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European Union


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As the polls show most of the European electorate are against Turkey joining. It is the British and Americans who want a pro-American Turkey in the EU to counteract the Anti-American French and Germans. They are just thinking short term not realising how dangerous it could be to have a population of 70 million Muslims with full righs to settle in the EU. The EU already has problems integrating only 10 million Muslims.

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Personally I dont think it is a good idea - maybe that is my prejudice but look at it from a civilisational perspective - Muslims in Europe have already started the Jihad against the infidel British and others as you can see with the suicide bombings in London by British born and raised Pakistani Muslims.

How can you integrate an Islamic nation into a western liberal democratic and secular society? They will just view it as an opportunity to take over Europe and spread Islam further and encourage the Jihadis from Bradford and Leeds and places like that.

As a British citizen who has full rights under British law and enjoys the security of secular democratic equality I am cautious - as a Sikh, knowing what I know about the potential for Jihad - I am also cautious.

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As the polls show most of the European electorate are against Turkey joining. It is the British and Americans who want a pro-American Turkey in the EU to counteract the Anti-American French and Germans. They are just thinking short term not realising how dangerous it could be to have a population of 70 million Muslims with full righs to settle in the EU. The EU already has problems integrating only 10 million Muslims.


you are very right ! No common person in europe supports this idea, it is just the handiwork of a few govts, namely britain and a non-european power viz US.

The basic goal here seems to be to protect Israel, by giving lollies to all influential muslim countries around it.

These so-called British and american leaders would not be living in or besides or even anywhere near muslim ghettos in Europe like Bradford, Manchester, Malmo; Sweden, ghettos in Denmark etc. It is the native working class of such places who shall be caught unawares and will have to pay the price.

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The more you think about it the more you realise it is a bad idea.

You would have thought that the politicians might have learnt something from 7/7 - the same impulse of Jihad - domination of the infidels that lead the Mughal kings to launch Jihads against the Sikhs is the same impulse that lead the suicide bombers to bomb London. But it seems they havent put two and two together and think about bringing in a nation of 70 million Muslims in Europe.

(Just imagine this too - Turkey has 70 million people which means that the second largest European nation will be Muslim - the biggest now is Germany with 80 million - then Turkey then the UK and France. So the UK will be outnumbered by a Muslim country. Bad idea - this is bad for European civilisation and bad for Sikhs in the UK as we will feel the pressure for greater Islamic politics in our cities and towns in England)

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waheguru ji kekhalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh

Pyare jio, I look at it differently. If you look at the effect of the Polish on the ecomonic prosperity of the Sikh community in some places like Slough has been dramatic. There are now officially 20,000 Polish in Slough as per Police satistics.

So with the next influx of muslims from Turkey also competing for jobs, homes, school places. One has to think, the South east is already over severly populated and its infrastructure is on the point of collapse.

These 70 million are not going to stay in Turkey, they will in significant numbers move to Germany and UK due to the better standard of living. Just like the Polish, and others, even us Punjabis/Sikhs did. At what point is too much?

Further I do think long term it will only cause more Sikh muslim problems, just like the last influx of Somlians to Southall/Hounslow did.

So I am a bit bias, but I am not in favour. All I see in Uk now is all well-qualified and well-off people are emigrating to Canada and Austrailia.

waheguru ji kekhalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh

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