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Sikhs Fed To Dogs 1984


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Guest Narinder Singh

Ok when one uses the term "India" so loosely it gives off the wrong impression. When we say India do we mean the millions of people residing in India also or just the government?

I understand as Sikhs we are entitled to our sovereignity and our own raj, but that shouldnt come with the destruction "Indians". Thats not the Khalistan i ask for and thats not the Khalistan the Sarbat Khalsa is fighting for.

Khalistan should be a shelter for those in need whether they're Indian, Pakistani or from any other part of the world, it shouldnt make a difference. Our fight is against the tyrannical government of india that has inflicted many wounds on not only sikhs but people through out India who speak out against injustice. Our fight is not against the citizens of India, it never ever was.

We want raj so we can protect our faith, our culture, our language, our gurdwareh, and our lifestyle, as well as protect anyone else who comes to us for help.


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Guest s133k_s1kh
Ok when one uses the term "India" so loosely it gives off the wrong impression. When we say India do we mean the millions of people residing in India also or just the government?

I understand as Sikhs we are entitled to our sovereignity and our own raj, but that shouldnt come with the destruction "Indians". Thats not the Khalistan i ask for and thats not the Khalistan the Sarbat Khalsa is fighting for.

Khalistan should be a shelter for those in need whether they're Indian, Pakistani or from any other part of the world, it shouldnt make a difference. Our fight is against the tyrannical government of india that has inflicted many wounds on not only sikhs but people through out India who speak out against injustice. Our fight is not against the citizens of India, it never ever was.

We want raj so we can protect our faith, our culture, our language, our gurdwareh, and our lifestyle, as well as protect anyone else who comes to us for help.


:TH: Thats what sikhi is all about.

Narinder veer if you use msn would you mind pming me you msn id ? This has got nothing to do with homosexuality tongue.gif

I have used the term INDIA in context of a nation not the government.

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Guest s133k_s1kh
u make me laugh u lot do - i dont support killing of innocents but you lot are way off the scale of 'panjab di Anakh' u have none

You can laugh as much as it pleases you. I am not the one who has said anything against you, but i see few people here who have nothing better to say then to attack someone personally. that clearly shows your maturity levels. I salute you -- THE TRUE KHALISTANIS d_oh.gif

you had written something about Punjab and i am asking for a reference if you can provide please.

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veerji has jus hit the nail on the head... how can we achieve a sikh state wen the majority of us are not willin to join akaal purak??? why are there veerjis in this forum arguing amongst one and other.?? when they should be concentrating on waheguru... we need to concentrate on our rehat before we can argue.. the pictures hurt... but dont they make you stronger??? dont u want to follw guru ji??? sikhi has been attacked many tyms.. but its onli made us stronger..

to the veer that was sayin that its ok to burn the india flag!!!!! WHY??? is that not the home of our guru ji's??? we forget amongst all the hatred wher the roots began.... burnin the india flag brings us dwn soo much!!! i always think to myself and wonder wat the shaheeds will fink loookin dwn on us now.. most importantly what do u think guru ji is finkin... personally i feel that they are disgusted with us.. they gave such kurbaniya for what???? us!!!! we're a joke we rather sit here and argue over a computer screen and judge people when we're not perfect our self.. we should have satkar and pyaar for one and other and spread the love for sikhi...

You know all this debating and arguing sometimes makes me laugh. Here we are sitting on a forum talking about the continued struggles of Sikhi, and on the other hand calling each other names for having a different point of view. This is what I think. ------

Sikhi is in a state of questioning. We all know Sikhi anywhere is not really the way it is supposed to be. If in Punjab, Sikhi is in a bad state it is more so because the Hind Sarkar and Media is doing every bit it can do destroy it. Let's take a look at other minorities in "Bahmanstan" they are nearly extinct now because of the government regulations and what not. They are literally extinct. There are barely are "real" jains, buddhists, or parsi's left in India, the same thing is happening with Sikhs WHY? because we are a minoritiy as well. But, can they get rid of us NO! why? firstly, because not any power on Akal Purakh's earth can eliminate the Sikhs, second the TRUE MAHAPURAKHS that are left in India are going to continue to fight for the rights of Sikhs intill their last breath, even intil this day and age there will always be people like Bhindranwale, and its' followers in Punjab, and more specifically "bahmanstan" just think about it there are continue problems in the two states that carry the most Sikhs: Punjab and Delhi. Punjab is becoming a deathbed, and Delhi is becoming a pollution hotspot. There are people dying, but is SIKHI totoally finished from those two states NO, never because it can't happen!!

As for Sikhi in the west, the ones that are Sikh they keep full rehat becasue there is nothing stopping them, if there is it is minor things such as discrimination which eventually they overcome. But in the WEST if sikhi is not flourishing it is nobody's fault but OUR own only. Sikhs here aren't real sikhs because they are too chicken ######, they are afraid of looks, or 656458454 other EXCUSES yes they are nothing but excuses.

