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Guru Gobind Singh Jis Past Life

some singh

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K4F you have changed the subject of the topic. Someone simply asked a question. if you disagree then by all means you can choose not to respond. It is not up to you, me or Bundha to decide if Bachittar Natak is bani. There are some puratan Saroops that have "Paatshahi 10" written before Dohra of "Ball Chutkeyo". Only Panth has the authority to decide on this not an individual. You may not accept it but that is your choice. I think you misunderstood some points which I would like to clarify and hopefully we can all drop this debate:

1) It is crystal clear to everyone that Guru Granth Sahib Ji is our Guru but that does not mean that Dasam Granth is not work of Dasam Nanak Ji. Dhur Ki Bani is our Guru. Jaap Sahib, Chaupai Sahib, Shabad Hazaray are Banis of Guru Ji that are accepted by the Panth. If you only accept Guru Granth Sahib Ji then do you not read Jaap Sahib? I hope you do.

2) Hemkunt Sahib is a Gurdwara. Bhai Veer Singh Ji supported it and Bhai Rama Singh Ji went to have darshan. What role does it play in our lives? The same role every Gurdwara should play.

3) Past cannot be changed but with the grace of Guru Ji, future can be changed otherwise no matter how much Simran one does it is worthless. Bachittar Natak may not be of any importance to you but same cannot be said about others.

4) Guru Ji never worshipped any devi, not even in previous life. Read Bhai Kahan Singh Ji's work on Kalika and Bhagautee.

5) There is no difference between 1st Nanak and 10th Nanak. Both are the same. One doesn't have to reject Dasam Granth in order to believe this. And I do not think anyone else on this forum was implying that.

Once again, do not turn this topic into a personal fight and stick to the first post. We should also be aware of those who start these kinds of topics and then never write a single post.

Some Singh Ji, it is agreed by many scholars (and not by many others at the same time) that Guru Gobind Singh Ji wrote about this past life in Bachittar Natak. Hopefully this will be the end of it.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

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Bijla Singh ji, i did not change the subject of the topic. Yes this thread started with someone simply asking a question but that question was asking about Guru Gobind Singh ji's PAST LIFE. Now the rest of the discussion on this thread has been regarding that past life. Regardless of who is right or wrong what kind of attitude is it where u state that if i disagree on others views on his 'past life' then i can choose not to respond? Isnt the purpose of any discussion forum to openly discuss ALL POINTS OF VIEW? I agree u and i may have differing views on the subject of Guru Jis past life but i do not take away ur right to express ur own views and likewise u shudnt be so quick to take away my right. And do not say that the place to discuss that is eslewhere for that is the very topic this whole thread is dealing with. We should all be able to share our points in a calm, rational tolerant manner and leave each reader to decide for themselves which viewpoint they feel more inclined to believe.

Another thing which i find quite odd, everyone here seems to be ready to discuss the most oddest, strange and often miniscule of topics but when something meaningful pertaining to our gurus comes up everyone immediately adopts a 'hush hush' dont say somethin wrong or disrespectful attitude. Are we so scared and lacking confidence in ourselves that we cant even discuss the lives of the guru without feeling we ourselves are doing them diservice or accusing others of doing such? For all those who hold Dasam Granth as being the direct word of Guru Gobind Singh i bear no animosity towards u but why do the majority seem so reluctant even agrressively resistent towards those whose views differ from theirs? Is this lack of willingness to even discuss the subject matter the kind of attitude our gurus showed towards the various sidhs, yogis, brahmins or rajas who were dead set against the gurus ways? The guru was willing to always sit down n discuss things in an open loving exchange of views based on reason, logic and rational. It was becuase of this approach that so many people became convinced of the Truth behind Guru Nanaks message and began to follow his path.

With regards to ur points:

1) Firstly at no point did i say that ALL of dasam granth is wrong or contradictory to gurmat. However ther majority of it is. At the same time, there may be some parts in it which are in accordance with gurmat and may in actuality be written by Guru Gobnid Singh Ji. These include the compositions u have recited. And yes these have been accepted by the panth and no individual on their own has the authority to over ride this. However, one very important point u shud be clear about is, even if these particular writings have been accepted by the panth, and have been agreed upon as being written by GUru Gobind SIngh they can NEVER be given the same status as the bani in GUru Granth Sahib. WE may choose to read it as aditional bani to help us increase our understanding of things but it can never regarded as anything more than that. And do not take this as an insult to the guru. Because we have only ONE GURU, PERIOD! Nothing comes close to comparing with it!!

