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Dont Want Khalistan


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this thread was pointless

People come with their little views and make a little thread about it and discourage others

Why do we need to prove ourselves and think we know more worldly knowledge than another? People disrespects shaheeds and their motives and talk <banned word filter activated> online because they know nothing is going to happen to them, Any one here cannot say 1/10000th of things they said infront of a group of khalistani's because theyll get so mad and maybe leave you a inch from death

Discussion is different, stating is different, and arguging is different

Next time we should pose our views as a question, so people dont think you are sending a message to 50000 people on what your saying

"I think we wont get khalistan because of 1)2)3)."

then "We can conquer those problems by 1)2)3)" becuase "1)2)3)...etc"


"someone proves you wrong"

We all need to stop thinking we're some smartasses who know too much.

My views





"We will get khalistan with guru's help, guru ji himself will provide us with weapons" - ISYF

The class of khalistan has gotten very big, many people have graduated and many more will graduate soon, people in smaller classes are failing and need to also join the khalistan class so they can too, one day graduate.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest HaRdKaUrWaRrIoRz

Sikhs have the right to khalistan, but i agree there is something wrong with us, thats why guru ji isn't giving it to us just yet. We should change our ways and take amrit and become sons and daughters of Guru Gobind Singh Ji

RAJ KREGA KHALSA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


hey khalistan the only answer, we can raid the place and bring khalistan but first we gota do wangsters LOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLL

no 4 reel tho, what we're forgetting is that we arent God, Khalistan isn't just going to happen where everybody just starts believing in waheguru and leave all other things, khalistan will be made and we will have to fight for it

and it'lll be dirty (according to what i've heard form sants) we cant say the world isnt ready for khalistan, the question is are we ready for khalistan, b/c God can change this world in a split second and destroy all that dont believe so that only those that belive are left and thus khalistan (im not saying thats how its gona happen, im just illustrating how wonderous our Guru ji is). it PIS88S me off wen ppl say we can t make khalistan now b/c ppl are blha blah blah(i've heard this so many times form ppl who wear big dastaars and act like they're better than other ppl, not to say anybody on this forum falls into this cuz i dont noe u-thought i'd let u noe where im coming from)-we arent gona make khalistan, its God! we can just pray that God give us the seva of fighting for it since we are already covered in sins and want to do something useful with our lives, we are no better than ppl out there doing drugs, drinking, etc...hence we have no say in when it is appropriate for khalistan to be made, it is up to the Guru and only Brahm Giani's know wen and who will lead this...we are merely worms asking for the oppurtunity to do seva.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mr. “Akali”

When people like you raise idiotic points in an effort to discourage Khalistanis from achieving their goals it makes me realize how weak the so-called “Sikhs” have become. I look at 18th century history when millions of mughals equipped with better weaponry surrounded handful of Sikhs yet were unable to become victorious. After Baba Banda Singh’s shaheedi people thought Sikh movement had died. For more than 20 years there was no Sikh uprising. British had thought Sikhi would become extinct before the end of 19th century but it was the same Sikhi that kicked them out of India. 700 years of Mughal empire did not last. Who actually thought slavery of 1200 years would end for hindus? But it did and credits go to Sikhs. Who thought the sun would set on british empire? But it did. Who thought Pathans of Afghanistan would be defeated in a country they attacked for centuries and kicked out of it forever? It happened and all because of Sikhs. I look at history and only one image comes to my mind – Guru Gobind Singh Ji. His bani, his fatherhood and His Khalsa image made everything possible.

Technology changes everyday, new weapons are invented, new methods of warfare are implemented but no government on earth has been able to keep Khalsa under their rule. Why? Because they are sons of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Who on earth can beat those who have a father, a warrior and a leader as great as Guru Gobind Singh Ji. So mr. akali I thank you. I thank you very much for making discouraging statements because without those I do not think I would’ve looked back on my history. Your comments reminded me of my Gursikh brothers and my father Guru Sahib. Your posts in fact encouraged me to continue the struggle because that is exactly what my brothers did in the past and I shall too follow their footsteps. There were people who tried to discourage Guru Sahib and there are people who discourage Sikhs but if their father did not stop then what makes you think His sons will? It is you who need to read our history and get a reality check. Sikhs have never stopped and never will. The movement is down but not out.