However, when it comes to Sikhi anywhere one thing we have is power, and that power is that we never give up, even in the Guru's time nearly 70% of the Sikh population was wiped out by s u l l e h, but we still continued to fight because that's what our religion is people. It will continue to happen, we will continue to fight and fight, even if its' only a few people left, but remember we have to become KHALAS ourselves first in order to fight for Khalsa.

Guru Gobind Singh will only take care of us if we remember his identity and his values. If doesn't take long for Sikhi to flourish, I can guarantee you that.

If massive parchaars were done everywhere, if people weren't attracted to maya, it doesn't matter where people are trying to destroy Sikhi no one can stop it from flourishing.

Bhindranwale's one speech made 100 of people take Amrit, if he can bring back soo many people by himself into Sikhi, IMAGINE what Gurdwaras, our facilities, our resources can do.

That's the power of Sikhi, the more you learn about it the more you understand it, the more you come closer and closer to it, it draws people towards it, the only thing lacking in kalyug is people, SAD nobody wants to be a LION anymore, everyone wants to be a gidar/hijra/coward!!

If it isn't other people trying to kill sikhi, its' our own so called "sikhs" who dont want to be sikhs!! no.gif which breaks my heartt!!

i am starting to think that we may have lost, sikhs may have lost the legacy that is supposed to be on going forever!!!

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to the veer that was sayin that its ok to burn the india flag!!!!! WHY??? is that not the home of our guru ji's??? we forget amongst all the hatred wher the roots began.... burnin the india flag brings us dwn soo much!!! i always think to myself and wonder wat the shaheeds will fink loookin dwn on us now.. most importantly what do u think guru ji is finkin... personally i feel that they are disgusted with us.. they gave such kurbaniya for what???? us!!!! we're a joke we rather sit here and argue over a computer screen and judge people when we're not perfect our self.. we should have satkar and pyaar for one and other and spread the love for sikhi...

Why does it hurt you so much that a piece of cloth is being burnt, Sikh men and women were burnt in Delhi doesnt this fact cause hurt to you?

The shaheeds looking down as you state, If Kartar Singh Sarabha & Bhagat Singh were looking down on Hindustan they would be thinking why the hell did we give up our lives for this homo country.

"s133k_s1kh" you mentioned the national anthem and desh bhagti songs sung in Hindustan, one of them is "Sarray Jaha Say Acha...." well the very same person who had written that later on stated "Sharam Aati Hai Abb Isko Apna Wattan Kehtay Hoye (I feel ashamed accepting this country as my own)"

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Guest militant singh

our rootz began in Panjab - Panjab was made part of British India in 1849 after ranjeet singhs raaj ended due 2 hindu dogras, All u kats who say our history began there i tell u it ddnt,DID SO CALLED INDIA EXIST THEN? no small kingdoms the flag of india reppz nufing but Naziism 2 me and i would burn it if i ever got he chance, Our rootz dnt lie in India BUT IN PANJAB u get tht b4 u say panjabs parrt of bramnical india think agian : 4RM KHALISTAN.COM History shows that multinational states such as India are doomed to failure. Countries like Austria-Hungary, India’s longtime friend the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, and others prove this point. India is not a single country; it is a polyglot like those countries, thrown together for the convenience of the British colonialists. It is doomed to break up as they did. Steve Forbes, writing in Forbes magazine, said that India is a multinational, multiethnic, multireligious, multicultural, multilinguistic state that is doomed to disintegrate like the Austro-Hungarian Empire. former Akal Takht Jathedar Professor Darshan Singh, who said, “If a Sikh is not a Khalistani, he is not a Sikh”? Sikhs will never get any justice from Delhi. The leaders in Delhi are only interested in imposing Hindu sovereignty over all the minorities to advance their own careers and their own power. Ever since independence, India has mistreated the Sikh Nation, starting with Patel’s memo labeling Sikhs “a criminal tribe.” What a shame for Home Minister Patel and the Indian government to issue this memorandum when the Sikh Nation gave over 80 percent of the sacrifices to free India.India is ruled by Hindu theocrats whose agenda is "Hindu, Hindi, Hindutva, Hindu Rashtra," or total Hindu domination of every facet of Indian life. An Indian Cabinet minister said that everyone who lives in India must be a Hindu or subservient to Hindus.

