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Sri Amritsar.

December 13, 2006, Wednesday 05:30 AM. IST

rwgu sUhI mhlw 5 Gru 1

<> siqgur pRswid ]

bwjIgir jYsy bwjI pweI ] nwnw rUp ByK idKlweI ] sWgu auqwir QMim@E pwswrw ] qb eyko eykMkwrw ]1] kvn rUp idRsitE ibnswieE ] kqih gieE auhu kq qy AwieE ]1] rhwau ]jl qy aUTih Aink qrMgw ] kink BUKn kIny bhu rMgw ] bIju bIij dyiKE bhu prkwrw] Pl pwky qy eykMkwrw ]2] shs Gtw mih eyku Awkwsu ] Gt PUty qy EhI pRgwsu ] Brm loB moh mwieAw ivkwr ] BRm CUty qy eykMkwr ]3] Ehu AibnwsI ibnsq nwhI ] nw ko AwvY nw ko jwhI] guir pUrY haumY mlu DoeI ] khu nwnk myrI prm giq hoeI ]4]1]

bu`Dvwr, 30 m`Gr (sMmq 538 nwnkSwhI)


pMjwbI ivAwiKAw :

rwgu sUhI mhlw 5 Gru 1

<> siqgur pRswid ]

hy BweI! ijvyN iksy bwzIgr ny kdy bwzI pw ky ivKweI hovy, auh keI iksmW dy rUp qy ByK ivKWdw hY, iesy qrHW prmwqmw ny ieh jgq-qmwSw ricAw hoieAw hY[ ies ivc AnykW rUp ByK ivKw irhw hY[ jdoN pRBU AwpxI ieh jgq-rUp nklI Skl lwh ky Kyf dw iKlwrw rok dyNdw hY, qdoN iek Awp hI Awp rih jWdw hY[1[ hy BweI! prmwqmw dy AnykW hI rUp id`sdy rihMdy hn, AnykW hI rUp nws huMdy rihMdy hn[ koeI nhIN d`s skdw ik jIv ik`QoN AwieAw sI, qy, ik`Qy clw jWdw hY[1[rhwau[hy BweI !pwxI qoN AnykW lihrW auTdIAW hn, muV pwxI ivc rl jWdIAw hn[sony qoN keI iksmW dy ghxy GVy jWdy hn, auh Asl ivc sonw hI huMdy hn[ iksy ru`K dw bI bIj ky SwKW p`qy Awidk aus dw keI iksmW dw srUp vyKx ivc Aw jWdw hY[ ru`K dy Pl p`kx qy auhI pihlI iksm dy bIj bx jWdy hn[ iqvyN ies bhu-rMgI sMswr dw Aslw iek prmwqmw hI hY[2[hy BweI! ieko AwkwS pwxI nwl Bry hoey hzwrW GiVAW ivc vK vK id`sdw hY[ jdoN GVy tu`t jWdy hn, qW auh AwkwS hI id`sdw rih jWdw hY[ mwieAw dy BRm dy kwrn prmwqmw dI AMs jIvwqmw ivc Btkxw, loB moh Awidk ivkwr au`Tdy hn[ BRm imt jwx nwl iek prmwqmw dw hI rUp ho jWdw hY[3[hy BweI ! auh prmwqmw nws-rihq hY, auh kdy nws nhIN huMdw[ auh pRBU jIvwqmw rUp ho ky BI nwh koeI Awqmw jMmdw hY, nwh koeI Awqmw mrdy hn[ hy nwnk! AwK-pUry gurU ny myry AMdroN haumy dI mYl Do id`qI hY, hux myrI au`cI Awqmk AvsQw bx geI hY, qy mYnUM ieh jgq aus prmwqmw dw Awpxw hI rUp id`s irhw hY[4[1[

English Translation:



The actor stages the play, playing the many characters in different costumes; but when the play ends, he takes off the costumes, and then he is one, and only one. || 1 || How many forms and images appeared and disappeared? Where have they gone? Where did they come from? || 1 || Pause || Countless waves rise up from the water. Jewels and ornaments of many different forms are fashioned from gold. I have seen seeds of all kinds being planted — when the fruit ripens, the seeds appear in the same form as the original. || 2 || The one sky is reflected in thousands of water jugs, but when the jugs are broken, only the sky remains. Doubt comes from greed, emotional attachment and the corruption of Maya. Freed from doubt, one realizes the One Lord alone. || 3 || He is imperishable; He will never pass away. He does not come, and He does not go. The Perfect Guru has washed away the filth of ego. Says Nanak, I have obtained the supreme status. || 4 || 1 ||

Wednesday, 30th Maghar (Samvat 538 Nanakshahi)


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Vaheguur Ji Ka Khalsa!

Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh!!

i got a Question i dont know if use can help me..

ive been Told that every sikh thats tkain amrit should take hukumnama in the morning before they eat etc...

buh should u stil take it even tho u dont know what it means??

cuse u can't follow a comand if u dont know what is being said...

bhool chuk mauf kurni

Vaheguur Ji Ka khalsa! Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh!!

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Yes guru ji has said that sikhs that listen/recite naam that they do not no meanings to are murakhs. However that doesnt mean you can use it as an excuse, we have to learn at some point. As you must know our knowledge of sikhi didnt come from a vacuum, therfore take the hukamnama, then for the rest of the day make it your job to find someone who you suspect will know the meaning write it in simpler english that you understand n then make it your duty to study that hukamanam for that day, at least that way if you come across those words again you will understand them and secondly you are using the hukanama for its proper use, to relate to for that whole day.

just my thoughts though

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