2) I agree, all gurdwaras should play the same role in our life. TO serve as centers of reading, listening and learning of gurbani and if that is infact they serve that role in real life then by all means go there. But if we go the added step to add some kahani as to the significance of that particualr gurdwara in relation to others that is wrong! The problem with Hemkunt is not as a gurdwara and a place of Guru Ji's parkash, but rather that people treat it as a place of important pilgrimage, and as u urself cite even the most learned of men feel the need to 'pay darshan' to these sites. Why tho? Guru Is bani, and bani resides wherever there is saroop of guru ji present, including our homes. So why the need to travel up long grueling stretches of mountainous terrain to visit it? By undergoing this long climb up the cold mountain paths are we tryin to prove that we have more love or commitment to the guru? The guru cares not for outward displays of austerities or physical rigours. We have turned this place (and other sites) into nothing more than modern day teeraths of sikhi. That is what i have a problem with.

3) Bachittar Natak has nothing to do with our future. It talks only of past events. WHy shud we concern ourselves with those when the guru has given us the gift of guru granth sahib wich deals with something that is eternal - GOd?

4) If u think devi worship, or audalation of idols or hindu gods is not praised or mentioned in positive light in dasam granth, then i suggest u re read it.

5) i agree they wre the same with no difference. But if one accepts dasam granth then this position no longer holds for the writings and teachings of Dasam Granth are often completely contradictory at places with what is written in Guru Granth Sahib. All Gurus were the same with a single jot and thus cud not write anythin which disagreed with another guru. Only those who have difference of opinion or views (eg. with diff jot inside them) wud write differing views. ANd if we accept dasam granth as the writing of Guru Gobind Singh then that is exactly what we are saying with regards to the 1st Nanak and 10th Nanak (that they were different).

Once again, do not turn this topic into a personal fight and stick to the first post. We should also be aware of those who start these kinds of topics and then never write a single post.

I have not made this into a personal fight and nor is it my intention. I have tried to remain respectful and courteous of others views regardless how much i may disagree with them. And as i said eariler, i have been sticking with the first post, which is disccusing guru gobind singhs past life. Just because u disagree with my views on it is no reason to make an outlandish accusation that i am deviating from the original topic. U very well know that i am still on the same topic, the only problem is that u oppose my views and do not wish others to hear those views.

Some Singh Ji, it is agreed by many scholars (and not by many others at the same time) that Guru Gobind Singh Ji wrote about this past life in Bachittar Natak. Hopefully this will be the end of it.

Now in this last statement u urself admit that many scholars say these writings are of Guru Gobind Singh ji while many others say they are not. So leaving a topic undecided, how can that be called the end of it?? Whats need to be done is a panel of unbiased, impartial sikh academics, historians, gyanis etc to sit down and critically analyse all the writing of dasam granth and make a final permanent decision on the matter.

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kharkoo singh has been very respectful to all and i think there has been no respect that has been givin to him...accusations have been made towards him and that is unacceptable. I doint see anything wrong with discussing this topic as i have learned a lot with the veechars of bhanjees/veerjees that have contributed


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K4L Ji, I did not take away your right. I simply suggested that it is better not to respond than fighting over it. By all means go ahead discuss it but I do not think we can solve this matter on the forums. I am not scared of discussing anything. You misunderstood my points. I totally agree with your points 1, 2 and 3 and I take your advice of point 4 however there are different interpretations. Point 5 is your personal opinion. I firmly believe that all Gurus are One Jot.

I have not made this into a personal fight and nor is it my intention. I have tried to remain respectful and courteous of others views regardless how much i may disagree with them. And as i said eariler, i have been sticking with the first post, which is disccusing guru gobind singhs past life. Just because u disagree with my views on it is no reason to make an outlandish accusation that i am deviating from the original topic. U very well know that i am still on the same topic, the only problem is that u oppose my views and do not wish others to hear those views.

My that particular statement was directed towards everyone not just you.