"As Professor Darshan Singh, a former Jathedar of the Akal Takht, said, 'If a Sikh is not for Khalistan, he is not a Sikh'," Dr. Aulakh noted. "We must continue to press for our God-given birthright of freedom," he said. "Without political power, religions cannot flourish and nations perish."When India became independent, Sikhs were equal partners in the transfer of power and were to receive their own state, but the weak and ignorant Sikh leaders of the time were tricked into staying with India on the promise that they would have “the glow of freedom” and no law affecting the Sikhs would pass without their consent. Sikhs ruled an independent and sovereign Punjab from 1710 to 1716 and again from 1765 to 1849 and were recognized by most of the countries of the world at that time. No Sikh representative has ever signed the Indian constitution. whoever aint woken up after reading dis what will u wke wid ----OOO WE CANT DO DAT INDIA OUR OMELAND HELLOOO NEWSFLASH PANJAB IS OURHOMELAND #INDIA ANTHEM REFIX '' SAREH JAHAN SEH GANDHA HINDUSTAN BRAMINO KAH' HERES DAT OTHER SONG ''THE JANA GANA 1 ' LUCHA GANDHA BAMAN JAI HIND BHRAT RANDI MATA PANJAB SINDH GUJRAT HAMARA RAJ HAI HINDUVTA KA GANDHI BAKREE VALA KALA GANDH HIND GANDH HINDH GANDH GANDH GANDH GANDH HIND

A POST I DID A FEW DAYS AGO DIS GOES 2 CUTE KAUR AND SEEKH SIKH(A,K.A INDIA LUVA ) MESSGAE 2 BAMANSAN AND ITS CRONIES I had a lot of thoughts cross my mind 2day so m jus gna write dwn whatever cmes 2 mind the follwoing bit in panjabi was sent 2 me after which i will write my thoughts gandhi waang nahin asin chalaye charkhe, Khud aap charkhdiyan te chade hoye aan, Sir deke jitho de fees lagde, Asin ohna schoolan de parhe hoye aan, Nahin darpok ahinsa de pujariyan vaang, Asin khoon wich layian tariaan ne, Sanu aven ni loki sardar kehnde , Sir deke miliya sardariaan ne...!Khalistan Zindabad 4 whatever u hve in store 4 da sikh nation over this tense period -the sacrifices -deaths of our shaheedz flow through our veins in2 our hearts our saffron flags fly across the globe in evry nation and flutter with the glory bestowed upon the KhALSA Panth by Guru Gobind Singh Ji the 10the master,you wiped out a generation but 4got tht we would flurish in the west in free lands,and we now declare 2 u we stand with our brothers and sisters in Panjab,you may have split us divided us and doused the flame of Sikhi with ur bramanical ideology,you may enjoy our own people backstabking us - but such is the glory of the Sikh Nation tht evry blow u deliver to our great nation it strengthens our resolve to uproot u from your throne,from the dark days of the 1700's,up through till WW1 &WW2 we have fought tyrants across this earth,chased them far and wide and we have attained a history and glory for future generations,for which u cannot withstand,for where ever we go our Light Guru Granth Sahib Ji guides us through the storms and gales of ur terror unleashed upon us,a sly and scheming enemy you are,but that day is not far for when the Khalsa shines,and gloryously strikes fear in ur court,you may laugh at this and be joyous at the fact that you are big and i am smal,you have an army i dnt,but let me remind you of the days when ur girls used be dragged off in2 the sands to basra,and ghazni for it was ur forefathers who came unto us to ask for help,our glourious warriors fought and rode off in 2 the sand dunes to rescue ur princesses and bought them to u,it was ur kashmiris who came 2 our 9th master in fear of persecution,this isnt no illusion,betrayal after betrayal hw man chandus,and gangus shalli name,hw many dogras shall i exclaim commited treason with us for what reason did we deserve this,not 1 gandhi but 2 gandhis who were 2sides of the same coin came as grim reapers to our doors (1947-1984)liltle did she(gandhi) knw her her guardian angels were infact the grim reapers in disguise sent dwn by akaal purkh himself,i declare to u now oh evil india there is no force capable in ur country let alone earth that can crush the Khalsa,you will soon face disaster ur old friend the soviet union fell apart in a similar way oh hw i crave tht day,the flame burns birght............Khalistans in our sights

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having a muslim bf???? waheguru i would never do such thing...

the reason for me saying wat i did is not becus im a india lova.. oh no u cudnt be more wrong... its reali easi for u guys to take out of context wat i have sed,...

i jus believe (me.. I ... not anyone else b4 sumone says im mentioning other) sikhi begins spiritually being connected with god.. huna.. sikhi makes me feel like wow im so thankfull for being born into sikhi... even though i am not a gursikh yet!!!but hopefully i will be with kirpa....

but when i look at people in the gurdwaras and on the streets in forum or what not... its all abt being part of this jatha or that jatha.. or what he has dun or she has... but no one eva looks at what they have dun.. or what they are doing... there seems to be more hatred amongst one and other more than anything thing...

and how can we get a sikh state???? at this present moment intime i dnt believe that, that is so... because untill we unite as one and follow akaal purak... i cant say that we deserv it...

we need to concentrate on educate youth on sikhi... so that they grow to have the same love that we have for sikhi... but nothing will happen by being extream... we need to use our knowledg colectivly....

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