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Many thanks for your response.

I understand that dreams usually are a reflection of your daily thoughts. However, I am having great difficulty in believing that these dreams were simply a reflection of my 'longing' to have darshan of Guruji. The simple reason is due to the instruction I was given in regards the money I was to give to charity.

The money I received was TRULY unexpected and I was shocked when I opened the envelope!! I forgot to mention that the charity that the money was to be given to was a school opened in Delhi to do 'parchaar' of Sikhi. Although the schhol was ok financially, we were working hard to raise money for a 'cataracts camp' for the poor in Delhi. And no the money wasn't a donation!!

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waheguru ji kekhalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh

Pyare jio, bhen ji, these dreams are just dreams. They are very different to having darshan. I know you are aware of this. The dreams is fine, but sometimes when we have these dreams, we should not confuse that with thinking we have made some accomplishment. This is because ego is a dangerous thing.

You are inspired by it, that is good. but i would say, do regular Amrit vela, and you will experience alot. Very soon these things seem insignificant. In fact they are more of a distraction.

Personally, I would advise you to not pay too much attention to it, and just move on. Instead pay much more attention to your daily hukamnamas, and implement them in your daily life. You will find that will be much more rewarding.

waheguru ji kekhalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh

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I believe dreams all mean something.. Usually a reflection of what you've been thinking about recently and deeper things that you may be worried about.


i think this sums up the essence of our dreams. Whenever we try to analyze our dreams there a couple of things we should always keep in mind.

Firstly, at any given time while we are awake our minds are filled with innumerable thoughts. our ability to comprehend and focus on each of these thoughts (which may number in the hundreds, if not thousands) is severly restrained by our limited analytical capacities. If we think in terms of a computer, at any given time a computer is carrying out millions of simultaneous processes but we can only see a handful of these on the screen at any given time. If we try to run more programs with the limited software (windows) the comp will greatly slow down and thus limiting useful work it can get done. Though this is far from an exact comparison, a similar case exists with our minds. If we were to focus on each of the countless thoughts which take place in our day during the course of a single day, then most of our time wud be spent simply engrossed in thinking and almost no actual productive work would get done.

So these thoughts get put on the shelves indefinitely. Another important thing to consider is mans response to any sort of stress which enters his life -- what is known as the fight or flight response. In the mental arena, fighting would equate to tackling the stresses directly and delaying with them while flight would equate to repressing and ignoring those stresses. These stresses can be anything from anger, hate, sadness, grief, regret, hope, uncontrollable euphoria etc., anotherwards almost anything.

The third thing which is important to remember is that even if a person has desire or makes attempts to deal with some of these stresses we are usually so busy with day to day activities,being bombarded with school, work, family duties, that we have very little energy or room left to deal with these stresses. So again they get put off. Our mind is not completely rid of them, rather they continue to occur in our subconscious.

Sleep is one of the few times, we have no responsilbilites at all. Our minds are free to wander and focus on whatever they have greatest desire for, which is often the things we cant deal with during the day. ALso, man exists in a finite physical world. All of our daily experiences are tied down to and limited by this finite physical world. Each of our senses can only appreciate whatever the limits of this physical world allow it. NOw our mind is not made up of the same phyical matter like this world. It is a non-physical entity, and while during the day it is restrained by our limited physical senses at night it is free to roam and experience our existence from a truly limitless perspective. THat is why in our dreams we can fly with ease, jump insane heights and muster up just about anything which would be unfathomable in our daily life.

So what does this all mean? Well firstly, that we should not take our dreams literally. Yes we shouldnt completely ignore them either, but we should try and analyse them with the aforementioned understanding. IF we see somehting in our dreams it does not necessarily mean that we actually saw it or it actually happened. We may just have such strong feelings bout that thing or situation, that we yearn for it. And yearning for it our minds creates an environment in which that yearning is fulfilled. Now my point isnt to say that what ppl say they experienced in their dreams is lies. Only god has the answer to that. But with the example given of having guru jis darshan, this may actually just be an emotional manifetation of an actual inner desire filled with such love for the guru that they wish to be by their side. The guru as we know has always been and shall stay the bani-roop gyaan. No living person actually knows or has seen the physical roop of any of the gurus. Anyone who claims they have seen such is either talking from intense emotional love and confusing their imagination with reality or is fabricating the stories. That is why every artists painting of the gurus differs so much. They all feel they have seen the guru but they all fail to realize that the guru actually has no physical form -- he is only bani-roop gyan.

Anyways, gettin off topic now, all i want to say is there is nothing sinister nor divine about our dreams. THey are usually just an extension of our regular daily thoughts, viwed in a light that is unhindered by the constraints of daily hustle and comprehension thru limited physical means.

As a final note, with regards to the note bout curing of any sort of disease and relation to manifestation of guru/maha pursh in dreams, just remember that the power of suggestion and hope is more powerful a remedy than any pharmaceutical drug. This is the basis of ardaas, to give us the inner strength and renew our faith in waheguru. Is is this inner strength and faith which is capable of fighting off impossible odds in a battlefield, withstanding extremes of unbearable physical torture. So we simply need to ask ourselves, how miniscule is a simple physical ailment in comparison to these other obstacles and is it the actual 'physical darshan' (be it in dreams) of the guru which brings about miraculous chagne in a persons life or the inner love and faith symbolized by these images in our thoughts which brings about the change?


An impressive answer! Bro!...... :TH:

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Waheguru Jee Ka Khalsa Waheguru Jee Kee Fateh!

Regarding sleep and dreams, Guru Sahib tells us:

suiqAw hir pRBu cyiq min hir shij smwiD smwie ]

suthiaa har prabh chaeth man har sehaj samaadhh samaae ||

O mind, even in sleep, remember the Lord God; let yourself be intuitively absorbed into the Celestial State of Samaadhi.

So to have darshan of Guru Sahib or being doing sangat in your dreams is all good... it shows that even sub-consciously you are thinking of Waheguru... and so your dhiaan, your surtee, is correctly focussed...

Bhagat Kabeer Jee further says:

kbIr supnY hU brVwie kY ijh muiK inksY rwmu ]

kabeer supanai hoo bararraae kai jih mukh nikasai raam ||

Kabeer, if someone utters the Name of the Lord even in dreams,

qw ky pg kI pwnhI myry qn ko cwmu ]63]

thaa kae pag kee paanehee maerae than ko chaam ||63||

I would make my skin into shoes for his feet. ||63

So, dreams are not wholly irrelevant, and we need not consider them a distraction from our path... but we must take encouragement from them... and remember they are not to substitute our conscious seva, simran and bani recitations... for Guru Jee also says:

mUrKu AMDw qqu n pCwxY ]

moorakh a(n)dhhaa thath n pashhaanai ||

The blind fool does not recognize the essence of reality.

Bhull Chuk Maaf

Waheguru Jee Ka Khalsa Waheguru Jee Kee Fateh!

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