Now in this last statement u urself admit that many scholars say these writings are of Guru Gobind Singh ji while many others say they are not. So leaving a topic undecided, how can that be called the end of it??

I have said before that this issue cannot be solved on the forums and it is up to scholars and Akal Takhat Sahib to resolve this matter. I can have my own beliefs but that wouldn't make it a panthic decision, therefore no individual has the right to decide anything. I am not a scholar but if you are then go ahead make decisions. I gave an honest answer.

international ji, thank you for your honesty but I had no intentions of disrespecting K4L. His posts are always Sikhi based and to disrespect someone who cares about Sikhi so much would only be foolish on my part. I did not come here to fight with anyone. I only suggest that we all shouldn't fight and get mad at each other. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

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how can u compare gurbani which was written by guru gobind singh ji and gurbani in the guru granth sahib? both are gurbani and both shud have same status. yes the guru granth sahib ji is our guru and dasam granth is not, but the gurbani written by guru gobind singh ji should not be classed as lower than the bani in the guru granth sahib ji

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First of all let me say that if I offended anyone I apologise, that was not my intention. I will respond just once.

<<<< I think we should start off with a simple lesson on punjabi/gurmukhi. The "word of the Guru" = Gurbani. And Gurbani is the sole Guru of a Sikh. And my friend, GUru Gobind Singh himself declared that the eternal Guru for a Sikh shall be ONLY GURU GRANTH SAHIB. So please tell me how it is you feel you have reached the point where you can call something else gurbani (guru) as well. If you do not consider dasam granth the guru, then u can not call it gurbani for gurbani and guru are synonomous. >>>>

K4L, you say yourself that Gurbani = Word of Guru, and then you do not believe this!

Jaap Sahib is in Dasam Granth, it starts of with “Mukh vaak patshahi dasmi” please interpret this for us fools of lower intellect. Akal Ustat also start in this way, Bachittar Natak also starts in a similar way. IF is states quite clearly at the beginning of these compositions that this is the express Word of the Guru, then this is GURBANI and if you cannot see that then what can I say?

If you do not believe that this is bani, then do you not recite the full panj banis as proscribed by Guru Gobind Singh Ji? Jaap Sahib, Amrit Swayia, Benti Chaupai are all from Dasam Granth, they are not in guru Granth Sahib Ji !!!

<<< I do not consider anything but Guru Granth sahib my guru so i am not sure what exactly it is that i have 'lost' that I shud be deemed a loser. >>>

Nobody is questioning your loyalty to Guru Granth Sahib Ji. If you do not consider Dasam Granth as bani then you cannot be reciting the whole panj banis……………….. so who is the loser ?

<<<<<1. Guru Gobind Singh already declared Guru Granth Sahib complete and our final guru so what was the guru tryin to accomplish by writing other 'bani' for us to read? >>>>

Guru Granth Sahib Ji is complete and eternal, agreed. But it does not follow that Guru Sahib Ji could not uchaar other bani. Again I put it to you, do you not regard Jaap Sahib as bani? Akal Ustat as bani?

<<< If it was so important and necessary for a Sikh to read this wud he have not included it in SGGS when he added his own fathers writings in it? >>>

Only Guru knows, who are we to question his wisdom, but in my humble opinion I would say that the whole feel of Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s bani is different from that in Guru Granth Sahib Ji, hence Guru Sahib Ji in total humility left it out. If you recite the bani of Guru Granth Sahib Ji the bani of the Gurus moves seamlessly from one to the other to the bani of the Bhagats. Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s bani has a totally different feel to it, its measures and meters are different, it deals with different ideas and concepts. Guru Granth sahib Ji deals with the concept of “Ek-oan-kaar” and the whole of Guru Sahib Ji expands upon this. The bani of Guru Gobind Sigh Ji deals with other matters other ideas also so it was not included.

<<< ALl gurus spoke only of the mission of our PRESENT LIFE, what we shud do here and now in this life. None wrote about their 'previous lifes' for we cannot change our past. So what was the motive and purpose of Guru Gobind Singh feelin the need to write about his own 'past life' >>>>

You will know that the Gurus give ample illustrations from the past, from Bhagwan Krishan Ji to Parlaad ji and Raja Janak to name but a few , are these not events in the past? The shabad of Guru Gobind Singh Ji that seems to rattle you only has a couple of tuks about his previous life, it is not that Guru Sahib Ji wrote reams and reams about his past exploits.

