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Guest _Harpreet_

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if more than 90% of the people (about 650 in total) are from sikh religion i think they have every right to assemble at th gurdwara sahib and discuss their issues

if you are saying disturbing the HARMONY i dont understand what sort of harmony you are talking about. it was held in the spare hall where harmony is often broken when people come with stuble on face and paag on their head to get married.

this was about the rights of those workers now you tell me should we not give space to people who are worried about their future because th harmony was disturbed and yet let the harmony be disturbed when a wedding party comes charging into the gurudwara with all the pomp and show.

i hope you donot belong to that group whcih says that Sant Baba Jarnail Singh Ji broke the harmony of darbar sahib complex by fighting for the rights for Punjab.


Your confusing the two issues.

When Sikhs were oppressed and killed indriscriminately Sant Jarnail was the only one who was willing to fight back and rightly so.

But here in UK we have a civil workplace dispute NOTHING to do with religion or Sikhs as a group....only the fact that majority of the strikers are Sikh does it have a tiny bit of relevance.....but lets not draw the situation of Punjab back in 1980's with what we have here in UK.

This is a workplace dispute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



first of all the fight in punjab DID NOT start because sikhs were being killed.

the government resorted to killings when sikhs fought for their rights and it became unhandleable for the government to quell the sipirt in the sikhs to fightfor the rights of punjab

the dispute in punjab was a regional one......

about punjab being sucked dry of resources

about punjab being cut off into pieces into haryana and himachal and trying to shift abohar and fazilka into haryana

about punjabs waters eing given to other states

about punjabs electricity being sucked to delhi

and the sufferers were the population of punjab (majority population is sikhs)

so logically sikhs were suffering and sikhs took up the cause for their rights

can you see the relevance about the two situations were rights are involved???

and sikhs wont take it lying down be it students rights, human rights or religious rights or workplace rights

and gurudwara sahib being our central place that is were WE gather and come together when a large chunk of population of that particular area is having ANY sort of problem

gurudwara is not some place where u just go and sit to create HARMONY. it is a central place which is dynamic and gives support of every kind who ever comes there. It was very appreciable of the committee to allow the congregation to take place there as it got good coverage in the media and also sent a message that a whole community is being effected by this issue. moreover the labour union leaders came there and respecting the sikh religion observed the code which every one observes whilst in a gurdwara sahib

it has also sent a message that sikhs can fight for their rights and they know how to make a collective effort and the local community is at the backing of all those effected

and the location being 'surreal' for such a meeting the media was more interested in covering it and the world was watching how they conducted themselves at the meeting. and i know that the people there conducted themselves very nicely (as covered in the media)

and where is the HARMONY when marraiges are conducted? (sometimes the congregation on a marraige can run into 100's aswell)

you tried to avoid that

anyway i am not intereted in arguments and in my opinion the media covered it quite nicely and the sikhs got the much needed exposure they needed and also got seen as different from arabs/moslems.

anyway when there is a natural calamity or a riot or a mishappening we should close the gates of gurdwara to maintain the HARMONY and not allow anyone to come in there with their problems lest they disturb the peace and the meditators sitting therein grin.gif :wub:


Were Sikhs bring singled out for discrimination??? NO

Where they specificially targetted for sackings? NO

It is those people who held an ILLEGAL meeting and took UNOFFICAL strike that deserve to be sacked. It is understandable if people had grievences and wanted a meeting after work or on their own time but during work???? Those people were asking to be sacked and fell into the trap.

As for weddings they are RELEVANT to Sikh's and the religion, it's a joyous occassion. The whole community celebrates the weddings and union of 2 Sikhs. So the gurdwara is furfilling it's purpose.

Lets put it this way had Sikhs been singled out for sackings and DID NOT take unoffical strike action then it would be understandable for them to have the support of the whole community and use the gurdwara premises as a venue for discussing and hold meetings to resolve the dispute. But since the circumstances are different..... i again say it is disrespectful for these kind of meetings to be held in a Sikh place of worship when the dispute does not even have hardly any relevance to the faith.


if guru teg bahadur sahib had this bent of mind he could have turned away the hindoos from the gurudwara becos hindoos did not have any relevance to the FAITH. there would have been many benefits....guru tegh bahadur ji would have not been shaheed and there will be no hindoos today.......amazing for you hunnna.............so many benfits .............we need people like you who will decide whether it is realted to Sikh Faith or not.

nIcw AMdir nIc jwiq nIcI hU Aiq nIcu ] nwnku iqn kY sMig swiQ vifAw isau ikAw rIs ]

neechaa a(n)dhar neech jaath neechee hoo ath neech || naanak thin kai sa(n)g saathh vaddiaa sio kiaa rees ||

Nanak seeks the company of the poorest, the very lowest of the low. Why should he try to compete with the great?

ijQY nIc smwlIAin iqQY ndir qyrI bKsIs ]4]3]

jithhai neech samaaleean thithhai nadhar thaeree bakhasees ||4||3||

In that place where the lowly are cared for-there, the Blessings of Your Glance of Grace rain down. ||4||3||

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Why we bringing Guru ji's supreme sacrifices into this workplace dispute?

lolz this is turning into a joke now

I understand if your family has been affected and I feel sorry for you but still you can't blame the management of the company if you choose to hold UNOFFICAL and ILLEGAL strikes!

Doesnt matter whether your low paid or high paid. If you breach contract you are libel for dismissal.

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gurdwaras have been used for hundreds of years as meeting places for sikhs and non sikhs

a gurdwara is also a community center for everyone to fight unjust causes suck as the sacking of hundreds of workers, majority if them sikhs.

"Guest", you are disrespecting thousands of sikhs that laid down there lives in order to keep gurdwaras open to all

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