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The Khalistan Stigma

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Guest militant singh

Do know guru hargobind singh jee maharaj who established Akal takht sahib for the sikh sangat to decide on political and religious issues. In 1986 it was decided by the SARBAT KHALSA to achieve khalistan no matter what and we have to take orders of sarbat khalsa.

Hello friends!

I am new to this forum and I joined largely because I have some curiosities regarding Khalistan. I look forward to having insightful conversations with all of you.

One of the primary things I have noticed is the emphasis put on the Saint/Solider ideal in Sikhism. A saint is surely a man who has attained a perfect balance in life, devoid of hatred, anger, pride, ego, etc.

A soldier is (usually) a noble individual devoted to protecting, and keeping the peace. He is a defender of humanity.

How does a Khalistani fit the mold of this ideal Sikh -- the Saint/Soldier? Allow me to elaborate. There seems to be a common stigma attached to "Khalistan" and the "Khalistanis" and in brief, I feel it can be summed up in the following arguments:

It would appear that a Khalistani cannot be a saint: he seems to be driven by an impulsive anger and sense of revenge. There seems to be this remarkable sense of hatred for members of the Hindu faith.

A soldier is a defender -- has there not been senseless killing in the name of Khalistan? Taking up arms in a religious institution seems to be at best, awkward.

It would appear that the stigma doesn't allow for a Khalistani to be seen in the noble Saint/Solider light. In fact, I've heard Khalistani's being called terrorists time and time again.

What are your thoughts on this?? Is this all an unjust stigma? Or is there some merit to what some people see?

Thanks for any insight you can offer and I look foward to friendly discourse!

respect u said it straight khalsaforce

........no disrespect

...cats are also infiltrating the net

enda the day Khalistan wil be made and none of the haers can do nuffin 2 hurt us

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Man im here with the Curious man....and kKhalsa Force is very correct in wa y 2 but the thing is after Khalistan there are hardly any true Sikhs left to run the HOly Land and those who call themselves true Sikh are already enaged in fighting with fellow sikh mebers so are we making the Situation worse or we just want have Khalistan irrespecctive of How it is run and administered after it is made and just be happy and content that Khalistan is achieved


**In my opinions with the Current scnario i dont see khlistan as Khalistan what Sant Jarnail Singh ji had in his mind and what he had envisioned as a holy land.

It will be just nther line on the Political World Map...

It is up to us if we really want it???DO we???

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Ki prove kar raha ha aaj asi, that forget those singhs who didn't care about their families and jumped like a tiger in the khalistani sangarsh, How are we trying to remember them by calling them terrorists?Pictures da lagda, what about those innconet families who were killed and bibia who were raped by police officer thats what we trying to prove for years and people like u again ask what are we proving? I know problem of people like you , u would not stand up for ur rights unless your mother is raped or ur little brother is being killed. Thats what happen to many families and thats what we trying to prove and get justice for those families. Those singhs who joined the sangarsh were not stupid who didn't think before entering this path, many of them were educated students who wanted to serve the panth and didn't care about their famlies. They would save ur mother first then their family, these are the singhs and that what we are trying to prove. we have been trying to prove this for years and what we get people like u askin what are we trying to prove? After so many years human right group members like khalra jee gave so much evidence and nothing was done or proven by the indian state, now today if we talk about sant bhindranwale they ask us what we are trying to prove?U people make me mad. U dont trust pictures u wanna see reality of shaheeds famlies today in 2006 then goto those old parents who sit on floors with nothing in their hands, lost their naujwan son, police took over their land, the man of the was killed and mother sews cloth to other to make a living.

what are trying to prove by these pictures ?

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Hello friends!

I am new to this forum and I joined largely because I have some curiosities regarding Khalistan. I look forward to having insightful conversations with all of you.

One of the primary things I have noticed is the emphasis put on the Saint/Solider ideal in Sikhism. A saint is surely a man who has attained a perfect balance in life, devoid of hatred, anger, pride, ego, etc.