Bachittar Natak Sahib Ji is part autobiographical, so there is no reason why Guru Sahib Ji would not write about his past.

<<<<Have you yourself read the bachitar natak in its entirety or go only by kathas, and teachings of what others have told u about it >>>

I myself have read Bachittar Natak Sahib Ji, as I recite parts of it every morning and what a wonderful bani it is.

It says how Guru Sahib Ji was summoned to Akalpurkh, how Akalpurkh was unhappy at all the previous prophets he had sent down and they all ended up getting the people to follow them rather then attach themselves to the feet of the true Lord. How some had started to wear wooden earrings, some smeared ash and followed this path. Guru Sahib Ji says I believe none of this. Guru Ji goes no to say, people recite the Vedas, and katabes and the Koran, all are wasting their lives and end up in the noose of death, only by reciting the true Lords name shall you be saved. Akalpurkh then blessed Guru Ji and says you are my son and I send you to put people on the right path and Guru Sahib Ji stands with folded hands and says this will only happen with Your help and blessing. This is wonderful wonderful bani.

<<<<< To help make tihs point clearer consider ur doctor. Granted he is a doctor now, with full knowledge and understanding about medicine. But wud u regard him as a doctor when he was only 5 years old? WOuld u be willing to let the 5 year old operate on u? >>>>

Sorry, your example is meaningless. You seem to imply that Bahi Lehna Ji had no kumai. Do you think that Bhai Lehna Ji was sent to this world by God if he didn’t have the most highest order of purity and kumai within him? The fact that they followed the devi was a khade to put fools like us on the right path.

My question to you stands, would you bow to Bhai Lehna Ji?

I will tell you my answer, I would put the dust of the charan of Bhai Lehna Ji a thousand times to my forehead.

<<<Sikhs resides all across northern india, primarily in punajb, wher the climate is much more kind so could they have not even made a single mention of the glory of hemkunt here? >>>

Hemkund Sahib Ji was deep in the Himalayas and it was only after a concerted effort that it was found. How could the Sikhs write about its glories if at that time they had not been there ?

<<<< Bhai Nand Lal ji wrote some of the most beautiful praises of Guru Gobind SIngh even to this date, and was one of the closest friends of the guru, so surely he would have read the gurus own autiobiography. So why did he not at least make even one mention of this hemkunt, or for that matter any other part of his autobiography in his writings?? >>>>

You will have to ask Bha Nand Lal Ji about this yourself, how can I possibly answer for Bhai Sahib Ji?

<<<< y whole thing was bout 'past lives' and converstaion from these 'past lives'. It had nothing to do withe ilves of the gurus as we know it. >>>>

Atma never dies, if Guru Gobind Singh Ji had an incarnation in a previous life, it is still the same atma, they may have been on a different mission but it was still “Guru Gobind Singh Ji”. If Guru Sahib Ji in the form of Dusht Daman appeared would you walk away?

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Bijla Singh,

thanx for the clarification. I too am not here to argue with anyone but merely wanting to engage in meaningful discussion about topics. And u are completely right that neither u or i have the authority to make panthic decisions. And i hope u do not take my discussing these topics as an attempt to make such a universally applicable decision for all sikhs. I just want to raise awareness aobut these topics in the average reader. Gyaan, knowledge is the true strength and armory of a Sikh. It is gyaan which enabled so many lost, confused ppl to realize the follies of their ways and change their life. It is gyaan which was passed on from guru to guru. And it is the same gyaan which the guru passed onto the khalsa panth in the form of Guru Granth Sahib. So i hope u appreciate that my goal is only to create an open environment where each pursues in acquiring this gyaan in an intelligent, rational manner based on open discourse of views, ideas and knowledge. Only thru sharing each of our own expereinces and understanding can we further our understanding of Sikhi.