I do not care about your questions but would like to address one point you raised:

India has a far superior armed forces then Pakistan and India's air force is one of the best equiped in the world containing the LCA (which the US wants to replace it's F-16's), Russian aircraft such as the MiG series and Sukhoi.

You are greatly mistaken. India actually started the LCA plan to replace Russian MIG. MIG is a big failure and was too old which is why India needed something new. The plan began in 1983 and after 18 years they got the plane which even failed at high altitudes. It took USA only 10 years to build B2 which only flies 3% of the times but gets 33% of the work done. Now, compare this to LCA. LCA in fact is an obsolete plane that does not offer anything different than F16 which is much more efficient. LCA does not offer anything new that would benefit the foreign countries. I am 100% sure that USA wouldn’t even want LCA for free. F16 may be old but it is still better. Even if F16 is discarded USA still has Global Hawk, X-45, B2, F-117 and many other planes which will take India more than 100 years to build. USA spent 455 billion dollars on military last year. Does India have the capability to spend that much money on its military? I don’t think so. Countries do not last forever. Mughal empire fell apart, british empire did not last and Russia broke into 12 pieces. What exactly is brahmin empire compared to these empires? India’s armed force is not superior at all. It is everything bought from Russia’s garage sale. Empires do not last forever but Khalsa will last forever. We are born after death. We have Bani, Guru Sahib and will to survive. Bravery and will to survive gives birth to weapons. You are entitled to your opinion but coming on this forum thinking you know it all is only foolish. Your 20 years old research proves just that. If you really want to look at reality then look at our history. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

I do not want to get into a debate about khalistan at this point, since i think it is not feasible and absurd,

as far as the debate on america having sophisticated planes, you should go and read the results of studies conducted by americans on the comparison between their planes and russian planes, in every comparison, the russian planes are far superior. during the cold war, the NATo forces didnt stood a chance in conventional battle, and when you talk about nukes....its a different story.

we live in an age dominated by america and we easily get carried away by propaganda...which is like women, it clouds the mind man.


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Guest HaRdKaUrWaRrIoRz

Mr. “Akali”

When people like you raise idiotic points in an effort to discourage Khalistanis from achieving their goals it makes me realize how weak the so-called “Sikhs” have become. I look at 18th century history when millions of mughals equipped with better weaponry surrounded handful of Sikhs yet were unable to become victorious. After Baba Banda Singh’s shaheedi people thought Sikh movement had died. For more than 20 years there was no Sikh uprising. British had thought Sikhi would become extinct before the end of 19th century but it was the same Sikhi that kicked them out of India. 700 years of Mughal empire did not last. Who actually thought slavery of 1200 years would end for hindus? But it did and credits go to Sikhs. Who thought the sun would set on british empire? But it did. Who thought Pathans of Afghanistan would be defeated in a country they attacked for centuries and kicked out of it forever? It happened and all because of Sikhs. I look at history and only one image comes to my mind – Guru Gobind Singh Ji. His bani, his fatherhood and His Khalsa image made everything possible.

Technology changes everyday, new weapons are invented, new methods of warfare are implemented but no government on earth has been able to keep Khalsa under their rule. Why? Because they are sons of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Who on earth can beat those who have a father, a warrior and a leader as great as Guru Gobind Singh Ji. So mr. akali I thank you. I thank you very much for making discouraging statements because without those I do not think I would’ve looked back on my history. Your comments reminded me of my Gursikh brothers and my father Guru Sahib. Your posts in fact encouraged me to continue the struggle because that is exactly what my brothers did in the past and I shall too follow their footsteps. There were people who tried to discourage Guru Sahib and there are people who discourage Sikhs but if their father did not stop then what makes you think His sons will? It is you who need to read our history and get a reality check. Sikhs have never stopped and never will. The movement is down but not out.

