for personal gain. All replies will be appreciated and I look forward to learning more and not arguing with anyone. This topic is for educational purposes only so that we can learn from the mistakes of our elders. A lot of these stories will soon never come to light due to people that know the truth getting older etc. P.S Apologies I know this topic has been touched on before and I have read majority of those before.
Does any person have a PDF copy of the book released by Baba Harnam Singh Jee Dhumma which lists all of the shaheed Singhs and Singhnia of 84?
After a Sikh has officially become a Shaheed (martyr) where do they go? Do they die normally but are remembered or gone somewhere special like satchkhand?
ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂਜੀਕਾਖਾਲਸਾਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂਜੀਕੀਫਤਹਿOn 13th April 1978 during the occasion of Vaisakhi an extraordinary event unfolded in Amritsar. This event was to usher in a new chapter in the Sikh struggle against state oppression, unleashed by the ruling Brahmin-Hindu regime. Bhai Fauja Singh and his twelve companions were key participants in this historic turning point, and their Kurbani or sacrifice starts the Sikh freedom movement and forms the focus of this publication.Though it is thirty eight years since the thirteen Gursikhs courted martyrdom, little is known of their lives, of this crucial historical event and the impact of their Kurbani. This publication offers an insight into the moral and spiritual lives of these contemporary Sikh martyrs, the extraordinary circumstances concerning their martyrdom, as well as the reaction from the Sikh nation and Indian government.It is often said that the Kurbani of Shaheeds breathes new life into the body and spirit of the Panth. Those that know their history well will recognise this truth. Each day the Ardaas or invocatory prayer recalls and salutes the countless Sikhs who sacrifice their lives for the preservation of the Sikh faith, nation and its distinct identity. This is testament to the power of Kurbani.The tradition of Shaheedi or martyrdom comes from an inherent love for liberty and justice. It is deeply revered and honoured in Sikhism. During the Panth’s turbulent periods of strife and suffering, Shaheedi gave new hope and pride enabling the Sikhs to struggle against all odds. The story of the thirteen Shaheeds is in keeping with this sacred tradition.WORLDWIDE BOOK RELEASE - 13th April 2017More Info Soon!
Whether it is saw sawing off Bhai Mati das ji, or being boiled alive of Bhai Dayala ji, or being burnt alive of Bhai Sati das ji, how are they reportedly so calm when infact all hell broke loose ? Is it spiritual strength or something ? Do they feel physical pain when undergoing such mindboggingly horrible shahadats . I have always wondered do they not feel the pain or do they feel it as much as we would do but they just suffer for sake of guru . How can someone be so fearless . Is there some resource on this ?
I am asking this question as I am unsure as to whether Shaheed Singh's or Kaur's actually get mukht/liberated from becoming shaheed, as Gurbani provides no evidence of this? I understand that the Chali Mukte got liberated by Satguru Sri Gobind Singh Ji, and other shaheeds like Baba Banda Singh Bahadur. But lets forget puratan times because I know all the shaheeds then were brahm gianis but what about from 1984 and ownards? The reason I am asking this is because I recently attended an akath katha where the guy was standing up and explaining how to meet Vaheguru through Gurbani. He even went to explain what manmat is, showing a presentation slide full of manmat 'tools' like a mala and presented Gurbani pangtiya which state and show that using a mala is wrong. However what struck me most is when the guy doing the katha clearly stated that someone who becomes 'shaheed' will not get liberated and not meet Truth, as they have not recognized naam. As before, he presented the Gurbani pangti to prove what he is saying. I can't remember the pangti in Gurmukhi but it translates in English to something like "and they who die on the battlefield, will also not become liberated". It translated to something along those lines. I personally think that he misused the pangti to suit his own needs for the sake of the presentation. But thats what I want to know, is it true that a Shaheed won't get mukht? Is he just dying for the sake of the panth? However before I heard many times that Guru Gobind Singh Ji said something along the lines of "He who dies fighting for the panth will instantly get a throne in my kingdom, or God's kingdom" even though I haven't found a direct source to this. Is this true? Did Satguru Ji say this? I'm surprised nobody in the sangat spoke out against this, they all seemed to be under some kind of control as they guy seemed pretty intimidating to say the least.
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- shaheed liberation vaheguru
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Why are we always quick to label someone as a shaheed? If someone gets killed theses days they automatically made into a shaheed. Shaheed comes from the arabic word to denote a matyre. Someone who dies in defence of a religion or dies while fighting a cause. These days if someone goes out to do some shopping and gets hit by a bullet and dies, instantly becomes a shaheed.