I too agree with many of ur points, but do as u urself do, differ on point 5. I am in no way saying that Guru Gobind Sinngh had a diff jot than Guru Nanak, for i am of firm faith that the two were one and are inseperable. And it is this very reason which compells me to question and challenge anyone who tries to rigidly attribute the entirety of Dasam Granth to our guru. Its contents, its flow, its subject matter, its tone, language differs much too greatly from Guru Granth Sahib for any honest, learned lover of Sikhi to accept it as coming from the same source. Regardless of which gurus bani we read in guru granth sahib, there is fundamental, undeniable unison in theme and tone. When one reads guru granth sahib, from start to finish one cannot but admit that the flow of it is continuous witout break. With regards to Dasam Granth the reader gets a totaly diff feel. The compositiions are staggered and incongruent. They jump around various topics, with varying tones and language use with no central unifying harmony.

As to why i feel this is an important topic we should all be aware of and have knowledge to discuss, i think the following post highlights it. I have said repeatedly that only the bani in Guru Granth Sahib is our Guru and that no other bani, even if it be of Bhai Gurdas Ji or Bhai Nand Lal (which are panth parvaan) can be regarded as of equal status as guru granth sahib. Yes both are beautiful compositions which help us understand gurbani and can serve as an additional source of inspiration but neither can be viewed in the same light or givne the same status of Guru Granth Sahib.

how can u compare gurbani which was written by guru gobind singh ji and gurbani in the guru granth sahib? both are gurbani and both shud have same status. yes the guru granth sahib ji is our guru and dasam granth is not, but the gurbani written by guru gobind singh ji should not be classed as lower than the bani in the guru granth sahib ji


It is in thinking as the above where the danger lies. To say that both shud have the same status, this is a very slipperly slope. Say someone 'discovers' some rare manuscripts or purataan steeks with names of nanak or gobind singh in them are we to accept them as being gurus word also? For the precendent will have been set with dasam granth and no one cud stand on two feet and argue against anyone who chooses to make a claim that is the richnavaan of guru sahib. Once we set the precedent with dasam granth then it will open up all kinds of doors for others who may only have evil intentions towards sikhi to take advantage of this loophole.

When we attribute the dasam granth as the works of guru gobind singh then countless problems arise. As seen by above remarks, on the one hand ppl maintain that yes guru granth sahib is our guru and dasam granth is not, but then at the same time they will say that the work of dasam granth shud not be regarded as lower than guru granth sahib. who are we kidding here. We all know that only guru granth sahib is our guru so how can we even think of comparing anything with it? How can we even fathom the thought of regarding any other work on the same level of it? There is a reason only guru granth sahib the saroop is given parkash on manji sahib, wiht palki and chaur because only it is worhty of being our true king. SO if we accept is as our only True King how then can we sit another king at the same level or even mention another king as being of the same status? This is where problems and division in the panth will start (and in many cases already has).

So let me make it absolutely clear, NO BANI CAN BE REGARDED IN THE SAME CLASS AS THE BANI OF GURU GRANTH SAHIB. There shud be no argument about this. If one wishes to even argue this most fundamental of sikhi sidhaant then we can never expect Sikhi to ever flourish. It does not matter how great, famous, learned, or spiritual the person is but if they dare to challenge that some other bani (no matter who allegedly wrote that) is of the same status as guru granth sahib then that person has no right to call himself a sikh. Sorry to sound harsh, but this is the most fundamental of sikhi principles which no invidiual has the right to violate.

As a final note, i concur with bijla singh that we shudnt get mad or fight. We shud remain open and tolerant to each other and listen each other out and counter reason with reason, not hatred or emotion.

Rab Rakha

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Bijla Singh,

thanx for the clarification.  I too am not here to argue with anyone but merely wanting to engage in meaningful discussion about topics.  And u are completely right that neither u or i have the authority to make panthic decisions.  And i hope u do not take my discussing these topics as an attempt to make such a universally applicable decision for all sikhs.  I just want to raise awareness aobut these topics in the average reader.  Gyaan, knowledge is the true strength and armory of a Sikh.  It is gyaan which enabled so many lost, confused ppl to realize the follies of their ways and change their life.  It is gyaan which was passed on from guru to guru.  And it is the same gyaan which the guru passed onto the khalsa panth in the form of Guru Granth Sahib.  So i hope u appreciate that my goal is only to create an open environment where each pursues in acquiring this gyaan in an intelligent, rational manner based on open discourse of views, ideas and knowledge.  Only thru sharing each of our own expereinces and understanding can we further our understanding of Sikhi.