I do not care about your questions but would like to address one point you raised:

India has a far superior armed forces then Pakistan and India's air force is one of the best equiped in the world containing the LCA (which the US wants to replace it's F-16's), Russian aircraft such as the MiG series and Sukhoi.

You are greatly mistaken. India actually started the LCA plan to replace Russian MIG. MIG is a big failure and was too old which is why India needed something new. The plan began in 1983 and after 18 years they got the plane which even failed at high altitudes. It took USA only 10 years to build B2 which only flies 3% of the times but gets 33% of the work done. Now, compare this to LCA. LCA in fact is an obsolete plane that does not offer anything different than F16 which is much more efficient. LCA does not offer anything new that would benefit the foreign countries. I am 100% sure that USA wouldn’t even want LCA for free. F16 may be old but it is still better. Even if F16 is discarded USA still has Global Hawk, X-45, B2, F-117 and many other planes which will take India more than 100 years to build. USA spent 455 billion dollars on military last year. Does India have the capability to spend that much money on its military? I don’t think so. Countries do not last forever. Mughal empire fell apart, british empire did not last and Russia broke into 12 pieces. What exactly is brahmin empire compared to these empires? India’s armed force is not superior at all. It is everything bought from Russia’s garage sale. Empires do not last forever but Khalsa will last forever. We are born after death. We have Bani, Guru Sahib and will to survive. Bravery and will to survive gives birth to weapons. You are entitled to your opinion but coming on this forum thinking you know it all is only foolish. Your 20 years old research proves just that. If you really want to look at reality then look at our history. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

I do not want to get into a debate about khalistan at this point, since i think it is not feasible and absurd,

as far as the debate on america having sophisticated planes, you should go and read the results of studies conducted by americans on the comparison between their planes and russian planes, in every comparison, the russian planes are far superior. during the cold war, the NATo forces didnt stood a chance in conventional battle, and when you talk about nukes....its a different story.

we live in an age dominated by america and we easily get carried away by propaganda...which is like women, it clouds the mind man.


i agree with the fact that usa isnt a powerhouse when it comes to this but please clarify as to how women "cloud" your mind..........

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To discus if our people need to be free from oppression or not is foolish, the question answers itself. To say that we will not survive once we achieve independence from India is also meaningless, no one can predict the future and to be scared of something that may or may not happen is kind of funny.

I have really given the idea of Khalistan or an independent Punjab some real thought. In my opinion we must first as a people answer these questions first

I have several questions regarding Khalistan and will list them below,

please answer them at your own convenience.

1.) What is the geographical location of the desired Khalistan?

I as this because I am not sure if Sikhs want the state of Punjab as

it is today or that state as it was after 1947, or do we also have

want both East and West Punjab in Khalistan, or finally is Khalistan

the area that was controlled by Raja Ranjit Singh

2.) What will the government of Khalistan be like?

I ask this because many people are dissatisfied with democracies.

They have many shortcomings that will restrict the growth of a nation.

Communism is in the same situation with democracies. It would be

best to develop a new system in-between, but I was wondering if there

have been any serious discussions on this topic.

3.) How will the resources in Khalistan be distributed between its citizens?

Currently in North America, less then 20% of the population control

80% of the resources. This is very unfortunate and (in my opinion)

one the reasons why we do not move forward at the speed we should be.

4.) In the current Punjab Sikhs have a majority by 60%, but on both

East and West Punjab they do not, it is the Muslims who have the

majority. What measures can and should we take to insure Khalistan is

a fair yet a Khalsa state?

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It is entirely unrealistic for Sikhs to campaign for an independent Khalistan to include all of the areas that comprised the Punjab under the British rule. It is also unrealistic for Sikhs to try and suggest that the East Punjab prior to its re-organisation in 1966 into Punjab, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh should be the boundaries of Khalistan.

