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Awareness Videos

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We constantly find ourselves being bashed and mocked by indian media and bollywood, infact in my opinion we are most bashed and mocked community in the world by indian media but still we hardly do anything to raise awareness. Instead we flock to watch filthy bollywood movies, spending our hard earned money and feed the same filth to our kids, let them watch their favourite khans and then blame everyone but ourselves when our daughters run with real life khans. We prefer wasting money on filth rather than use it as daswand or donating for gurbani parchar.

As a result of our gross negligence and propoganda of indian media the after-effects are easily visible in our society. Dastaars are fastly being replaced by bollywood haircuts.Sardars are so much ridiculed and mocked by indian media that youngsters dont have that confidence to carry their identity and prefer chopping off their joora and blend in the mainstream rather then being seen as the charactes of santa-banta jokes. Traditional dresses have paved way for bollywood fashion. Girls do their threading, waxing stuff more than ever.They cut and colour their hair like bollywood heroines rather than dressing up as sikh daughters. Oh how can i forget these aunties who prefer kitty parties to satsangs, like dressing up in sarees and bindis like hindu women rather wear decent and simple attire. Bolywood and hindi tv serial lifestyle is taking over the traditional panjabi or sikh lifestyle. In this atmosphere are the kids are raised who can relate more to being hindus than sikhs. Believe it or not at places like chandigarh ppl proudly prefer speaking hindi than panjabi coz hindi represents high class mindset whereas panjabi is thought to be pendu or desi language. Gatka or has nearly perished in our life apart from nagar kirtans and has been replaced by bhangra and booze. Shashtar vidya has been replaced by fashion schools and modelling agencies in panjab.

Well, but everyone is not like us. Muslims, i aint sure if are mocked or bashed by indian media and bollywood at such a large scale as us but they take strong objection to bollywood. Bollywood movies are although banned in pakistan but reach there on release date ...thanx to piracy. And now pakistanis are beginning to feel the effects of this filth in their society. They also feel bollywood and hindu culture is creeping in and corrupting their society. They feel their youth is being driven away from religion and culture by bollywood. Even their religious parcharaks mention these things to their masses and make them aware repeatedly. They feel the effect in a different nation whereas our ppl sitting in same country watch movies with their families and turn a blind eye- shame on us.

Here are two videos that i came across that they have made for awareness of their community especially youth.


After watching these videos ask yourself: don't these videos relate more to us? Shouldn't we've made these these videos long time before? Haven't we failed badly yet again on another issue? And how long will it continue?

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i saw jonny lever yesturday dressed like a singh drunk as heck and every second someones calling em PAAJI PAAJI, talking about how hes all pure desi bla bla bla...talking pindu style. i dunno wats bollywoods up to now days, havn't noticed any sikh sterotyping latly...but then again i don watch that trash

jus watch russel peters crack jokes about how much he hates bollywood movies....mad me laugh.

p.s if any bollywood directors reading this....CHANGE U STORY LINES 4 ONCE.


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They do this in various forms..... though i don't watch bollwood anymore but still try and keep a check on their anti sikh activities. Even in trailers and songs of movies you can watch turbaned sikhs doing stupid dance. My mates are big movie fans, i was told by them and later watched dvd (fake one!!!!) of film 'kabhi alvida na kehna' in which a sikh woman from chandigarh was potrayed as having a big backside and amitabh bachan taunts her in the whole movie by naming her backside as chandigarh and mentioning abt it quite frequently in whole film. I dont remember the whole story now but it was pretty offending.

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