How historic pictures assist us understand our own past and heritage:
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- baba deep singh ji
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SIkh boiled alive: Bhai Gurdev Singh Debu, from the village Dheerpur was tortured & boiled alive at the hands of Indian Government. Bhai Gurdev Singh Debu was born on July 15, 1961 in village Dheerpur, Jallandhar. His parents were Mata Gian Kaur and father Sd. Gurbachan Singh Sekhon. Bhai Gurbachan Singh was a farmer. In 1978, the Narakdhari cult with the connivance of the Government began to attack the Sikh faith and shot dead 13 Gursikhs in Amritsar on the day of Vaisakhi. The perpetrators were never brought to justice and were in fact protected by the Government. Bhai Gurdev Singh was deeply hurt by what had happened and after this began to remain very sad. He would talk to his friends about how much of an injustice had happened and expressed his desire to seek revenge on the enemies of the Panth. Bhai Sahib’s parents were alarmed at this change in nature and thought that perhaps marriage would help settle him down. Bhai Gurdev Singh was married to Bibi Balvinder Kaur and they would have one daughter and one son together. However, Bhai Sahib’s pain at the state of the Panth did not lessen. Along with the local Sangat, Bhai Gurdev Singh went to Sri Darbar Sahib and heard the lectures of Sant Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindravale. He was so impressed that he decided to remain there with Sant jee to serve in the Dharam Yudh Morcha. After some time, Bhai Gurdev Singh became very close to Bhai Amrik Singh and Sant Jarnail Singh Khalsa. From December 26 to 31, 1983, Bhai Gurdev Singh participated in a camp organized by Sant Jarnail Singh and Bhai Amrik Singh, where Gurbani, Sikh history and philosophy were taught. The goal of the camp was to create Sikh preachers who could transform the Punjab countryside. He was given a certificate at the end of the course. Bhai Sahib used this knowledge to travel to schools and colleges to establish units of the All India Sikh Student Federation. On March 2, 1984, in a conference organized by the AISSF, Damdami Taksal and others, Bhai Gurdev Singh was made the president of the Kartarpur area. After this, the police made Bhai Gurdev Singh and his family one of their main targets. His parents along with his brothers were arrested and tortured and later even his sister and wife were taken away. But Bhai Sahib did not return home after that and refused to leave his seva. Bhai Gurdev Singh travelled from village to village organizing Gurmat conferences and amrit sinchaars. Sant Jarnail Singh also gave Bhai Gurdev Singh the seva of doing saskaar of old beeRs of Sree Guru Granth Sahib at Goindval Sahib. Bhai Sahib was busy doing this seva when the Government of India attacked Sree Harmander Sahib Amritsar and slaughtered countless men, women and children. The attack on Siri Amritsar was unbearable for Bhai Gurdev Singh. Bhai Sahib joined with Bhai Manbir Singh Chaheru, Bhai Mathra Singh, Bhai Tarsem Singh KuhaaR and others to form the original Khalistan Commando Force. Bhia Gurdev Singh became the Area Commander for Doaba and participated in many actions. He was respected not only by the Singhs in the KCF, but by all Jathebandis. The police began to dread the very name of Bhai Gurdev Singh.Under the command of Bhai Gurdev Singh, Doaba did not see any looters commit crimes. They were too terrified to act. The Hindus of the area also loved Bhai Gurdev Singh since he would help poor Hindu families by giving money and not let anyone harass them. Even today, the Hindus remember Bhai Sahib and attend his yearly Martydom Memorial. The police made many tries to capture Bhai Sahib but each time were unsuccessful. But they say that when one patriot is born, thousands of traitors are born with him. One person who brought himself close to Bhai Gurdev Singh and presented himself to be a great Sikh sympathiser, invited Bhai Sahib to his home and put a powder in the milk he served. Bhai Gurdev Singh fell unconscious and was arrested in this state.The police reached the limit of brutality when they could not get any information. They boiled a tub of water and put Bhai Gurdev Singh in. The scene of Bhai Dayala in the boiling cauldron was repeated again and this Singh too did not falter. Bhai Gurdev Singh refused to speak a word and seeing his final moments before him, only cared about Gurbani. Bhai Gurdev Singh was boiled to death but did not reveal a single companion’s name, hideout or weapons cache.
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This is from Bhai Amrik Singh's Shaheedi story: "The head Granth of Amritsar states that on the 6th of June, Bhai Amrik Singh told a Singh that Sant Ji wants us to go out and fight and attain shaheedi at 7am but it's now been post-poned to 9am. Mukh Granthi of Amritsar, Bhai Mukhtar Singh Ragi said, Sant Ji put his teer with the puratan shashters and did Ardas and it was no ordinary Ardas. In the Ardas Bhai Sahib said "hey Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji the enemies are attacking your Takhat, I hope that today I can become shaheed to defend your Takhat, a normal person asks never to come back into this world, but I pray that until the panth isn't free from slavery, may I be reborn and keep on dying for fighting against oppression." After this Ardas it was that night that Bhai Sahib, Sant Ji and General Shabeg Singh Ji attained shaheedi." From this is it very possible that Waheguru listened to Bhai Sahib's ardas and gave him another chance to fight against the oppression on the Sikhs after his Shaheedi?
Wahegurujikakhalsawahegurujikifateh What are the top 10 shasters you would have in your shaster arsenal and why? Wahegurujikakhalsawahegurujikifateh