One of the demands put forward in the Anadpur Sahib Resolution was for a new boundary commission to be set-up so that the Punjabi-speaking areas of neighbouring states could be identified and then merged into Punjab along with Chandigarh.

This demand however has never been followed through and was severely diluted in the Rajiv-Longowal accord which if i am not mistaken stated that while Chandigarh should go to Punjab Haryana should then be compensated by merging some "Hindi speaking" areas of the Chandigarh territory and Punjab state with Haryana.

The territorial integrity of the present Indian Punjab state i suspect has been deliberately left unresolved by the government of India and pro-India Sikh politicians as its settlement would naturally provide the Khalistanis with a map of Khalistan.

As for the rest of your questions, i think the most appropriate and realistic approach would be for a newly independent Khalistan to seek some form of temporary arrangement with the United Nations as far as security and governance is concerned which should give Sikhs enough time to develop a constitution which is viable and acceptable to the people of Khalistan.

Question 4 of yours is of no relevance as i can guarantee you that the 80 million strong Punjabi Muslims of Pakistan will never cede any territory to the Sikhs nor would they ever unite their land with an independent Sikh state.

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It is entirely unrealistic for Sikhs to campaign for an independent Khalistan to include all of the areas that comprised the Punjab under the British rule. It is also unrealistic for Sikhs to try and suggest that the East Punjab prior to its re-organisation in 1966 into Punjab, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh should be the boundaries of Khalistan.

One of the demands put forward in the Anadpur Sahib Resolution was for a new boundary commission to be set-up so that the Punjabi-speaking areas of neighbouring states could be identified and then merged into Punjab along with Chandigarh.

This demand however has never been followed through and was severely diluted in the Rajiv-Longowal accord which if i am not mistaken stated that while Chandigarh should go to Punjab Haryana should then be compensated by merging some "Hindi speaking" areas of the Chandigarh territory and Punjab state with Haryana.

The territorial integrity of the present Indian Punjab state i suspect has been deliberately left unresolved by the government of India and pro-India Sikh politicians as its settlement would naturally provide the Khalistanis with a map of Khalistan.

As for the rest of your questions, i think the most appropriate and realistic approach would be for a newly independent Khalistan to seek some form of temporary arrangement with the United Nations as far as security and governance is concerned which should give Sikhs enough time to develop a constitution which is viable and acceptable to the people of Khalistan.

Question 4 of yours is of no relevance as i can guarantee you that the 80 million strong Punjabi Muslims of Pakistan will never cede any territory to the Sikhs nor would they ever unite their land with an independent Sikh state.

No point in campaigning for Khalistan if we do not have all of the sikh homeland free from both islamic and hindu rule. If it is unrealistic to get back land lost to pakistan in 1947 through peaceful means than it is through warfare and their tactics we must get it back.

But we have to await out time. The best solution we can hope for is the dis-integration of both pakistan and Indian unions. Both countries have internal and insurgency problems from various pro-freedom/indepedance groups.

If baluchistan becomes independant or part of afganistan, other groups within pakistan will want out like. And once Punjab, of what remains of pakistan, is isolated our forces can liberate it from islamic rule. And if muslim do not like living in Sikh state then they can go off back to arabia or afghanistan...and that would be the end of matter.

If muslims can still make a claim on jewish/israeli land even though their state (palestine) does not exist after the rebirth of israel in 1948 then why should we give up demands for all of our holy land (punjab) to be ruled under Sikh govt.

If its population issues we are facing then we need to draw up a strategy to revert these paki/afghani muslims and others back into Sikhism or other indegiousness ideology of the region. Time for baba's, giani's,etc to go as missionaries into these places and learn about our beautiful religion.

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Guest HaRdKaUrWaRrIoRz

are these ppl who are doubting khalistan telling me they r sikhs? cuz if they are, then are they telling us that the ardaas a sikh does every day like 50 times a day is false?? dont they rem "raj karega khalsa"? man if u dont believe that then u aint a sikh and u need to get outa here cus this is SIKH SANGAT!

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