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Akal Takht Corrupt ?


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I do not think there is any point having a meeting as it will achieve nothing at this stage. A better step would be to find out when Vedanti will next be in the UK and then arrange a meeting with him.

Before the meeting with Vedanti a meeting with the youth could be held or even opinions/questions collected from forums like this so our brothers and sisters from other countries can also contribute to the process. When all the questions have been collected they could be presented to the GurSikh on this forum and then these questions put to Vedanti at the meeting. The answers could then be put on this web site or even a video made and hosted in a format suitable for quick and easy download.

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Akal Takhat Sahib is Takhat of Akal Purakh so how can a human being be jathedar of Akal's Takhat? Only Akal Purakh (Khalsa-Panj Pyare) can be jathedar of Akal Takhat Sahib. Something will happen only when Sikhs want to do something. par jathebandi ton vehal millay taan ee yaa. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

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if vedanti gets out, gyaani gurbachan singh will be the one who takes over! for some reason i like him, his voice is wicked, sometimes i wonder why he became a granthi rather and not raagi but there you are... then again sgpc chooses gyaanis on their voices.

it is ironic how each jatha kill themselves and critisizes others, yet the jatha cant do any sewa for the other jatha!

akal takhat is not corrupt, you can never say the akal takhat...what the guru made is corrupt. what you can say is that our "pope" joginder singh vedanti the first is corrupt.

gustaphi maaf

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if vedanti gets out, gyaani gurbachan singh will be the one who takes over! for some reason i like him, his voice is wicked, sometimes i wonder why he became a granthi rather and not raagi but there you are... then again sgpc chooses gyaanis on their voices.

it is ironic how each jatha kill themselves and critisizes others, yet the jatha cant do any sewa for the other jatha!

akal takhat is not corrupt, you can never say the akal takhat...what the guru made is corrupt. what you can say is that our "pope" joginder singh vedanti the first is corrupt.

gustaphi maaf


OK the title was mis-worded and I apologise for that but we all know the gist of this debate and it centres around the Akal Takht Jathedar & secretariat etc who have undertaken acts of corruption.

No good putting a Giani up for the role of a Akal Takht Jathedar, Giani Vedanti and Giani Puran Singh have both shown how Giani are unsuitable for this position. As someone once if you put scooter tyres on a tractor it is useless for farming. We need someone who is not scared of Badal and co. Might be an idea to start having a Nihang as Jathedar as they have done the job in the past and punished people regardless of who they are. eg Akali Phool Singh Ji punishing Maharaja Rhunjeet Singh.

The pressure is on Vedanti to quit now as voice recordings of him and his relative Sandhu show that Vedanti agreed with the Sandhu and the committee (he earlier denied this).

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wait... bhai ranjeet singh and prof dasrshan singh werent granthis of darbar sahib?

regardless if gyaani gurbachan singh has one heck of a voice, no way will he punish evil doers.

why not hav nihang major singh?

but wait, do our cardinals (granthis) have a vote/say on the new jathedar, or is it just the comitee that has the say?

and shouldnt now be the time where the sarbhat khalsa gathers at akal takhat to get someone.

how did gyaani puran singh do bad? he excommunicated bibi jagir kaur from the panth (btw how did she get back in) and how did she manage to expel him?

btw, anyone who stands up to badalo and co end up losing their job.

funny, if maharaja ranjit singh accepted the authority of the akal takhat, why cant tjhe SGPC?

gustaphi maaf


Yes Ranjit Singh and Prof Darshan Singh were not giani but again they lacked the bottle to take on the SGPC bigwigs.

Giani Puran Singh did bad becasue he failed to act against Badal who had just flouted a Hukumnama issued by Ranjit Singh (Badal just sacked Ranjit Singh rather than appear before the Akal Takht) . Giani Puran Singh could have made his mark by taking action against Badal but like the others he did not have the backbone to go against Badal. Same as Ranjit Singh who failed to take action against Tohra for visiting the Nirankhari bhawan in Patiala. Jagiro expelled him as for some reason over the years the SGPC/Akali Dal have developed a stranglehold over the Akal Takht. They do as they please give alcohol out during SGPC elections and because the Akal Takht JAthedar are so scared they do nothing.

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Waheguru ji ka khalsa

Waheguru ji ki fateh

Guru piarayo, I been watching these posts very closely, and have a few comments.

First, we do need a big change in our entire system of SGPC and Akal Takhat Jathedari selection. SGPC has become a laughing stock. All these guys do is, sorry, they don't do anything. Where is the parchar of sikhi??? Sikhi is in such a decline in India that the percentage of AMRITDHARI Sikhs is on a major decline. Punjabi youth is going to drugs, cutting hair, and everything else. SGPC does'nt care of the overall portrayal of the sikh image in hindi movies. The same thing goes for Akal Takhat jathedars.

The youth around the world I believe CAN make a big change in all of this. If we all get together in some form, even if were together over the internet, we can make a change. Everybody send letters to SGPC and the Akal Takhat. Tell them if they don't straighten up, that WE will take over. The SGPC and Akal Takhat is KHALSA'S, not no one persons. Lets get together, even by holding a Sarbat khalsa (youth run) we can get there attention and tell them, hey were serious, we care for SIKHI.

Just look around the world, muslims are getting stonger day by day with there parchar, christians and jews are getting there parchar done for free by such means as big media outlets. What are we doing. We, the SGPC have a huge budget, but mis-use it. Lets serious think of doing a collective confrence and think of what we want to do.

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