I too agree with many of ur points, but do as u urself do, differ on point 5.  I am in no way saying that Guru Gobind Sinngh had a diff jot than Guru Nanak, for i am of firm faith that the two were one and are inseperable.  And it is this very reason which compells me to question and challenge anyone who tries to rigidly attribute the entirety of Dasam Granth to our guru.  Its contents, its flow, its subject matter, its tone, language differs much too greatly from Guru Granth Sahib for any honest, learned lover of Sikhi to accept it as coming from the same source.  Regardless of which gurus bani we read in guru granth sahib, there is fundamental, undeniable unison in theme and tone.  When one reads guru granth sahib, from start to finish one cannot but admit that the flow of it is continuous witout break.  With regards to Dasam Granth the reader gets a totaly diff feel.  The compositiions are staggered and incongruent.  They jump around various topics, with varying tones and language use with no central unifying harmony.

As to why i feel this is an important topic we should all be aware of and have knowledge to discuss, i think the following post highlights it.  I have said repeatedly that only the bani in Guru Granth Sahib is our Guru and that no other bani, even if it be of Bhai Gurdas Ji or Bhai Nand Lal (which are panth parvaan) can be regarded as of equal status as guru granth sahib.  Yes both are beautiful compositions which help us understand gurbani and can serve as an additional source of inspiration but neither can be viewed in the same light or givne the same status of Guru Granth Sahib. 

how can u compare gurbani which was written by guru gobind singh ji and gurbani in the guru granth sahib? both are gurbani and both shud have same status. yes the guru granth sahib ji is our guru and dasam granth is not, but the gurbani written by guru gobind singh ji should not be classed as lower than the bani in the guru granth sahib ji


It is in thinking as the above where the danger lies. To say that both shud have the same status, this is a very slipperly slope. Say someone 'discovers' some rare manuscripts or purataan steeks with names of nanak or gobind singh in them are we to accept them as being gurus word also? For the precendent will have been set with dasam granth and no one cud stand on two feet and argue against anyone who chooses to make a claim that is the richnavaan of guru sahib. Once we set the precedent with dasam granth then it will open up all kinds of doors for others who may only have evil intentions towards sikhi to take advantage of this loophole.

When we attribute the dasam granth as the works of guru gobind singh then countless problems arise. As seen by above remarks, on the one hand ppl maintain that yes guru granth sahib is our guru and dasam granth is not, but then at the same time they will say that the work of dasam granth shud not be regarded as lower than guru granth sahib. who are we kidding here. We all know that only guru granth sahib is our guru so how can we even think of comparing anything with it? How can we even fathom the thought of regarding any other work on the same level of it? There is a reason only guru granth sahib the saroop is given parkash on manji sahib, wiht palki and chaur because only it is worhty of being our true king. SO if we accept is as our only True King how then can we sit another king at the same level or even mention another king as being of the same status? This is where problems and division in the panth will start (and in many cases already has).

So let me make it absolutely clear, NO BANI CAN BE REGARDED IN THE SAME CLASS AS THE BANI OF GURU GRANTH SAHIB. There shud be no argument about this. If one wishes to even argue this most fundamental of sikhi sidhaant then we can never expect Sikhi to ever flourish. It does not matter how great, famous, learned, or spiritual the person is but if they dare to challenge that some other bani (no matter who allegedly wrote that) is of the same status as guru granth sahib then that person has no right to call himself a sikh. Sorry to sound harsh, but this is the most fundamental of sikhi principles which no invidiual has the right to violate.

As a final note, i concur with bijla singh that we shudnt get mad or fight. We shud remain open and tolerant to each other and listen each other out and counter reason with reason, not hatred or emotion.

Rab Rakha


ur not gettin the point. i agree the dasam granth is not our guru and it has some dubious things in there which appear not to be gurbani.

BUT if youre telling me that u think that jap ji sahib is "higher" or "better" than chaupai sahib then ur rong. gurbani is gurbani, you admit that guru nanak dev ji had the same jot as guru gobind singh ji, so why should their bani be any different???????? how can u question gurbani? to even say that certain gurbani is lower than others is maha paap and i dont think you can call yourself a sikh if u have no faith in guru gobind singh ji's bani. so in ur nitnem 3 banis are less important than the other 2?