A soldier is (usually) a noble individual devoted to protecting, and keeping the peace. He is a defender of humanity.

How does a Khalistani fit the mold of this ideal Sikh -- the Saint/Soldier? Allow me to elaborate. There seems to be a common stigma attached to "Khalistan" and the "Khalistanis" and in brief, I feel it can be summed up in the following arguments:

It would appear that a Khalistani cannot be a saint: he seems to be driven by an impulsive anger and sense of revenge. There seems to be this remarkable sense of hatred for members of the Hindu faith.

A soldier is a defender -- has there not been senseless killing in the name of Khalistan? Taking up arms in a religious institution seems to be at best, awkward.

It would appear that the stigma doesn't allow for a Khalistani to be seen in the noble Saint/Solider light. In fact, I've heard Khalistani's being called terrorists time and time again.

What are your thoughts on this?? Is this all an unjust stigma? Or is there some merit to what some people see?

Thanks for any insight you can offer and I look foward to friendly discourse!

Is that an opinion guised as a question?

If you want to elicit genuine discourse it is best to be up front about your own views on the issue. Tell us what you think curious george.

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Ki prove kar raha ha aaj asi, that forget those singhs who didn't care about their families and jumped like a tiger in the khalistani sangarsh, How are we trying to remember them by calling them terrorists?Pictures da lagda, what about those innconet families who were killed and bibia who were raped by police officer thats what we trying to prove for years and people like u again ask what are we proving? I know problem of people like you , u would not stand up for ur rights unless your mother is raped or ur little brother is being killed. Thats what happen to many families and thats what we trying to prove and get justice for those families. Those singhs who joined the sangarsh were not stupid who didn't think before entering this path, many of them were educated students who wanted to serve the panth and didn't care about their famlies. They would save ur mother first then their family, these are the singhs and that what we are trying to prove. we have been trying to prove this for years and what we get people like u askin what are we trying to prove? After so many years human right group members like khalra jee gave so much evidence and nothing was done or proven by the indian state, now today if we talk about sant bhindranwale they ask us what we are trying to prove?U people make me mad. U dont trust pictures u wanna see reality of shaheeds famlies today in 2006 then goto those old parents who sit on floors with nothing in their hands, lost their naujwan son, police took over their land, the man of the was killed and mother sews cloth to other to make a living.

what are trying to prove by these pictures ?

You are right khalsaforce they haven't seen anything with their eyes. Not only this, the people like RSS who don't want us to get Khalistan make them blind with galt malt galan. And these sikhs believe those not their own people. No one knows when they again start killing sikhs only because we have no land on this earth.

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Ki prove kar raha ha aaj asi, that forget those singhs who didn't care about their families and jumped like a tiger in the khalistani sangarsh, How are we trying to remember them by calling them terrorists?Pictures da lagda, what about those innconet families who were killed and bibia who were raped by police officer thats what we trying to prove for years and people like u again ask what are we proving? I know problem of people like you , u would not stand up for ur rights unless your mother is raped or ur little brother is being killed. Thats what happen to many families and thats what we trying to prove and get justice for those families. Those singhs who joined the sangarsh were not stupid who didn't think before entering this path, many of them were educated students who wanted to serve the panth and didn't care about their famlies. They would save ur mother first then their family, these are the singhs and that what we are trying to prove. we have been trying to prove this for years and what we get people like u askin what are we trying to prove? After so many years human right group members like khalra jee gave so much evidence and nothing was done or proven by the indian state, now today if we talk about sant bhindranwale they ask us what we are trying to prove?U people make me mad. U dont trust pictures u wanna see reality of shaheeds famlies today in 2006 then goto those old parents who sit on floors with nothing in their hands, lost their naujwan son, police took over their land, the man of the was killed and mother sews cloth to other to make a living.

what are trying to prove by these pictures ?

paji je i didn't mean to offend you no.gif

I just don’t see any good coming out by displaying the pictures of the slayed sikhs by the Indian forces.

By now we all know what happened. Now is the time not to think by our hearts but with our heads…..

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