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Respect For Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji


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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!!

Over the pass two years the Sikh Community has successfully united to

stop the abuse of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and Sikh Principles, with

a greater awareness being spread across the UK about such issues.

To date over 80 Anand Karaj's (Sikh Wedding ceremonies) have been

re-arranged from hotels,

banqueting suites, clubs etc to Gurdwaras, thus maintaining full

respect of Sri Guru

Granth Sahib Ji. Guru Ji has blessed all those involved in resolving

these situations.

The unity of the Sangat was most transparent with the much publicised

Royal Lancaster London & Hilton Hotel Blackpool incidents, in 2005.

This unity has grown very rapidly showing the strong feeling of Sikhs

across the UK regarding current disrespect of Sri Guru Granth Sahib


We implore the Sangat to continue being vigilant and act on issues of


towards Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and Sikh Principles effectively. We

must each take individual responsibility to ensure that disrespect


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji ends.

The UK Sikh Community request those who are planning to conduct an the Sikh wedding ceremony in a hotel, club, banqueting suite, etc, to re-arrange to a Gurdwara Sahib and maintainin the respect for Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. If any advice is required in relation to making alternative arrangements, please

contact 07944 445651 or email: sikhalerts@yahoo.co.uk

So far, this year, 5 Sikh Wedding Ceremonies have been successfully


to Gurdwaras.

Previously a minority of Gurdwara committees and Granthis (Sikh

Priests) exploited

the fact that many

within the UK Sikh Community were unaware of the Hukamnama from Sri

Akal Takht Sahib. Now those same Gurdwara committees and Granthis

need to take note

that awareness has increased dramatically and they will be solely

responsible for misinforming and manipulating families and will

receive an ill repute within the Sikh Community.

Taking Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji to a hotel or any such establishment

where meat, alcohol & tobacco are served is a sacrilegious act,

totally in contradiction to the teachings of our Gurus and edicts

from Sri Akal Takht Sahib.

With increasing wakefulness of this issue, the UK Sikh Community will

contribute in resolves that maintain the honour and prestige of Sri

Guru Granth Sahib Ji, our eternal Guru and take a leading role within

the Global Sikh Community.


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Sat Sri Akal:

liveandletlive Ji, I am not quite sure what you mean. I hope that the issue of the Gurudwara written about in the link gets attention because they passed measures to secure alcohol and meat in Gurudwaras. As per what asked whom...I am not sure what you mean...sorries.

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simran told me to notify this campaign so i am

r u aware that the majority of the singh sabha gurdwara comittee(all the elders) are not in support of slough sikh school?

instead they are building a"recreatation centre" where people can rent it out to have parties serving meat and alcohol.

wouldn't this money be better placed going to the trust

we need people like Hari Singh Sewak in the committee who truly have a passion for sikhi and want to lead our youth on the right path

when they won the gurdwara committee elections last year instead of thanking guru ji they went down a pub and got drunk and even drank alcohol in the alleyway of the gurdwara

mr sewak was headteacher of sunday panjabi school for over 25 years and resigned in protest against the building of the "recreation centre" and saying that the money would be better placed funding a sikh school in slough

isn't it shameful that hardly any1 stood with him against this issue more than 3 years ago

it seems to me that the majority of our community are too infatuated with maya to care about our youth- they all want flashy cars and big houses

i hope that our kaum can get together as 1 and stop this

bhul chuk maf karna if i have offended any1 or made too many assuptions about the state of our kaum

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