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Heheheheheeheheheheheeh! Jokes!

Some people have no clue what it is about. E.g. AS1699. Some people have never read it and keep on defending it and when they read it, they open their eyes. E.g. Prof. Uday Singh. He belived in it but one day he read it, when he read it, he took away the bir of dasam granth. He read:

Pardon the words I use as they are not my choice

Ling Jub Bhug Taay Kaada!

When the <admin-profanity filter activated> was taken out of the <admin-profanity filter activated>

Dhol Dhamaaka Gaada!

Noise was made by beating of the drums.

(Does the above seem like Gurbani? Seems like kanjar kavita).

Now lets get to bachitter natak

Chattar Baah Chaarung!

Kaal/Mahakaal has 4 arms.

For more, please visit the Peer Buddhu Shah thread!


None of these guys answer questions but they keep on defendin it. Answer the questions properly or accept it is not Bani. Misguiding people and youself is not good!

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    • Definitely the Guru Sahibs would be a heavier Scriptures to handle. Dasam Granth is more towards Bir Rass, Guru Gobind Singh showed his Greatness (of course, they would never say this) by separating his own Baania.  And the BIGGEST test of all?? Do we try and read Dasam Granth, Understand n show respect like we do to SGGS? Or... Do we QUESTION it? Guru Gobind Singh Ji is testing us. 
    • My wife will be going for an MRI scan next week but her Kara won’t physically come off.  Is there any way the mri scan can be done with the Kara still on?  The alternative is we will have to try to saw it off before the scan.  
    • was researching this and came back to this thread. Also found an older thread:    
    • Net pay after taxes. If you don't agree, think about this: If you were a trader and started off in China with silk that cost 100 rupees and came to India, and you had to pay total 800 rupees taxes at every small kingdom along the way, and then sold your goods for 1000 rupees, you'd have 100 rupees left, right? If your daswandh is on the gross, that's 100 rupees, meaning you have nothing left. Obviously, you owe only 10% of 100, not 10% of 1000. No, it's 10% before bills and other expenses. These expenses are not your expenses to earn money. They are consumption. If you are a business owner, you take out all expenses, including rent, shop electricity, cost of goods sold, advertising, and government taxes. Whatever is left is your profit and you owe 10% of that.  If you are an employee, you are also entitled to deduct the cost of earning money. That would be government taxes. Everything else is consumption.    
    • No, bro, it's simply not true that no one talks about Simran. Where did you hear that? Swingdon? The entire Sikh world talks about doing Simran, whether it's Maskeen ji, Giani Pinderpal Singh, Giani Kulwant Singh Jawaddi, or Sants. So what are you talking about? Agreed. Agreed. Well, if every bani were exactly the same, then why would Guru ji even write anything after writing Japji Sahib? We should all enjoy all the banis. No, Gurbani tells you to do Simran, but it's not just "the manual". Gurbani itself also has cleansing powers. I'm not saying not to do Simran. Do it. But Gurbani is not merely "the manual". Reading and singing Gurbani is spiritually helpful: ਪ੍ਰਭ ਬਾਣੀ ਸਬਦੁ ਸੁਭਾਖਿਆ ॥  ਗਾਵਹੁ ਸੁਣਹੁ ਪੜਹੁ ਨਿਤ ਭਾਈ ਗੁਰ ਪੂਰੈ ਤੂ ਰਾਖਿਆ ॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ The Lord's Bani and the words are the best utterances. Ever sing hear and recite them, O brother and the Perfect Guru shall save thee. Pause. p611 Here Guru ji shows the importance of both Bani and Naam: ਆਇਓ ਸੁਨਨ ਪੜਨ ਕਉ ਬਾਣੀ ॥ ਨਾਮੁ ਵਿਸਾਰਿ ਲਗਹਿ ਅਨ ਲਾਲਚਿ ਬਿਰਥਾ ਜਨਮੁ ਪਰਾਣੀ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ The mortal has come to hear and utter Bani. Forgetting the Name thou attached thyself to other desires. Vain is thy life, O mortal. Pause. p1219 Are there any house manuals that say to read and sing the house manual?
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