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Monty - The First Amritdhari Playing For England

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In the mail on Sunday this weekend just gone, just a few pages from the front.

How a Guru turned Monty into England's new cricket Star

He is not, it must be said, a typical Eastern guru. True, he has a whiskery silver beard, but there are no flowing robes - just a white T-shirt, baggy tracksuit bottoms and work boots. His throne is a cheap nylon armchair in the kitchen of a Canadian farmhouse.

Yet this is Maharaj Ji, a man who - although he can't tell an off-break from a googly - has become the guide and inspiration for Monty Panesar, England's newest cricket star.

The 24-year-old spin bowler spent a month on Maharaj Ji's 5,000-acre community farm on the outskirts of Edmonton last autumn. On his return he described the trip as 'the defining moment of my life'.


He said: "To meet the master was fantastic. He told me to go home and concentrate on cricket, to go full whack and give it my passion. He has really motivated me."

Since then the "Montster" has gone from possible stand-in to core member of the England Test squad. Fans love his galumphing wicket celebrations and chant his name enthusiastically at every game.

So who is Maharaj Ji and how has he effected this amazing transformation? The global leader of the Nanaksar sect of Sikhism, he is 68, his wife Anita is in her 20s and they have a three-year-old son.

As is the nature of leaders of this type, he has attracted his fair share of controversy. Six years ago he was convicted of drink-driving and fined £280 and banned for a year.

In 1994, it was alleged that he promoted free sex as a path to enlightenment, blew £21,000 of his sect's funds in the casinos of Las Vegas and used community money to build a home for his wife - all of which he strenuously denies.

To his 20,000 devotees, however, he is a living saint who raises more than £60million a year for charity.

Certainly, when The Mail on Sunday visited him at his farm last week, we found a charming man who is happy to work the same 12-hour days as his volunteers.


Asked about his most famous pupil, the Maharaj said: "I don't know what cricket is. I have never seen him play. I have no idea what happens."

In fact when Monty first arrived in Edmonton, the guru saw him simply as the son of Paramjit and Gurharan Panesar, both followers at his temple in Coventry, which he visits every January.

The Maharaj said: "It's the blessings working for him and what he believes. It's a spiritual connection that makes him what he is. I told him to be strong and play with one mind. Put your mind fully into the activity you are doing and believe in yourself 100 per cent."

It was Monty's close friend Subby Sidhu, an IT consultant from Coventry, who suggested that the cricketer, who is a computing and management graduate of Loughborough University, could benefit from the Maharaj's guidance.

Subby, 25, said: "I have been to stay and work on the farm nine times. I knew how much it would help Monty with his game. The guru is a saint, a teacher of life. He told Monty that cricket was his destiny."

During his stay, Monty worked in the wheat and canola fields. At the end of each day, he would be called for the ritual blessing, at which the Maharaj hands out offerings of cereal bars, Cadbury's chocolate, fruit and sweets to his disciples.

Dinner often consists not of lentils and rice but chips, Kentucky Fried Chicken and iced buns. Alcohol is not allowed as it is strictly against the Sikh religion - which sits uncomfortably with Maharaj Ji's drink-driving ban.

Asked if he viewed himself as a saint, the Maharaj insisted: "Others may say that but I don't want that for myself."

Perhaps not, but judging by Monty Panesar's recent performance, his reputation for working miracles is set to grow.


no.gif Is this the same guy who encourages the dancing fiasco at the Coventry nagar kirtan people were on about a while back?

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